/** * Copyright 2013 Luís de Sousa * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or – as soon they will be approved by the * European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/eupl * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the Licence. * * @author Luis de Sousa [luis.a.de.sousa@gmail.com] * Date: 11-01-2013 * * Main calculations. */ var spcc = spcc || { }; spcc.DEBUG = false; spcc.energyPerYear; spcc.energyComul; spcc.costsComul; spcc.costsYearly; spcc.sysCap; spcc.sysGen; spcc.sysDecay; spcc.sysLifetime; spcc.invPanels; spcc.invInverter; spcc.invInstall; spcc.maintInverter; spcc.maintOther; spcc.mainTotal = 0; spcc.fincPercent; spcc.fincTime; spcc.fincInterest; spcc.fincTotal; spcc.strgCost; spcc.strgLifetime; spcc.strgEff; spcc.strgShare; spcc.getSysValues = function() { spcc.sysCap = parseFloat(document.getElementById("sysCap").value); spcc.sysGen = parseFloat(document.getElementById("sysGen").value); spcc.sysDecay = parseFloat(document.getElementById("sysDecay").value) / 100; spcc.sysLifetime = parseFloat(document.getElementById("sysLifetime").value); }; spcc.calcEnergyPerYear = function() { spcc.getSysValues(); spcc.energyPerYear = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime + 1); firstYear = spcc.sysCap * 1000 * spcc.sysGen; for(i = 1; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) spcc.energyPerYear[i] = (firstYear - (firstYear * (i - 1) * spcc.sysDecay)); }; spcc.getInvestValues = function() { spcc.invPanels = parseFloat(document.getElementById("invPanels").value); spcc.invInverter = parseFloat(document.getElementById("invInverter").value); spcc.invInstall = parseFloat(document.getElementById("invInstall").value); if((isNaN(spcc.invPanels)) || (isNaN(spcc.invInverter)) || (isNaN(spcc.invInstall)) || (spcc.invPanels < 0) || (spcc.invInverter < 0) || (spcc.invInstall < 0)) return false; return true; }; spcc.getMaintValues = function() { spcc.maintInverter = parseFloat(document.getElementById("maintInverter").value); spcc.maintOther = parseFloat(document.getElementById("maintOther").value); if((isNaN(spcc.maintInverter)) || (isNaN(spcc.maintOther)) || (spcc.maintInverter < 0) || (spcc.maintOther < 0)) return false; return true; }; spcc.calcCosts = function() { if(!(spcc.getInvestValues())) return; if(!(spcc.getMaintValues())) return; spcc.costsYearly = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime + 1); spcc.costsYearly[0] = (spcc.invPanels + spcc.invInverter + spcc.invInstall) * spcc.sysCap; for(i = 1; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) { spcc.costsYearly[i] = spcc.maintOther; spcc.mainTotal += spcc.maintOther; } for(j = spcc.maintInverter + 1; j <= spcc.sysLifetime; j += spcc.maintInverter) { spcc.costsYearly[j] += spcc.invInverter * spcc.sysCap; spcc.mainTotal += spcc.invInverter * spcc.sysCap; } }; spcc.getFincValues = function() { spcc.fincPercent = parseFloat(document.getElementById("fincPercent").value) / 100; spcc.fincTime = parseFloat(document.getElementById("fincTime").value); spcc.fincInterest = parseFloat(document.getElementById("fincInterest").value) / 100; if((isNaN(spcc.fincPercent)) || (isNaN(spcc.fincTime)) || (isNaN(spcc.fincInterest)) || (spcc.fincPercent < 0) || (spcc.fincTime < 0) || (spcc.fincInterest < 0)) return false; return true; }; spcc.calcFincCosts = function() { if(!(spcc.getFincValues())) return; spcc.fincTotal = spcc.fincTime * spcc.costsYearly[0] * spcc.fincPercent * spcc.fincInterest; for(i = 1; i <= spcc.fincTime; i++) spcc.costsYearly[i] += spcc.costsYearly[0] * spcc.fincPercent * spcc.fincInterest; }; spcc.getStrgValues = function() { spcc.strgCost = parseFloat(document.getElementById("strgCost").value); spcc.strgLifetime = parseFloat(document.getElementById("strgLifetime").value); spcc.strgEff = parseFloat(document.getElementById("strgEff").value) / 100; spcc.strgShare = parseFloat(document.getElementById("strgShare").value) / 100; if((isNaN(spcc.strgCost)) || (isNaN(spcc.strgLifetime)) || (isNaN(spcc.strgEff)) || (isNaN(spcc.strgShare)) || (spcc.strgCost == 0) || (spcc.strgLifetime == 0) || (spcc.strgEff == 0) || (spcc.strgShare == 0)) return false; return true; }; spcc.calcStrgCosts = function() { if(!(spcc.getStrgValues())) return; spcc.costsYearly[0] += spcc.strgCost; for(j = spcc.strgLifetime + 1; j <= spcc.sysLifetime; j += spcc.strgLifetime) { spcc.costsYearly[j] += spcc.strgCost; spcc.mainTotal += spcc.strgCost; } for(i = 1; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) spcc.energyPerYear[i] -= spcc.energyPerYear[i] * spcc.strgShare * (1 - spcc.strgEff); }; spcc.calculate = function() { spcc.mainTotal = 0; spcc.calcEnergyPerYear(); spcc.calcCosts(); spcc.calcStrgCosts(); spcc.calcFincCosts(); spcc.energyComul = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime + 1); spcc.costsComul = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime + 1); spcc.energyComul[0] = 0; spcc.costsComul[0] = spcc.costsYearly[0]; for(i = 1; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) { spcc.costsComul[i] = spcc.costsComul[i - 1] + spcc.costsYearly[i]; spcc.energyComul[i] = spcc.energyComul[i - 1] + spcc.energyPerYear[i]; } completeSeries = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime); if(spcc.DEBUG) { cont = document.getElementById("debug-container"); temp = "" + ""; } for(i = 1; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) { completeSeries[i] = Math.round(spcc.costsComul[i] / (spcc.energyComul[i] / 1000) * 1000) / 1000; if(spcc.DEBUG) temp += ""; } if(spcc.DEBUG) { temp += "
" + i + "" + Math.round(spcc.energyPerYear[i] / 1000) + "" + Math.round(spcc.energyComul[i] / 1000) + "" + Math.round(spcc.costsComul[i]) + "" + completeSeries[i] + "
" cont.innerHTML = temp; } /** * For the charts */ chartSeries = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime - 10); chartCategories = new Array(spcc.sysLifetime - 10); if(spcc.DEBUG) chartData = "

["; for(i = 10; i <= spcc.sysLifetime; i++) { chartSeries[i-10] = completeSeries[i]; chartCategories[i-10] = (i).toString(); if((spcc.DEBUG) && (i != spcc.sysLifetime)) chartData += Math.round(spcc.costsComul[i] / (spcc.energyComul[i] / 1000) * 1000) / 1000 + ", "; } if(spcc.DEBUG) chartData += Math.round(spcc.costsComul[i] / (spcc.energyComul[spcc.sysLifetime] / 1000) * 1000) / 1000 + "]"; /*tot = (spcc.invPanels + spcc.invInverter + spcc.invInstall) * spcc.sysCap + spcc.strgCost + spcc.mainTotal + spcc.fincTotal;*/ tot = spcc.costsComul[spcc.sysLifetime]; totPanels = Math.round(spcc.invPanels * spcc.sysCap / tot * 100); totInvert = Math.round(spcc.invInverter * spcc.sysCap / tot * 100); totInstal = Math.round(spcc.invInstall * spcc.sysCap / tot * 100); totStorag = Math.round(spcc.strgCost / tot * 100); totMainte = Math.round(spcc.mainTotal / tot * 100); totFinanc = Math.round(spcc.fincTotal / tot * 100); if(spcc.DEBUG) { totals = "

"; totals += "Panels: " + spcc.invPanels + " €/kWp " + totPanels + " %
"; totals += "Inverter: " + spcc.invInverter + " €/kWp " + totInvert + " %
"; totals += "Storage: " + spcc.strgCost + " €/kWp " + totStorag + " %
"; totals += "Installation: " + spcc.invInstall + " €/kWp " + totInstal + " %
"; totals += "Maintenance: " + spcc.mainTotal + " €/kWp " + totMainte + " %
"; totals += "Financing: " + spcc.fincTotal + " €/kWp " + totFinanc + " %
"; cont.innerHTML = temp + chartData + totals; } spcc.charts.renderCostTime('graph-container', chartSeries, chartCategories); spcc.charts.renderPie( "pie-container", "For a lifetime of " + spcc.sysLifetime + " years", [{name: 'Panels', y: totPanels, sliced: true}, {name: 'Inverter', y: totInvert, sliced: true}, {name: 'Installation', y: totInstal, sliced: true}, {name: 'Maintenance', y: totMainte, sliced: true}, {name: 'Financing', y: totFinanc, sliced: true}, {name: 'Storage', y: totStorag, sliced: true}]); }