## PinLayout Right to left languages (RTL) support Every method/properties with a name containing `left`/`right`, has RTL enabled equivalent methods with a name containing `start`/`end`. Using `start` or `end` methods, you can position views without having to think about whether your item will show up on the left or the right side of the screen (depending on the person’s language). :pushpin: In this documentation all methods that support RTL languages are marked using the following icon :left_right_arrow: **Method**: * **`Pin.layoutDirection(direction: LayoutDirection)`**:left_right_arrow:: Set the PinLayout layout direction. Note that this set PinLayout's layout direction globally. By default PinLayout use the left-to-right direction. Layout direction modes: * `.ltr`: Layout views from left to right. (Default) * `.rtl`: Layout views from right to left. * `.auto`: Layout views based on `UIView.userInterfaceLayoutDirection(for: semanticContentAttribute)` (>= iOS 9) or `UIApplication.shared.userInterfaceLayoutDirection` (< iOS 9). If you want to control the layout direction individually for each views, you should use this mode and control the view's layout direction using `UIView.userInterfaceLayoutDirection` property. ###### Usage examples: ```swift override func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() // Layout the contentView using the view's safeArea contentView.pin.all(pin.safeArea) let padding: CGFloat = 10 logo.pin.top().start(padding).width(100).aspectRatio().marginTop(10) segmented.pin.after(of: logo, aligned: .top).end(padding).marginStart(10) textLabel.pin.below(of: segmented, aligned: .start).width(of: segmented).pinEdges().marginTop(10).sizeToFit(.width) separatorView.pin.below(of: [logo, textLabel], aligned: .start).end(to: segmented.edge.end).marginTop(10) } ``` :pushpin: The complete RTL "Introduction example" [source code](https://github.com/layoutBox/PinLayout/blob/master/Example/PinLayoutSample/UI/Examples/IntroRTL/IntroRTLView.swift). This example is available in the [Examples App](#examples_app)