Contributing to the LaunchDarkly SDK for iOS ================================================ LaunchDarkly has published an [SDK contributor's guide]( that provides a detailed explanation of how our SDKs work. See below for additional information on how to contribute to this SDK. Submitting bug reports and feature requests ------------------ The LaunchDarkly SDK team monitors the [issue tracker]( in the SDK repository. Bug reports and feature requests specific to this SDK should be filed in this issue tracker. The SDK team will respond to all newly filed issues within two business days. Submitting pull requests ------------------ We encourage pull requests and other contributions from the community. Before submitting pull requests, ensure that all temporary or unintended code is removed. Don't worry about adding reviewers to the pull request; the LaunchDarkly SDK team will add themselves. The SDK team will acknowledge all pull requests within two business days. Build instructions ------------------ ### Prerequisites This SDK is built with [Xcode]( This version is built and tested with Xcode 11.5. [Mint]( is used to manage dev tooling ([SwiftLint]( and [Sourcery]( The build is set up so these are not required for building the current code in the repository, but Sourcery is used to regenerate test mocks so it may be required when building the test target after changes to the SDK code. Install `mint` with `brew install mint`. ### Building The exact command used to build the SDK depends on where you want to use it (for example -- iOS, watchOS, etc.). Refer to the `xcodebuild` commands in the SDK's [continuous integration build configuration](.circleci/config.yml) for examples on how to build for the different platforms. If you wish to clean your working directory between builds, include the `clean` goal in your `xcodebuild` command(s). ### Testing To build the SDK and run all unit tests, include the `test` goal in your `xcodebuild` command(s).