" I prefer console like GVim " " 'm' Menu bar is present. " 'e' Add tab pages when indicated with 'showtabline'. " 'guitablabel' can be used to change the text in the labels. " When 'e' is missing a non-GUI tab pages line may be used. " The GUI tabs are only supported on some systems, currently " GTK, Motif, Mac OS/X and MS-Windows. " " 'T' Include Toolbar. Currently only in Win32, GTK+, Motif, Photon " and Athena GUIs. " " 'r' Right-hand scrollbar is always present. " " 'R' Right-hand scrollbar is present when there is a vertically " split window. " " 'l' Left-hand scrollbar is always present. " " 'L' Left-hand scrollbar is present when there is a vertically " split window. " " 'b' Bottom (horizontal) scrollbar is present. Its size depends on " the longest visible line, or on the cursor line if the 'h' " flag is included. |gui-horiz-scroll| " " 'h' Limit horizontal scrollbar size to the length of the cursor " line. Reduces computations. |gui-horiz-scroll| " set guioptions& \ guioptions-=m \ guioptions-=e \ guioptions-=T \ guioptions-=r \ guioptions-=R \ guioptions-=l \ guioptions-=L \ guioptions-=b \ guioptions-=H " Do not allow to access GVim menu with Alt key set winaltkeys=no " Visible tabline always set showtabline=2 " disable ancient features set noerrorbells set visualbell t_vb= " Disable cursor blinking in any mode set guicursor+=a:blinkon0 " Use antialias if possible if exists('antialias') set antialias endif if filereadable(expand('~/.gvimrc.local')) execute 'source' fnameescape(expand('~/.gvimrc.local')) endif