--- で使えるウィンドウの管理系をターミナルモードにマップする vim.keymap.set("t", "n", "new", { remap = false, desc = "create a new window and start editing an empty file in it" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "new", { remap = false, desc = "create a new window and start editing an empty file in it" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "q", "quit", { remap = false, desc = "quit the current window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "quit", { remap = false, desc = "quit the current window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "c", "close", { remap = false, desc = "close the current window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "o", "only", { remap = false }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "only", { remap = false, desc = "make the current window the only one on the screen" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd j", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to below window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd j", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to below window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "j", "wincmd j", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to below window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd k", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to above window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd k", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to above window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "k", "wincmd k", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to above window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd h", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to left window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd h", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to left window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd h", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to left window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "h", "wincmd h", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to left window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd l", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to right window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd l", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to right window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "l", "wincmd l", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to right window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "w", "wincmd w", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to window below/right of the current one" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd w", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to window below/right of the current one" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "W", "wincmd W", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to window above/left of the current one" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "t", "wincmd t", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to a new tab page" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd t", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to a new tab page" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "b", "wincmd b", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to bottom-right window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd b", { remap = false, desc = "move cursor to bottom-right window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "p", "wincmd p", { remap = false, desc = "go to previous (last accessed) window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd p", { remap = false, desc = "go to previous (last accessed) window" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "P", "wincmd P", { remap = false, desc = "go to preview window. When there is no preview window this is an error" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "r", "wincmd r", { remap = false, desc = "rotate windows downwards/rightwards" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd r", { remap = false, desc = "rotate windows downwards/rightwards" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "R", "wincmd R", { remap = false, desc = "rotate windows downwards/rightwards" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "x", "wincmd x", { remap = false, desc = "exchange current window with next one" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "", "wincmd x", { remap = false, desc = "exchange current window with next one" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "K", "wincmd K", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to be at the very top, using the full width of the screen" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "J", "wincmd J", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to be at the very bottom, using the full width of the screen" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "H", "wincmd H", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to be at the far left, using the full height of the screen" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "L", "wincmd L", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to be at the far right, using the full height of the screen" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "T", "wincmd T", { remap = false, desc = "move the current window to a new tab page" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "=", "wincmd =", { remap = false, desc = "make all windows (almost) equally high and wide, but use 'winheight' and 'winwidth' for the current window." }) vim.keymap.set("t", "-", "wincmd -", { remap = false, desc = "decrease current window height" }) vim.keymap.set("t", "+", "wincmd +", { remap = false, desc = "increase current window height" })