# Configuration An object for configuring an `EyeTracking` session. ``` swift public struct Configuration ``` ## Initializers ### `init(appID:blendShapes:)` Initialize a `Configuration`. ``` swift public init(appID: String? = nil, blendShapes: [ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation]? = nil) ``` #### Parameters - appID: - appID: Optionally provide a `String` for an app id for `Session`s. Default value is the app's `bundleID`. - blendShapes: - blendShapes: Optionally provide an array of `BlendShapeLocation`s to track any number of `ARKit`'s provided facial recognition values. ## Properties ### `appID` This `appID` will be tied to all `Session`s. Default value is the app's bundleID (recommended). ``` swift let appID: String ``` ### `blendShapes` Stores any number of `BlendShapeLocation`s for tracking and storing during sessions. See README or Apple's documentation for possible values. ``` swift let blendShapes: [ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation] ``` ### `framesPerSecond` Stores the desired fidelity for a `Session`'s storage in FPS. Max is 60 fps from `ARKit` as of iOS 14. ``` swift let framesPerSecond: Int ```