# BlendShape Stores the value and all contextual data for a collected `BlendShape` value from `ARKit`'s `BlendShapeLocation`. ``` swift public struct BlendShape: Codable ``` ## Inheritance `Codable` ## Initializers ### `init(blendShapeLocation:timestamp:trackingState:value:)` Simple memberwise initializer for converting `ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation` to its `rawValue` string. ``` swift init(blendShapeLocation: ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation, timestamp: TimeInterval, trackingState: String?, value: Double) ``` ## Properties ### `blendShapeLocation` A string representation of `ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocation` from its `rawValue`. See Apple's documentation for more information. ``` swift let blendShapeLocation: String ``` ### `orientation` An `Int` representing the rawValue of `UIInterfaceOrientation`. ``` swift var orientation ``` ### `timestamp` A UNIX timestamp for when this data point was collected. ``` swift let timestamp: TimeInterval ``` ### `trackingState` The reported tracking state for this data point, as reported by its `ARFrame`'s `ARCamera` instance. If `nil`, then data quality is normal. ``` swift let trackingState: String? ``` ### `value` The data point's value - a numerical value from 0.0 to 1.0. See Apple's documentation for each `BlendShapeLocation` for specific interpretation information for this value. ``` swift let value: Double ```