import { group, register } from "../../../denops/@vimrc/lib/lambda/autocmd.ts"; import { ConfigArguments } from "../../../denops/deps/ddu.ts"; import { autocmd, Denops, lambda, mapping, option, } from "../../../denops/deps/denops_std.ts"; import { is, u } from "../../../denops/deps/unknownutil.ts"; import { Params as DduUiFFParams } from "/data/vim/repos/"; import { ActionFlags, BaseConfig, } from "/data/vim/repos/"; const augroup = "vimrc#ddu-ui-ff"; async function onColorScheme(args: ConfigArguments) { const hlbg = false; const highlights: DduUiFFParams["highlights"] = {}; if (await args.denops.eval("&background ==# 'light'")) { if (hlbg) { await args.denops.cmd("hi DduEnd guibg=#e0e0ff guifg=#e0e0ff"); await args.denops.cmd("hi DduFloat guibg=#e0e0ff guifg=#6060ff"); } else { await args.denops.cmd("hi DduEnd guifg=#e0e0ff"); await args.denops.cmd("hi DduFloat guifg=#6060ff"); } await args.denops.cmd("hi DduBorder guibg=#f0f0ff guifg=#6060ff"); await args.denops.cmd( "hi DduMatch ctermfg=205 ctermbg=225 guifg=#ff60c0 guibg=#ffd0ff cterm=NONE gui=NONE", ); await args.denops.cmd( "hi DduCursorLine ctermfg=205 ctermbg=225 guifg=#ff6060 guibg=#ffe8e8 cterm=NONE gui=NONE", ); highlights.floating = "DduFloat,EndOfBuffer:DduEnd"; highlights.floatingCursorLine = "DduCursorLine"; } else { await args.denops.cmd("hi def link DduMatch Search"); highlights.floating = "Normal,DduBorder:Normal,DduMatch:Search"; } args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ uiParams: { ff: { highlights, }, }, }); } async function calculateUiSize( denops: Denops, ): Promise<[x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number]> { const columns = await option.columns.get(denops); const lines = await option.lines.get(denops); // -2は枠の分 const width = columns - 8 - 2; const height = lines - 4 - 2; const x = 4; const y = 2; return [x, y, width, height]; } async function setUiSize(args: ConfigArguments) { if ( === "vim") { args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ uiParams: { ff: { previewWidth: Math.floor(await option.columns.get(args.denops)), }, }, }); } const [winCol, winRow, winWidth, winHeight] = await calculateUiSize( args.denops, ); const halfWidth = Math.floor(winWidth / 2); const pileBorder = true; // 外枠と重ねるか否か args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ uiParams: { ff: { winCol, winRow, winWidth, winHeight, // fzf-previewやtelescopeみたいなpreviewの出し方をする previewWidth: halfWidth, previewCol: winCol + winWidth - halfWidth - (pileBorder ? 0 : 1), previewRow: winRow + (pileBorder ? 0 : 1), previewHeight: winHeight - (pileBorder ? 0 : 2), } satisfies Partial, }, }); } // patchLocalしてるnameをマッピングテーブル用の定義に直すためのテーブル // X // L const aliases: Record = { git_diff: "file:git_diff", line: "file", mrr: "file", mru: "file", mrw: "file", }; async function setupFileTypeAutocmd(args: ConfigArguments) { const { denops } = args; const opt: mapping.MapOptions = { buffer: true, nowait: true, }; const nno: mapping.MapOptions = { ...opt, mode: ["n"], }; const action = (name: string, params?: unknown) => { return `call ddu#ui#do_action('${name}'${ params != null ? ", " + JSON.stringify(params) : "" })`; }; const itemAction = (name: string, params: unknown = {}) => { return action("itemAction", { name, params }); }; const setupTable: Record = { _: async () => { await, "", action("itemAction"), nno); await, "a", action("inputAction"), nno); await, "A", action("toggleAutoAction"), nno); await, "i", action("openFilterWindow"), nno); await, "q", action("quit"), nno); await denops, "s", action("toggleSelectItem") + action("cursorNext"), nno, ); }, git_diff: async () => { await, "p", itemAction("applyPatch"), nno); // await map(denops, "p", async () => { // const view = await fn.winsaveview(denops); // await action("itemAction", { name: "applyPatch" })(); // await fn.winrestview(denops, view); // }, nno); }, git_status: async () => { await, "c", itemAction("commit"), nno); await, "d", itemAction("diff"), nno); await, "h", itemAction("add"), nno); await, "l", itemAction("reset"), nno); }, }; const setupFilterTable: Record = { _: async () => { await, "", "" + action("closeFilterWindow"), { ...opt, mode: ["n", "i"], }); }, }; const ddu_ff = register(denops, async (name: unknown) => { await setupTable["_"]?.(); u.assert(name, is.String); const names = (aliases[name] ?? name).split(/:/g); for (const name of names) { await setupTable[name]?.(); } }, { args: "b:ddu_ui_name" }); const ddu_ff_filter = register(denops, async (name: unknown) => { await setupFilterTable["_"]?.(); u.assert(name, is.String); const names = (aliases[name] ?? name).split(/:/g); for (const name of names) { await setupFilterTable[name]?.(); } }, { args: "b:ddu_ui_name" }); await, augroup, (helper) => { helper.define( "FileType", "ddu-ff", ddu_ff, ); helper.define( "FileType", "ddu-ff-filter", ddu_ff_filter, ); }); } export class Config extends BaseConfig { async config(args: ConfigArguments) { // +-------------------+ // | ASCII罫線はいいぞ | // +-------------------+ const border = ["+", "-", "+", "|", "+", "-", "+", "|"] .map((c) => [c, "DduBorder"]); const nvim = === "nvim"; args.contextBuilder.patchGlobal({ ui: "ff", uiParams: { ff: { autoAction: { name: "preview", }, floatingBorder: border as any, // そのうち直す previewFloating: nvim, previewFloatingBorder: border as any, // そのうち直す previewFloatingZindex: 100, previewSplit: "vertical", split: nvim ? "floating" : "horizontal", } satisfies Partial, }, uiOptions: { ff: { actions: { useKensaku: async (args) => { // L await"dpp#source", "kensaku.vim"); const sources = => { if (is.String(s)) { s = { name: s }; } return { ...s, options: { ...s.options, matchers: ["matcher_kensaku"], sorters: [], converters: [], }, }; }); args.ddu.updateOptions({ sources, }); await args.denops.cmd("echomsg 'change to kensaku matcher'"); return ActionFlags.Persist; }, }, }, }, }); await, augroup, (helper) => { helper.remove("*"); }); await group(args.denops, augroup, (helper) => { helper.define( "ColorScheme", "*", () => onColorScheme(args), ); // floatwinのサイズをセットするやつ helper.define( "VimResized", "*", () => setUiSize(args), { async: true }, ); }); await onColorScheme(args); await setUiSize(args); await setupFileTypeAutocmd(args); } }