import { ensure, is, } from "/data/vim/repos/"; import { BaseConfig, ConfigReturn, } from "/data/vim/repos/"; import { Denops } from "/data/vim/repos/"; import { ContextBuilder, Dpp, Plugin, } from "/data/vim/repos/"; type Toml = { plugins: Plugin[]; }; type LazyMakeStateResult = { plugins: Plugin[]; stateLines: string[]; }; const isStringArray = is.ArrayOf(is.String); async function glob(denops: Denops, path: string): Promise { return ensure( await"glob", path, 1, 1), isStringArray, ); } export class Config extends BaseConfig { override async config(args: { contextBuilder: ContextBuilder; denops: Denops; basePath: string; dpp: Dpp; }): Promise { const vim = === "vim"; const nvim = === "nvim"; // X const inlineVimrcs = [ await glob(args.denops, "$VIMDIR/conf/rc/*"), await glob(args.denops, "$VIMDIR/local/rc/*"), vim ? await glob(args.denops, "$VIMDIR/conf/rc/vim/*") : [], nvim ? await glob(args.denops, "$VIMDIR/conf/rc/nvim/*") : [], ].flat() .filter((path) => path.match(/\.(?:vim|lua)$/)); args.contextBuilder.setGlobal({ inlineVimrcs, protocols: ["git"], }); const [context, options] = await args.contextBuilder.get(args.denops); const plugins: Plugin[] = []; const profiles = new Set(); profiles.add("colorscheme"); profiles.add("ddc"); profiles.add("ddu"); profiles.add("dpp"); profiles.add("filetype_vim"); profiles.add("lspoints"); profiles.add("main"); profiles.add("treesitter"); const tomls = await glob(args.denops, "$VIMDIR/conf/plug/**/*.toml"); for (const tomlPath of tomls) { console.log("load toml: " + tomlPath); const toml = await args.dpp.extAction( args.denops, context, options, "toml", "load", { path: tomlPath, }, ) as Toml; const profileVim = tomlPath.match(/\/vim\//) != null; const profileNvim = tomlPath.match(/\/nvim\//) != null; const profileIgnore = (profileVim && nvim) || (profileNvim && vim); const profile = tomlPath.match(/([^/]+)\.toml$/)?.[1]; if (profileIgnore || !profiles.has(profile!)) { for (const p of toml.plugins) { // プロフィール対象外を無効化してみる p.if = false; } } plugins.push(...toml.plugins); } for (let i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) { const p = plugins[i]; // 無効化したプラギンの情報を消しておく if ("if" in p) { if (is.String(p.if)) { p.if = Boolean(await args.denops.eval(p.if)); } if (!p.if) { plugins[i] = { name:, repo: p.repo, if: false, }; } } // adhoc local if (p.repo?.includes("$")) { p.repo = String(await"expand", p.repo)); } if (p.repo?.[0] === "/") { p.path = p.repo; } } const lazyResult = await args.dpp.extAction( args.denops, context, options, "lazy", "makeState", { plugins, }, ) as LazyMakeStateResult; // プラギン置き場として/data/vimを使う const repos = args.basePath + "/repos"; await Deno.remove(repos, { recursive: true }).catch(console.trace); await Deno.mkdir(args.basePath, { recursive: true }); await Deno.symlink("/data/vim/repos", repos); return { plugins: lazyResult.plugins, stateLines: [ lazyResult.stateLines, ].flat(), }; } }