--- layout: post title: On perception. --- [1]: https://plus.google.com/112678702228711889851/posts/eVeouesvaVX [2]: /img/2011-10-12/iStock_000006115351Small.jpg [3]: /img/2011-10-12/iStock_000014058131Small.jpg [4]: http://code.google.com/more/ [5]: http://developer.android.com [6]: http://developer.google.com [7]: http://code.google.com [8]: https://github.com/facebook/hiphop-php [Steve Yegge's post][1] about Google not getting platforms is making the rounds on Twitter and Hacker News and such today. Despite him very clearly taking about the *platform* of Google+, not the *product*, the distinction seems to be lost on the majority of pundits and journalists I've seen talking about the "exposé" since the post went live. If it were about the product, that would be an argument I'd have little vested in, but what's really disappointing to me is how little research Steve did about Google's developer platform strategies at all. One of Steve's most significant complaints focuses on the lackluster content available on [developer.google.com][6]. That is pretty confounding, because anyone who has worked with Google platforms for longer than a month understands that that site is an isolated world almost exclusively dedicated to Google+. The actual [code.google.com][7], with its [dozens of APIs][4], is not even mentioned in his post, much less the developer site for Google's most successful platform to date - [Android][5]. My closing thought is for anyone who skimmed through Steve's post and is using it to come to any sort of conclusion about the platform or product at all- this is obviously a talented engineer blowing off steam, and nothing much more significant than that. Before I started at Google, everything the company built seemed like this: ![3] But after seeing how things worked inside, products often felt like this: ![2] Which isn't an indictment of Google at all - so far it's been true of every company I've worked in, and from Steve's description of Amazon, true there as well. I have no idea about Facebook, but any company which writes [C via PHP][8] has *got* to have its own share of ugliness too. So next time you see an engineer write a big ranty post about a tech company consider that it's probably written by someone who has been looking at the code equivalent of the latter image for a long, long time. It may not be all sunshine and roses, but the sky *probably* isn't falling as fast at it may seem.(1) (1) Except for Yahoo, of course. That place is *fucked*.