/*! Backbone.Rpc - v0.1.2b ------------------------------ Build @ 2013-05-24 Documentation and Full License Available at: http://asciidisco.github.com/Backbone.Rpc/index.html git://github.com/asciidisco/Backbone.Rpc.git Copyright (c) 2013 Kal Sze Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/ // Backbone.Rpc // Plugin for using the backbone js library with a remote json-rpc handler // instead of the default REST one (function (root, define, require, exports, module, factory, undef) { 'use strict'; if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(require('underscore'), require('backbone'), require('jquery')); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['underscore', 'backbone', 'jquery'], function (_, Backbone, $) { // Check if _ = _ === undef ? root._ : _; Backbone = Backbone === undef ? root.Backbone : Backbone; $ = $ === undef ? root.$ : $; return (root.Backbone = factory(_, Backbone, $)); }); } else { // Browser globals root.returnExportsGlobal = factory(root._, root.Backbone, root.$); } }(this, this.define, this.require, this.exports, this.module, function (_, Backbone, $, undef) { 'use strict'; var Rpc = function (options) { // merge the users options this.options = options !== undef ? options : {}; // check if we have a non std. namespace delimter this.namespaceDelimiter = options !== undef && options.namespaceDelimiter !== undef ? options.namespaceDelimiter : this.namespaceDelimiter; // check if we have a non std. content-type this.contentType = options !== undef && options.contentType !== undef ? options.contentType : this.contentType; // fix issue with the loss of this _.bindAll(this); }, // store the old Backbone.Model constructor for later use oldConst = Backbone.Model.prototype.constructor, // store the old Backbone.sync method for later use oldSync = Backbone.sync, // storage object to keep track of changes from the loaded objects storage = {}; // TODO: Document Rpc.prototype = { // User defined options placeholder options: {}, // Default charset charset: 'iso-8859-1', // Default namespace namespace: '', // Default namespace delimiter namespaceDelimiter: '/', // Default content type contentType: 'application/json', // User set url placeholder url: null, // Server response id responseID: null, // TODO: Document exceptions: { typeMissmatch: {code: -3, message: 'Type missmatch'}, badResponseId: {code: -4, message: 'Bad response ID'}, noResponse: {code: -5, message: 'No response'}, noDefError: {code: -6, message: 'No error defined'}, renderError: function (message, code) { return {code: (code !== undef ? -7 : code), message: (message ? 'No error defined' : message)}; } }, // TODO: Document onSuccess: function (success_callback, id, data, textStatus, jqXHR) { // check if callback variable is a function if (_.isFunction(success_callback) === true) { // check if we have valid response data if (data === undef || data === null || data.result === undef || data.result === null) { this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.noResponse); return this; } if (id !== String(data.id)) { this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.badResponseId); } // call the callback function with the result data success_callback.apply(this, [data.result, data.error]); } }, // TODO: Document // 'data' could be the response object or a jqXHR object onError: function (callback, error, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (!_.isFunction(callback)) { // check if we have valid response data if (error === null || error === undef) { this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.noResponse); return this; } // check if we have an error object if (null !== error && undef !== error) { this.handleExceptions(error); } else { this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.noDefError); } } else { // Check if `error` is a jqXHR object if (typeof error.readyState !== 'undefined' && _.isFunction(error.promise)) { // Parse the responseText from the jqXHR object first; hopefully it's a JSON-RPC error response if (_.isString(error.responseText)) { try { error = JSON.parse(error.responseText); } catch (e) { this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.renderError('Invalid response')); return this; } } } callback.call(this, error); } }, // TODO: Document query: function (fn, params, success_callback, error_callback) { var id = String((new Date()).getTime()), ret = null; this.responseID = id; // generate unique request id (timestamp) // check if params and the function name are ok, then... if (_.isArray(params) && _.isString(fn)) { // send query ret = $.ajax({ contentType : this.contentType + '; charset=' + this.charset, type : 'POST', dataType : 'json', url : this.url, data : JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc : '2.0', method : this.namespace + this.namespaceDelimiter + fn, id : id, params : params }), statusCode : { }, success: _.bind(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { if (data !== null && data.error !== undef) { this.onError(error_callback, data.error, textStatus); } else { this.onSuccess(success_callback, id, data, textStatus, jqXHR); } }, this), error: _.bind(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { this.onError(error_callback, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); }, this) }); } else { ret = this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.typeMissmatch); } return ret; }, // TODO: Document checkMethods: function (cb, params, model, method, options, scb, ecb) { var definition = null, deeperNested = false, exec = null, valuableDefinition = [], changedAttributes = {}, def = null; // rewrite method if name is delete method = method === 'delete' ? 'remove' : method; // check if we have a proper method for the model if (!_.isArray(model.methods[method]) && !_.isFunction(model.methods[method])) { return this.handleExceptions(this.exceptions.typeMissmatch); } // execute function if it´s one, else, assign array if (_.isFunction(model.methods[method])) { if (!_.isString(storage[model.get('_rpcId')])) { _.each(storage[model.get('_rpcId')], function (value, key) { if (model.get(key) !== value) { changedAttributes[key] = true; } }); } storage[model.get('_rpcId')] = model.toJSON(); definition = _.bind(model.methods[method], model)(changedAttributes, options); } else { definition = model.methods[method]; } // check if array is deeper nested if (_.isArray(definition[0])) { deeperNested = true; } // execute a single call if (deeperNested !== true) { def = _.clone(definition); exec = def.shift(); if (def.length > 0) { _.each(def, function (param) { if (param === '') { valuableDefinition.push(''); } else { if (model instanceof Backbone.Collection) { if (model[param] !== undef) { if (_.isFunction(model[param])) { valuableDefinition.push(model[param]()); } else { valuableDefinition.push(model[param]); } } else { if (options[param] !== undef) { valuableDefinition.push(options[param]); } } } else { if (model.get(param) !== undef) { valuableDefinition.push(model.get(param)); } else { if (options[param] !== undef) { valuableDefinition.push(options[param]); } } } } }); } else { valuableDefinition = []; } return cb(exec, valuableDefinition, scb, ecb); } // execute nested calls _.each(definition, function (localdef) { var def = _.clone(localdef); exec = null; valuableDefinition = []; exec = def.shift(); _.each(def, function (param) { valuableDefinition.push(model.get(param)); }); return cb(exec, valuableDefinition, scb, ecb); }); return null; }, // TODO: Document invoke: function (method, model, options) { var defOpts = { success: function (result) { model.trigger('called:' + method, model, result); // check for a manually success callback if (options !== undef && _.isFunction(options.success)) { options.success(model, result); } }, error: function (model, jsonError) { model.trigger('error', model, jsonError); model.trigger('error:' + method, model, jsonError); // check for a manually success callback if (options !== undef && _.isFunction(options.error)) { options.error(model, jsonError); } } }; // sync the model return Backbone.sync(method, model, defOpts); //return this; }, // Default exception handler defaultExceptionHandler: function (exception) { throw 'Error code: ' + exception.code + ' - message: ' + exception.message; }, // Exception handler handleExceptions: function (exception) { var exceptionHandler = _.isFunction(this.options.exceptionHandler) ? this.options.exceptionHandler : this.defaultExceptionHandler; exceptionHandler.call(this, exception); return this; } }; // assign rpc to backbone itself Backbone.Rpc = Rpc; // overwrite backbones model constructor Backbone.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({ // TODO: Document constructor: function (model) { // check if the model has the rpc property and methods defined if (this.rpc !== undef && _.isFunction(this.rpc.invoke) === true && this.methods !== undef) { // walk through the methods _.each(this.methods, _.bind(function (method, signature) { // check if we have a 'non standard' signature if ({'read': 1, 'create': 1, 'remove': 1, 'update': 1}[signature] !== 1) { // generate the method for the signature this[signature] = _.bind(function (options) { // invoke the dynamicly created method return this.rpc.invoke(signature, this, options); //return this; }, this); } }, this)); } // call the original constructor oldConst.apply(this, arguments); } }); // overwrite backbones sync Backbone.sync = (function (Rpc) { // Generate a new Sync Method for JSON RPC Queuing var rpc = null, sync = function (method, model, options) { // Default success model callback var successCb = function (result, error) { // check if we have an error object if (error !== null && error !== undef) { options.error(model, error); return this; } // check if the rpc is used in a Backbone.Collection instance if (model instanceof Backbone.Collection) { // check if we have valid response result if (result !== undef && result !== null) { // clone the result and tag it to track changes if (typeof result[0] === 'object') { _.each(result, function (item, key) { item._rpcId = _.uniqueId('rpc_'); result[key] = item; storage[item._rpcId] = item; }); } else { _.each(result, function (item, key) { storage[key] = item; }); } } } // clone and tag the result to track changes if we have a Backbone.Model instance if (model instanceof Backbone.Model && result !== undef && result !== null) { result._rpcId = _.uniqueId('rpc_'); storage[result._rpcId] = result; } // change result attr to be an empty array, if it´s null or undefined if (result === undef || result === null) { result = []; } // invoke special return callback parser if defined if (model.parsers !== undef && model.parsers[method] !== undef && _.isFunction(model.parsers[method])) { model.parsers[method].apply(model, [result]); } // fire the 'real' backbone success callback options.success(result); }; // define a local error callback that will hand over the data to the backbone error handler var errorCb = function (error) { options.error(model, error); }; // check if we have a correct (e.g. Backbone.Rpc) model instance if (model.rpc instanceof Rpc) { // assign the models JsonRpc instance locally rpc = model.rpc; // First, set the api url rpc.url = _.isFunction(model.url) ? model.url() : model.url; // Second, set the namespace if (_.isString(model.namespace) === true) { rpc.namespace = model.namespace; } // Third, check the remote method parameter if (model.methods === undef) { throw 'Backbone.Rpc Error: No Method(s) given!'; } else { // If we have a proper method // assign the given paramters (if exist) // else an empty object if (typeof model.params !== 'object') { model.params = {}; } } // go on and check the rpc methods return rpc.checkMethods(rpc.query, model.params, model, method, options, successCb, errorCb); } else { return sync.previous.apply(model, arguments); } return null; }; // Expose the previous Backbone.sync as Backbone.sync.previous in case // the caller wishes to switch provider sync.previous = oldSync; return sync; }(Rpc)); return Backbone; }));