data):count($this->findBy($criteria));} public function getData(){return $this->data;} public function getResultClass(){return $this->resultClass;} public function getSlug(){return $this->slug;} public function findOneBy($criteria = []){ $result = $this->findBy($criteria); if (count($result) === 1){ return reset($result); } return null; } public function findBy($criteria = [], $limit = null, $offset = null, $orderBy = null){ if (empty($criteria) && is_null($limit) && is_null($offset) && is_null($orderBy)) return $this->data; $readProperty = function($property){ return $this->$property; }; $filter = function($data) use ($criteria, $readProperty){ $keep = true; if (is_array($criteria)){ if (is_object($data)){ $readProperty = $readProperty->bind($readProperty, $data, get_class($data)); foreach($criteria as $key => $value){ if ($readProperty($key) != $value) $keep = false; } } else { foreach($criteria as $key => $value){ if ($data[$key] != $value) $keep = false; } } } else { $keep = false; if (is_object($data)){ foreach(((array)$data) as $key => $value){ if (strpos($data->$key, $criteria) !== false) $keep = true; } } else { foreach($data as $key => $value){ if (strpos($data[$key], $criteria) !== false) $keep = true; } } } return $keep; }; return array_slice(array_filter($this->data, $filter), $offset, $limit, true); } public function persist($data){ $index = array_search($data, $this->data, true); if ($index !== false){ $this->data[$index] = $data; } else { if (empty($this->resultClass) || $data instanceof $this->resultClass){ if (empty($this->data)){ $this->data[1] = $data; } else { $this->data[] = $data; } $id = array_search($data, $this->data, true); if (is_array($data)) $data['id'] = $id; else $data->id = $id; } } return $data; } public function remove($data = null){ if (is_null($data)){ $this->data = []; } else { $index = array_search($data, $this->data); if ($index !== false){ unset($this->data[$index]); } } } /** @codeCoverageIgnore */ private function createDir(){ $dir = dirname($this->file); if (!is_dir($dir)){ if (!mkdir($dir, 0755)){die('Unable to create data directory');} chmod($dir, 0755); if (!is_file($dir.'/.htaccess')){ if (!file_put_contents($dir.'/.htaccess', "Allow from none\nDeny from all\n")){ die('Unable to create .htaccess in data directory'); } } } } } class ArrayModel{ use ArrayModelTrait; const PHPPREFIX = '<'.'?php /* '; const PHPSUFFIX = ' */ ?'.'>'; protected $resultClass; protected $slug; protected $file; protected $data = []; public function __construct($slug = "data", $resultClass = null, $prefix = 'data'){ $this->resultClass = $resultClass; $this->slug = $slug; $this->file = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($prefix, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $slug . '.php'; if (file_exists($this->file)){ $this->data = unserialize( gzinflate( base64_decode( substr( file_get_contents($this->file), strlen(self::PHPPREFIX), -strlen(self::PHPSUFFIX) ) ) ) ); } } public function flush(){ if (!empty($this->data)){ if (!file_exists($this->file)) $this->createDir(); file_put_contents( $this->file, self::PHPPREFIX . base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->data))) . self::PHPSUFFIX, LOCK_EX ); } else if (file_exists($this->file)){ unlink($this->file); } } } class ViewModel{ use ViewModelTrait; public function __construct($model){$this->model = $model;} public function getData(){ $data = []; $pagination = ['current' => ((int)$this->offset)/$this->limit+1, 'total' => (int)(count($this->model->findBy($this->criteria))/$this->limit)]; if ($pagination['total'] > 0) $data['pagination'] = $pagination; $data['slug'] = $this->model->getSlug(); $data['data'] = $this->model->findBy($this->criteria, $this->limit, $this->offset, $this->orderBy); return $data; } } trait ViewModelTrait { protected $model; protected $criteria = []; protected $orderBy = null; protected $offset = null; protected $limit = null; public function setCriteria($criteria){$this->criteria = $criteria;} public function setOrderBy($orderBy){$this->orderBy = $orderBy;} public function setOffset($offset){$this->offset = $offset;} public function setLimit($limit){$this->limit = $limit;} } class FormViewModel{ use ViewModelTrait; protected $validator; protected $form; private $errors = []; public function __construct($model, $form, $validator = null){ $this->model = $model; $this->form = $form; $this->validator = $validator; } public function getData(){return ['slug' => $this->model->getSlug(), 'form' => $this->form->getForm()];} public function setCriteria($criteria){ $this->criteria = $criteria; $data = $this->model->findBy($this->criteria, $this->limit, $this->offset, $this->orderBy); if (count($data) === 1) $data = reset($data); $this->form->setData($data); } public function getErrors(){return $this->errors;} private function dataErrors($data){ if (!is_null($this->validator)) $this->validator->isValid($data); return is_null($this->validator)?[]:$this->validator->getErrors(); } public function isValid($data){ if (array_key_exists('_', $data)) $data = $data['_']; if (empty(array_filter(array_keys($data), 'is_int'))){ $this->errors = $this->dataErrors($data); } else { $errors = []; foreach($data as $key => $item){ $errors = $this->dataErrors($item); if (!empty($errors)) $this->errors[$key] = $errors; } } return empty($this->errors); } } class RequestRouter{ use RouterTrait; private $request = null; public function __construct($request){$this->request = $request;} public function generate($name, $params = []){ return $this->request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $this->request->getBaseUrl() . $this->generateRelativeUrl($name, $params); } } trait RouterTrait { private $matches = []; private $methods = []; private $responses = []; private $patterns = []; private $routeParameters = null; private function getMatchedRoute($match){ if (is_callable($match[0])){ return call_user_func_array($match[0], $match[1]); } return $match[0]; } public function getRouteParameters(){ if (is_null($this->routeParameters)) throw new \Exception('Route not dispatched'); return $this->routeParameters; } public function dispatch($method, $pathInfo){ $allowedMethods = []; foreach($this->matches as $name => $routes){ foreach($routes as $route){ if ($match = $route($pathInfo)){ if (in_array($method, $this->methods[$name])){ $this->routeParameters = $match[1]; return $this->getMatchedRoute($match); } else { $allowedMethods = array_merge($allowedMethods, $this->methods[$name]); } } } } if ($allowedMethods){ throw new \Exception($method.': not allowed: '.implode(',', $allowedMethods)); } throw new \Exception($method.': '.$pathInfo.' not found'); } private function extractRoutePattern($pattern){ return preg_replace( [ '@<([^:]+)>@U', '@<([^:]+)(:(.+))?>@U', ], [ '<$1:[^/]+>', '(?<$1>$3)', ], ltrim($pattern, '/') ); } private function addOneRoute($name, $pattern, $response){ $pattern = $this->extractRoutePattern($pattern); $this->matches[$name][] = function ($routePath) use ($pattern, $response){ $routePath = ltrim($routePath, '/'); if (!preg_match('@^'.$pattern.'$@', $routePath, $vals)){ return null; } $vals = array_map('urldecode', array_intersect_key( array_slice($vals, 1), array_flip(array_filter(array_keys($vals), 'is_string')) )); return [$response, $vals]; }; } public function getRoutes($name = null){ if (!is_null($name)) return [$this->methods[$name], $this->patterns[$name], $this->responses[$name]]; $results = []; foreach(array_keys($this->matches) as $name){ $results[$name] = $this->getRoutes($name); } return $results; } public function setRoute($name, $methods, $pattern, $response){ if (is_string($methods)) $methods = [$methods]; $this->methods[$name] = array_map('strtoupper', $methods); $this->patterns[$name] = $pattern; $this->responses[$name] = $response; $this->matches[$name] = []; $optionalRoutes = explode('!', str_replace('addOneRoute($name, implode('', $pattern), $response); } } private function generateRelativeUrl($name, $params = []){ if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->patterns)){ throw new \Exception($name.' not found'); } $pattern = $this->patterns[$name]; $pattern = preg_replace('@<([^:]+)(:(.+))?>@U', '<$1>', $pattern); $query = []; foreach($params as $key => $value){ $regex = '@\@U'; if (preg_match($regex, $pattern)){ preg_match('@\@U', $this->patterns[$name], $format); if (empty($format) || preg_match('@^'.$format[1].'$@', $value)){ $pattern = preg_replace($regex, $value, $pattern); } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid parameter '.$key.': "'.$value.'" does not match format '.$format[1]); } } else { $query[$key] = $value; } } $pattern = preg_replace('@@U', '', $pattern); if (strpos($pattern, '<') !== false) throw new \Exception('Mandatory parameter '.$pattern); $query = http_build_query($query); $pattern = $pattern . (empty($query)?'':'?'.$query); return $pattern; } } class Router{ use RouterTrait; public function generate($name, $params = []){ return $this->generateRelativeUrl($name, $params); } } class RedirectResponse{ use ResponseTrait; private $uri; public function __construct($uri = ''){ if (is_callable($uri)){ $uri = $uri(); } $this->uri = $uri; } public function send(){ $this->sendHeadersBody([['Location', $this->uri]]); } } class Response{ use ResponseTrait; protected $body = ''; protected $headers = []; public function __construct($body = '', $headers = []) { $this->body = $body; $this->headers = $headers; } public function send(){$this->sendHeadersBody($this->headers, $this->body);} } class UnauthorizedResponse{ use ResponseTrait; public function send(){$this->sendHeadersBody([[$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 401 Unauthorized']], 'Not authorized');} } class ExceptionResponse{ use ResponseTrait; private $exception; private $headers; public function __construct(\Exception $e, $headers = []) { $this->exception = $e; $this->headers = $headers; } public function send(){$this->sendHeadersBody($this->headers, $this->exception->getMessage());} } class ViewControllerResponse{ use ResponseTrait; private $view; private $controller; public function __construct($view, $controller = null){ $this->view = $view; $this->controller = $controller; } public function send(){ if (!is_null($this->controller)){ call_user_func(array($this->controller, 'action')); } list($headers, $body) = $this->view->render(); $this->sendHeadersBody($headers, $body); } } class BasicUnauthorizedResponse{ private $request; private $session; use ResponseTrait; public function __construct($session, $request){ $this->request = $request; $this->session = $session; } public function send(){ $realm = "KrISS".(empty($this->session->get('secret', ''))?'':':'.$this->session->get('secret', '')); $this->sendHeadersBody([ [$this->request->getServer('SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'HTTP/1.0').' 401 Unauthorized'], ['WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="'.$realm.'"'], ], 'Not authorized'); } } trait ResponseTrait { private function sendHeadersBody($headers = [], $body = ''){ foreach ($headers as $header){ header($header[0].(isset($header[1])?': ' . $header[1]:'')); } echo $body; } } class View{ use ViewTrait; private function classToAttr($class){return strtolower($class);} private function stringify($data, $first = false){ $string = [''; return join('', $string); } public function render(){return [[], $this->stringify($this->viewModel->getData(), true)];} } class FormView{ protected $viewModel; public function __construct($viewModel){$this->viewModel = $viewModel;} private function stringify($data){ $string = [''; return join('', $string); } public function render(){ $result = ''; $data = $this->viewModel->getData(); $errors = $this->viewModel->getErrors(); $result .= $this->stringify($errors); if (!is_null($data)){ foreach($data as $slug => $object){ if (!is_null($object)){ $method = $object['*']['method']; $url = $object['*']['action']; $result .= '
'; if (isset($object['_method']['value'])) $method = $object['_method']['value']; if ($method != 'DELETE'){ foreach($object as $name => $value){ if ($name != 'id' && $name[0] != '*'){ switch($value['type']){ case 'textarea': $result .= '
'; break; default: $result .= '
'; } } } } else { foreach($object as $name => $value){ if ($name != 'id' && $name[0] != '*'){ if ($name === '_method'){ $result .= ''; } else { $result .= '
'.$name.': '.$value['value'].'
'; } } } } $result .= ''; $result .= '
'; } } } return [[], $result]; } } trait ViewTrait { protected $viewModel; public function __construct($viewModel){ $this->viewModel = $viewModel; } } class Session{ public function __construct($sessionName = ''){ if (!isset($_SESSION)) $_SESSION = []; if (!empty($sessionName)) session_name($sessionName); } public function start(){ if (!$this->isActive()){ ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); session_start(); } } public function get($key, $default = null){ $this->autostart(); if (array_key_exists($key, $_SESSION)){ $default = $_SESSION[$key]; } return $default; } public function set($key, $value){ $this->autostart(); $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } public function remove($keys){ if (is_string($keys)){ $keys = [$keys]; } foreach ($keys as $key){ unset($_SESSION[$key]); } } public function isActive(){ return \PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE === session_status(); } private function autostart(){ if (!$this->isActive()){ $this->start(); } } } class Container{ protected $container = []; protected $rules = []; public function has($id){return class_exists($id)||isset($this->container[$this->getId($id)]);} public function get($id, $args = []){ if ($this->has($this->getId($id).'_instance')){ return $this->get($this->getId($id).'_instance'); } else if (isset($this->container[$this->getId($id)])){ $get = $this->container[$this->getId($id)]; $instance = is_callable($get)?$get($this, $args):$get; $this->setInstance($id, $instance); return $instance; } else if (class_exists($id)){ $instance = new $id($args); $this->setInstance($id, $instance); return $instance; } else { throw new \Exception($id.' not found'); } } public function getRule($id){return $this->rules[$id];} public function set($id, $rules = array()){ $this->rules[$id] = $rules; if (!$this->has($this->getId($id).'_class')) $this->container[$this->getId($id).'_class'] = $id; $id = $this->getId($id); foreach ($rules as $key => $rule){ switch($key){ case 'instanceOf': $this->container[$id.'_class'] = $rule; break; case 'constructParams': $this->container[$id.'_params'] = $rule; break; case 'call': $this->container[$id.'_call'] = $rule; break; case 'shared': $this->container[$id.'_shared'] = $rule; break; } } $this->container[$id] = function ($container, $params = []) use ($id){ $class = new \ReflectionClass($container->has($id.'_class') ? $container->get($id.'_class') : $id); if ($container->has($id.'_params')){ $params = []; foreach($container->get($id.'_params') as $param){ if (is_array($param) && isset($param['instance'])){ $params[] = $container->get($param['instance']); } else { $params[] = $param; } } } $instance = $class->newInstanceArgs($params); if ($container->has($id.'_call')){ foreach($container->get($id.'_call') as $call){ call_user_func_array(array($instance, $call[0]), $call[1]); } } return $instance; }; } private function getId($id){return ltrim(strtolower($id), '\\');} private function setInstance($id, $instance){ if (isset($this->container[$this->getId($id).'_shared']) && $this->container[$this->getId($id).'_shared']){ $this->container[$this->getId($id).'_instance'] = $instance; } } } class RemoveFormAction{ use FormActionTrait; private function saveEntity($entity){ $this->model->remove($entity); $this->flush = true; } public function success($data){$this->traitSuccess($data);} public function failure($data){$this->traitFailure($data);} } trait FormActionTrait { private $model; private $form; private $request; private $resetData; private $flush = false; public function __construct($model, $form, $request, $resetData = false){ $this->model = $model; $this->form = $form; $this->request = $request; $this->resetData = $resetData; } public function traitSuccess($data){ if ($this->resetData) $this->model->remove(); $this->form->setFormData($data); $data = $this->form->getData(); if (is_array($data)){ if (empty(array_filter(array_keys($data), 'is_int'))) $this->saveEntity($data); else foreach($data as $entity) $this->saveEntity($entity); } else { $this->saveEntity($data); } if ($this->flush) $this->model->flush(); header('Location: '.$this->request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$this->request->getBaseUrl()); } public function traitFailure($data){ if (array_key_exists('_', $data)) $data = $data['_']; $this->form->setData($data); } } class PersistFormAction{ use FormActionTrait; private function saveEntity($entity){ $this->model->persist($entity); $this->flush = true; } public function success($data){$this->traitSuccess($data);} public function failure($data){$this->traitFailure($data);} } class Request{ private $basePath = ''; private $baseUrl = ''; private $host = 'localhost'; private $method = 'GET'; private $pathInfo = ''; private $port = 80; private $queryString = ''; private $requestUri = ''; private $scheme = 'http'; public function __construct($uri = null, $method = 'GET'){ if (is_null($uri)){ $this->initFromServer(); } else { $this->initFromUri($uri, $method); } } public function getBaseUrl(){return $this->baseUrl;} public function getHost(){return $this->host;} public function getPathInfo(){return $this->pathInfo;} public function getPort(){return $this->port;} public function getQueryString(){return $this->queryString;} public function getScheme(){return $this->scheme;} public function getMethod(){return $this->method;} public function getRequest($request = null, $default = null){ if (is_null($request)) return $_POST; return isset($_POST[$request])?$_POST[$request]:$default; } public function getQuery($query = null, $default = null){ if (is_null($query)) return $_GET; return isset($_GET[$query])?$_GET[$query]:$default; } public function getRequestUri(){return $this->requestUri;} public function setBaseUrl($baseUrl){$this->baseUrl = rtrim($baseUrl, '/');} public function setPathInfo($pathInfo){$this->pathInfo = $pathInfo;} public function setMethod($method){$this->method = strtoupper($method);} public function setHost($host){$this->host = preg_replace('/:(.*)$/i', "", strtolower($host));} public function setRequestUri($requestUri){$this->requestUri = $requestUri;} public function setScheme($scheme){$this->scheme = strtolower($scheme);} public function setPort($port){$this->port = (int) $port;} public function setQueryString($queryString){$this->queryString = (string) $queryString;} public function getUri(){ $queryString = $this->getQueryString(); $queryString = empty($queryString)?'':'?'.$queryString; return $this->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$this->getBaseUrl().$this->getPathInfo().$queryString; } public function getSchemeAndHttpHost(){ $scheme = $this->getScheme(); $port = $this->getPort(); $defaultPort = $scheme.$port === 'http80' || $scheme.$port === 'https443'; return $scheme.'://'.$this->getHost().(($defaultPort)?'':':'.$port); } private function prepareRequestUri(){ $requestUri = ''; if (!empty($this->getServer('REQUEST_URI'))){ $requestUri = $this->getServer('REQUEST_URI'); $schemeAndHttpHost = $this->getSchemeAndHttpHost(); if (strpos($requestUri, $schemeAndHttpHost) === 0){ $requestUri = substr($requestUri, strlen($schemeAndHttpHost)); } } elseif (!empty($this->getServer('ORIG_PATH_INFO'))){ $requestUri = $this->getServer('ORIG_PATH_INFO'); if ('' != $this->getQueryString()){ $requestUri .= '?'.$this->getQueryString(); } } return $requestUri; } private function prepareBaseUrl(){ $filename = basename($this->getServer('SCRIPT_FILENAME', '')); $scriptName = $this->getServer('SCRIPT_NAME'); $phpSelf = $this->getServer('PHP_SELF'); $origScriptName = $this->getServer('ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'); if (basename($scriptName) === $filename){ $baseUrl = $scriptName; } elseif (basename($phpSelf) === $filename){ $baseUrl = $phpSelf; } elseif (basename($origScriptName) === $filename){ $baseUrl = $origScriptName; } else { $baseUrl = '/'; $basename = $filename; if ($basename){ $path = ($phpSelf ? trim($phpSelf, '/') : ''); $basePos = strpos($path, $basename) ?: 0; $baseUrl .= substr($path, 0, $basePos) . $basename; } } $requestUri = $this->getRequestUri(); if (0 === strpos($requestUri, $baseUrl)){ return $baseUrl; } $baseDir = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($baseUrl)); if (0 === strpos($requestUri, $baseDir)){ return $baseDir; } $truncatedRequestUri = $requestUri; if (false !== ($pos = strpos($requestUri, '?'))){ $truncatedRequestUri = substr($requestUri, 0, $pos); } $basename = basename($baseUrl); if (empty($basename) || false === strpos($truncatedRequestUri, $basename)){ $baseUrl = ''; } return $baseUrl; } private function preparePathInfo(){ $baseUrl = $this->getBaseUrl(); $requestUri = $this->getRequestUri(); if ($pos = strpos($requestUri, '?')){ $requestUri = substr($requestUri, 0, $pos); } $pathInfo = substr($requestUri, strlen($baseUrl)); return (string) $pathInfo; } private function initFromServer(){ $method = $this->getServer('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET'); if (isset($_POST['_method']) && $method === 'POST') $method = $_POST['_method']; $this->setMethod($method); $this->setHost($this->getServer( 'HTTP_HOST', $this->getServer( 'SERVER_NAME', $this->getServer('SERVER_ADDR', $this->host)))); $isSecure = !empty($this->getServer('HTTPS')) && $this->getServer('HTTPS') == 'on'; $this->setScheme('http'.($isSecure?'s':'')); $this->setPort($this->getServer('SERVER_PORT', ($isSecure?'443':'80'))); $this->setQueryString($this->getServer('QUERY_STRING')); $this->setRequestUri($this->prepareRequestUri()); $this->setBaseUrl($this->prepareBaseUrl()); $this->setPathInfo($this->preparePathInfo()); } private function initFromUri($uri, $method){ $this->setMethod($method); $components = parse_url($uri); if (isset($components['host'])){ $this->setHost($components['host']); } if (isset($components['scheme'])){ $this->setScheme($components['scheme']); if ('https' === $components['scheme']){ $this->setPort(443); } } if (isset($components['port'])){ $this->setPort($components['port']); } if (isset($components['query'])){ $this->setQueryString($components['query']); } if (isset($components['path'])){ $queryString = $this->getQueryString(); $this->setRequestUri($components['path'].('' !== $queryString ? '?'.$queryString : '')); } $this->setBaseUrl($this->prepareBaseUrl()); $this->setPathInfo($this->preparePathInfo()); } public function getServer($server = null, $default = null){ if (is_null($server)) return $_SERVER; return isset($_SERVER[$server])?$_SERVER[$server]:$default; } } trait ListControllerTrait { private function listAction(){ $params = $this->router->getRouteParameters(); $criteria = []; if (isset($params['id'])) $criteria = ['id' => (int)$params['id']]; $data = $this->request->getQuery(); if (isset($data['search'])){ $search = json_decode($data['search'], true); if (is_null($search)) $search = json_decode('"'.$data['search'].'"'); $criteria = $search; } $orderBy = isset($data['order_by'])?$data['order_by']:null; $offset = isset($data['offset'])?$data['offset']:null; $limit = (int)(isset($data['limit'])?$data['limit']:24); $page = isset($data['page'])?$data['page']:1; if (is_null($offset)){ $offset = ($page-1)*$limit; } $this->viewModel->setOrderBy($orderBy); $this->viewModel->setOffset($offset); $this->viewModel->setLimit($limit); $this->viewModel->setCriteria($criteria); } } trait FormControllerTrait { private function formAction() { $data = $this->request->getRequest(); if ($this->viewModel->isValid($data)){$this->formAction->success($data);} else {$this->formAction->failure($data);} } } class FormController{ use FormControllerTrait; protected $viewModel; protected $request; private $formAction; public function __construct($viewModel, $request, $formAction){ $this->viewModel = $viewModel; $this->request = $request; $this->formAction = $formAction; } public function action(){$this->formAction();} } class FormListController{ use ListControllerTrait; use FormControllerTrait; private $formAction; protected $viewModel; protected $request; protected $router; public function __construct($viewModel, $request, $formAction, $router){ $this->formAction = $formAction; $this->viewModel = $viewModel; $this->request = $request; $this->router = $router; } public function action(){ $this->listAction(); $this->formAction(); } } class ListController{ use ListControllerTrait; protected $viewModel; protected $request; protected $router; public function __construct($viewModel, $request, $router){ $this->viewModel = $viewModel; $this->request = $request; $this->router = $router; } public function action(){$this->listAction();} } class Form{ protected $rules; protected $formatters; protected $data; protected $formData; public function __construct($data = [], $method = 'GET', $action = ''){ $this->rules = []; $this->setAction($action); $this->setMethod($method); $this->data = $data; $this->formData = []; $this->formatters = []; } private function updateCurrentData(&$data, $key, $value){ if (is_array($data)){$data[$key] = $value;} else {$data->$key = $value;} } private function updateData(&$data, $formData){ foreach ($data as $key => $value){ if (array_key_exists($key, $formData) && $key !== 'id'){ if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)){ if (is_array($data)){ $this->updateData($data[$key], $formData[$key]); } else { $this->updateData($data->$key, $formData[$key]); } } else { $value = $this->formatValue($key, $formData[$key]); $this->updateCurrentData($data, $key, $value); } } } } public function getData($name = ''){ $this->updateData($this->data, (empty($name)?$this->formData:$this->formData[$name])); return $this->data; } public function setData($data){$this->data = $data;} public function setFormatter($name, $fun){$this->formatters[$name] = $fun;} private function setCurrentFormData(&$formData, $key, $value){ $pos = strpos($key, '['); if ($pos === false){ if (empty($key) || $key === '_'){$formData = $value;} else $formData[$key] = $value; } else { $currentKey = substr($key,0,$pos); if (!array_key_exists($currentKey, $formData)){ $formData[$currentKey] = []; } $key = substr($key,$pos+1); $pos = strpos($key, ']'); if ($pos !== false){ $key = substr_replace($key, '', $pos, 1); } if ($currentKey !== '_'){ $formData[$currentKey] = $this->setCurrentFormData($formData[$currentKey], $key, $value); } else { $formData = $this->setCurrentFormData($formData[$currentKey], $key, $value); } } return $formData; } public function setFormData($formData){ $this->formData = []; foreach ($formData as $key => $value){ $this->setCurrentFormData($this->formData, $key, $value); } } public function getAction(){return $this->rules['*']['action'];} public function setAction($action){$this->rules['*']['action'] = $action;} public function getMethod(){ if (isset($this->rules['_method'])) return $this->rules['_method']['value']; return $this->rules['*']['method']; } public function setMethod($method){ switch($method){ case 'GET': $this->rules['*']['method'] = $method; break; case 'POST': $this->rules['*']['method'] = $method; break; default: $this->rules['*']['method'] = 'POST'; $this->rules['_method'] = [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $method, ]; } } public function setRule($name, $rule){$this->rules[$name] = $rule;} public function getRule($name){return array_key_exists($name, $this->rules)?$this->rules[$name]:[];} public function generateRules($data, $name){ foreach($data as $key => $value){ if (is_numeric($key)){ $this->generateRules($value, (empty($name)?'_':$name).'['.$key.']'); } else { $currentName = (empty($name)?'':$name.'[').$key.(empty($name)?'':']'); if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->rules)){ $this->rules[$currentName] = []; } if ($this->rules[$currentName] instanceOf Form){ $form = $this->rules[$currentName]->getForm(); foreach ($form as $sub => $rule){ $openingBracket = '['; $closingBracket = ']'; if ($sub[0] === '_'){ $sub = substr($sub, 1); $openingBracket = ''; $closingBracket = ''; } if ($sub !== '*') $this->rules[$currentName.$openingBracket.$sub.$closingBracket] = $rule; }; unset($this->rules[$currentName]); } else { if (!is_null($this->rules[$currentName])){ if (!array_key_exists('type', $this->rules[$currentName])){ $this->rules[$currentName]['type'] = 'text'; } if (!array_key_exists('value', $this->rules[$currentName])){ $this->rules[$currentName]['value'] = $value; } } } } } } public function getForm($name = ''){ $this->generateRules($this->data, $name); return array_filter($this->rules); } private function formatValue($name, $value){ if (array_key_exists($name, $this->formatters)){ $value = $this->formatters[$name]($value, $this->formData); } return $value; } } class BasicAuthentication{ private $passwordHash; private $request; private $session; private $user; private $userProvider; public function __construct($userProvider, $request, $session, $passwordHash){ $this->passwordHash = $passwordHash; $this->request = $request; $this->session = $session; $this->userProvider = $userProvider; $this->user = null; } public function authenticate(){ if ($this->isAuthenticated()){ $this->user = $this->userProvider->loadUser(['username' => $this->session->get('username')]); return 2; } $secretCaptcha = $this->session->get('secret_captcha', (new \DateTime())->format('is')); $secret = $this->session->get('secret', $secretCaptcha); $username = $this->request->getServer('PHP_AUTH_USER'); $password = $this->request->getServer('PHP_AUTH_PW'); if (is_null($username) || is_null($password)){ return 5; } $user = $this->userProvider->loadUser(['username' => $username]); if (is_null($user)){ return 3; } $userPassword = null; if (is_array($user)){ $userPassword = $user['password']; } else { $userPassword = $user->password; } if ($this->passwordHash->hash($password, $username) !== $userPassword){ return 4; } if ($secret !== $secretCaptcha){ $this->session->remove('secret'); return 5; } $this->user = $user; $this->session->set('uid', sha1(uniqid('', true).'_'.mt_rand())); $this->session->set('username', $username); $this->session->set('secret', $secret); return 1; } public function deauthenticate(){ $this->user = null; $this->session->remove(['secret_captcha', 'uid']); } public function getUser(){ return $this->user; } public function isAuthenticated(){ return ((bool)$this->session->get('uid', false)) && ((bool)$this->session->get('username', false)); } } class UserProvider{ private $userModel; public function __construct($userModel){$this->userModel = $userModel;} public function loadUser($criteria){return $this->userModel->findOneBy($criteria);} } class SessionAuthentication{ private $passwordHash; private $request; private $session; private $user = null; private $userProvider; private $inactivityTimeout = 3600; private $sessionName = ''; private $disableSessionProtection = false; public function __construct($userProvider, $request, $session, $passwordHash, $options = []){ $this->passwordHash = $passwordHash; $this->request = $request; $this->session = $session; $this->userProvider = $userProvider; $this->loadOptions($options); $cookie = session_get_cookie_params(); $cookiedir = ''; if (dirname($this->request->getServer('SCRIPT_NAME', ''))!='/'){ $cookiedir = dirname($this->request->getServer('SCRIPT_NAME', '')).'/'; } $ssl = true; if ($this->request->getServer('HTTPS','') !== 'on'){ $ssl = false; } if (!session_id()){ session_set_cookie_params($cookie['lifetime'], $cookiedir, $this->request->getServer('HTTP_HOST'), $ssl); ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); if (!empty($this->sessionName)){ session_name($this->sessionName); } session_start(); } } public function authenticate(){ if ($this->isAuthenticated()){ $this->user = $this->userProvider->loadUser(['username' => $this->session->get('username')]); return 2; } $request = $this->request->getRequest(); if (!array_key_exists('username', $request) || !array_key_exists('password', $request)){ return 5; } $username = $request['username']; $password = $request['password']; $user = $this->userProvider->loadUser(['username' => $username]); if (is_null($user)){ return 3; } $userPassword = null; if (is_array($user)){ $userPassword = $user['password']; } else { $userPassword = $user->password; } if ($userPassword !== $this->passwordHash->hash($password, $username)){ return 4; } $this->user = $user; $this->session->set('uid', sha1(uniqid('', true).'_'.mt_rand())); $this->session->set('ip', $this->allIPs()); $this->session->set('username', $username); $this->session->set('expires_on', time() + $this->inactivityTimeout); return 1; } public function deauthenticate(){ $this->user = null; $this->session->remove(['uid', 'ip', 'expires_on']); } public function getUser(){return $this->user;} public function isAuthenticated(){ if (!(bool)$this->session->get('uid', false) || ($this->disableSessionProtection === false && $this->session->get('ip') !== $this->allIPs()) || time() >= $this->session->get('expires_on')){ $this->deauthenticate(); return false; } $this->session->set('expires_on', time() + $this->inactivityTimeout); if (!empty($this->session->get('longlastingsession'))){ $this->session->set('expires_on', $this->session->get('expires_on') + $this->session->get('longlastingsession')); } return true; } private function allIPs(){ return $this->request->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR','') .'_'.$this->request->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', '') .'_'.$this->request->getServer('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', ''); } private function loadOptions($options){ foreach($options as $key => $option){ if (in_array($key, ['disableSessionProtection', 'inactivityTimeout', 'sessionName'])){ $this->$key = $option; } } } } class PrivateRequestAuthorization{ private $authentication; private $request; public function __construct($authentication, $request){ $this->authentication = $authentication; $this->request = $request; } public function isGranted(){ if ($this->request->getPathInfo() == '/login/'){return true;} else {return $this->authentication->isAuthenticated();} } } class ProtectedRequestAuthorization{ private $authentication; private $request; public function __construct($authentication, $request){ $this->authentication = $authentication; $this->request = $request; } public function isGranted(){ if ($this->request->getMethod() === 'GET'){return true;} else {return $this->authentication->isAuthenticated();} } } class HashPassword{ private $salt; public function __construct($salt = 'a18c1239f19135e3072d931c1050603f4f405194'){ $this->$salt = $salt; } public function hash($password, $username = ''){ return sha1($password.$username.$this->salt); } } class App{ private $container; private $plugins = []; private $configs = []; public function __construct($container){ $this->container = $container; $this->container->set('Request', [ 'instanceOf' => 'Request', 'shared' => true, ]); $this->container->set('Router', [ 'instanceOf' => 'RequestRouter', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'Request'], ], ]); } public function getContainer(){return $this->container;} public function addPlugin($name){ call_user_func_array($name, [$this]); $this->plugins[] = $name; } public function configPlugin($name, $config){$this->configs[$name] = $config;} public function run(){ $container = $this->container; $next = function() use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); return $container->get('Router')->dispatch($request->getMethod(), $request->getPathInfo()); }; foreach($this->plugins as $plugin){ $params = [$this, $next]; if (array_key_exists($plugin, $this->configs)){ $params = array_merge($params, $this->configs[$plugin]); } $next = call_user_func_array($plugin, $params); } $response = $next(); $response->send(); } } class Validator{ private $errors = []; private $constraints = []; private function getProperty($data, $name){ $value = null; if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists($name, $data)){ $value = $data[$name]; } if (is_object($data) && isset($data->$name)){ $value = $data->$name; } return $value; } private function setConstraint($name, $rule, $params = [], $error = ''){ if (empty($error)) $error = $name.' '.$rule.' Error'; $this->constraints[$name][] = [$rule, $params, $error]; } public function setConstraints($name, $constraints = []){ $this->constraints[$name] = []; foreach ($constraints as $constraint){ call_user_func_array(array($this, 'setConstraint'), array_merge([$name], $constraint)); } } public function getConstraints($name){ return array_key_exists($name, $this->constraints)?$this->constraints[$name]:[]; } public function isValid($data){ $this->errors = []; foreach($this->constraints as $name => $constraints){ $value = $this->getProperty($data, $name); foreach($constraints as $constraint){ list($rule, $params, $error) = $constraint; switch($rule){ case 'email': if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false && !is_null($value)){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'inArray': if (!in_array($value, $params[0])){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'numMin': if ($value < $params[0]){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'numMax': if ($value > $params[0]){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'minLength': if (strlen($value) < $params[0]){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'required': if (is_null($value)){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; case 'closure': if (!$params[0]($value, $data)){ $this->errors[$name][] = $error; } break; default: throw new \Exception($rule.' validation is not defined'); } } } return empty($this->errors); } public function getErrors(){ return $this->errors; } } class Bang { public $bang = '!?'; public $url = ''; public $pattern = ''; } $app = new App(new Container()); $container = $app->getContainer(); $isUnique = function($value, $data) use ($container){ $model = $container->get('#bang_model'); $bang = $model->findOneBy(['bang' => $value]); $validId = true; if (!is_null($bang)){ $validId = false; $refId = ((array)$bang); $refId = $refId['id']; $checkId = ''; if (isset($data['id'])) $checkId = (int)$data['id']; else { $params = $container->get('Router')->getRouteParameters(); $checkId = isset($params['id'])?((int)$params['id']):''; }; $validId = ($refId === $checkId); } return $validId; }; $container->set('$bang_validator', [ 'instanceOf' => 'Validator', 'call' => [ ['setConstraints', [ 'bang', [['closure', [$isUnique], 'bang already exists']], ]], ], ]); $routerRule = $container->getRule('Router'); $container->set('Router', [ 'call' => array_merge([ ['setRoute', [ 'kriss_bang_index', 'GET', '/', function () use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); $query = $request->getQuery(); if (isset($query['bang'])){ $router = $container->get('Router'); if (empty($query['bang'])) return new RedirectResponse($router->generate('kriss_bang_index')); $model = $container->get('#bang_model'); $str = null; if (preg_match('/![^ ]*/', $query['bang'], $matches)){ $str = $matches[0]; } else { $str = '!?'; } $bang = $model->findOneBy(['bang' => $str]); if (is_null($bang)){ $bang = $container->get('Bang'); $bang->pattern .= ' '.$str; } $search = trim(preg_replace('/![^ ]*/', '', $query['bang'])); if (empty($search)){ return new RedirectResponse($bang->url); } else { return new RedirectResponse(trim(preg_replace('/kriss_bang/', urlencode($search), $bang->pattern))); } } $router = $container->get('Router'); $authLink = ''; if ($container->has('Authentication')){ $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $authUrl = $router->generate('login'); $auth = 'Login'; if ($authentication->isAuthenticated()){ $authUrl = $router->generate('logout'); $auth = 'Logout'; } $authLink = ''.$auth.''; } $faviconUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_favicon'); $xmlUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_xml'); $updateCsvUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_update_csv'); $exportCsvUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_export_csv'); $indexUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_index'); $bangListUrl = $router->generate('autoroute_index', ['slug' => 'bang']); $configUrl = $router->generate('autoroute_index', ['slug' => 'config']); $adminUrl = $router->generate('autoroute_index', ['slug' => 'admin']); $response = << KrISS bang

KrISS bang

Bang list
Export CSV
Upload CSV
html; return new Response($response); } ]], ['setRoute', [ 'kriss_bang_favicon', 'GET', '/favicon.ico', function () use ($container){ $favicon = <<get('Router'); $faviconUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_favicon', []); $searchUrl = urldecode($router->generate('kriss_bang_index', ['bang' => '{searchTerms}'])); $response = << KrISS bang KrISS bang bang $faviconUrl xml; return new Response($response, [['Content-Type', 'application/opensearchdescription+xml']]); } ]], ['setRoute', [ 'kriss_bang_update_csv', ['GET', 'POST'] ,'/update-csv/', function () use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); if ($request->getMethod() === 'GET'){ $router = $container->get('Router'); $faviconUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_favicon', []); $indexUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_index'); $updateCsvUrl = $router->generate('kriss_bang_update_csv', []); $response = << KrISS bang

Upload a CSV file

html; return new Response($response); } else { if (($handle = fopen($_FILES['file-csv']['tmp_name'], "r")) !== FALSE){ $model = $container->get('#bang_model'); set_time_limit(0); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ';')) !== FALSE){ $toPersist = false; $bang = $model->findOneBy(['bang' => $data[0]]); if (is_null($bang)){ $bang = $container->get('Bang'); $bang->bang = $data[0]; $toPersist = true; } else if (isset($_POST['override'])){ $toPersist = true; } if ($toPersist && isset($data[1]) && isset($data[2])){ $bang->url = $data[1]; $bang->pattern = $data[2]; $model->persist($bang); } } $model->flush(); } $indexUrl = $container->get('Router')->generate('kriss_bang_index', [], true); return new RedirectResponse($indexUrl); } } ]], ['setRoute', [ 'kriss_bang_export_csv', 'GET' ,'/export-csv/', function () use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); $model = $container->get('#bang_model'); ob_start(); $csv = fopen('php://output', 'w'); foreach($model->findBy() as $bang){ fputcsv($csv, [$bang->bang, $bang->url, $bang->pattern], ';'); } fclose($csv); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return new Response($content, [['Content-Type', 'text/csv'], ['Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=bang.csv']]); } ]] ], isset($routerRule['call'])?$routerRule['call']:[]) ]); function auth($app, $next = null){ if (is_null($next)){ class Admin { public $username = 'admin'; public $password = 'pass'; } $container = $app->getContainer(); $container->set('Session', [ 'instanceOf' => 'Session', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ 'KrISS', ] ]); modelArray($container, ['admin' => 'Admin']); $container->set('#admin_form', [ 'instanceOf' => 'Form', 'call' => [ ['setRule', [ 'username', [] ]], ['setRule', [ 'password', ['value' => ''] ]], ['setFormatter', [ 'password', function ($value, $formData) use ($container){ $hashPassword = $container->get('HashPassword'); return $hashPassword->hash($value, $formData['username']); } ]] ] ]); $adminValidator = [ 'instanceOf' => 'Validator', 'call' => [ ['setConstraints', [ 'password', [['minLength', [4], 'password requires at least 4 characters']], ]], ], ]; $container->set('#admin_create_validator', $adminValidator); $container->set('#admin_update_validator', $adminValidator); $container->set('HashPassword', [ 'instanceOf' => 'HashPassword', ]); $container->set('UserProvider', [ 'instanceOf' => 'UserProvider', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => '#admin_model'], ] ]); if (!$container->has('Authorization')){ $container->set('Authorization', [ 'instanceOf' => 'ProtectedRequestAuthorization', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'Authentication'], ['instance' => 'Request'], ] ]); } } else { return function() use ($app, $next){ $container = $app->getContainer(); $container->get('Session')->start(); $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $authorization = $container->get('Authorization'); $authentication->authenticate(); $request = $container->get('Request'); $adminUrl = '/admin/new/'; $install = empty($container->get('#admin_model')->getData()); if ($install && $request->getPathInfo() !== '/admin/' && $request->getPathInfo() !== $adminUrl){ return new RedirectResponse($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl().$adminUrl); } else if ($authorization->isGranted() || $install){ return $next(); } else { return $container->get('UnauthorizedResponse'); } }; } } function authSession($app, $next = null){ if (is_null($next)){ $container = $app->getContainer(); $routerRule = $container->getRule('Router'); $container->set('Router', [ 'call' => array_merge([ ['setRoute', [ 'logout', 'GET', '/logout/', function () use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $authentication->deauthenticate(); return new RedirectResponse($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl()); } ]],['setRoute', [ 'login', ['GET', 'POST'], '/login/', function () use ($container){ $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $request = $container->get('Request'); if ($authentication->isAuthenticated()){ $redirect = $request->getQuery('redirect', ''); $query = $request->getQuery(); unset($query['redirect']); $query = http_build_query($query); return new RedirectResponse($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl().$redirect.(empty($query)?'':'?'.$query)); } return new Response((($request->getMethod() === 'POST')?'Wrong login':'').'
'); } ]] ], isset($routerRule['call'])?$routerRule['call']:[]) ]); $container->set('Authentication', [ 'instanceOf' => 'SessionAuthentication', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'UserProvider'], ['instance' => 'Request'], ['instance' => 'Session'], ['instance' => 'HashPassword'], ] ]); $container->set('UnauthorizedResponse', [ 'instanceOf' => 'RedirectResponse', 'constructParams' => [function() use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); $router = $container->get('Router'); $params = empty($request->getPathInfo())?$request->getQuery():array_merge(['redirect' => $request->getPathInfo()], $request->getQuery()); return $router->generate('login', $params); }] ]); } return auth($app, $next); } function authBasic($app, $next = null){ if (is_null($next)){ $container = $app->getContainer(); $routerRule = $container->getRule('Router'); $container->set('Router', [ 'call' => array_merge([ ['setRoute', [ 'logout', 'GET', '/logout/', function () use ($container){ $request = $container->get('Request'); $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $authentication->deauthenticate(); return new RedirectResponse($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl()); } ]],['setRoute', [ 'login', 'GET', '/login/', function () use ($container){ $authentication = $container->get('Authentication'); $authentication->isAuthenticated(); if ($authentication->isAuthenticated()){ $request = $container->get('Request'); return new RedirectResponse($request->getSchemeAndHttpHost().$request->getBaseUrl()); } return $container->get('UnauthorizedResponse'); } ]] ], isset($routerRule['call'])?$routerRule['call']:[]) ]); $container->set('Authentication', [ 'instanceOf' => 'BasicAuthentication', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'UserProvider'], ['instance' => 'Request'], ['instance' => 'Session'], ['instance' => 'HashPassword'], ] ]); $container->set('UnauthorizedResponse', [ 'instanceOf' => 'BasicUnauthorizedResponse', 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'Session'], ['instance' => 'Request'] ] ]); } return auth($app, $next); } function modelArray($container, $models = []){ foreach($models as $slug => $class){ $id = '#'.$slug.'_model'; if (!$container->has($id)){ $container->set($id, [ 'instanceOf' => 'ArrayModel', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ $slug, $class ] ]); } } } class RouterAutoFormView{ protected $viewModel; protected $router; public function __construct($viewModel, $router){ $this->viewModel = $viewModel; $this->router = $router; } protected function stringify($data){ $result = ''; if (!empty($data)){ $string = [''; $result = join('', $string); } return $result; } protected function renderName($name, $value){ $result = ''; if ($name != 'id' && $name[0] != '*'){ $attrs = ''; $label = $name; if (isset($value['attrs'])){ foreach($value['attrs'] as $key => $val){ $attrs .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"'; } } if (isset($value['label'])){ $label = $value['label']; } switch($value['type']){ case 'textarea': $result = '
'; break; default: $result = '
'; } } return $result; } protected function renderForm($slug, $object){ $method = $object['*']['method']; $url = $object['*']['action']; $result = '
'; if (isset($object['_method']['value'])) $method = $object['_method']['value']; if ($method != 'DELETE'){ foreach($object as $name => $value){ $result .= $this->renderName($name, $value); } } else { foreach($object as $name => $value){ if ($name != 'id' && $name[0] != '*'){ if ($name === '_method'){ $result .= ''; } else { $result .= '
'.$name.': '.$value['value'].'
'; } } } } $result .= ''; $result .= '
'; return $result; } public function render(){ $result = 'KrISS MVVM'; $data = $this->viewModel->getData(); $data = [$data['slug'] => $data['form']]; $errors = $this->viewModel->getErrors(); $result .= $this->stringify($errors); if (!is_null($data)){ foreach($data as $slug => $object){ $result .= ''; } foreach($data as $slug => $object){ if (!is_null($object)){ $result .= $this->renderForm($slug, $object); } } } $result .= ''; return [[], $result]; } } class RouterAutoView{ private $viewModel; private $request; private $router; public function __construct($viewModel, $router, $request){ $this->viewModel = $viewModel; $this->request = $request; $this->router = $router; } private function classToAttr($class){ return strtolower($class); } private function pagination($slug, $pagination){ $current = $pagination['current']; $total = $pagination['total']; $string = []; if ($total > 1){ $route = 'autoroute_index'; $string[] = ''; } return join('', $string); } private function data($slug, $data){ $string[] = ''; return join('', $string); } private function stringify($data){ return 'KrISS MVVM'. 'index'. (isset($data['pagination'])?$this->pagination($data['slug'], $data['pagination']):''). ''; } public function render(){return [[], $this->stringify($this->viewModel->getData())];} } class AutoRoute { protected $classes; protected $singleClasses; protected $listClasses; protected $prefix; protected $prefixId; protected $resetModel = false; protected $rules = []; public function __construct($container, $autoSingleClasses = [], $autoListClasses = []){ $this->container = $container; $this->request = $container->get('Request'); $this->router = $container->get('Router'); $this->singleClasses = $autoSingleClasses; $this->listClasses = $autoListClasses; $this->classes = array_merge($this->singleClasses, $this->listClasses); modelArray($this->container, $this->classes); $slugs = join('|', array_merge(array_filter(array_keys($this->singleClasses), 'is_string'),array_filter(array_keys($this->listClasses), 'is_string'))); $slugsId = join('|', array_filter(array_keys($this->listClasses), 'is_string')); $this->prefix = ''; $this->prefixId = ''; $this->addResponses(); } private function addResponses(){ $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefix.'/', 'index'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefix.'/new/', 'new'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefix.'/edit/', 'edit'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'POST', '/'.$this->prefix.'/', 'create'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'PUT', '/'.$this->prefix.'/', 'update'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefix.'/delete/', 'delete'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'DELETE', '/'.$this->prefix.'/', 'remove'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefixId.'//', 'index_id'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefixId.'//edit/', 'edit_id'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'PUT', '/'.$this->prefixId.'//', 'update_id'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'GET', '/'.$this->prefixId.'//delete/', 'delete_id'); $this->addResponse($this->router, 'DELETE', '/'.$this->prefixId.'//', 'remove_id'); } private function addResponse($router, $method, $pattern, $action){ $autoroute = $this; $router->setRoute( 'autoroute_'.$action, $method, $pattern, function ($slug, $id = null) use ($autoroute, $action){ $fun = $autoroute->getFunction($action); $autoroute->resetModel = false; call_user_func_array(array($autoroute, 'auto'.$fun), [$slug, $action, $id]); return $autoroute->getRouteResponse($slug, $action); } ); } private function getRouteResponse($slug, $action){ $autoRoute = '#auto_route_' . $slug . '_' . $action; $class = $this->getClass($slug); if (!is_null($class) && !$this->container->has($class)) return new Response('Invalid autoroute: '.$autoRoute); if (!$this->container->has($autoRoute)){ $this->generate($slug, $action); } if (!$this->container->has($autoRoute)){ $this->generate($slug, $action); $this->container->set($autoRoute, [ 'instanceOf' => 'ViewControllerResponse' ]); } $model = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_model'); $form = null; if ($this->container->has('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_form')){ $params = array_merge($this->router->getRouteParameters(),$this->request->getQuery()); $method = 'POST'; switch($action){ case 'edit': case 'update': case 'edit_id': case 'update_id': $method = 'PUT'; break; case 'delete': case 'remove': case 'delete_id': case 'remove_id': $method = 'DELETE'; break; } $form = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_form', [$this->container->get($this->getClass($slug)), $method, $this->router->generate('autoroute_'.(isset($params['id'])?'index_id':'index'), $params)]); } $validator = null; if ($this->container->has('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_validator')) $validator = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_validator'); $formAction = null; if ($this->container->has('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_form_action')) $formAction = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_form_action', [$model, $form, $this->request, $this->resetModel]); $viewModel = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_view_model', [$model, $form, $validator]); $controller = null; if ($this->container->has('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_controller')){ $rule = $this->container->getRule('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_controller'); switch($rule['instanceOf']){ case 'ListController': $controller = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_controller', [$viewModel, $this->request, $this->router]); break; case 'FormController': $controller = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_controller', [$viewModel, $this->request, $formAction]); break; case 'FormListController': $controller = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_controller', [$viewModel, $this->request, $formAction, $this->router]); break; } } $view = $this->container->get('#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_view', [$viewModel, $this->router, $this->request]); return $this->container->get($autoRoute, [$view, $controller]); } private function getFunction($name){ return preg_replace_callback( '/(^|_)([a-z])/' , function ($matches){ return strtoupper($matches[2]); } , $name ); } private function _autoEdit($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->generateModel($slug, $action); $this->generateForm($slug, $action, 'PUT'); $this->generateFormViewModel($slug, $action, null); $this->generateFormView($slug, $action); $this->generateListController($slug, $action); } private function _autoUpdate($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->_autoEdit($slug, $action, $id); $this->generateValidator($slug, $action); $this->generatePersistFormAction($slug, $action); $this->generateFormListController($slug, $action); } private function _autoDelete($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->_autoEdit($slug, $action, $id); $this->generateForm($slug, $action, 'DELETE'); } private function _autoRemove($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->_autoDelete($slug, $action, $id); $this->generateValidator($slug, $action); $this->generateFormListController($slug, $action); } private function autoIndex($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->generateModel($slug, $action); $this->generateViewModel($slug, $action, $id); $this->generateView($slug, $action); $this->generateListController($slug, $action); } private function autoIndexId($slug, $action, $id){$this->autoIndex($slug, $action, $id);} private function autoNew($slug, $action){ $this->generateModel($slug, $action); $this->generateForm($slug, $action, 'POST'); $this->generateFormViewModel($slug, $action, null); $this->generateFormView($slug, $action); } private function autoCreate($slug, $action){ $this->autoNew($slug, $action); if (in_array($slug, array_keys($this->singleClasses))){ $this->resetModel = true; } $this->generateValidator($slug, $action); $this->generatePersistFormAction($slug, $action); $this->generateFormController($slug, $action); } private function autoEdit($slug, $action){$this->_autoEdit($slug, $action);} private function autoEditId($slug, $action, $id){$this->_autoEdit($slug, $action, $id);} private function autoUpdate($slug, $action){$this->_autoUpdate($slug, $action);} private function autoUpdateId($slug, $action, $id){$this->_autoUpdate($slug, $action, $id);} private function autoDelete($slug, $action){$this->_autoDelete($slug, $action);} private function autoRemove($slug, $action){ $this->_autoRemove($slug, $action); $this->generateRemoveFormAction($slug, $action); } private function autoDeleteId($slug, $action, $id){$this->_autoDelete($slug, $action, $id);} private function autoRemoveId($slug, $action, $id){ $this->_autoRemove($slug, $action, $id); $this->generateRemoveFormAction($slug, $action); } private function generateModel($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['model'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'ArrayModel', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ $slug, $this->getClass($slug) ] ]; } private function generateViewModel($slug, $action, $id = null){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['view_model'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'ViewModel', ]; } private function generateView($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['view'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'RouterAutoView', ]; } private function generateListController($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['controller'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'ListController', ]; } private function generateForm($slug, $action, $method){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['form'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'Form', ]; } private function generateFormViewModel($slug, $action, $validator = null){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['view_model'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'FormViewModel', ]; } private function generateFormView($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['view'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'RouterAutoFormView', ]; } private function generatePersistFormAction($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['form_action'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'PersistFormAction', ]; } private function generateRemoveFormAction($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['form_action'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'RemoveFormAction', ]; } private function generateFormListController($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['controller'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'FormListController', ]; } private function generateFormController($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['controller'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'FormController', ]; } private function generateValidator($slug, $action){ $this->rules[$slug][$action]['validator'] = [ 'instanceOf' => 'Validator', ]; } private function generate($slug, $action){ foreach($this->rules[$slug][$action] as $key => $rule){ $classKey = '$'.strtolower($this->getClass($slug)).'_'.$key; $classActionKey = '$'.strtolower($this->getClass($slug)).'_'.$action.'_'.$key; $identifierKey = '#'.$slug.'_'.$key; $identifierActionKey = '#'.$slug.'_'.$action.'_'.$key; if ($this->container->has($classKey)){ $rule = array_replace_recursive($rule, $this->container->getRule($classKey)); } if ($this->container->has($classActionKey)){ $rule = array_replace_recursive($rule, $this->container->getRule($classActionKey)); } if ($this->container->has($identifierKey)){ $rule = array_replace_recursive($rule, $this->container->getRule($identifierKey)); } if ($this->container->has($identifierActionKey)){ $rule = $this->container->getRule($identifierActionKey); } if ($key == 'model'){ $this->container->set($identifierKey, $rule); } else { $this->container->set($identifierActionKey, $rule); } } } private function getClass($slug){ if (array_key_exists($slug, $this->classes)) return $this->classes[$slug]; else return strtolower($slug); } } function routerAuto($app, $next = null, $singleClasses = [], $listClasses = []){ if (!is_null($next)){ return function() use ($app, $next, $singleClasses, $listClasses){ $container = $app->getContainer(); $routerRule = $container->getRule('Router'); $routerRule = isset($routerRule['call'])?$routerRule['call']:[]; $newRule = [ 'setRoute', [ 'index', 'GET', '/', function () use ($container, $singleClasses, $listClasses){ $router = $container->get('Router'); $request = $container->get('Request'); $body = ''; if (is_array($singleClasses)){ foreach($singleClasses as $slug => $class){ $body .= ''.$class.' ('.$slug.')
'; } } if (is_array($listClasses)){ foreach($listClasses as $slug => $class){ $body .= ''.$class.' ('.$slug.')
'; } } return new Response($body); } ]]; $addNewRule = true; foreach ($routerRule as $rule){ if ($rule[0] === 'setRoute' && $rule[1][2] == '/' ){ $addNewRule = false; } } if ($addNewRule){ $routerRule = array_merge($routerRule, [$newRule]); } $container->set('Router', [ 'instanceOf' => 'RequestRouter', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'Request'], ], 'call' => $routerRule ]); new AutoRoute($container, $singleClasses, $listClasses); return $next(); }; } } if (isset($app)) $app->addPlugin('routerAuto'); function responseException($app, $next = null){ if (!is_null($next)){ return function() use ($app, $next){ $container = $app->getContainer(); try { return $next(); } catch(\Exception $e){ if (!$container->has('ExceptionResponse')){ $container->set('ExceptionResponse', [ 'instanceOf' => 'ExceptionResponse', ]); } $container->set('ExceptionResponse', [ 'constructParams' => [$e] ]); return $container->get('ExceptionResponse'); } }; } } if (isset($app)) $app->addPlugin('responseException'); function config($app){ $container = $app->getContainer(); class Config { public $auth = 'authSession'; public $visibility = 'protected'; } modelArray($container, ['config' => 'Config']); $model = $container->get('#config_model'); $config = $model->findOneBy(); if (is_null($config)) $config = $container->get('Config'); if (!empty($config->auth)){ $app->addPlugin($config->auth); } $configValidator = [ 'instanceOf' => 'Validator', 'call' => [ ['setConstraints', [ 'visibility', [['inArray', [['protected', 'private']], '"protected" or "private"']], ]], ['setConstraints', [ 'auth', [['inArray', [['', 'authSession', 'authBasic']], '"authSession", "authBasic" or empty: ""']], ]], ], ]; $container->set('#config_create_validator', $configValidator); $container->set('#config_update_validator', $configValidator); if (!$container->has('Authorization')){ $container->set('Authorization', [ 'instanceOf' => ''.ucfirst($config->visibility).'RequestAuthorization', 'shared' => true, 'constructParams' => [ ['instance' => 'Authentication'], ['instance' => 'Request'], ] ]); } } config($app); $app->configPlugin('routerAuto', [['admin' => 'Admin', 'config' => 'Config'], ['bang' => 'Bang']]); $app->run();