# Klarna Checkout Android SDK ## SDK Integration ### Setup #### Adding the library locally 1. Create a folder in your application module named _"libs"_ [Project]/app/libs 2. Copy the _klarna-checkout-sdk-[version].aar_ to the libs folder 3. Edit your application level build.gradle file and add the following section (after the _android scope_): ```gradle repositories { flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } ``` 4. Add a compile dependency for the library: ```gradle compile (name: 'klarna-checkout', ext: 'aar') ``` #### Update your application manifest 1. Add permissions ```xml ``` 2. Add the BrowserActivity reference to your application context in the manifest #### Resynch project Synch your project with the gradle files ### Primary checkout object for merchant integration. #### Standard checkout initialization: ```java KlarnaCheckout checkout = new KlarnaCheckout(myCurrentActivity); checkout.setSnippet(/* ..the html snippet from merchant server.. */); checkout.setSignalListener(/* ..an implementation of the SignalListener interface.. */); View checkoutView = checkout.getView(); ``` _(the returned view can then be placed in layout placeholder or fragment as required)_ #### "Hybrid" checkout initialization: ```java KlarnaCheckout checkout = new KlarnaCheckout(myCurrentActivity); checkout.setWebView(myWebView); checkout.setSignalListener(/* ..an implementation of the SignalListener interface.. */); ``` _("myWebView" is a WebView instance that has loaded a web page which already contains the checkout code snippet)_