%% Preamble/settings for documents exported from .org files to .tex files when the %% tex engine is xelatex. %% %% Usage: \usepackage{org-preamble-xelatex} in your document %% preamble. Font choice should be set in the document after the %% package is declared. If \usepackage[minted]{org-preamble-xelatex} %% is given, the minted package for code highlighting is turned %% on. Minted requires that pygments be installed %% (http://pygments.org/) and that \write18 support be enabled in your %% tex compiler. %% Kieran Healy %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{org-preamble-xelatex}[2011/02/21 v0.01 Bundling of Preamble items for Org to XeLaTeX export] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{@minted} % \setboolean{@minted}{false} % minted is off by default \DeclareOption{minted}{ \setboolean{@minted}{true} } \ProcessOptions \RequirePackage{fontspec} \RequirePackage{xunicode} \RequirePackage{url} \RequirePackage{rotating} \RequirePackage{memoir-article-styles} \RequirePackage[american]{babel} \RequirePackage[babel]{csquotes} \RequirePackage[svgnames]{xcolor} \RequirePackage{soul} \RequirePackage[xetex, colorlinks=true, urlcolor=DarkSlateBlue, citecolor=DarkSlateBlue, filecolor=DarkSlateBlue, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarksnumbered]{hyperref} \RequirePackage{etoolbox} %% Explicitly set the url style to monospace \urlstyle{tt} %% Biblatex \RequirePackage[authordate, backend=biber, babel=hyphen, bibencoding=inputenc, strict, isbn=false, uniquename=false]{biblatex-chicago} % biblatex setup % \RequirePackage[style=authoryear, % bibstyle=authoryear, % citestyle=authoryear, % %natbib=true, % hyperref=true, % backend=biber, babel=hyphen, bibencoding=inputenc]{biblatex} %% Fix biblatex's odd preference for using In: by default. \renewbibmacro{in:}{% \ifentrytype{article}{}{% \printtext{\bibstring{}\intitlepunct}}} %% Basic bibliography \addbibresource{/Users/kjhealy/Documents/bibs/socbib.bib} \addbibresource{/Users/kjhealy/Documents/bibs/socbib-pandoc.bib} % %% these tweak the biblatex-chicago format to conform to AJS style. \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{title}{\mkbibquote{#1}} \DeclareFieldFormat[book]{title}{% \mkbibemph{#1}\isdot} % for books \DeclareFieldFormat{booktitle}{\mkbibemph{#1}} % for edited volumes %% bibnamedash: with Minion Pro the three-emdash lines in the %% bibliogrpaphy end up separated from one another, which is very %% annoying. Replace them with a line of appropriate size and weight. %%\renewcommand{\bibnamedash}{\rule[3.5pt]{3em}{0.5pt}} %% Pagestyle \pagestyle{kjh} %% If [minted] option is chosen, activate minted \ifthenelse{\boolean{@minted}}{ \RequirePackage{minted} \usemintedstyle{tango} \definecolor{bg}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,0.95} \setkeys{Gin}{width=1\@textwidth} }{} \endinput