{"company":[{"id":"680","name":"CloudFab","summary":"CloudFab makes it easy for companies to source custom and short-run manufacturing automatically through a network of vetted suppliers. Users upload design (CAD) files, and we instantly price them and analyze them for manufacturability. When an order is placed, the design goes directly to the manufacturer for production.","details":"CloudFab makes it easy for companies to source custom and short-run manufacturing automatically through a network of vetted suppliers. Users upload design (CAD) files, and we instantly price them and analyze them for manufacturability. When an order is placed, the design goes directly to the manufacturer for production.","website":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/opsgenie","twitter":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/#!\/cloudfab","github":"https:\/\/github.com\/cloudfab","blog":"http:\/\/blog.cloudfab.com\/","blogrss":"http:\/\/feeds.feedburner.com\/cloudfab\/iFDQ","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/company\/680_logo.png","logo_width":"150","screenshot":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/ap-evangelist-site\/api\/screenshots\/3242_cloudfab.png","tags":"3d,3D Printing,3D-Printing,Customization,Images,Manufacturing,Printing,Stack"},{"id":"1636","name":"Cubify","summary":"Cubify is the central hub for all things possible with the 3D printed lifestyle. Cubify offers everything from co-creation with favorite brands, a curated shopping experience centered around personalized fashion, décor, toys and more, a community inspiring the latest in 3D design and printing possibilities, and access to the easiest home 3D printers and related products.","details":"Cubify is the central hub for all things possible with the 3D printed lifestyle. Cubify offers everything from co-creation with favorite brands, a curated shopping experience centered around personalized fashion, décor, toys and more, a community inspiring the latest in 3D design and printing possibilities, and access to the easiest home 3D printers and related products.","website":"http:\/\/www.cubify.com","twitter":"http:\/\/www.twitter.com\/cubify","github":"https:\/\/github.com\/CubifyDeploy","blog":"http:\/\/www.cubify.com\/blog","blogrss":"http:\/\/cubify.com\/blog\/feed\/","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/company\/cubify_logo.png","logo_width":"150","screenshot":null,"tags":"3D Printing,3D-Printing,Design,Printing,Social,Tools"},{"id":"51","name":"i.materialise","summary":"i.materialise offers services over API's in order to automate your operations. The set of API's is still limited but the goal is to extend it as the site grows. Below you find the list of currently offered services. Retrieve the up to date list of materials and their properties by sending a request to the url below. As response, you will be able to download a structured file with the available mat","details":"i.materialise offers services over API's in order to automate your operations. The set of API's is still limited but the goal is to extend it as the site grows. Below you find the list of currently offered services. Retrieve the up to date list of materials and their properties by sending a request to the url below. As response, you will be able to download a structured file with the available materials. You are free to use that info on your own site. i.materialise provides a simple API to allow websites to upload files to the 3D print lab. The current API is not public. This means that it requires a valid identifier – called a tool ID - before the site will accept the uploaded files. In order to upload your models, you only require few lines of HTML code to foresee in your site.","website":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/","twitter":"http:\/\/www.twitter.com\/imaterialise","github":"","blog":"http:\/\/i.materialise.com\/blog\/","blogrss":"http:\/\/feeds.feedburner.com\/imaterialise","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/serviceproviders\/i-materialise.png","logo_width":"150","screenshot":null,"tags":"3D-Printing"},{"id":"1841","name":"Lagoa","summary":"Lagoa was founded by Thiago Costa (creator of Lagoa Multiphysics), Arno Zinke and Dov Amihod to make digital creation available to everyone, everywhere. Lagoa is the 3D cloud platform for creatives working in engineering, architecture and media & entertainment to visualize 3D content. Lagoa MultiOptics® is a cloud back end rendering technology built for collaboration. The platform enables ","details":"Lagoa was founded by Thiago Costa (creator of Lagoa Multiphysics), Arno Zinke and Dov Amihod to make digital creation available to everyone, everywhere. Lagoa is the 3D cloud platform for creatives working in engineering, architecture and media & entertainment to visualize 3D content. Lagoa MultiOptics® is a cloud back end rendering technology built for collaboration. The platform enables creators to compose, layout and interactively render high-quality 3D in the browser, eliminating hardware and software costs.","website":"http:\/\/home.lagoa.com\/","twitter":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/lagoa","github":"https:\/\/github.com\/lagoa","blog":"http:\/\/home.lagoa.com\/blog","blogrss":"","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/company\/1841_logo.png","logo_width":"160","screenshot":null,"tags":"3d,3D-Printing,3D-Stack"},{"id":"49","name":"Ponoko","summary":"Ponoko is an online marketplace creators, digital fabricators, materials suppliers and buyers meet to make 3D printing products. The site host tens of thousands of user generated product designs, that can be customized and printed using 3D printing technology. Using the Ponoko digital making system product designs can be priced instantly online and made locally, as close to the point of consumptio","details":"Ponoko is an online marketplace creators, digital fabricators, materials suppliers and buyers meet to make 3D printing products. The site host tens of thousands of user generated product designs, that can be customized and printed using 3D printing technology. Using the Ponoko digital making system product designs can be priced instantly online and made locally, as close to the point of consumption as possible. It means goods can be made in the greenest way. Making on demand reduces warehousing and wastage. Plus, making locally emphasizes digital transportation of goods instead of the traditional shipping of physical products. The Ponoko API allows developers to upload and make new products, choosing from the Ponoko materials catalog, and allows ordering of 3D print products.","website":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/ponoko","twitter":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/ponoko","github":"https:\/\/github.com\/Ponoko","blog":"http:\/\/blog.ponoko.com\/","blogrss":"http:\/\/feeds.feedburner.com\/Ponoko","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/serviceproviders\/ponoko-logo.jpg","logo_width":"150","screenshot":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/api\/Ponoko-Screenshot.png","tags":"3D-Printing,3D-Printing,3D-Stack,Manufacturing,Printing,Product,Sharing,Stack"},{"id":"681","name":"Shapeways","summary":"Shapeways.com is the world's leading 3D printing marketplace and community. The NY start-up harnesses 3D printing to help anyone turn ideas into a physical reality, making product design more accessible, personal, and inspiring. Shapeways prints everything on-demand, which means that every order is customized and personalized. By providing a platform for community members to gain access to cutting","details":"Shapeways.com is the world's leading 3D printing marketplace and community. The NY start-up harnesses 3D printing to help anyone turn ideas into a physical reality, making product design more accessible, personal, and inspiring. Shapeways prints everything on-demand, which means that every order is customized and personalized. By providing a platform for community members to gain access to cutting edge 3D printing technology and share their designs with the world, Shapeways is democratizing creation for everyone.","website":"http:\/\/www.shapeways.com\/api","twitter":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/#!\/Shapeways","github":"https:\/\/github.com\/Shapeways","blog":"http:\/\/www.shapeways.com\/blog\/","blogrss":"http:\/\/www.shapeways.com\/blog\/rss.php?version=2.0","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/company\/shapeways-logo.jpg","logo_width":"150","screenshot":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/ap-evangelist-site\/api\/screenshots\/3243_shapeways.png","tags":"3D-Printing,3D-Stack,Stack"},{"id":"258","name":"Thingiverse","summary":"Thingiverse is a website dedicated to the sharing of user-created digital design files. Providing primarily open source hardware designs licensed under the GNU General Public License or Creative Commons licenses, users choose the type of user license they wish to attach to the designs they share. 3D printers, laser cutters, milling machines and many other technologies can be used to physically cre","details":"Thingiverse is a website dedicated to the sharing of user-created digital design files. Providing primarily open source hardware designs licensed under the GNU General Public License or Creative Commons licenses, users choose the type of user license they wish to attach to the designs they share. 3D printers, laser cutters, milling machines and many other technologies can be used to physically create the files shared by the users on Thingiverse.","website":"http:\/\/www.thingiverse.com\/developers","twitter":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/#!\/thingiverse","github":"","blog":"","blogrss":"","logo":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/api-evangelist-site\/company\/logos\/thingiverse-logo.png","logo_width":"165","screenshot":"http:\/\/kinlane-productions.s3.amazonaws.com\/ap-evangelist-site\/api\/screenshots\/6108_thingiverse.png","tags":"3d,3D-Printing,3D-Stack,Design,Digital,Product,Stack,Tools"}],"published":"08\/26\/2014"}