title: Install IPython Notebook updated: 2014-05-23 00:00:00 description: A whip-fast guide to getting started with IPython Notebooks, the best persistent-state REPL out there os: [macosx] tags: [python, scientific] deps: [use-virtualenvwrapper] contributors: ["http://www.github.com/rachelkelly"] Create your virtualenv. If you are using virtualenvwrapper, run: ```sh $ mkvirtualenv ipy ``` This can be any environment name you choose. I call mine `ipy` for brevity. IPython has a bunch of dependencies and it's nice to have them all in ONE place rather than globally throughout your machine. Then use `pip` to install the following. - `jinja2` - `pyzmq` - `tornado` ```sh $ workon ipy $ pip install jinja2 pyzmq tornado ipython ``` Then, to run a local instance of IPython Notebook: ```sh $ ipython notebook ```