#!/usr/bin/env python """ PYTHON BOOT CAMP BREAKOUT3 SOLUTION; created by Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley, 2010 (ucbpythonclass+bootcamp@gmail.com) modified by Katy Huff at UC Berkeley, 2013 """ # First, we want to import datetime, which is a python module for dates # and times and such. import datetime # Next, we want to use datetime.datetime() to create a variable representing # when John Cleese was born. # Note that utcnow() gives the universal time, while .now() gives the # local time. We're ignoring timezone stuff here. born = datetime.datetime(1939, 10, 27) # Then use datetime.datetime.now() to create a variable representing now. now = datetime.datetime.now() # Next, subtract the two, forming a new variable, which will be a # datetime.timedelta() object. cleese_age = now - born # Finally, print that variable. print cleese_age # Grab just the days : print "days John Cleese has been alive : ", cleese_age.days # There is no hours data member, so let's multiply to find the hours : print "hours John Cleese has been alive : ", cleese_age.days * 24 # What will be the date in 1000 days from now? td = datetime.timedelta(days=1000) # Print it. print "in 1000 days it will be ", now + td # this is a datetime object