vim9script import autoload "kg8m/plugin/lsp/servers.vim" import autoload "kg8m/plugin/startify.vim" import autoload "kg8m/util/file.vim" as fileUtil import autoload "kg8m/util/list.vim" as listUtil import autoload "kg8m/util/logger.vim" import autoload "kg8m/util/string.vim" as stringUtil const INVALID_REASONS = { servers_not_enabled: "servers aren't enabled", not_allowed: "automatic formatting isn't allowed", non_target_filepath: "the filepath isn't target", non_target_buftype: "the buffer type isn't target", non_target_filetype: "the filetype isn't target", too_large_filesize: "the buffer is too large", no_server_capability: "servers don't have capability", } final cache = { sid: expand(""), timer: -1, original_format_next: (..._) => { logger.Warn("Overwrite this with original function.") }, } startify.AddToSessionSavevar("b:lsp_document_format_cache") export def OnInsertLeave(): void LazyRun(200) enddef export def OnTextChanged(): void LazyRun(200) enddef export def EnforceAutoFormatting(): void SetBufferCache("force_formatting", true) enddef def LazyRun(delay: number): void timer_stop(cache.timer) cache.timer = timer_start(delay, (_) => TryToRun()) enddef def TryToRun(): void if mode() !=# "n" autocmd ModeChanged ++once LazyRun(50) return endif Run() enddef def Run(): void const validity = ValidateToRun() if !validity.valid LogSkipped(validity.invalid_reason) return endif UseBufferCache("count", 0) UseBufferCache("changedtick", -1) # Disable because organizeImports is sometimes annoying to me. # if IsOrganizeImportsAvailable() # if b:changedtick !=# GetBufferCache("changedtick") # TemporarilyDisableOnTextChanged() # LspCodeActionSync source.organizeImports # endif # endif SetBufferCache("count", GetBufferCache("count") + 1) SetBufferCache("changedtick", b:changedtick) if GetBufferCache("count") ># 100 logger.Warn("Abort document formatting because of 100+ times retries.") Teardown() return endif LspDocumentFormat enddef def Teardown(): void SetBufferCache("count", 0) enddef def UseBufferCache(key: string, initial_value: any): void if !has_key(b:, "lsp_document_format_cache") b:lsp_document_format_cache = {} endif if !has_key(b:lsp_document_format_cache, key) b:lsp_document_format_cache[key] = initial_value endif enddef def GetBufferCache(key: string, fallback_value: any = null): any UseBufferCache(key, fallback_value) return b:lsp_document_format_cache[key] enddef def SetBufferCache(key: string, value: any): void UseBufferCache(key, value) b:lsp_document_format_cache[key] = value enddef def OriginalFormatNext(x: any): void TemporarilyDisableOnTextChanged() cache.original_format_next(x) enddef # Avoid duplicated or infinitely repeated `LspDocumentFormat`. def TemporarilyDisableOnTextChanged(): void set eventignore=TextChanged autocmd SafeState ++once set eventignore= enddef def ValidateToRun(): dict final result = { valid: false, invalid_reason: "" } if !AreServersEnabled() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.servers_not_enabled return result endif if !IsTargetBufferType() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.non_target_buftype return result endif if !IsTargetFiletype() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.non_target_filetype return result endif if !IsValidFilesize() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.too_large_filesize return result endif if !HasServerCapability() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.no_server_capability return result endif if IsAllowed() if !IsTargetFilepath() && !IsForceTargetFilepath() result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.non_target_filepath return result endif else if !IsForceTargetFilepath() if !GetBufferCache("force_formatting") result.invalid_reason = INVALID_REASONS.not_allowed return result endif endif endif result.valid = true return result enddef def AreServersEnabled(): bool return get(b:, "lsp_buffer_enabled", false) enddef def IsAllowed(): bool return $AUTO_FORMATTING_AVAILABLE ==# "1" enddef def IsTargetFilepath(): bool return fileUtil.IsDescendant(expand("%:p")) && !IsIgnoreeFilepath() enddef def IsIgnoreeFilepath(): bool if !has_key(g:, "kg8m#plugin#lsp#document_format#ignoree_pattern") return false endif # Use `getbufinfo()` to get the buffer's absolute path if it isn't saved. return getbufinfo("%")[0].name =~# g:kg8m#plugin#lsp#document_format#ignoree_pattern enddef def IsForceTargetFilepath(): bool if !has_key(g:, "kg8m#plugin#lsp#document_format#force_target_pattern") return false endif # Use `getbufinfo()` to get the buffer's absolute path if it isn't saved. return getbufinfo("%")[0].name =~# g:kg8m#plugin#lsp#document_format#force_target_pattern enddef def IsTargetBufferType(): bool return !stringUtil.StartsWith(bufname(), "ginedit://") enddef def IsTargetFiletype(): bool const global_ignore_filetypes = get(g:, "lsp#document_format_ignore_filetypes", []) if listUtil.Includes(global_ignore_filetypes, &filetype) return false endif const configs = servers.Configs(&filetype) const ShouldNotBeIgnored = (config) => { const ignore_filetypes = get(config, "document_format_ignore_filetypes", []) return !listUtil.Includes(ignore_filetypes, &filetype) } return listUtil.All(configs, ShouldNotBeIgnored) enddef def IsValidFilesize(): bool const current_byte = wordcount().bytes const configs = servers.Configs(&filetype) const IsSmallerThanMaxByte = (config) => current_byte <= get(config, "document_format_max_byte", 9'999'999) return listUtil.All(configs, IsSmallerThanMaxByte) enddef def HasServerCapability(): bool const configs = servers.Configs(&filetype) const capabilities_list = configs->mapnew((_, config) => lsp#get_server_capabilities( const HasCapability = (capabilities) => !!get(capabilities, "documentFormattingProvider", false) return listUtil.Any(capabilities_list, HasCapability) enddef def LogSkipped(invalid_reason: string): void if GetBufferCache("skipped_by", "") !=# invalid_reason SetBufferCache("skipped_by", invalid_reason) logger.Info($"Automatic document formatting is skipped because {invalid_reason}.") endif enddef def IsOrganizeImportsAvailable(): bool const configs = servers.Configs(&filetype) const IsAvailable = (config) => !!get(config, "organize_imports", false) return listUtil.Any(configs, IsAvailable) enddef # If buffer contents change, don't apply result of `LspDocumentFormat` but try to retry. # cf. def OverwriteFormatNext(): void try # Call a dummy function which doesn't exist in order to load target script. lsp#internal#document_formatting#dummy() catch /^Vim:E117: Unknown function:/ # Do nothing endtry const scripts = getscriptinfo({ name: "vim-lsp/autoload/lsp/internal/document_formatting.vim" }) if empty(scripts) logger.Warn("Failed to detect vim-lsp's document_formatting.vim script.") else const lsp_document_formatting_sid = scripts[0].sid const function_name = $"{lsp_document_formatting_sid}_format_next" const new_definition_template =<< trim eval VIM function {function_name}(x) abort let cached_changedtick = {cache.sid}GetBufferCache("changedtick", b:changedtick) if b:changedtick ==# cached_changedtick call {cache.sid}OriginalFormatNext(a:x) call {cache.sid}Teardown() else call kg8m#util#logger#Info("Retry :LspDocumentFormat because the buffer contents changed.") call {cache.sid}TryToRun() endif endfunction VIM const new_definition = new_definition_template->join("\n") cache.original_format_next = funcref(function_name) execute "delfunction" function_name execute new_definition endif enddef OverwriteFormatNext()