vim9script import autoload "kg8m/plugin.vim" import autoload "kg8m/plugin/fzf.vim" import autoload "kg8m/plugin/yankround.vim" # # Also see configs for yankround.vim export def Run(): void const preview_height = max([10, &lines - 60]) # Use `final` instead of `const` because the variable will be changed by fzf final options = { source: Candidates(), sink: Handler, options: [ "--no-multi", "--nth", "2..", "--prompt", "Yank> ", "--tabstop", "1", # Use `echo -E` to show backslashes. "--preview", "echo -E {} | sd '^ *[0-9]+\t' '' | sd '\\\\n' '\n'", "--preview-window", $"down:{preview_height}:wrap:nohidden", ], } fzf#run(fzf#wrap("yank-history", options)) enddef # def Candidates(): list return range(0, len(yankround.Cache()) - 1)->mapnew((_, index) => FormatListItem(index)) enddef def FormatListItem(index: number): string const text = yankround.CacheAndRegtype(index)[0] # Avoid shell's syntax error in fzf's preview const sanitized_text = substitute(text, "\n", "\\\\n", "g") return printf("%3d\t%s", index, sanitized_text) enddef # Overwrite current register `"` export def Handler(yank_item: string): void const index = matchlist(yank_item, '\v^\s*(\d+)\t')[1]->str2nr() const [text, regtype] = yankround.CacheAndRegtype(index) setreg('"', text, regtype) normal! ""p enddef plugin.EnsureSourced("fzf.vim")