vim9script import autoload "kg8m/plugin.vim" import autoload "kg8m/plugin/fzf.vim" import autoload "kg8m/util/string.vim" as stringUtil # Show preview of files with my `preview` command and use my prompt (fzf's `:Files` doesn't use mine) export def Run(): void const options = { options: [ "--prompt", $"{GetCwd()}> ", "--preview", "preview {}", "--preview-window", "down:75%:wrap:nohidden", ], } # fzf#vim#files("", options) enddef def GetCwd(): string # Footer = the last slash and dirname const full_cwd = getcwd() const dirname_width = fnamemodify(full_cwd, ":t")->strdisplaywidth() const max_width = min([dirname_width + 10, 30]) const footer_width = dirname_width + 1 return stringUtil.Truncate(full_cwd, max_width, { footer_width: footer_width }) enddef plugin.EnsureSourced("fzf.vim")