vim9script import autoload "kg8m/util/string.vim" as stringUtil # Sort items by their each priority and filter them that fuzzy match. # Omit items with lower priority. # Remove characters overlapping with following text. export def Callback(options: dict, matches: dict): void const base_matcher = matchstr(options.base, b:asyncomplete_refresh_pattern) var items = [] var startcols = [] if !empty(base_matcher) final context = { matcher: base_matcher, priority: 0, following_text: strpart(getline("."), options.col - 1), cache: {}, } for [source_name, source_matches] in items(matches) var original_length = len(items) # Language server sources have no priority context.priority = get(asyncomplete#get_source_info(source_name), "priority", 0) + 2 items += matchfuzzy( source_matches.items, context.matcher, { text_cb: (item) => MatchfuzzyTextCb(item, context) }, ) if len(items) !=# original_length startcols += [source_matches.startcol] endif endfor if !empty(items) SelectItems(items) DecorateItems(items, context) endif endif # options.startcol = min(startcols) asyncomplete#preprocess_complete(options, items) enddef def MatchfuzzyTextCb(item: dict, context: dict): string if !has_key(item, "priority") item.priority = WordPriority(item.word, context) endif return item.word enddef def SortItems(items: list>): void sort(items, (lhs, rhs) => lhs.priority - rhs.priority) enddef def SelectItems(items: list>): void SortItems(items) if len(items) ># 30 remove(items, 30, -1) endif enddef def DecorateItems(items: list>, context: dict): void var priority_changed = false for item in items if !has_key(item, "overlap_removed") # :h complete-items # item.word: the text that will be inserted, mandatory # item.abbr: abbreviation of "word"; when not empty it is used in the menu instead of "word" item.abbr = item.word item.word = RemoveOverlapWithFollowingText(item.word, context.following_text) # The item may have higher score when overlap has been removed. if item.word !=# item.abbr item.priority = item.priority / 2 priority_changed = true endif item.overlap_removed = true endif endfor if priority_changed SortItems(items) endif enddef def RemoveOverlapWithFollowingText(original_text: string, following_text: string): string const max_index = len(original_text) - 1 var i = 0 while i <=# max_index const tail = strpart(original_text, i) if stringUtil.StartsWith(following_text, tail) return strpart(original_text, 0, i) endif i += 1 endwhile return original_text enddef def WordPriority(word: string, context: dict): number if !has_key(context.cache, word) const target = matchstr(word, '\v\w+.*') const lower_target = tolower(target) const lower_matcher = tolower(context.matcher) if target ==# context.matcher # Ignore candidates exactly matched context.cache[word] = 999 elseif lower_target ==# lower_matcher context.cache[word] = 2 elseif stringUtil.StartsWith(target, context.matcher) context.cache[word] = 3 elseif stringUtil.StartsWith(lower_target, lower_matcher) context.cache[word] = 5 elseif stringUtil.Includes(target, context.matcher) context.cache[word] = 8 elseif stringUtil.Includes(lower_target, lower_matcher) context.cache[word] = 13 else context.cache[word] = 21 endif endif return context.cache[word] * context.priority enddef