vim9script import autoload "kg8m/util/list.vim" as listUtil import autoload "kg8m/util/logger.vim" import autoload "kg8m/util/string.vim" as stringUtil if !isdirectory($VIM_PLUGINS) throw "`$VIM_PLUGINS` is not a directory." endif const PLUGINS_DIRPATH = fnamemodify($VIM_PLUGINS, ":h") const MANAGER_REPOSITORY = "Shougo/dein.vim" # Check remote if the repository is updated within 2 days. const CHECK_REMOTE_THRESHOLD = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 final cache = { on_start_queue: [], } augroup vimrc-plugin autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost * RecachePluginsIfNeeded() autocmd User all_on_start_plugins_sourced ++once : augroup END export def DisableDefaults(): void g:no_vimrc_example = true g:no_gvimrc_example = true g:loaded_gzip = true g:loaded_tar = true g:loaded_tarPlugin = true g:loaded_zip = true g:loaded_zipPlugin = true g:loaded_rrhelper = true g:loaded_vimball = true g:loaded_vimballPlugin = true g:loaded_getscript = true g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = true g:loaded_netrw = true g:loaded_netrwPlugin = true g:loaded_netrwSettings = true g:loaded_netrwFileHandlers = true g:skip_loading_mswin = true g:did_install_syntax_menu = true # MacVim's features, e.g., `Command` + `v` to paste, are broken if setting this # g:did_install_default_menus = true enddef export def InitManager(): void const manager_path = $"{PLUGINS_DIRPATH}/repos/{MANAGER_REPOSITORY}" if !isdirectory(manager_path) echo "Installing plugin manager..." system($"git clone{MANAGER_REPOSITORY} {manager_path}") endif &runtimepath ..= $",{manager_path}" dein#begin(PLUGINS_DIRPATH) Register(MANAGER_REPOSITORY, { if: false }) augroup kg8m-plugin autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * timer_start(100, (_) => DequeueOnStart()) augroup END g:dein#install_check_diff = true g:dein#install_check_remote_threshold = CHECK_REMOTE_THRESHOLD g:dein#install_github_api_token = $DEIN_INSTALL_GITHUB_API_TOKEN # Disable copying files via Vim's `readfile()` and `writefile()` because it is too slow. g:dein#install_copy_vim = false # Decrease max processes because too many requests sometimes get refused by GitHub. # Don't use `1` because it causes busy loop. g:dein#install_max_processes = 2 # With `--filter=blob:none` g:dein#types#git#enable_partial_clone = true # Default: "pull --ff --ff-only" g:dein#types#git#pull_command = "pull" enddef export def FinishSetup(): void dein#end() enddef export def Register(repository: string, options: dict = {}): bool var enabled = true if has_key(options, "merged") if options.merged && has_key(options, "if") logger.Warn("Don't use `merged: true` with `if` option because merged plugins are always loaded") endif else options.merged = !has_key(options, "if") endif if !get(options, "if", true) # Don't load but fetch the plugin options.rtp = "" remove(options, "if") enabled = false endif # Skip dein.vim's unnecessary parsing if !has_key(options, "name") = fnamemodify(repository, ":t") endif if !has_key(options, "normalized_name") options.normalized_name = endif if !has_key(options, "lazy") options.lazy = false endif if get(options, "on_start", false) remove(options, "on_start") add(cache.on_start_queue, endif dein#add(repository, options) return dein#tap(options.normalized_name) && enabled enddef export def Configure(config: dict): dict if get(config, "lazy", false) config.merged = false endif if get(config, "on_start", false) remove(config, "on_start") add(cache.on_start_queue, endif return dein#config(config) enddef export def Unregister(plugin_name_or_names: any): void dein#disable(plugin_name_or_names) enddef export def GetInfo(plugin_name: string = ""): any if empty(plugin_name) return dein#get() else return dein#get(plugin_name) endif enddef export def InstallableExists(plugin_names: list = []): bool if empty(plugin_names) return !!dein#check_install() else return !!dein#check_install(plugin_names) endif enddef export def Install(plugin_names: list = []): void if empty(plugin_names) dein#install() else dein#install(plugin_names) endif enddef export def Source(plugin_name: string): void dein#source(plugin_name) enddef export def IsSourced(plugin_name: string): bool return !!dein#is_sourced(plugin_name) enddef # Manually source a plugin because of some reasons, e.g., dein.vim's `on_func` feature is not available in Vim9 script. # Vim9 script doesn't support `FuncUndefined` event: export def EnsureSourced(plugin_name: string): void if !IsSourced(plugin_name) Source(plugin_name) endif enddef export def AllRuntimepath(): string const current = &runtimepath->split(",") const plugins = GetInfo() ->values() ->listUtil.FilterMap((plugin) => empty(plugin.rtp) ? false : plugin.rtp) return listUtil.Union(current, plugins)->join(",") enddef export def RecacheRuntimepath(): void EnableDisabledPlugins() dein#recache_runtimepath() enddef export def EnableDisabledPlugins(): void for plugin in DisabledPlugins() final options = copy(plugin.orig_opts) remove(options, "rtp") Unregister( Register(plugin.repo, options) endfor enddef export def DisabledPlugins(): list> return GetInfo()->values()->filter((_, plugin) => empty(plugin.rtp)) enddef # Source lazily but early to optimize sourcing many plugins def DequeueOnStart(): void if empty(cache.on_start_queue) doautocmd User all_on_start_plugins_sourced else const plugin_name = remove(cache.on_start_queue, 0) timer_start(100, (_) => SourceOnStart(plugin_name)) endif enddef def SourceOnStart(plugin_name: string): void EnsureSourced(plugin_name) DequeueOnStart() enddef export def AreAllOnStartPluginsSourced(): bool return empty(cache.on_start_queue) enddef def RecachePluginsIfNeeded(): void if stringUtil.StartsWith(getcwd(), $VIM_PLUGINS) RecacheRuntimepath() # Use timer because synchronous messages are hidden by Vim's default written message on `BufWritePost` event. timer_start(100, (_) => logger.Info("Runtimepath recached!!")) endif enddef