#!/bin/bash BASE=/var/tmp/cb-uuid-system mkdir $BASE cd $BASE # clone CB git clone git://github.com/evanmiller/ChicagoBoss.git ln -s ChicagoBoss CB # clone the forked boss_db cd CB mkdir deps cd deps git clone git://github.com/kevinmontuori/boss_db.git cd boss_db git checkout explicit-keytype-2 # build 'er up. cd $BASE/CB make # the keytest app cd $BASE git clone git://github.com/kevinmontuori/cb-keytest.git keytest # assuming the user can psql as a superuser without creds: cd $BASE/keytest psql --file=priv/setup-pgsql-db.sql # setup the test schema export PGPASSWORD=keytest_pass psql --file=priv/keytest-schema.sql --username=keytest_user --dbname=keytest_db