/* selectivizr v1.0.3b - (c) Keith Clark, freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license. selectivizr.com */ /* Notes about this source ----------------------- * The #DEBUG_START and #DEBUG_END comments are used to mark blocks of code that will be removed prior to building a final release version (using a pre-compression script) References: ----------- * CSS Syntax : http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-css3-syntax-20030813/#style * Selectors : http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#selectors * IE Compatability : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc351024(VS.85).aspx * W3C Selector Tests : http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Selectors/current/html/tests/ */ (function(win) { // Determine IE version and stop execution if browser isn't IE. This // handles the script being loaded by non IE browsers because the // developer didn't use conditional comments. var ieUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+)/); if (!ieUserAgent) { return false; } // =========================== Init Objects ============================ var doc = document; var root = doc.documentElement; var xhr = getXHRObject(); var ieVersion = ieUserAgent[1]; // If were not in standards mode, IE is too old / new or we can't create // an XMLHttpRequest object then we should get out now. if (doc.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat' || ieVersion<6 || ieVersion>8 || !xhr) { return; } // ========================= Common Objects ============================ // Compatiable selector engines in order of CSS3 support. Note: '*' is // a placholder for the object key name. (basically, crude compression) var selectorEngines = { "NW" : "*.Dom.select", "MooTools" : "$$", "DOMAssistant" : "*.$", "Prototype" : "$$", "YAHOO" : "*.util.Selector.query", "Sizzle" : "*", "jQuery" : "*", "dojo" : "*.query" }; var selectorMethod; var enabledWatchers = []; // array of :enabled/:disabled elements to poll var domPatches = []; var ie6PatchID = 0; // used to solve ie6's multiple class bug var patchIE6MultipleClasses = true; // if true adds class bloat to ie6 var namespace = "slvzr"; // Stylesheet parsing regexp's var RE_COMMENT = /(\/\*[^*]*\*+([^\/][^*]*\*+)*\/)\s*?/g; var RE_IMPORT = /@import\s*(?:(?:(?:url\(\s*(['"]?)(.*)\1)\s*\))|(?:(['"])(.*)\3))\s*([^;]*);/g; var RE_ASSET_URL = /(behavior\s*?:\s*)?\burl\(\s*(["']?)(?!data:)([^"')]+)\2\s*\)/g; var RE_PSEUDO_STRUCTURAL = /^:(empty|(first|last|only|nth(-last)?)-(child|of-type))$/; var RE_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS = /:(:first-(?:line|letter))/g; var RE_SELECTOR_GROUP = /((?:^|(?:\s*})+)(?:\s*@media[^{]+{)?)\s*([^\{]*?[\[:][^{]+)/g; var RE_SELECTOR_PARSE = /([ +~>])|(:[a-z-]+(?:\(.*?\)+)?)|(\[.*?\])/g; var RE_LIBRARY_INCOMPATIBLE_PSEUDOS = /(:not\()?:(hover|enabled|disabled|focus|checked|target|active|visited|first-line|first-letter)\)?/g; var RE_PATCH_CLASS_NAME_REPLACE = /[^\w-]/g; // HTML UI element regexp's var RE_INPUT_ELEMENTS = /^(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON)$/; var RE_INPUT_CHECKABLE_TYPES = /^(checkbox|radio)$/; // Broken attribute selector implementations (IE7/8 native [^=""], [$=""] and [*=""]) var BROKEN_ATTR_IMPLEMENTATIONS = ieVersion>6 ? /[\$\^*]=(['"])\1/ : null; // Whitespace normalization regexp's var RE_TIDY_TRAILING_WHITESPACE = /([(\[+~])\s+/g; var RE_TIDY_LEADING_WHITESPACE = /\s+([)\]+~])/g; var RE_TIDY_CONSECUTIVE_WHITESPACE = /\s+/g; var RE_TIDY_TRIM_WHITESPACE = /^\s*((?:[\S\s]*\S)?)\s*$/; // String constants var EMPTY_STRING = ""; var SPACE_STRING = " "; var PLACEHOLDER_STRING = "$1"; // =========================== Patching ================================ // --[ patchStyleSheet() ]---------------------------------------------- // Scans the passed cssText for selectors that require emulation and // creates one or more patches for each matched selector. function patchStyleSheet( cssText ) { return cssText.replace(RE_PSEUDO_ELEMENTS, PLACEHOLDER_STRING). replace(RE_SELECTOR_GROUP, function(m, prefix, selectorText) { var selectorGroups = selectorText.split(","); for (var c = 0, cs = selectorGroups.length; c < cs; c++) { var selector = normalizeSelectorWhitespace(selectorGroups[c]) + SPACE_STRING; var patches = []; selectorGroups[c] = selector.replace(RE_SELECTOR_PARSE, function(match, combinator, pseudo, attribute, index) { if (combinator) { if (patches.length>0) { domPatches.push( { selector: selector.substring(0, index), patches: patches } ) patches = []; } return combinator; } else { var patch = (pseudo) ? patchPseudoClass( pseudo ) : patchAttribute( attribute ); if (patch) { patches.push(patch); return "." + patch.className; } return match; } } ); } return prefix + selectorGroups.join(","); }); }; // --[ patchAttribute() ]----------------------------------------------- // returns a patch for an attribute selector. function patchAttribute( attr ) { return (!BROKEN_ATTR_IMPLEMENTATIONS || BROKEN_ATTR_IMPLEMENTATIONS.test(attr)) ? { className: createClassName(attr), applyClass: true } : null; }; // --[ patchPseudoClass() ]--------------------------------------------- // returns a patch for a pseudo-class function patchPseudoClass( pseudo ) { var applyClass = true; var className = createClassName(pseudo.slice(1)); var isNegated = pseudo.substring(0, 5) == ":not("; var activateEventName; var deactivateEventName; // if negated, remove :not() if (isNegated) { pseudo = pseudo.slice(5, -1); } // bracket contents are irrelevant - remove them var bracketIndex = pseudo.indexOf("(") if (bracketIndex > -1) { pseudo = pseudo.substring(0, bracketIndex); } // check we're still dealing with a pseudo-class if (pseudo.charAt(0) == ":") { switch (pseudo.slice(1)) { case "root": applyClass = function(e) { return isNegated ? e != root : e == root; } break; case "target": // :target is only supported in IE8 if (ieVersion == 8) { applyClass = function(e) { var handler = function() { var hash = location.hash; var hashID = hash.slice(1); return isNegated ? (hash == EMPTY_STRING || e.id != hashID) : (hash != EMPTY_STRING && e.id == hashID); }; addEvent( win, "hashchange", function() { toggleElementClass(e, className, handler()); }) return handler(); } break; } return false; case "checked": applyClass = function(e) { if (RE_INPUT_CHECKABLE_TYPES.test(e.type)) { addEvent( e, "propertychange", function() { if (event.propertyName == "checked") { toggleElementClass( e, className, e.checked !== isNegated ); } }) } return e.checked !== isNegated; } break; case "disabled": isNegated = !isNegated; case "enabled": applyClass = function(e) { if (RE_INPUT_ELEMENTS.test(e.tagName)) { addEvent( e, "propertychange", function() { if (event.propertyName == "$disabled") { toggleElementClass( e, className, e.$disabled === isNegated ); } }); enabledWatchers.push(e); e.$disabled = e.disabled; return e.disabled === isNegated; } return pseudo == ":enabled" ? isNegated : !isNegated; } break; case "focus": activateEventName = "focus"; deactivateEventName = "blur"; case "hover": if (!activateEventName) { activateEventName = "mouseenter"; deactivateEventName = "mouseleave"; } applyClass = function(e) { addEvent( e, isNegated ? deactivateEventName : activateEventName, function() { toggleElementClass( e, className, true ); }) addEvent( e, isNegated ? activateEventName : deactivateEventName, function() { toggleElementClass( e, className, false ); }) return isNegated; } break; // everything else default: // If we don't support this pseudo-class don't create // a patch for it if (!RE_PSEUDO_STRUCTURAL.test(pseudo)) { return false; } break; } } return { className: className, applyClass: applyClass }; }; // --[ applyPatches() ]------------------------------------------------- function applyPatches() { var elms, selectorText, patches, domSelectorText; for (var c=0; c<domPatches.length; c++) { selectorText = domPatches[c].selector; patches = domPatches[c].patches; // Although some selector libraries can find :checked :enabled etc. // we need to find all elements that could have that state because // it can be changed by the user. domSelectorText = selectorText.replace(RE_LIBRARY_INCOMPATIBLE_PSEUDOS, EMPTY_STRING); // If the dom selector equates to an empty string or ends with // whitespace then we need to append a universal selector (*) to it. if (domSelectorText == EMPTY_STRING || domSelectorText.charAt(domSelectorText.length - 1) == SPACE_STRING) { domSelectorText += "*"; } // Ensure we catch errors from the selector library try { elms = selectorMethod( domSelectorText ); } catch (ex) { // #DEBUG_START log( "Selector '" + selectorText + "' threw exception '" + ex + "'" ); // #DEBUG_END } if (elms) { for (var d = 0, dl = elms.length; d < dl; d++) { var elm = elms[d]; var cssClasses = elm.className; for (var f = 0, fl = patches.length; f < fl; f++) { var patch = patches[f]; if (!hasPatch(elm, patch)) { if (patch.applyClass && (patch.applyClass === true || patch.applyClass(elm) === true)) { cssClasses = toggleClass(cssClasses, patch.className, true ); } } } elm.className = cssClasses; } } } }; // --[ hasPatch() ]----------------------------------------------------- // checks for the exsistence of a patch on an element function hasPatch( elm, patch ) { return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + patch.className + "(\\s|$)").test(elm.className); }; // =========================== Utility ================================= function createClassName( className ) { return namespace + "-" + ((ieVersion == 6 && patchIE6MultipleClasses) ? ie6PatchID++ : className.replace(RE_PATCH_CLASS_NAME_REPLACE, function(a) { return a.charCodeAt(0) })); }; // --[ log() ]---------------------------------------------------------- // #DEBUG_START function log( message ) { if (win.console) { win.console.log(message); } }; // #DEBUG_END // --[ trim() ]--------------------------------------------------------- // removes leading, trailing whitespace from a string function trim( text ) { return text.replace(RE_TIDY_TRIM_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING); }; // --[ normalizeWhitespace() ]------------------------------------------ // removes leading, trailing and consecutive whitespace from a string function normalizeWhitespace( text ) { return trim(text).replace(RE_TIDY_CONSECUTIVE_WHITESPACE, SPACE_STRING); }; // --[ normalizeSelectorWhitespace() ]---------------------------------- // tidies whitespace around selector brackets and combinators function normalizeSelectorWhitespace( selectorText ) { return normalizeWhitespace(selectorText. replace(RE_TIDY_TRAILING_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING). replace(RE_TIDY_LEADING_WHITESPACE, PLACEHOLDER_STRING) ); }; // --[ toggleElementClass() ]------------------------------------------- // toggles a single className on an element function toggleElementClass( elm, className, on ) { var oldClassName = elm.className; var newClassName = toggleClass(oldClassName, className, on); if (newClassName != oldClassName) { elm.className = newClassName; elm.parentNode.className += EMPTY_STRING; } }; // --[ toggleClass() ]-------------------------------------------------- // adds / removes a className from a string of classNames. Used to // manage multiple class changes without forcing a DOM redraw function toggleClass( classList, className, on ) { var re = RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); var classExists = re.test(classList); if (on) { return classExists ? classList : classList + SPACE_STRING + className; } else { return classExists ? trim(classList.replace(re, PLACEHOLDER_STRING)) : classList; } }; // --[ addEvent() ]----------------------------------------------------- function addEvent(elm, eventName, eventHandler) { elm.attachEvent("on" + eventName, eventHandler); }; // --[ getXHRObject() ]------------------------------------------------- function getXHRObject() { if (win.XMLHttpRequest) { return new XMLHttpRequest; } try { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(e) { return null; } }; // --[ loadStyleSheet() ]----------------------------------------------- function loadStyleSheet( url ) { xhr.open("GET", url, false); xhr.send(); return (xhr.status==200) ? xhr.responseText : EMPTY_STRING; }; // --[ resolveUrl() ]--------------------------------------------------- // Converts a URL fragment to a fully qualified URL using the specified // context URL. Returns null if same-origin policy is broken function resolveUrl( url, contextUrl, ignoreSameOriginPolicy ) { function getProtocol( url ) { return url.substring(0, url.indexOf("//")); }; function getProtocolAndHost( url ) { return url.substring(0, url.indexOf("/", 8)); }; if (!contextUrl) { contextUrl = baseUrl; } // protocol-relative path if (url.substring(0,2)=="//") { url = getProtocol(contextUrl) + url; } // absolute path if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(url)) { return !ignoreSameOriginPolicy && getProtocolAndHost(contextUrl) != getProtocolAndHost(url) ? null : url ; } // root-relative path if (url.charAt(0)=="/") { return getProtocolAndHost(contextUrl) + url; } // relative path var contextUrlPath = contextUrl.split(/[?#]/)[0]; // ignore query string in the contextUrl if (url.charAt(0) != "?" && contextUrlPath.charAt(contextUrlPath.length - 1) != "/") { contextUrlPath = contextUrlPath.substring(0, contextUrlPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } return contextUrlPath + url; }; // --[ parseStyleSheet() ]---------------------------------------------- // Downloads the stylesheet specified by the URL, removes it's comments // and recursivly replaces @import rules with their contents, ultimately // returning the full cssText. function parseStyleSheet( url ) { if (url) { return loadStyleSheet(url).replace(RE_COMMENT, EMPTY_STRING). replace(RE_IMPORT, function( match, quoteChar, importUrl, quoteChar2, importUrl2, media ) { var cssText = parseStyleSheet(resolveUrl(importUrl || importUrl2, url)); return (media) ? "@media " + media + " {" + cssText + "}" : cssText; }). replace(RE_ASSET_URL, function( match, isBehavior, quoteChar, assetUrl ) { quoteChar = quoteChar || EMPTY_STRING; return isBehavior ? match : " url(" + quoteChar + resolveUrl(assetUrl, url, true) + quoteChar + ") "; }); } return EMPTY_STRING; }; // --[ getStyleSheets() ]----------------------------------------------- function getStyleSheets() { var url, stylesheet; for (var c = 0; c < doc.styleSheets.length; c++) { stylesheet = doc.styleSheets[c]; if (stylesheet.href != EMPTY_STRING) { url = resolveUrl(stylesheet.href); if (url) { stylesheet.cssText = stylesheet["rawCssText"] = patchStyleSheet( parseStyleSheet( url ) ); } } } }; // --[ init() ]--------------------------------------------------------- function init() { applyPatches(); // :enabled & :disabled polling script (since we can't hook // onpropertychange event when an element is disabled) if (enabledWatchers.length > 0) { setInterval( function() { for (var c = 0, cl = enabledWatchers.length; c < cl; c++) { var e = enabledWatchers[c]; if (e.disabled !== e.$disabled) { if (e.disabled) { e.disabled = false; e.$disabled = true; e.disabled = true; } else { e.$disabled = e.disabled; } } } }, 250) } }; // Determine the baseUrl and download the stylesheets var baseTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("BASE"); var baseUrl = (baseTags.length > 0) ? baseTags[0].href : doc.location.href; getStyleSheets(); // Bind selectivizr to the ContentLoaded event. ContentLoaded(win, function() { // Determine the "best fit" selector engine for (var engine in selectorEngines) { var members, member, context = win; if (win[engine]) { members = selectorEngines[engine].replace("*", engine).split("."); while ((member = members.shift()) && (context = context[member])) {} if (typeof context == "function") { selectorMethod = context; init(); return; } } } }); /*! * ContentLoaded.js by Diego Perini, modified for IE<9 only (to save space) * * Author: Diego Perini (diego.perini at gmail.com) * Summary: cross-browser wrapper for DOMContentLoaded * Updated: 20101020 * License: MIT * Version: 1.2 * * URL: * http://javascript.nwbox.com/ContentLoaded/ * http://javascript.nwbox.com/ContentLoaded/MIT-LICENSE * */ // @w window reference // @f function reference function ContentLoaded(win, fn) { var done = false, top = true, init = function(e) { if (e.type == "readystatechange" && doc.readyState != "complete") return; (e.type == "load" ? win : doc).detachEvent("on" + e.type, init, false); if (!done && (done = true)) fn.call(win, e.type || e); }, poll = function() { try { root.doScroll("left"); } catch(e) { setTimeout(poll, 50); return; } init('poll'); }; if (doc.readyState == "complete") fn.call(win, EMPTY_STRING); else { if (doc.createEventObject && root.doScroll) { try { top = !win.frameElement; } catch(e) { } if (top) poll(); } addEvent(doc,"readystatechange", init); addEvent(win,"load", init); } }; })(this);