scriptencoding utf-8 " " Concepts: " - Can use this for windows, mac, linux " - Speed is most important " " XXX: special constants let s:debug= get(g:, 'debug', 0) " disable mswin.vim let g:skip_loading_mswin= 1 " constants for using .vimrc let s:systype= has('win64') || has('win32') || has('win16') || has('win95') \ ? 'windows' \ : 'linux' let s:tmpdir= expand('~/.tmp/vim/') augroup gyokuro autocmd! augroup END syntax on if s:systype ==# 'windows' set encoding=utf8 termencoding=cp932 fileformats=unix,dos,mac else set encoding=utf8 termencoding=utf8 fileformats=unix,dos,mac endif if exists('+shellslash') set shellslash endif set number norelativenumber set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab smarttab set autoindent smartindent set showmatch " set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,] set whichwrap=b,s set backspace=indent,eol,start set nowrapscan set nowrap set title set textwidth=0 set backup set writebackup let &backupdir= s:tmpdir . 'backup/,.' set swapfile let &directory= s:tmpdir . 'swap/,.' if has('persistent_undo') let &undodir= s:tmpdir . 'undo/' set undofile endif if exists('&ambiwidth') set ambiwidth=double endif set fileencodings=utf-8,cp932,euc-jp,iso-2022-jp,default,latin set hlsearch set incsearch set ignorecase smartcase set laststatus=2 set updatetime=500 set cmdheight=2 if has('conceal') set conceallevel=0 set concealcursor= endif " disable tag completion since it's too slow set complete=.,w,b,u set completeopt=menuone " no beep set visualbell t_vb= " don't move cursor when and and... set nostartofline set wildmode=longest:full,full wildmenu set t_Co=256 set viminfo='20,<100 set history=50 set ruler " auot-read file when it's modified by outside set autoread autocmd gyokuro WinEnter * checktime set list listchars=tab:^I,trail:. if executable('ag') let &grepprg= 'ag -n $*' elseif executable('jvgrep') let &grepprg= 'jvgrep $*' elseif executable('pt') let &grepprg= 'pt' endif if has('vim_starting') set runtimepath+=$HOME/dotfiles/hariti/ runtime plugin/hariti.vim endif HaritiSetup if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'ref', 0) let g:ref_use_vimproc= 1 let g:ref_jscore_path= '' let g:ref_jsdom_path= '' let g:ref_html_path= $HOME . '/documents/vim-ref-doc/' let g:ref_html5_path= $HOME . '/documents/vim-ref-doc/' endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'memolist', 0) let g:memolist_path= expand('~/documents/memo/') let g:memolist_memo_suffix= 'mkd' " date format (default %Y-%m-%d %H:%M) let g:memolist_memo_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" let g:memolist_unite= 1 let g:memolist_unite_option= '' " let g:memolist_unite_source= 'file_rec/async' let g:memolist_template_content= [] nnoremap g,c :MemoNew=strftime('%H%M%S') nnoremap g,t :tabnew:MemoNew=strftime('%H%M%S') nnoremap g,l :MemoList nnoremap g,g :MemoGrep endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'open-browser', 0) let g:netrw_nogx= 1 " disable netrw's gx mapping. let g:openbrowser_browser_commands= [ \ { \ 'name': 'firefox', \ 'args': ['{browser}', '{uri}'], \ }, \] nmap gx (openbrowser-smart-search) vmap gx (openbrowser-smart-search) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'quickrun', 0) let g:quickrun_config= get(g:, 'quickrun_config', {}) let g:quickrun_config['_']= { \ 'runner' : 'vimproc', \ 'runner/vimproc/sleep' : 50, \ 'runner/vimproc/updatetime' : 100, \ 'outputter/buffer/close_on_empty': 1, \} let g:quickrun_config['perl']= { \ 'type' : 'perl', \ 'outputter' : 'buffer', \ 'outputter/close_on_empty' : 1, \} let g:quickrun_config['vimwiki']= { \ 'type' : 'vimwiki', \ 'outputter' : 'buffer', \ 'outputter/close_on_empty' : 1, \ 'command' : $HOME.'/local/markdown/1.0.1/', \} let g:quickrun_config['perl6']= { \ 'type' : 'perl6', \ 'outputter' : 'buffer', \ 'outputter/close_on_empty' : 1, \ 'command' : $HOME.'/perl6.rakudo/rakudo/perl6', \} let g:quickrun_config['markdown']= { \ 'type': 'markdown', \ 'outputter': 'browser', \ 'command': expand('~/local/markdown/1.0.1/'), \} let g:quickrun_config['cpp']= { \ 'type': 'cpp', \ 'outputter': 'buffer', \ 'command': expand('~/local/gcc/default/bin/g++'), \ 'runner': 'vimproc', \ 'cmdopt': '-std=c++11 -Wall', \} let g:quickrun_config['sql/psql']= { \ 'type': 'sql/psql', \ 'command': 'psql', \ 'cmdopt': ['--host=localhost', '--port=5432', '--username=postgres', '--dbname=test'], \} if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'watchdogs', 0) let g:watchdogs_check_CursorHold_enables= { \ 'java': 0, \} let g:watchdogs_check_BufWritePost_enables= { \ 'java': 0, \} let g:quickrun_config['java/watchdogs_checker']= {'type': 'watchdogs_checker/javac'} let g:quickrun_config['watchdogs_checker/javac']= { \ 'command': '$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac', \ 'cmdopt': join([ \ '-Xlint:all', \ '-d $TEMP', \ '-sourcepath "%{javaclasspath#source_path()}"', \ '-classpath "%{javaclasspath#classpath()}"', \ '-deprecation', \ ]), \ 'exec': '%c %o %S', \ 'errorformat': '%tarning: %m,%-G%*\d error,%-G%*\d warnings,%f:%l: %trror: %m,%f:%l: %tarning: %m,%+G%.%#', \} " :help errorformat-javac " \ 'errorformat': '%A%f:%l: %m,%-Z%p^,%+C%.%#,%-G%.%#', endif endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'clang_complete', 0) " let g:clang_exec= $HOME . '/local/bin/clang++' let g:clang_complete_auto= 0 let g:clang_auto_select= 0 let g:clang_close_preview= 0 let g:clang_use_library= 1 " let g:clang_library_path= $HOME . '/local/lib/' " let g:clang_user_options= '-std=c++11 -fms-extensions --fgnu-runtime' " one of {alpha, priority, none} let g:clang_sort_algo= 'alpha' let g:clang_complete_macros= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'neosnippet', 0) let g:neosnippet#snippets_directory= $HOME.'/.snippet/' let g:neosnippet#disable_runtime_snippets= { \ '_': 1, \} " super tab emu. imap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : "\" smap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : "\" endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'nerdtree', 0) nnoremap nt :NERDTreeToggle endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'ref', 0) let g:ref_no_default_key_mappings= 1 let g:ref_perldoc_complete_head= 1 " overwrite nmap K mapping#ref('normal') vmap K mapping#ref('visual') autocmd gyokuro FileType ref call s:init_ref_buf() function! s:init_ref_buf() nnoremap q c endfunction endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'tagbar', 0) let g:tagbar_left= 1 let g:tagbar_autoclose= 1 let g:tagbar_autofocus= 1 let g:tagbar_show_visibility= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'submode', 0) call submode#enter_with('winsize', 'n', '', '>', '>') call submode#enter_with('winsize', 'n', '', '<', '<') call submode#enter_with('winsize', 'n', '', '-', '-') call submode#enter_with('winsize', 'n', '', '+', '+') call submode#map('winsize', 'n', '', '>', '>') call submode#map('winsize', 'n', '', '<', '<') call submode#map('winsize', 'n', '', '-', '-') call submode#map('winsize', 'n', '', '+', '+') endif " TODO: Purge unite if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'unite', 0) let g:unite_data_directory= s:tmpdir . '/unite/' if executable('ag') let g:unite_source_grep_command= 'ag' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts= '--nogroup --nocolor' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt= '' endif endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'gist', 0) " Only :w! updates a gist. let g:gist_update_on_write = 2 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'TweetVim', 0) let g:tweetvim_tweet_per_page= 200 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'vimconsole', 0) let g:vimconsole#height= 20 let g:vimconsole#maximum_caching_objects_count= 10000 nnoremap vc :callvimconsole#wintoggle() function! s:configure_vimconsole() nmap (vimconsole_redraw) nmap (vimconsole_clear) endfunction autocmd gyokuro BufEnter * call s:configure_vimconsole() endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'textobj-between', 0) let g:textobj_between_no_default_key_mappings= 1 " omap iF (textobj-between-i) omap aF (textobj-between-a) vmap iF (textobj-between-i) vmap aF (textobj-between-a) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'choosewin', 0) nmap (choosewin) let g:choosewin_overlay_enable= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'quickhl', 0) nmap h (quickhl-cword-toggle) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'altercmd', 0) call altercmd#load() AlterCommand perldoc Ref perldoc AlterCommand unite Unite AlterCommand ref Unite ref AlterCommand man Ref man " git-statusのように区切り文字入れたい AlterCommand gits[tatus] Gstatus AlterCommand gitd[iff] Gdiff AlterCommand gitb[lame] Gblame endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'j6uil', 0) let g:J6uil_updatetime= 500 let g:J6uil_display_icon= 1 let g:J6uil_echo_presence= 0 nnoremap l :call ctrlp#init(ctrlp#j6uil#rooms#id()) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'javaclasspath', 0) let g:javaclasspath_config= get(g:, 'javaclasspath_config', {}) let g:javaclasspath_config.standard= get(g:javaclasspath_config, 'standard', {}) let g:javaclasspath_config.standard.libs= get(g:javaclasspath_config.standard, 'libs', []) + [{'path': 'lib/tools.jar'}] let g:javaclasspath_enable_auto_analyze= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'alti', 0) let g:alti_prompt_mappings= get(g:, 'alti_prompt_mappings', {}) let g:alti_prompt_mappings['PrtSelectMove("j")']= [''] let g:alti_prompt_mappings['PrtSelectMove("k")']= [''] let g:alti_prompt_mappings['PrtSelectMove("k")']= [''] let g:alti_prompt_mappings['PrtSelectInsert()']= [''] endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'calendar', 0) let g:calendar_google_calendar= 1 let g:calendar_google_task= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'komadori', 0) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'ctrlp', 0) let g:ctrlp_map= '' let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode= 'rw' let g:ctrlp_use_caching= 1 let g:ctrlp_user_command= { \ 'types': { \ 1: ['.git', 'cd %s && git ls-files'], \ 2: ['.hg', 'hg --cwd %s locate -I .'], \ }, \ 'fallback': 'find %s -type f', \} let g:ctrlp_match_window= 'min:1,max:20' let g:ctrlp_prompt_mappings= { \ 'PrtBS()': [''], \ 'PrtDelete()': [''], \ 'PrtDeleteWord()': [''], \ 'PrtClear()': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("j")': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("k")': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("t")': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("b")': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("u")': [''], \ 'PrtSelectMove("d")': [''], \ 'PrtHistory(-1)': [], \ 'PrtHistory(1)': [], \ 'AcceptSelection("e")': ['', '<2-LeftMouse>'], \ 'AcceptSelection("h")': ['', '', ''], \ 'AcceptSelection("t")': [''], \ 'AcceptSelection("v")': [''], \ 'ToggleFocus()': [''], \ 'ToggleRegex()': [''], \ 'ToggleByFname()': [''], \ 'ToggleType(1)': ['', ''], \ 'ToggleType(-1)': ['', ''], \ 'PrtExpandDir()': [''], \ 'PrtInsert("c")': ['', ''], \ 'PrtInsert()': [''], \ 'PrtCurStart()': [''], \ 'PrtCurEnd()': [''], \ 'PrtCurLeft()': ['', '', ''], \ 'PrtCurRight()': ['', ''], \ 'PrtClearCache()': [''], \ 'PrtDeleteEnt()': [''], \ 'CreateNewFile()': [''], \ 'MarkToOpen()': [''], \ 'OpenMulti()': [''], \ 'PrtExit()': ['', '', ''], \} " mapping for standard extensions nnoremap pp :CtrlP nnoremap pbu :CtrlPBuffer nnoremap pbt :CtrlPBufTag nnoremap pm :CtrlPMRU if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'ctrlp-gist', 0) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'qiita', 0) endif endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'geeknote', 0) let g:GeeknoteFormat= 'markdown' let g:GeeknoteExplorerWidth= float2nr(&columns * 0.2) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'previm', 0) let g:previm_enable_realtime= 1 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'operator-replace', 0) map _ (operator-replace) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'committia', 0) let g:committia_open_only_vim_starting= 0 endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'incsearch', 0) map / (incsearch-forward) map ? (incsearch-backward) map g/ (incsearch-stay) endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'jedi', 0) autocmd gyokuro FileType python let b:did_ftplugin= 1 let g:jedi#auto_initialization= 1 let g:jedi#popup_select_first= 0 let g:jedi#popup_on_dot= 0 let g:jedi#rename_command= "R" let g:jedi#show_call_signatures= 2 endif " if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'unite-javaimport', 0) " function! neobundle#hooks.on_source(bundle) " let g:javaimport_config.exclude_packages= [ " \ 'java.lang', " \ '', " \ 'com.sun.accessibility', " \ 'com.sun.activation', " \ 'com.sun.awt', " \ 'com.sun.beans', " \ 'com.sun.corba', " \ 'com.sun.demo', " \ 'com.sun.image', " \ 'com.sun.imageio', " \ 'com.sun.istack', " \ '', " \ 'com.sun.java_cup', " \ 'com.sun.jmx', " \ 'com.sun.jndi', " \ '', " \ '', " \ 'com.sun.naming', " \ '', " \ 'com.sun.nio', " \ '', " \ 'com.sun.rmi', " \ 'sun', " \ 'sunw', " \] " endfunction " endif if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'textmanip', 0) vmap (textmanip-move-left) vmap (textmanip-move-down) vmap (textmanip-move-up) vmap (textmanip-move-right) endif " automatically make directory when write file autocmd gyokuro BufWritePre * call s:auto_mkdir(expand(':p:h'), v:cmdbang) function! s:auto_mkdir(dir, force) if !isdirectory(a:dir) && a:force call mkdir(iconv(a:dir, &encoding, &termencoding), 'p') endif endfunction " auto open qfix window when make " command! -nargs=* Make make | cwindow 3 " " autocmd gyokuro QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow " autocmd gyokuro QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow command! \ -nargs=* -complete=command \ AllMaps \ map | map! | lmap command! \ -nargs=+ -complete=command \ Capture \ call s:cmd_capture() function! s:cmd_capture(q_args) call unite#start([['output', a:q_args]]) " redir => output " silent execute a:q_args " redir END " let output= substitute(output, '^\n\+', '', '') " belowright new " silent file `=printf('[Capture: %s]', a:q_args)` " setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=unload noswapfile nobuflisted " call setline(1, split(output, '\n')) endfunction if has('perl') function! PerlModuleOf(module) let incpath= system('perl -e "$,= q/,/; print @INC"') let relpath= substitute(a:module, '::', '/', 'g') . '.pm' return globpath(incpath, relpath) endfunction endif command! \ MakeTags \ silent execute '!ctags -R &' | redraw! function! s:toggle_virtualedit() if &virtualedit =~# 'all' setlocal virtualedit= else setlocal virtualedit=all endif return "\" endfunction function! s:toggle_cursorline() if &cursorline setlocal nocursorline else setlocal cursorline endif return "\" endfunction function! s:tabselect(tabnr) if !(a:tabnr >= 0 && a:tabnr < tabpagenr()) echohl Error echo 'No such tabnr.' echohl NONE return endif if a:tabnr > 0 execute 'tabnext' a:tabnr else tabfirst endif endfunction inoremap inoremap H inoremap e inoremap h I " convinient tab window nnoremap tt :tabnew nnoremap t0 :call s:tabselect(0) nnoremap t1 :call s:tabselect(1) nnoremap t2 :call s:tabselect(2) nnoremap t3 :call s:tabselect(3) nnoremap t4 :call s:tabselect(4) nnoremap t5 :call s:tabselect(5) nnoremap t6 :call s:tabselect(6) nnoremap t7 :call s:tabselect(7) nnoremap t8 :call s:tabselect(8) nnoremap t9 :call s:tabselect(9) nnoremap :tabn nnoremap :tabN " misc nnoremap cl toggle_cursorline() nnoremap ve toggle_virtualedit() nnoremap o :TagbarToggle nnoremap :nohlsearch nnoremap :redraw nnoremap zl zL nnoremap zh zH " keep center nnoremap * *zzzv nnoremap # #zzzv nnoremap n nzzzv nnoremap N Nzzzv nnoremap ]c ]czz nnoremap [c [czz function! s:toggle_qfixwin() for bufnr in tabpagebuflist() if getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype') ==# 'qf' " close cclose return endif endfor copen wincmd p endfunction nnoremap , :call toggle_qfixwin() cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap function! s:invoke_complete() abort if &l:filetype ==# 'vim' return "\\\" else return "\\\" endif endfunction function! GyokuroCompletefunc(findstart, base) abort if &omnifunc ==# '' return -1 endif if a:findstart return call(&omnifunc, [a:findstart, a:base]) else let candidates= call(&omnifunc, [a:findstart, a:base]) for candidate in candidates let candidate.icase= &ignorecase endfor return candidates endif endfunction set completefunc=GyokuroCompletefunc inoremap invoke_complete() " avoid typo inoremap inoremap " " :h cmdwin-char " " : normal Ex command " > debug mode command |debug-mode| " / forward search string " ? backward search string " = expression for "= |expr-register| " @ string for |input()| " - text for |:insert| or |:append| " autocmd gyokuro CmdwinEnter * call s:quit_cmdwin(expand('')) function! s:quit_cmdwin(mode) call feedkeys("\c") if a:mode ==# ':' call feedkeys(':') elseif a:mode ==# '/' call feedkeys('/') elseif a:mode ==# '?' call feedkeys('?') endif endfunction autocmd gyokuro BufNewFile,BufRead *.g setlocal filetype=antlr3 autocmd gyokuro BufNewFile,BufRead *.g4 setlocal filetype=antlr4 autocmd gyokuro BufEnter,BufReadPre *.tex setlocal filetype=tex autocmd gyokuro BufNewFile *.pl,*.cgi,*.t setlocal fileencoding=utf8 autocmd gyokuro BufEnter,BufReadPre *.ftl setlocal filetype=ftl autocmd gyokuro BufEnter,BufReadPre *.ebnf setlocal filetype=ebnf autocmd gyokuro BufEnter,BufReadPre *.yrl setlocal filetype=erlang " TODO: make manager plugin for uncrustify " autocmd gyokuro FileType java let &l:equalprg= 'uncrustify -c ~/dotfiles/uncrustify.conf/java.conf -l JAVA' autocmd gyokuro BufNewFile,BufRead *.tsv setfiletype tsv " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position autocmd gyokuro BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") autocmd gyokuro BufReadPost * exe "normal! g'\"zz" autocmd gyokuro BufReadPost * endif colorscheme hydrangea if get(g:hariti_bundles, 'csapprox', 0) if has('vim_starting') autocmd gyokuro VimEnter * CSApprox! else CSApprox! endif endif let s:local_vimrc_filename= $MYVIMRC . '.local' if filereadable(s:local_vimrc_filename) execute 'source' s:local_vimrc_filename endif