#!/usr/bin/perl -T use strict; # For information on what this script is used for, please see: # http://dadamailproject.com/d/install_dada_mail.pod.html # You may have to update this, depending on the version of Dada Mail! my $gz = 'dada-6_3_0-alpha1.tar.gz'; $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; delete @ENV{ 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV' }; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use CGI qw(:standard); print header(); if ( !-e $gz ) { $gz = 'pro_' . $gz; } if ( !-e $gz ) { print p('Can\'t find ' . $gz . ' to uncompress!'); exit; } print h1('Adventures with Dada Mail!'); if ( -e 'dada' ) { print p("STOPPING! 'dada' directory already exists! Please manually move this directory, before running this script!"); exit; } print p(i("Starting Adventure...")); print p("Uncompressing $gz..."); `gunzip $gz`; my $tar = $gz; $tar =~ s/\.gz$//; if ( !-e $tar ) { print p( 'Can\'t find ' . $tar . ' to uncompress!' ); print p('You may have to uncompress and prep Dada Mail manually.'); exit; } else { print p(i("Success!")); } print p("Unrolling $tar"); `tar -xvf $tar`; if ( !-e 'dada' ) { print p("Can't find 'dada' directory!"); exit; } else { print p(i("Success!")); } print p("Changing permissions of dada/mail.cgi to, 755"); `chmod 755 dada/mail.cgi`; `chmod 777 dada/DADA/Config.pm`; my $installer_loc = 'dada/installer-disabled'; my $new_installer_loc = 'dada/installer'; print p("Enabling installer at $installer_loc by moving it to, $new_installer_loc\n"); `mv $installer_loc $new_installer_loc`; `chmod 755 $new_installer_loc/install.cgi`; print p(i("Done!")); print "

Install and Configure Dada Mail!
