# CHANGELOG ## v. 2.0 - Deployment target is now iOS 8.0 - The library is now fully compatible with both iPad and iPhone - Many new APIs for both the day planner and the month planner - Few optimizations and bug fixes ### Day Planner - `MGCDayPlannerView` : - new property `daySeparatorsColor` - new property `timeSeparatorsColor` - new property `currentTimeColor` - new property `eventIndicatorDotColor` - new property `hourRange` - `MGCDayPlannerViewDelegate` : - new method `dayPlannerView:attributedStringForTimeMark:time:` - new method `dayPlannerView:attributedStringForDayHeaderAtDate:` ### Month planner - `MGCMonthPlannerView` : - new property `dayCellHeaderHeight` - new property `dateFormat` - new property `gridStyle` - new property `monthHeaderStyle` - new property `monthInsets` - new property `style` - new property `eventsDotColor` - new method `reloadEventsAtDate:` - new property `allowsSelection` - new property `selectedEventDate` - new property `selectedEventIndex` - new property `selectedEventView` - new property `calendarBackgroundColor` - new property `weekDayBackgroundColor` - new property `weekendDayBackgroundColor` - new property `weekdaysLabelTextColor` - new property `monthLabelTextColor` - new property `monthLabelFont` - new property `weekdaysLabelFont` - new property `weekDaysStringArray` - new property `pagingMode` - new method `scrollToDate:alignment:animated:` - new property `canCreateEvents` - new property `canMoveEvents` - `MGCMonthPlannerViewDelegate`: - new method `monthPlannerView:attributedStringForDayHeaderAtDate:` ### Event Kit - EventKit specialized controllers (`MGCDayPlannerEKViewController` and `MGCMonthPlannerEKViewController`) : - added iPhone compatibility with the use of `UIPopoverPresentationController` for adaptive presentation of EventKit controllers - new protocol `MGCDayPlannerEKViewControllerDelegate` ### Contributors [@xEsk](https://github.com/xEsk) : [#5](https://github.com/jumartin/Calendar/pull/5) [@varun-naharia](https://github.com/varun-naharia) : [#14](https://github.com/jumartin/Calendar/pull/14) [@dk53](https://github.com/dk53) : [#17](https://github.com/jumartin/Calendar/pull/17) [#18](https://github.com/jumartin/Calendar/pull/18) [@arnaudWasappli](https://github.com/arnaudWasappli) : [#21](https://github.com/jumartin/Calendar/pull/21) Thanks!