
'; /** * Set the desired tag */ public function set_tag($tag) { $this->tag = $tag; } /** * Set the desired category */ public function set_category($category) { $this->category = $category; } /** * Set the number of posts to show */ public function set_show_posts($num) { $this->show_posts = intval($num); } /** * Set the template */ public function set_template($template) { $this->template = $template; } /** * Display a random post/random posts with the specified settings */ public function set_random($boolean) { $this->random = intval($boolean); } /** * Return the string needed for the query object given the various * options set. A string is used rather than an array because the query * seems to be more forgiving with strings - for instance, sometimes * specifying the full tag name rather than the stub works with the * query, but not with the array. At least, it used to. */ public function build_query() { $query = "posts_per_page=$this->show_posts"; if ( $this->tag != '' ) { $query .= '&tag='.urlencode($this->tag); } if ( $this->category != '' ) { $query .= '&category_name='.urlencode($this->category); } if ( $this->random ) { $query .= '&orderby=rand'; } return $query; } /** * Returns post HTML with the specified options set. Renders post(s) * using the nice template specified in the parameter. */ public function get() { // If we're already running, let's just return an empty string // This would be a good sign that we've been called recursively. // Perhaps in the distant future someone will want this, and then // we can be smarter about whether we're being invoked recursively // or not. global $get_post_getter_running; if ( isset($get_post_getter_running) && $get_post_getter_running ) { return ''; } $get_post_getter_running = 1; // One would think that using a new instance of WP_Query would // make storing these variables unnecessary, but indeed it's // needed. Or it was in the last version of WP that I thoroughly // debugged. The docs for The Loop reference $wp_query but it turns // out that we also need to save the post object and the ID. global $wp_query, $post, $id, $authordata; $old_query = clone $wp_query; $old_post = clone $post; $old_author = clone $authordata; $old_id = $id; $my_query = new WP_Query($this->build_query()); $content = ''; // $content = $this->build_query(); if ( $my_query->have_posts() ) while ( $my_query->have_posts() ) { $my_query->the_post(); // Retrieve post content and apply filters $post_content = $post->post_content; $post_content = apply_filters('the_content', $post_content); // Start with the template and substitute various data for // the tags $current = $this->template; $current = str_replace('{id}', $post->ID, $current); $current = str_replace('{permalink}', get_permalink(), $current); $current = str_replace('{title}', $post->post_title, $current); $current = str_replace('{date}', get_the_date(), $current); $current = str_replace('{time}', get_the_time(), $current); $current = str_replace('{excerpt}', get_the_excerpt(), $current); $current = str_replace('{author}', get_the_author(), $current); $current = str_replace('{authorlink}', get_author_posts_url($authordata->ID), $current); $current = str_replace('{content}', $post_content, $current); $rpur_permalink = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'rpur_sourcepermalink', true); if ($rpur_permalink) { $current = str_replace('{rpur_permalink}', $rpur_permalink, $current); } else { $current = str_replace('{rpur_permalink}', '', $current); } $content .= $current; } // $wp_query = clone $temp_query; // $post = clone $temp_post; $wp_query = $old_query; $post = $old_post; $authordata = $old_author; $id = $old_id; $get_post_getter_running = 0; return $content; } } }