2015.05.13, Version 0.12.3 (Stable)

* V8: update to

* uv: upgrade to 1.5.0

* npm: upgrade to 2.9.1

* V8: don't busy loop in v8 cpu profiler thread (Mike Tunnicliffe)

* V8: fix issue with let bindings in for loops (adamk)

* debugger: don't spawn child process in remote mode (Jackson Tian)

* net: do not set V4MAPPED on FreeBSD (Julien Gilli)

* repl: make 'Unexpected token' errors recoverable (Julien Gilli)

* src: backport ignore ENOTCONN on shutdown race (Ben Noordhuis)

* src: fix backport of SIGINT crash fix on FreeBSD (Julien Gilli)

2015.03.31, Version 0.12.2 (Stable), 523d445705027438b83b8d5958c9beeb1c8711d9

* uv: Upgrade to 1.4.2

* npm: Upgrade to 2.7.4

* V8: do not add extra newline in log file (Julien Gilli)

* V8: Fix --max_old_space_size=4096 integer overflow (Andrei Sedoi)

* asyncwrap: fix constructor condition for early ret (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: align chunks on 8-byte boundary (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: fix pool offset adjustment (Trevor Norris)

* build: fix use of strict aliasing (Trevor Norris)

* console: allow Object.prototype fields as labels (Colin Ihrig)

* fs: make F_OK/R_OK/W_OK/X_OK not writable (Jackson Tian)

* fs: properly handle fd passed to truncate() (Bruno Jouhier)

* http: fix assert on data/end after socket error (Fedor Indutny)

* lib: fix max size check in Buffer constructor (Ben Noordhuis)

* lib: fix stdio/ipc sync i/o regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* module: replace NativeModule.require (Herbert Vojčík)

* net: allow port 0 in connect() (cjihrig)

* net: unref timer in parent sockets (Fedor Indutny)

* path: refactor for performance and consistency (Nathan Woltman)

* smalloc: extend user API (Trevor Norris)

* src: fix for SIGINT crash on FreeBSD (Fedor Indutny)

* src: fix builtin modules failing with --use-strict (Julien Gilli)

* watchdog: fix timeout for early polling return (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

2015.03.23, Version 0.12.1 (Stable), 0034086b49f22cfde765a7e9f55db25f8eb310b6

* openssl: upgrade to 1.0.1m (Addressing multiple CVES)

2015.02.06, Version 0.12.0 (Stable), 2b18916ff054309a07408719b62e2b6a4f1e056a

* npm: Upgrade to 2.5.1

* mdb_v8: update for v0.12 (Dave Pacheco)

2015.01.29, Version 0.11.16 (Unstable), 8e42e5a0731040075e14cec087eea86729f2dc53

* openssl: Upgrade to 1.0.1l

* npm: Upgrade to 2.3.0

* url: revert support of `path` for url.format" (Julien Gilli)

* assert: use util.inspect() to create error messages (cjihrig)

* net: throw on invalid socket timeouts (cjihrig)

* url: fix parsing of ssh urls (Evan Lucas)

2015.01.20, Version 0.11.15 (Unstable), 8a9f263a82089814e69f277f9fecd2888705101b

* v8: Upgrade to 3.28.73

* uv: Upgrade to 1.0.2

* npm: Upgrade to v2.1.6

* uv: float patch to revert tty breakage (Trevor Norris)

* v8: re-implement debugger-agent (Fedor Indutny)

* v8: apply floating irhydra patch (Fedor Indutny)

* v8: fix postmortem-metadata generator (Refael Ackermann)

* debugger: fix unhandled error in setBreakpoint (Miroslav Bajtoš)

* async-wrap: add event hooks (Trevor Norris)

* async-wrap: expose async-wrap as binding (Trevor Norris)

* buffer, doc: misc. fix and cleanup (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: add generic functions for (u)int ops (Yazhong Liu)

* buffer: fix and cleanup fill() (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: mv floating point read/write checks to JS (Trevor Norris)

* build, i18n: improve Intl build, add "--with-intl" (Steven R. Loomis)

* build: add small-icu support for binary packages (Julien Gilli)

* build: do not generate support for libuv's probes (Julien Gilli)

* build: i18n: add icu config options (Steven R. Loomis)

* build: i18n: support little-endian machines (Steven Loomis)

* build: vcbuild fix "The input line is too long." (Alexis Campailla)

* child_process: improve spawn() argument handling (cjihrig)

* cluster: avoid race enabling debugger in worker (Timothy J Fontaine)

* cluster: cluster.disconnect() should check status (Sam Roberts)

* cluster: do not signal children in debug mode (Fedor Indutny)

* cluster: don't assert if worker has no handles (Sam Roberts)

* core: fix usage of uv_cwd (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

* core: replace uv_fs_readdir with uv_fs_scandir (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

* crypto: createDiffieHellman throw for bad args (Trevor Norris)

* crypto: lower RSS usage for TLSCallbacks (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: store thread id as pointer-sized (Alexis Campailla)

* dns: propagate domain for c-ares methods (Chris Dickinson)

* fs: fix symlink error message (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* http: Improve _addHeaderLines method (Jackson Tian)

* http: cleanup setHeader() (Trevor Norris)

* http: rename flush to flushHeaders (Timothy J Fontaine)

* lib,src: fix spawnSync ignoring its 'env' option (Juanjo)

* modules: adding load linked modules feature (Thorsten Lorenz)

* net: Make server.connections un-enumerable (Patrick Mooney)

* net: add pauseOnConnect option to createServer() (cjihrig)

* net: make connect() input validation synchronous (cjihrig)

* node: avoid automatic microtask runs (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* node: fix throws before timer module is loaded (Trevor Norris)

* openssl: fix keypress requirement in apps on win32 (Fedor Indutny)

* path: added parse() and format() functions (Rory Bradford)

* path: allow calling platform specific methods (Timothy J Fontaine)

* path: don't lower-cases drive letters (Bert Belder)

* path: refactor normalizeArray() (Nathan Woltman)

* process: pid can be a string in process.kill() (Sam Roberts)

* readline: fix performance issue when large line (Jicheng Li)

* readline: should not require an output stream. (Julien Gilli)

* smalloc: check if obj has external data (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* smalloc: don't allow to dispose typed arrays (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* smalloc: fix bad assert for zero length data (Trevor Norris)

* smalloc: fix copyOnto optimization (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* src: all wrap's now use actual FunctionTemplate (Trevor Norris)

* src: fix VC++ warning C4244 (Rasmus Christian Pedersen)

* src: remove Async Listener (Trevor Norris)

* stream: switch _writableState.buffer to queue (Chris Dickinson)

* streams: make setDefaultEncoding() throw (Brian White)

* streams: set default encoding for writable streams (Johnny Ray)

* tls: remove tls.createSecurePair code deprecation (Jackson Tian)

* tls_wrap: ignore ZERO_RETURN after close_notify (Fedor Indutny)

* url: change hostname regex to negate invalid chars (Jonathan Johnson)

* url: fixed encoding for slash switching emulation. (Evan Rutledge Borden)

* url: improve parsing speed (CGavrila)

* url: make query() consistent (Gabriel Wicke)

* url: support `path` for url.format (Yazhong Liu)

* util: add es6 Symbol support for `util.inspect` (gyson)

2014.09.24, Version 0.11.14 (Unstable), 902090af5375e497dded310575f19de5328a9bbc

* uv: Upgrade to v1.0.0-rc1

* http_parser: Upgrade to v2.3.0

* npm: Upgrade to v2.0.0

* openssl: Upgrade to v1.0.1i

* v8: Upgrade to 3.26.33

* Add fast path for simple URL parsing (Gabriel Wicke)

* Added support for options parameter in console.dir() (Xavi Magrinyà)

* Cluster: fix shared handles on Windows (Alexis Campailla)

* buffer: Fix incorrect Buffer.compare behavior (Feross Aboukhadijeh)

* buffer: construct new buffer from buffer toJSON() output (cjihrig)

* buffer: improve Buffer constructor (Kang-Hao Kenny)

* build: linking CoreFoundation framework for OSX (Thorsten Lorenz)

* child_process: accept uid/gid everywhere (Fedor Indutny)

* child_process: add path to spawn ENOENT Error (Ryan Cole)

* child_process: copy spawnSync() cwd option to proper buffer (cjihrig)

* child_process: do not access stderr when stdio set to 'ignore' (cjihrig)

* child_process: don't throw on EAGAIN (Charles)

* child_process: don't throw on EMFILE/ENFILE (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: use full path for cmd.exe on Win32 (Ed Morley)

* cluster: allow multiple calls to setupMaster() (Ryan Graham)

* cluster: centralize removal from workers list. (Julien Gilli)

* cluster: enable error/message events using .worker (cjihrig)

* cluster: include settings object in 'setup' event (Ryan Graham)

* cluster: restore v0.10.x setupMaster() behaviour (Ryan Graham)

* cluster: support options in Worker constructor (cjihrig)

* cluster: test events emit on cluster.worker (Sam Roberts)

* console: console.dir() accepts options object (Xavi Magrinyà)

* crypto: add `honorCipherOrder` argument (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: allow padding in RSA methods (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: clarify RandomBytes() error msg (Mickael van der Beek)

* crypto: never store pointer to conn in SSL_CTX (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: unsigned value can't be negative (Brian White)

* dgram: remove new keyword from errnoException (Jackson Tian)

* dns: always set variable family in lookup() (cjihrig)

* dns: include host name in error message if available (Maciej Małecki)

* dns: introduce lookupService function (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

* dns: send lookup c-ares errors to callback (Chris Dickinson)

* dns: throw if hostname is not string or falsey (cjihrig)

* events: Output the event that is leaking (Arnout Kazemier)

* fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)

* fs: fs.readFile should not throw uncaughtException (Jackson Tian)

* http: add 308 status_code, see RFC7238 (Yazhong Liu)

* http: don't default OPTIONS to chunked encoding (Nick Muerdter)

* http: fix bailout for writeHead (Alex Kocharin)

* http: remove unused code block (Fedor Indutny)

* http: write() after end() emits an error. (Julien Gilli)

* lib, src: add vm.runInDebugContext() (Ben Noordhuis)

* lib: noisy deprecation of child_process customFds (Ryan Graham)

* module: don't require fs several times (Robert Kowalski)

* net,dgram: workers can listen on exclusive ports (cjihrig)

* net,stream: add isPaused, don't read() when paused (Chris Dickinson)

* net: Ensure consistent binding to IPV6 if address is absent (Raymond Feng)

* net: add remoteFamily for socket (Jackson Tian)

* net: don't emit listening if handle is closed (Eli Skeggs)

* net: don't prefer IPv4 addresses during resolution (cjihrig)

* net: don't throw on net.Server.close() (cjihrig)

* net: reset `errorEmitted` on reconnect (Ed Umansky)

* node: set names for prototype methods (Trevor Norris)

* node: support v8 microtask queue (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* path: fix slice OOB in trim (Lucio M. Tato)

* path: isAbsolute() should always return boolean (Herman Lee)

* process: throw TypeError if kill pid not a number (Sam Roberts)

* querystring: custom encode and decode (fengmk2)

* querystring: do not add sep for empty array (cjihrig)

* querystring: remove prepended ? from query field (Ezequiel Rabinovich)

* readline: fix close event of readline.Interface() (Yazhong Liu)

* readline: fixes scoping bug (Dan Kaplun)

* readline: implements keypress buffering (Dan Kaplun)

* repl: fix multi-line input (Fedor Indutny)

* repl: fix overwrite for this._prompt (Yazhong Liu)

* repl: proper `setPrompt()` and `multiline` support (Fedor Indutny)

* stream: don't try to finish if buffer is not empty (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* stream: only end reading on null, not undefined (Jonathan Reem)

* streams: set default hwm properly for Duplex (Andrew Oppenlander)

* string_bytes: ucs2 support big endian (Andrew Low)

* tls, crypto: add DHE support (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* tls: `checkServerIdentity` option (Trevor Livingston)

* tls: add DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 to the def ciphers (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* tls: better error reporting at cert validation (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: support multiple keys/certs (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: throw an error, not string (Jackson Tian)

* udp: make it possible to receive empty udp packets (Andrius Bentkus)

* url: treat \ the same as / (isaacs)

2014.05.01, Version 0.11.13 (Unstable), 99c9930ad626e2796af23def7cac19b65c608d18

* v8: upgrade to

* buffer: add compare and equals methods (Sean McArthur)

* buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methods (Nick Apperson)

* buffer: return uint if MSB is 1 in readUInt32 (goussardg)

* buffer: truncate buffer after string decode (Fedor Indutny)

* child_process: fix assertion error in spawnSync (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* crypto: fix memory leak in CipherBase::Final (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: improve error messages (Ingmar Runge)

* crypto: move `createCredentials` to tls (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: work around OpenSSL oddness (Fedor Indutny)

* dgram: introduce `reuseAddr` option (Fedor Indutny)

* domain: don't crash on "throw null" (Alex Kocharin)

* events: check if _events is an own property (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* fs: improve performance of all stat functions (James Pickard)

* fs: return blksize on stats object (Trevor Norris)

* http: add request.flush() method (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: better client "protocol not supported" error (Nathan Rajlich)

* http: use defaultAgent.protocol in protocol check (Nathan Rajlich)

* main: Handle SIGINT properly. (Geir Hauge)

* net: bind to `::` TCP address by default (Fedor Indutny)

* readline: consider newlines for cursor position (Yazhong Liu)

* stream: split `objectMode` for Duplex (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* tls: `getPeerCertificate(detailed)` (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: do not call SNICallback unless present (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: force readable/writable to `true` (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: support OCSP on client and server (Fedor Indutny)

* util: made util.isArray a direct alias for Array.isArray (Evan Carroll)

2014.03.11, Version 0.11.12 (Unstable), 7d6b8db40f32e817ff145b7cfe6b3aec3179fba7

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.22 (Timothy J Fontaine)

* buffer: allow toString to accept Infinity for end (Brian White)

* child_process: add spawnSync/execSync (Bert Belder, Timothy J Fontaine)

* cluster: handle bind errors on Windows (Alexis Campailla)

* contextify: handle infinite recursion errors (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: allow custom generator for DiffieHellman (Brian White)

* crypto: allow setting add'l authenticated data (Brian White)

* crypto: fix CipherFinal return value check (Brian White)

* crypto: make NewSessionDoneCb public (Fedor Indutny)

* dgram: pass the bytes sent to the send callback (Timothy J Fontaine)

* dns: validate arguments in resolver (Kenan Sulayman)

* dns: verify argument is valid function in resolve (Kenan Sulayman)

* http: avoid duplicate keys in writeHead (David Björklund)

* net: add localPort to connect options (Timothy J Fontaine)

* node: do not print SyntaxError hints to stderr (Fedor Indutny)

* node: invoke `beforeExit` again if loop was active (Fedor Indutny)

* node: make AsyncListenerInst field more explicit (Trevor Norris)

* os: networkInterfaces include scopeid for ipv6 (Xidorn Quan)

* process: allow changing `exitCode` in `on('exit')` (Fedor Indutny)

* readline: fix `line` event, if input emit 'end' (Yazhong Liu)

* src: add tracing.v8.on('gc') statistics hooks (Ben Noordhuis)

* src: add v8.getHeapStatistics() function (Ben Noordhuis)

* src: emit 'beforeExit' event on process object (Ben Noordhuis)

* src: move AsyncListener from process to tracing (Trevor Norris)

* tls: fix crash in SNICallback (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: introduce asynchronous `newSession` (Fedor Indutny)

* util: show meaningful values for boxed primitives (Nathan Rajlich)

* vm: don't copy Proxy object from parent context (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: make stdout/sterr pipes blocking (Alexis Campailla)

* zlib: add sync versions for convenience methods (Nikolai Vavilov)

2014.01.29, Version 0.11.11 (Unstable), b46e77421581ea358e221a8a843d057c747f7e90

* v8: Upgrade to

* http_parser: Upgrade to 2.2.1

* openssl: Upgrade to 1.0.1f

* uv: Upgrade to 0.11.18

* async-listener: revamp of subsystem (Trevor Norris)

* node: do not ever close stdio (Fedor Indutny)

* http: use writev on chunked encoding (Trevor Norris)

* async_wrap/timers: remove Add/RemoveAsyncListener (Trevor Norris)

* child_process: better error reporting for exec (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: add newline to cert and key if not present (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: clear error in GetPeerCertificate (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: honor default ciphers in client mode (Jacob Hoffman-Andrews)

* crypto: introduce .setEngine(engine, [flags]) (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: support custom pbkdf2 digest methods (Ben Noordhuis)

* domain: fix off-by-one in Domain.exit() (Ryan Graham)

* http: concatenate duplicate headers by default (Alex Kocharin)

* http: do not emit EOF non-readable socket (Fedor Indutny)

* node: fix argument parsing with -p arg (Alexis Campailla)

* path: improve POSIX path.join() performance (Jo Liss)

* tls: emit `clientError` on early socket close (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: introduce `.setMaxSendFragment(size)` (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: make cert/pfx optional in tls.createServer() (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: process accumulated input (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: show human-readable error messages (Ben Noordhuis)

* util: handle escaped forward slashes correctly (Tom Gallacher)

2013.12.31, Version 0.11.10 (Unstable), 66931791f06207d1cdfea5ec1529edf3c94026d3

* http_parser: update to 2.2

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.17

* v8: Upgrade to

* buffer: optimize writeInt* methods (Paul Loyd)

* child_process: better error handling (Alexis Campailla)

* cluster: do not synchronously emit 'setup' event (Sam Roberts)

* cluster: restore backwards compatibility and various fixes (Sam Roberts)

* crypto: remove unnecessary OpenSSL_add_all_digests (Yorkie)

* crypto: support GCM authenticated encryption mode. (Ingmar Runge)

* dns: add resolveSoa and 'SOA' rrtype (Tuğrul Topuz)

* events: move EE c'tor guts to EventEmitter.init (Bert Belder)

* http: DELETE shouldn't default to chunked encoding (Lalit Kapoor)

* http: parse the status message in a http response. (Cam Swords)

* node: fix removing AsyncListener in callback (Vladimir Kurchatkin)

* node: follow specification, zero-fill ArrayBuffers (Trevor Norris)

* openssl: use ASM optimized routines (Fedor Indutny)

* process: allow nextTick infinite recursion (Trevor Norris)

* querystring: remove `name` from `stringify()` (Yorkie)

* timers: setImmediate v8 optimization fix (pflannery)

* tls: add serialNumber to getPeerCertificate() (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: reintroduce socket.encrypted (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: fix handling of asterisk in SNI context (Fedor Indutny)

* util: Format negative zero as '-0' (David Chan)

* vm: fix race condition in timeout (Alexis Campailla)

* windows: fix dns lookup of localhost with ipv6 (Alexis Campailla)

2013.11.20, Version 0.11.9 (Unstable), dcfd032bdd69dfb38c120e18438d6316ae522edc

* uv: upgrade to v0.11.15 (Timothy J Fontaine)

* v8: upgrade to (Timothy J Fontaine)

* buffer: remove warning when no encoding is passed (Trevor Norris)

* build: make v8 use random seed for hash tables (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: build with shared openssl without NPN (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)

* debugger: pass on v8 debug switches (Ben Noordhuis)

* domain: use AsyncListener API (Trevor Norris)

* fs: add recursive subdirectory support to fs.watch (Nick Simmons)

* fs: make fs.watch() non-recursive by default (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: cleanup freeSockets when socket destroyed (fengmk2)

* http: force socket encoding to be null (isaacs)

* http: make DELETE requests set `req.method` (Nathan Rajlich)

* node: add AsyncListener support (Trevor Norris)

* src: remove global HandleScope that hid memory leaks (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: add ECDH ciphers support (Erik Dubbelboer)

* tls: do not default to 'localhost' servername (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: more accurate wrapping of connecting socket (Fedor Indutny)

2013.10.30, Version 0.11.8 (Unstable), f8d86e24f3463c36f7f3f4c3b3ec779e5b6201e1

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.14

* v8: upgrade

* assert: indicate if exception message is generated (Glen Mailer)

* buffer: add buf.toArrayBuffer() API (Trevor Norris)

* cluster: fix premature 'disconnect' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: add SPKAC support (Jason Gerfen)

* debugger: count space for line numbers correctly (Alex Kocharin)

* debugger: make busy loops SIGUSR1-interruptible (Ben Noordhuis)

* debugger: repeat last command (Alex Kocharin)

* debugger: show current line, fix for #6150 (Alex Kocharin)

* dgram: send() can accept strings (Trevor Norris)

* dns: rename domain to hostname (Ben Noordhuis)

* dns: set hostname property on error object (Ben Noordhuis)

* dtrace, mdb_v8: support more string, frame types (Dave Pacheco)

* http: add statusMessage (Patrik Stutz)

* http: expose supported methods (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: provide backpressure for pipeline flood (isaacs)

* process: Add exitCode property (isaacs)

* tls: socket.renegotiate(options, callback) (Fedor Indutny)

* util: format as Error if instanceof Error (Rod Vagg)

2013.08.21, Version 0.11.7 (Unstable), be52549bfa5311208b5fcdb3ba09210460fa9ceb

* uv: upgrade to v0.11.13

* v8: upgrade to 3.20.17

* buffer: adhere to INSPECT_MAX_BYTES (Timothy J Fontaine)

* buffer: fix regression for large buffer creation (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: don't throw if slice length too long (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: Buffer(buf) constructor copies into the proper buffer (Ben Noordhuis)

* cli: remove --max-stack-size (Ben Noordhuis)

* cli: unknown command line options are errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: exec accept buffer as an encoding (Seth Fitzsimmons)

* crypto: make randomBytes/pbkdf2 callbacks domain aware (Ben Noordhuis)

* domain: deprecate domain.dispose(). (Forrest L Norvell)

* fs: Expose birthtime on stat objects (isaacs)

* http: Only send connection:keep-alive if necessary (isaacs)

* repl: Catch syntax errors better (isaacs, Nathan Rajlich)

* stream: change default highWaterMark for objectMode to 16 (Mathias Buus)

* stream: make setEncoding/pause/resume chainable (Julian Gruber, isaacs)

* util: pass opts to custom inspect functions (Timothy J Fontaine)

* vm: rewritten to behave like Contextify (Domenic Denicola)

2013.08.21, Version 0.11.6 (Unstable), 04018d4b3938fd30ba14822e79195e4af2be36f6

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.8

* v8: upgrade v8 to

* build: disable SSLv2 by default (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: don't auto-destroy existing configuration (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: add TLS 1.1 and 1.2 to secureProtocol list (Matthias Bartelmeß)

* crypto: fix memory leak in randomBytes() error path (Ben Noordhuis)

* dgram: don't call into js when send cb is omitted (Ben Noordhuis)

* dgram: fix regression in string argument handling (Ben Noordhuis)

* domains: performance improvements (Trevor Norris)

* events: EventEmitter = require('events') (Jake Verbaten)

* http: Add write()/end() callbacks (isaacs)

* http: Consistent 'finish' event semantics (isaacs)

* http: Prefer 'binary' over 'ascii' (isaacs)

* http: Support legacy agent.addRequest API (isaacs)

* http: Write hex/base64 chunks properly (isaacs)

* http: add agent.maxFreeSockets option (isaacs)

* http: provide access to raw headers/trailers (isaacs)

* http: removed headers stay removed (James Halliday)

* http,timers: improve callback performance (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: family option in net.connect (Vsevolod Strukchinsky)

* readline: pause stdin before turning off terminal raw mode (Daniel Chatfield)

* smalloc: allow different external array types (Trevor Norris)

* smalloc: expose ExternalArraySize (Trevor Norris)

* stream: Short-circuit buffer pushes when flowing (isaacs)

* tls: handle errors on socket before releasing it (Fedor Indutny)

* util: fix isPrimitive check (Trevor Norris)

* util: isObject should always return boolean (Trevor Norris)

2013.08.06, Version 0.11.5 (Unstable), 6f92da2dd106b0c63fde563284f83e08e2a521b5

* v8: upgrade to 3.20.11

* uv: upgrade to v0.11.7

* buffer: return offset for end of last write (Trevor Norris)

* build: embed the mdb_v8.so into the binary (Timothy J Fontaine)

* build: fix --without-ssl build (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: add 'shell' option to .exec() (Ben Noordhuis)

* dgram: report send errors to cb, don't pass bytes (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: write strings directly to disk (Trevor Norris)

* https: fix default port (Koichi Kobayashi)

* openssl: use asm for sha, md5, rmd (Fedor Indutny)

* os: add mac address to networkInterfaces() output (Brian White)

* smalloc: introduce smalloc module (Trevor Norris)

* stream: Simplify flowing, passive data listening (streams3) (isaacs)

* tls: asynchronous SNICallback (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: share tls tickets key between cluster workers (Fedor Indutny)

* util: don't throw on circular %j input to format() (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.07.12, Version 0.11.4 (Unstable), b5b84197ed037918fd1a26e5cb87cce7c812ca55

* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.4

* v8: Upgrade to v3.20.2

* c-ares: Upgrade to piscisaureus/cares@805d153

* timers: setImmediate process full queue each turn (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Add agent.get/request methods (isaacs)

* http: Proper KeepAlive behavior (isaacs)

* configure: fix the --without-ssl option (Nathan Rajlich)

* buffer: propagate originating parent (Trevor Norris)

* tls_wrap: return Error not throw for missing cert (Timothy J Fontaine)

* src: enable native v8 typed arrays (Ben Noordhuis)

* stream: objectMode transform should allow falsey values (Jeff Barczewski)

* slab_allocator: remove SlabAllocator (Trevor Norris)

* crypto: fix memory leak in LoadPKCS12 (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: export TLSSocket (Fedor Indutny)

* zlib: allow changing of level and strategy (Brian White)

* zlib: allow custom flush type for flush() (Brian White)

2013.06.26, Version 0.11.3 (Unstable), 38c0c47bbe280ddc42054418091571e532d82a1e

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.5

* c-ares: upgrade to 1.10.0

* v8: upgrade to v3.19.13

* punycode: update to v1.2.3 (Mathias Bynens)

* debugger: break on uncaught exception (Miroslav Bajtos)

* child_process: emit 'disconnect' asynchronously (Ben Noordhuis)

* dtrace: enable uv's probes if enabled (Timothy J Fontaine)

* dtrace: unify dtrace and systemtap interfaces (Timothy J Fontaine)

* buffer: New API for backing data store (Trevor Norris)

* buffer: return `this` in fill() for chainability (Brian White)

* build: fix include order for building on windows (Timothy J Fontaine)

* build: add android support (Linus Mårtensson)

* readline: strip ctrl chars for prompt width calc (Krzysztof Chrapka)

* tls: introduce TLSSocket based on tls_wrap binding (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: add localAddress and localPort properties (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: free excessive memory in NodeBIO (Fedor Indutny)

* process: remove maxTickDepth (Trevor Norris)

* timers: use uv_now instead of Date.now (Timothy J Fontaine)

* util: Add debuglog, deprecate console lookalikes (isaacs)

* module: use path.sep instead of a custom solution (Robert Kowalski)

* http: don't escape request path, reject bad chars (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: emit dns 'lookup' event before connect (Ben Noordhuis)

* dns: add getServers and setServers (Timothy J Fontaine)

2013.05.13, Version 0.11.2 (Unstable), 5d3dc0e4c3369dfb00b7b13e08936c2e652fa696

* uv: Upgrade to 0.11.2

* V8: Upgrade to 3.19.0

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.21

* build: Makefile should respect configure --prefix (Timothy J Fontaine)

* cluster: use round-robin load balancing (Ben Noordhuis)

* debugger, cluster: each worker has new debug port (Miroslav Bajtoš)

* debugger: `restart` with custom debug port (Miroslav Bajtoš)

* debugger: breakpoints in scripts not loaded yet (Miroslav Bajtoš)

* event: EventEmitter#setMaxListeners() returns this (Sam Roberts)

* events: add EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners (Ben Noordhuis)

* install: Support $(PREFIX) install target directory prefix (Olof Johansson)

* os: Include netmask in os.networkInterfaces() (Ben Kelly)

* path: add path.isAbsolute(path) (Ryan Doenges)

* stream: Guarantee ordering of 'finish' event (isaacs)

* streams: introduce .cork/.uncork/._writev (Fedor Indutny)

* vm: add support for timeout argument (Andrew Paprocki)

2013.04.19, Version 0.11.1 (Unstable), 4babd2b46ebf9fbea2c9946af5cfae25a33b2b22

* V8: upgrade to 3.18.0

* uv: Upgrade to v0.11.1

* http: split into multiple separate modules (Timothy J Fontaine)

* http: escape unsafe characters in request path (Ben Noordhuis)

* url: Escape all unwise characters (isaacs)

* build: depend on v8 postmortem-metadata if enabled (Paddy Byers)

* etw: update prototypes to match dtrace provider (Timothy J Fontaine)

* buffer: change output of Buffer.prototype.toJSON() (David Braun)

* dtrace: actually use the _handle.fd value (Timothy J Fontaine)

* dtrace: pass more arguments to probes (Dave Pacheco)

* build: allow building with dtrace on osx (Dave Pacheco)

* zlib: allow passing options to convenience methods (Kyle Robinson Young)

2013.03.28, Version 0.11.0 (Unstable), bce38b3d74e64fcb7d04a2dd551151da6168cdc5

* V8: update to 3.17.13

* os: use %SystemRoot% or %windir% in os.tmpdir() (Suwon Chae)

* util: fix util.inspect() line width calculation (Marcin Kostrzewa)

* buffer: remove _charsWritten (Trevor Norris)

* fs: uv_[fl]stat now reports subsecond resolution (Timothy J Fontaine)

* fs: Throw if error raised and missing callback (bnoordhuis)

* tls: expose SSL_CTX_set_timeout via tls.createServer (Manav Rathi)

* tls: remove harmful unnecessary bounds checking (Marcel Laverdet)

* buffer: write ascii strings using WriteOneByte (Trevor Norris)

* dtrace: fix generation of v8 constants on freebsd (Fedor Indutny)

* dtrace: x64 ustack helper (Fedor Indutny)

* readline: handle wide characters properly (Nao Iizuka)

* repl: Use a domain to catch async errors safely (isaacs)

* repl: emit 'reset' event when context is reset (Sami Samhuri)

* util: custom `inspect()` method may return an Object (Nathan Rajlich)

* console: `console.dir()` bypasses inspect() methods (Nathan Rajlich)

2015.03.23, Version 0.10.38 (Maintenance)

* openssl: upgrade to 1.0.1m (Addressing multiple CVEs)

2015.03.11, Version 0.10.37 (Maintenance), 7d6b5b1d5ba726331f9ccaaae59af7cd53eee82e

* uv: update to 0.10.36 (CVE-2015-0278)

* domains: fix stack clearing after error handled (Jonas Dohse)

* buffer: reword Buffer.concat error message (Chris Dickinson)

* console: allow Object.prototype fields as labels (Julien Gilli)

* V8: log version in profiler log file (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: fix performance regression for GET requests (Florin-Cristian Gavrila)

2015.01.26, Version 0.10.36 (Stable), 09b482886bdd3d863c3d4e7d71264eac0daaf9e1

* openssl: update to 1.0.1l

* v8: Fix debugger and strict mode regression (Julien Gilli)

* v8: don't busy loop in cpu profiler thread (Ben Noordhuis)

2014.12.22, Version 0.10.35 (Stable), a363f61ca839e817eb6853c5dc5af8c3b9b9226b

* tls: re-add 1024-bit SSL certs removed by f9456a2 (Chris Dickinson)

* timers: don't close interval timers when unrefd (Julien Gilli)

* timers: don't mutate unref list while iterating it (Julien Gilli)

2014.12.17, Version 0.10.34 (Stable), 52795f8fcc2de77cf997e671ea58614e5e425dfe

* uv: update to v0.10.30

* zlib: upgrade to v1.2.8

* child_process: check execFile args is an array (Sam Roberts)

* child_process: check fork args is an array (Sam Roberts)

* crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)

* domains: fix issues with abort on uncaught (Julien Gilli)

* timers: Avoid linear scan in _unrefActive. (Julien Gilli)

* timers: fix unref() memory leak (Trevor Norris)

* v8: add api for aborting on uncaught exception (Julien Gilli)

* debugger: fix when using "use strict" (Julien Gilli)

2014.10.20, Version 0.10.33 (Stable), 8d045a30e95602b443eb259a5021d33feb4df079

* openssl: Update to 1.0.1j (Addressing multiple CVEs)

* uv: Update to v0.10.29

* child_process: properly support optional args (cjihrig)

* crypto: Disable autonegotiation for SSLv2/3 by default (Fedor Indutny,
	Timothy J Fontaine, Alexis Campailla)

	This is a behavior change, by default we will not allow the negotiation to
	SSLv2 or SSLv3. If you want this behavior, run Node.js with either
	`--enable-ssl2` or `--enable-ssl3` respectively.

	This does not change the behavior for users specifically requesting
	`SSLv2_method` or `SSLv3_method`. While this behavior is not advised, it is
	assumed you know what you're doing since you're specifically asking to use
	these methods.

2014.09.16, Version 0.10.32 (Stable), 0fe0d121551593c23a565db8397f85f17bb0f00e

* npm: Update to 1.4.28

* v8: fix a crash introduced by previous release (Fedor Indutny)

* configure: add --openssl-no-asm flag (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: use domains for any callback-taking method (Chris Dickinson)

* http: do not send `0\r\n\r\n` in TE HEAD responses (Fedor Indutny)

* querystring: fix unescape override (Tristan Berger)

* url: Add support for RFC 3490 separators (Mathias Bynens)

2014.08.19, Version 0.10.31 (Stable), 7fabdc23d843cb705d2d0739e7bbdaaf50aa3292

* v8: backport CVE-2013-6668

* openssl: Update to v1.0.1i

* npm: Update to v1.4.23

* cluster: disconnect should not be synchronous (Sam Roberts)

* fs: fix fs.readFileSync fd leak when get RangeError (Jackson Tian)

* stream: fix Readable.wrap objectMode falsy values (James Halliday)

* timers: fix timers with non-integer delay hanging. (Julien Gilli)

2014.07.31, Version 0.10.30 (Stable), bc0ff830aff1e016163d855e86ded5c98b0899e8

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.28

* npm: Upgrade to v1.4.21

* v8: Interrupts must not mask stack overflow.

* Revert "stream: start old-mode read in a next tick" (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: fix sign overflow in `readUIn32BE` (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: improve {read,write}{U}Int* methods (Nick Apperson)

* child_process: handle writeUtf8String error (Fedor Indutny)

* deps: backport 4ed5fde4f from v8 upstream (Fedor Indutny)


* lib: remove and restructure calls to isNaN() (cjihrig)

* module: eliminate double `getenv()` (Maciej Małecki)

* stream2: flush extant data on read of ended stream (Chris Dickinson)

* streams: remove unused require('assert') (Rod Vagg)

* timers: backport f8193ab (Julien Gilli)

* util.h: interface compatibility (Oguz Bastemur)

* zlib: do not crash on write after close (Fedor Indutny)

2014.06.05, Version 0.10.29 (Stable), ce82d6b8474bde7ac7df6d425fb88fb1bcba35bc

* openssl: to 1.0.1h (CVE-2014-0224)

* npm: upgrade to 1.4.14

* utf8: Prevent Node from sending invalid UTF-8 (Felix Geisendörfer)
  - *NOTE* this introduces a breaking change, previously you could construct
    invalid UTF-8 and invoke an error in a client that was expecting valid
    UTF-8, now unmatched surrogate pairs are replaced with the unknown UTF-8
    character. To restore the old functionality simply have NODE_INVALID_UTF8
    environment variable set.

* child_process: do not set args before throwing (Greg Sabia Tucker)

* child_process: spawn() does not throw TypeError (Greg Sabia Tucker)

* constants: export O_NONBLOCK (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: improve memory usage (Alexis Campailla)

* fs: close file if fstat() fails in readFile() (cjihrig)

* lib: name EventEmitter prototype methods (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: fix performance issue (Alexis Campailla)

2014.05.01, Version 0.10.28 (Stable), b148cbe09d4657766fdb61575ba985734c2ff0a8

* npm: upgrade to v1.4.9

2014.05.01, Version 0.10.27 (Stable), cb7911f78ae96ef7a540df992cc1359ba9636e86

* npm: upgrade to v1.4.8

* openssl: upgrade to 1.0.1g

* uv: update to v0.10.27

* dns: fix certain txt entries (Fedor Indutny)

* assert: Ensure reflexivity of deepEqual (Mike Pennisi)

* child_process: fix deadlock when sending handles (Fedor Indutny)

* child_process: fix sending handle twice (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: do not lowercase cipher/hash names (Fedor Indutny)

* dtrace: workaround linker bug on FreeBSD (Fedor Indutny)

* http: do not emit EOF non-readable socket (Fedor Indutny)

* http: invoke createConnection when no agent (Nathan Rajlich)

* stream: remove useless check (Brian White)

* timer: don't reschedule timer bucket in a domain (Greg Brail)

* url: treat \ the same as / (isaacs)

* util: format as Error if instanceof Error (Rod Vagg)

2014.02.18, Version 0.10.26 (Stable), cc56c62ed879ad4f93b1fdab3235c43e60f48b7e

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.25 (Timothy J Fontaine)

* npm: upgrade to 1.4.3 (isaacs)

* v8: support compiling with VS2013 (Fedor Indutny)

* cares: backport TXT parsing fix (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: throw on SignFinal failure (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: update root certificates (Ben Noordhuis)

* debugger: Fix breakpoint not showing after restart (Farid Neshat)

* fs: make unwatchFile() insensitive to path (iamdoron)

* net: do not re-emit stream errors (Fedor Indutny)

* net: make Socket destroy() re-entrance safe (Jun Ma)

* net: reset `endEmitted` on reconnect (Fedor Indutny)

* node: do not close stdio implicitly (Fedor Indutny)

* zlib: avoid assertion in close (Fedor Indutny)

2014.01.23, Version 0.10.25 (Stable), b0e5f195dfce3e2b99f5091373d49f6616682596

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.23

* npm: Upgrade to v1.3.24

* v8: Fix enumeration for objects with lots of properties

* child_process: fix spawn() optional arguments (Sam Roberts)

* cluster: report more errors to workers (Fedor Indutny)

* domains: exit() only affects active domains (Ryan Graham)

* src: OnFatalError handler must abort() (Timothy J Fontaine)

* stream: writes may return false but forget to emit drain (Yang Tianyang)

2013.12.18, Version 0.10.24 (Stable), b7fd6bc899ccb629d790c47aee06aba87e535c41

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.21

* npm: upgrade to 1.3.21

* v8: backport fix for CVE-2013-{6639|6640}

* build: unix install node and dep library headers (Timothy J Fontaine)

* cluster, v8: fix --logfile=%p.log (Ben Noordhuis)

* module: only cache package main (Wyatt Preul)

2013.12.12, Version 0.10.23 (Stable), 0462bc23564e7e950a70ae4577a840b04db6c7c6

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.20 (Timothy J Fontaine)

* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.17 (isaacs)

* gyp: update to 78b26f7 (Timothy J Fontaine)

* build: include postmortem symbols on linux (Timothy J Fontaine)

* crypto: Make Decipher._flush() emit errors. (Kai Groner)

* dgram: fix abort when getting `fd` of closed dgram (Fedor Indutny)

* events: do not accept NaN in setMaxListeners (Fedor Indutny)

* events: avoid calling `once` functions twice (Tim Wood)

* events: fix TypeError in removeAllListeners (Jeremy Martin)

* fs: report correct path when EEXIST (Fedor Indutny)

* process: enforce allowed signals for kill (Sam Roberts)

* tls: emit 'end' on .receivedShutdown (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: fix potential data corruption (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: handle `ssl.start()` errors appropriately (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: reset NPN callbacks after SNI (Fedor Indutny)

2013.11.12, Version 0.10.22 (Stable), cbff8f091c22fb1df6b238c7a1b9145db950fa65

* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.14

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.19

* child_process: don't assert on stale file descriptor events (Fedor Indutny)

* darwin: Fix "Not Responding" in Mavericks activity monitor (Fedor Indutny)

* debugger: Fix bug in sb() with unnamed script (Maxim Bogushevich)

* repl: do not insert duplicates into completions (Maciej Małecki)

* src: Fix memory leak on closed handles (Timothy J Fontaine)

* tls: prevent stalls by using read(0) (Fedor Indutny)

* v8: use correct timezone information on Solaris (Maciej Małecki)

2013.10.18, Version 0.10.21 (Stable), e2da042844a830fafb8031f6c477eb4f96195210

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.18

* crypto: clear errors from verify failure (Timothy J Fontaine)

* dtrace: interpret two byte strings (Dave Pacheco)

* fs: fix fs.truncate() file content zeroing bug (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: provide backpressure for pipeline flood (isaacs)

* tls: fix premature connection termination (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.09.30, Version 0.10.20 (Stable), d7234c8d50a1af73f60d2d3c0cc7eed17429a481

* tls: fix sporadic hang and partial reads (Fedor Indutny)
  - fixes "npm ERR! cb() never called!"

2013.09.24, Version 0.10.19 (Stable), 6b5e6a5a3ec8d994c9aab3b800b9edbf1b287904

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.17

* npm: upgrade to 1.3.11

* readline: handle input starting with control chars (Eric Schrock)

* configure: add mips-float-abi (soft, hard) option (Andrei Sedoi)

* stream: objectMode transforms allow falsey values (isaacs)

* tls: prevent duplicate values returned from read (Nathan Rajlich)

* tls: NPN protocols are now local to connections (Fedor Indutny)

2013.09.04, Version 0.10.18 (Stable), 67a1f0c52e0708e2596f3f2134b8386d6112561e

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.15

* stream: Don't crash on unset _events property (isaacs)

* stream: Pass 'buffer' encoding with decoded writable chunks (isaacs)

2013.08.21, Version 0.10.17 (Stable), 469a4a5091a677df62be319675056b869c31b35c

* uv: Upgrade v0.10.14

* http_parser: Do not accept PUN/GEM methods as PUT/GET (Chris Dickinson)

* tls: fix assertion when ssl is destroyed at read (Fedor Indutny)

* stream: Throw on 'error' if listeners removed (isaacs)

* dgram: fix assertion on bad send() arguments (Ben Noordhuis)

* readline: pause stdin before turning off terminal raw mode (Daniel Chatfield)

2013.08.16, Version 0.10.16 (Stable), 50b4c905a4425430ae54db4906f88982309e128d

* v8: back-port fix for CVE-2013-2882

* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.8

* crypto: fix assert() on malformed hex input (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: fix memory leak in randomBytes() error path (Ben Noordhuis)

* events: fix memory leak, don't leak event names (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Handle hex/base64 encodings properly (isaacs)

* http: improve chunked res.write(buf) performance (Ben Noordhuis)

* stream: Fix double pipe error emit (Eran Hammer)

2013.07.25, Version 0.10.15 (Stable), 2426d65af860bda7be9f0832a99601cc43c6cf63

* src: fix process.getuid() return value (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.07.25, Version 0.10.14 (Stable), fdf57f811f9683a4ec49a74dc7226517e32e6c9d

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.13

* npm: Upgrade to v1.3.5

* os: Don't report negative times in cpu info (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: Handle large UID and GID (Ben Noordhuis)

* url: Fix edge-case when protocol is non-lowercase (Shuan Wang)

* doc: Streams API Doc Rewrite (isaacs)

* node: call MakeDomainCallback in all domain cases (Trevor Norris)

* crypto: fix memory leak in LoadPKCS12 (Fedor Indutny)

2013.07.09, Version 0.10.13 (Stable), e32660a984427d46af6a144983cf7b8045b7299c

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.12

* npm: Upgrade to 1.3.2

* windows: get proper errno (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: only wait for finish if we haven't seen it (Timothy J Fontaine)

* http: Dump response when request is aborted (isaacs)

* http: use an unref'd timer to fix delay in exit (Peter Rust)

* zlib: level can be negative (Brian White)

* zlib: allow zero values for level and strategy (Brian White)

* buffer: add comment explaining buffer alignment (Ben Noordhuis)

* string_bytes: properly detect 64bit (Timothy J Fontaine)

* src: fix memory leak in UsingDomains() (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.06.18, Version 0.10.12 (Stable), a088cf4f930d3928c97d239adf950ab43e7794aa

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.32

* readline: make `ctrl + L` clear the screen (Yuan Chuan)

* v8: add setVariableValue debugger command (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: Do not destroy socket mid-write (isaacs)

* v8: fix build for mips32r2 architecture (Andrei Sedoi)

* configure: fix cross-compilation host_arch_cc() (Andrei Sedoi)

2013.06.13, Version 0.10.11 (Stable), d9d5bc465450ae5d60da32e9ffcf71c2767f1fad

* uv: upgrade to 0.10.11

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.30

* openssl: add missing configuration pieces for MIPS (Andrei Sedoi)

* Revert "http: remove bodyHead from 'upgrade' events" (isaacs)

* v8: fix pointer arithmetic undefined behavior (Trevor Norris)

* crypto: fix utf8/utf-8 encoding check (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: Fix busy loop on POLLERR|POLLHUP on older linux kernels (Ben Noordhuis, isaacs)

2013.06.04, Version 0.10.10 (Stable), 25e51c396aa23018603baae2b1d9390f5d9db496

* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.10

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.25

* url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls (isaacs)

* stream: unshift('') is a noop (isaacs)

2013.05.30, Version 0.10.9 (Stable), 878ffdbe6a8eac918ef3a7f13925681c3778060b

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.24

* uv: Upgrade to v0.10.9

* repl: fix JSON.parse error check (Brian White)

* tls: proper .destroySoon (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: invoke write cb only after opposite read end (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: ignore .shutdown() syscall error (Fedor Indutny)

2013.05.24, Version 0.10.8 (Stable), 30d9e9fdd9d4c33d3d95a129d021cd8b5b91eddb

* v8: update to

* uv: upgrade to 0.10.8

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.23

* http: remove bodyHead from 'upgrade' events (Nathan Zadoks)

* http: Return true on empty writes, not false (isaacs)

* http: save roundtrips, convert buffers to strings (Ben Noordhuis)

* configure: respect the --dest-os flag consistently (Nathan Rajlich)

* buffer: throw when writing beyond buffer (Trevor Norris)

* crypto: Clear error after DiffieHellman key errors (isaacs)

* string_bytes: strip padding from base64 strings (Trevor Norris)

2013.05.17, Version 0.10.7 (Stable), d2fdae197ac542f686ee06835d1153dd43b862e5

* uv: upgrade to v0.10.7

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.21

* crypto: Don't ignore verify encoding argument (isaacs)

* buffer, crypto: fix default encoding regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* timers: fix setInterval() assert (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.05.14, Version 0.10.6 (Stable), 5deb1672f2b5794f8be19498a425ea4dc0b0711f

* module: Deprecate require.extensions (isaacs)

* stream: make Readable.wrap support objectMode, empty streams (Daniel Moore)

* child_process: fix handle delivery (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: Fix performance regression (isaacs)

* src: DRY string encoding/decoding (isaacs)

2013.04.23, Version 0.10.5 (Stable), deeaf8fab978e3cadb364e46fb32dafdebe5f095

* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.5 (isaacs)

* build: added support for Visual Studio 2012 (Miroslav Bajtoš)

* http: Don't try to destroy nonexistent sockets (isaacs)

* crypto: LazyTransform on properties, not methods (isaacs)

* assert: put info in err.message, not err.name (Ryan Doenges)

* dgram: fix no address bind() (Ben Noordhuis)

* handle_wrap: fix NULL pointer dereference (Ben Noordhuis)

* os: fix unlikely buffer overflow in os.type() (Ben Noordhuis)

* stream: Fix unshift() race conditions (isaacs)

2013.04.11, Version 0.10.4 (Stable), 9712aa9f76073c30850b20a188b1ed12ffb74d17

* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.4

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.18

* v8: Avoid excessive memory growth in JSON.parse (Fedor Indutny)

* child_process, cluster: fix O(n*m) scan of cmd string (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: fix socket.bytesWritten Buffers support (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: fix offset checks (Łukasz Walukiewicz)

* stream: call write cb before finish event (isaacs)

* http: Support write(data, 'hex') (isaacs)

* crypto: dh secret should be left-padded (Fedor Indutny)

* process: expose NODE_MODULE_VERSION in process.versions (Rod Vagg)

* crypto: fix constructor call in crypto streams (Andreas Madsen)

* net: account for encoding in .byteLength (Fedor Indutny)

* net: fix buffer iteration in bytesWritten (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: zero is not an error if writing 0 bytes (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: Re-enable check of CN-ID in cert verification (Tobias Müllerleile)

2013.04.03, Version 0.10.3 (Stable), d4982f6f5e4a9a703127489a553b8d782997ea43

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.17

* child_process: acknowledge sent handles (Fedor Indutny)

* etw: update prototypes to match dtrace provider (Timothy J Fontaine)

* dtrace: pass more arguments to probes (Dave Pacheco)

* build: allow building with dtrace on osx (Dave Pacheco)

* http: Remove legacy ECONNRESET workaround code (isaacs)

* http: Ensure socket cleanup on client response end (isaacs)

* tls: Destroy socket when encrypted side closes (isaacs)

* repl: isSyntaxError() catches "strict mode" errors (Nathan Rajlich)

* crypto: Pass options to ctor calls (isaacs)

* src: tie process.versions.uv to uv_version_string() (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.03.28, Version 0.10.2 (Stable), 1e0de9c426e07a260bbec2d2196c2d2db8eb8886

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.15

* uv: Upgrade to 0.10.3

* tls: handle SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: handle errors before calling C++ methods (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: remove harmful unnecessary bounds checking (Marcel Laverdet)

* crypto: make getCiphers() return non-SSL ciphers (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: check randomBytes() size argument (Ben Noordhuis)

* timers: do not calculate Timeout._when property (Alexey Kupershtokh)

* timers: fix off-by-one ms error (Alexey Kupershtokh)

* timers: handle signed int32 overflow in enroll() (Fedor Indutny)

* stream: Fix stall in Transform under very specific conditions (Gil Pedersen)

* stream: Handle late 'readable' event listeners (isaacs)

* stream: Fix early end in Writables on zero-length writes (isaacs)

* domain: fix domain callback from MakeCallback (Trevor Norris)

* child_process: don't emit same handle twice (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: fix sending utf-8 to child process (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.03.21, Version 0.10.1 (Stable), c274d1643589bf104122674a8c3fd147527a667d

* npm: upgrade to 1.2.15

* crypto: Improve performance of non-stream APIs (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: always reset this.ssl.error after handling (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: Prevent mid-stream hangs (Fedor Indutny, isaacs)

* net: improve arbitrary tcp socket support (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: handle 'finish' event only after 'connect' (Fedor Indutny)

* http: Don't hot-path end() for large buffers (isaacs)

* fs: Missing cb errors are deprecated, not a throw (isaacs)

* fs: make write/appendFileSync correctly set file mode (Raymond Feng)

* stream: Return self from readable.wrap (isaacs)

* stream: Never call decoder.end() multiple times (Gil Pedersen)

* windows: enable watching signals with process.on('SIGXYZ') (Bert Belder)

* node: revert removal of MakeCallback (Trevor Norris)

* node: Unwrap without aborting in handle fd getter (isaacs)

2013.03.11, Version 0.10.0 (Stable), 163ca274230fce536afe76c64676c332693ad7c1

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.14

* core: Append filename properly in dlopen on windows (isaacs)

* zlib: Manage flush flags appropriately (isaacs)

* domains: Handle errors thrown in nested error handlers (isaacs)

* buffer: Strip high bits when converting to ascii (Ben Noordhuis)

* win/msi: Enable modify and repair (Bert Belder)

* win/msi: Add feature selection for various node parts (Bert Belder)

* win/msi: use consistent registry key paths (Bert Belder)

* child_process: support sending dgram socket (Andreas Madsen)

* fs: Raise EISDIR on Windows when calling fs.read/write on a dir (isaacs)

* unix: fix strict aliasing warnings, macro-ify functions (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: honor UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE environment var (Ben Noordhuis)

* win/tty: fix typo in color attributes enumeration (Bert Belder)

* win/tty: don't touch insert mode or quick edit mode (Bert Belder)

2013.03.06, Version 0.9.12 (Unstable), 0debf5a82934da805592b6496756cdf27c993abc

* stream: Allow strings in Readable.push/unshift (isaacs)

* stream: Remove bufferSize option (isaacs)

* stream: Increase highWaterMark on large reads (isaacs)

* stream: _write: takes an encoding argument (isaacs)

* stream: _transform: remove output() method, provide encoding (isaacs)

* stream: Don't require read(0) to emit 'readable' event (isaacs)

* node: Add --throw-deprecation (isaacs)

* http: fix multiple timeout events (Eugene Girshov)

* http: More useful setTimeout API on server (isaacs)

* net: use close callback, not process.nextTick (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: Provide better error when writing after FIN (isaacs)

* dns: Support NAPTR queries (Pavel Lang)

* dns: fix ReferenceError in resolve() error path (Xidorn Quan)

* child_process: handle ENOENT correctly on Windows (Scott Blomquist)

* cluster: Rename destroy() to kill(signal=SIGTERM) (isaacs)

* build: define nightly tag external to build system (Timothy J Fontaine)

* build: make msi build work when spaces are present in the path (Bert Belder)

* build: fix msi build issue with WiX 3.7/3.8 (Raymond Feng)

* repl: make compatible with domains (Dave Olszewski)

* events: Code cleanup and performance improvements (Trevor Norris)

2013.03.01, Version 0.9.11 (Unstable), 83392403b7a9b7782b37c17688938c75010f81ba

* V8: downgrade to 3.14.5

* openssl: update to 1.0.1e

* darwin: Make process.title work properly (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: Support mode/flag options to read/append/writeFile (isaacs)

* stream: _read() no longer takes a callback (isaacs)

* stream: Add stream.unshift(chunk) (isaacs)

* stream: remove lowWaterMark feature (isaacs)

* net: omit superfluous 'connect' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: remove errno global (Ben Noordhuis)

* core: Remove the nextTick for running the main file (isaacs)

* core: Mark exit() calls with status codes (isaacs)

* core: Fix debug signal handler race condition lock (isaacs)

* crypto: clear error stack (Ben Noordhuis)

* test: optionally set common.PORT via env variable (Timothy J Fontaine)

* path: Throw TypeError on non-string args to path.resolve/join (isaacs, Arianit Uka)

* crypto: fix uninitialized memory access in openssl (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.02.19, Version 0.9.10 (Unstable)

* V8: Upgrade to

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.12

* fs: Change default WriteStream config, increase perf (isaacs)

* process: streamlining tick callback logic (Trevor Norris)

* stream_wrap, udp_wrap: add read-only fd property (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffer: accept negative indices in Buffer#slice() (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: Cycle data when underlying socket drains (isaacs)

* stream: read(0) should not always trigger _read(n,cb) (isaacs)

* stream: Empty strings/buffers do not signal EOF any longer (isaacs)

* crypto: improve cipher/decipher error messages (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: Respect the 'readable' flag on sockets (isaacs)

* net: don't suppress ECONNRESET (Ben Noordhuis)

* typed arrays: copy Buffer in typed array constructor (Ben Noordhuis)

* typed arrays: make DataView throw on non-ArrayBuffer (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: MSI installer enhancements (Scott Blomquist, Jim Schubert)

2013.02.07, Version 0.9.9 (Unstable), 4b9f0d190cd6b22853caeb0e07145a98ce1d1d7f

* tls: port CryptoStream to streams2 (Fedor Indutny)

* typed arrays: only share ArrayBuffer backing store (Ben Noordhuis)

* stream: make Writable#end() accept a callback function (Nathan Rajlich)

* buffer: optimize 'hex' handling (Ben Noordhuis)

* dns, cares: don't filter NOTIMP, REFUSED, SERVFAIL (Ben Noordhuis)

* readline: treat bare \r as a line ending (isaacs)

* readline: make \r\n emit one 'line' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* cluster: support datagram sockets (Bert Belder)

* stream: Correct Transform class backpressure (isaacs)

* addon: Pass module object to NODE_MODULE init function (isaacs, Rod Vagg)

* buffer: slow buffer copy compatibility fix (Trevor Norris)

* Add bytesWritten to tls.CryptoStream (Andy Burke)

2013.01.24, Version 0.9.8 (Unstable), 5f2f8400f665dc32c3e10e7d31d53d756ded9156

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.3

* V8: Upgrade to

* streams: Support objects other than Buffers (Jake Verbaten)

* buffer: remove float write range checks (Trevor Norris)

* http: close connection on 304/204 responses with chunked encoding (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: fix build with dtrace support on FreeBSD (Fedor Indutny)

* console: Support formatting options in trace() (isaacs)

* domain: empty stack on all exceptions (Dave Olszewski)

* unix, windows: make uv_*_bind() error codes consistent (Andrius Bentkus)

* linux: add futimes() fallback (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.01.18, Version 0.9.7 (Unstable), 9e7bebeb8305edd55735a95955a98fdbe47572e5

* V8: Upgrade to

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.2

* punycode: Upgrade to 1.2.0 (Mathias Bynens)

* repl: make built-in modules available by default (Felix Böhm)

* windows: add support for '_Total' perf counters (Scott Blomquist)

* cluster: make --prof work for workers (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: do not keep list of sent sockets (Fedor Indutny)

* tls: Follow RFC6125 more strictly (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: floating point read/write improvements (Trevor Norris)

* TypedArrays: Improve dataview perf without endian param (Dean McNamee)

* module: assert require() called with a non-empty string (Felix Böhm, James Campos)

* stdio: Set readable/writable flags properly (isaacs)

* stream: Properly handle large reads from push-streams (isaacs)

2013.01.11, Version 0.9.6 (Unstable), 9313fdc71ca8335d5e3a391c103230ee6219b3e2

* V8: update to

* node: remove ev-emul.h (Ben Noordhuis)

* path: make basename and extname ignore trailing slashes (Bert Belder)

* typed arrays: fix sunos signed/unsigned char issue (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: Fix {stdio:'inherit'} regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: Fix pipe() from child stdio streams  (Maciej Małecki)

* child_process: make fork() execPath configurable (Bradley Meck)

* stream: Add readable.push(chunk) method (isaacs)

* dtrace: x64 ustack helper (Fedor Indutny)

* repl: fix floating point number parsing (Nirk Niggler)

* repl: allow overriding builtins (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: add localAddress and localPort to Socket (James Hight)

* fs: make pool size coincide with ReadStream bufferSize (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* typed arrays: implement load and store swizzling (Dean McNamee)

* windows: fix perfctr crash on XP and 2003 (Scott Blomquist)

* dgram: fix double implicit bind error (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.12.30, Version 0.9.5 (Unstable), 01994e8119c24f2284bac0779b32acb49c95bee7

* assert: improve support for new execution contexts (lukebayes)

* domain: use camelCase instead of snake_case (isaacs)

* domain: Do not use uncaughtException handler (isaacs)

* fs: make 'end' work with ReadStream without 'start' (Ben Noordhuis)

* https: optimize createConnection() (Ryunosuke SATO)

* buffer: speed up base64 encoding by 20% (Ben Noordhuis)

* doc: Colorize API stabilitity index headers in docs (Luke Arduini)

* net: socket.readyState corrections (bentaber)

* http: Performance enhancements for http under streams2 (isaacs)

* stream: fix to emit end event on http.ClientResponse (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* stream: fix event handler leak in readstream pipe and unpipe (Andreas Madsen)

* build: Support ./configure --tag switch (Maciej Małecki)

* repl: don't touch `require.cache` (Nathan Rajlich)

* node: Emit 'exit' event when exiting for an uncaught exception (isaacs)

2012.12.21, Version 0.9.4 (Unstable), d86d83c75f6343b5368bb7bd328b4466a035e1d4

* streams: Update all streaming interfaces to use new classes (isaacs)

* node: remove idle gc (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: protect against response splitting attacks (Bert Belder)

* fs: Raise error when null bytes detected in paths (isaacs)

* fs: fix 'object is not a function' callback errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: add autoClose=true option to fs.createReadStream (Farid Neshat)

* process: add getgroups(), setgroups(), initgroups() (Ben Noordhuis)

* openssl: optimized asm code on x86 and x64 (Bert Belder)

* crypto: fix leak in GetPeerCertificate (Fedor Indutny)

* add systemtap support (Jan Wynholds)

* windows: add ETW and PerfCounters support (Scott Blomquist)

* windows: fix normalization of UNC paths (Bert Belder)

* crypto: fix ssl error handling (Sergey Kholodilov)

* node: remove eio-emul.h (Ben Noordhuis)

* os: add os.endianness() function (Nathan Rajlich)

* readline: don't emit "line" events with a trailing '\n' char (Nathan Rajlich)

* build: add configure option to generate xcode build files (Timothy J Fontaine)

* build: allow linking against system libuv, cares, http_parser (Stephen Gallagher)

* typed arrays: add slice() support to ArrayBuffer (Anthony Pesch)

* debugger: exit and kill child on SIGTERM or SIGHUP (Fedor Indutny)

* url: url.format escapes delimiters in path and query (J. Lee Coltrane)

2012.10.24, Version 0.9.3 (Unstable), 1ed4c6776e4f52956918b70565502e0f8869829d

* V8: Upgrade to

* crypto: Default to buffers instead of binary strings (isaacs, Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: add getHashes() and getCiphers() (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: add custom thread pool, remove libeio (Ben Noordhuis)

* util: make `inspect()` accept an "options" argument (Nathan Rajlich)

* https: fix renegotation attack protection (Ben Noordhuis)

* cluster: make 'listening' handler see actual port (Aaditya Bhatia)

* windows: use USERPROFILE to get the user's home dir (Bert Belder)

* path: add platform specific path delimiter (Paul Serby)

* http: add response.headersSent property (Pavel Lang)

* child_process: make .fork()'d child auto-exit (Ben Noordhuis)

* events: add 'removeListener' event (Ben Noordhuis)

* string_decoder: Add 'end' method, do base64 properly (isaacs)

* buffer: include encoding value in exception when invalid (Ricky Ng-Adam)

* http: make http.ServerResponse no longer emit 'end' (isaacs)

* streams: fix pipe is destructed by 'end' from destination (koichik)

2012.09.17, Version 0.9.2 (Unstable), 6e2055889091a424fbb5c500bc3ab9c05d1c28b4

* http_parser: upgrade to ad3b631

* openssl: upgrade 1.0.1c

* darwin: use FSEvents to watch directory changes (Fedor Indutny)

* unix: support missing API on NetBSD (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* unix: fix EMFILE busy loop (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: un-break writable tty handles (Bert Belder)

* windows: map WSAESHUTDOWN to UV_EPIPE (Bert Belder)

* windows: make spawn with custom environment work again (Bert Belder)

* windows: map ERROR_DIRECTORY to UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)

* tls, https: validate server certificate by default (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls, https: throw exception on missing key/cert (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: async session storage (Fedor Indutny)

* installer: don't install header files (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffer: implement Buffer.prototype.toJSON() (Nathan Rajlich)

* buffer: added support for writing NaN and Infinity (koichik)

* http: make http.ServerResponse emit 'end' (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: ./configure --ninja (Ben Noordhuis, Timothy J Fontaine)

* installer: fix --without-npm (Ben Noordhuis)

* cli: make -p equivalent to -pe (Ben Noordhuis)

* url: Go much faster by using Url class (isaacs)

2012.08.28, Version 0.9.1 (Unstable), e6ce259d2caf338fec991c2dd447de763ce99ab7

* buffer: Add Buffer.isEncoding(enc) to test for valid encoding values (isaacs)

* Raise UV_ECANCELED on premature close. (Ben Noordhuis)

* Remove c-ares from libuv, move to a top-level node dependency (Bert Belder)

* ref/unref for all HandleWraps, timers, servers, and sockets (Timothy J Fontaine)

* addon: remove node-waf, superseded by node-gyp (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: emit error on exec failure (Ben Noordhuis)

* cluster: do not use internal server API (Andreas Madsen)

* constants: add O_DIRECT (Ian Babrou)

* crypto: add sync interface to crypto.pbkdf2() (Ben Noordhuis)

* darwin: emulate fdatasync() (Fedor Indutny)

* dgram: make .bind() always asynchronous (Ben Noordhuis)

* events: Make emitter.listeners() side-effect free (isaacs, Joe Andaverde)

* fs: Throw early on invalid encoding args (isaacs)

* fs: fix naming of truncate/ftruncate functions (isaacs)

* http: bubble up parser errors to ClientRequest (Brian White)

* linux: improve cpuinfo parser on ARM and MIPS (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: add support for IPv6 addresses ending in :: (Josh Erickson)

* net: support Server.listen(Pipe) (Andreas Madsen)

* node: don't scan add-on for "init" symbol (Ben Noordhuis)

* remove process.uvCounters() (Ben Noordhuis)

* repl: console writes to repl rather than process stdio (Nathan Rajlich)

* timers: implement setImmediate (Timothy J Fontaine)

* tls: fix segfault in pummel/test-tls-ci-reneg-attack (Ben Noordhuis)

* tools: Move gyp addon tools to node-gyp (Nathan Rajlich)

* unix: preliminary signal handler support (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: remove dependency on ev_child (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: work around darwin bug, don't poll() on pipe (Fedor Indutny)

* util: Formally deprecate util.pump() (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: make active and closing handle state independent (Bert Belder)

* windows: report spawn errors to the exit callback (Bert Belder)

* windows: signal handling support with uv_signal_t (Bert Belder)

2012.07.20, Version 0.9.0 (Unstable), f9b237f478c372fd55e4590d7399dcd8f25f3603

* punycode: update to v1.1.1 (Mathias Bynens)

* c-ares: upgrade to 1.9.0 (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

* dns: ignore rogue DNS servers reported by windows (Saúl Ibarra Corretgé)

* unix: speed up uv_async_send() (Ben Noordhuis)

* darwin: get cpu model correctly on mac (Xidorn Quan)

* nextTick: Handle tick callbacks before any other I/O (isaacs)

* Enable color customization of `util.inspect` (Pavel Lang)

* tls: Speed and memory improvements (Fedor Indutny)

* readline: Use one history item for reentered line (Vladimir Beloborodov)

* Fix #3521 Make process.env more like a regular Object (isaacs)

2013.06.13, Version 0.8.25 (maintenance), 0b9bdb2bc7e1c872f0ea4713517fda22a4b0b202

* npm: Upgrade to 1.2.30

* child_process: fix handle delivery (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.06.04, Version 0.8.24 (maintenance), c1a1ab067721ea17ef7b05ec5c68b01321017f05

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.24

* url: Properly parse certain oddly formed urls (isaacs)

* http: Don't try to destroy nonexistent sockets (isaacs)

* handle_wrap: fix NULL pointer dereference (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.04.09, Version 0.8.23 (maintenance), c67f8d0500fe15637a623eb759d2ad7eb9fb3b0b

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.18

* http: Avoid EE warning on ECONNREFUSED handling (isaacs)

* tls: Re-enable check of CN-ID in cert verification (Tobias Müllerleile)

* child_process: fix sending utf-8 to child process (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: check key type in GetPeerCertificate() (Ben Noordhuis)

* win/openssl: mark assembled object files as seh safe (Bert Belder)

* windows/msi: fix msi build issue with WiX 3.7/3.8 (Raymond Feng)

2013.03.07, Version 0.8.22 (Stable), 67a4cb4fe8c2346e30ffb83f7178e205cc2dab33

* npm: Update to 1.2.14

* cluster: propagate bind errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: don't assert when calling Cipher#final() twice (Ben Noordhuis)

* build, windows: disable SEH (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.02.25, Version 0.8.21 (Stable), 530d8c05d4c546146f18e5ba811d7eb3b7b7c0c5

* http: Do not free the wrong parser on socket close (isaacs)

* http: Handle hangup writes more gently (isaacs)

* zlib: fix assert on bad input (Ben Noordhuis)

* test: add TAP output to the test runner (Timothy J Fontaine)

* unix: Handle EINPROGRESS from domain sockets (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.02.15, Version 0.8.20 (Stable), e10c75579b536581ddd7ae4e2c3bf8a9d550d343

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.11

* http: Do not let Agent hand out destroyed sockets (isaacs)

* http: Raise hangup error on destroyed socket write (isaacs)

* http: protect against response splitting attacks (Bert Belder)

2013.02.06, Version 0.8.19 (Stable), 53978bdf420622ff0121c63c0338c9e7c2e60869

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.10

* zlib: pass object size hint to V8 (Ben Noordhuis)

* zlib: reduce memory consumption, release early (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffer: slow buffer copy compatibility fix (Trevor Norris)

* zlib: don't assert on malformed dictionary (Ben Noordhuis)

* zlib: don't assert on missing dictionary (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: better ipv6 support (Bert Belder)

* windows: add error mappings related to unsupported protocols (Bert Belder)

* windows: map ERROR_DIRECTORY to UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)

2013.01.18, Version 0.8.18 (Stable), 2c4eef0d972838c51999d32c0d251857a713dc18

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.2

* dns: make error message match errno (Dan Milon)

* tls: follow RFC6125 more stricly (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: reject negative SlowBuffer offsets (Ben Noordhuis)

* install: add simplejson fallback (Chris Dent)

* http: fix "Cannot call method 'emit' of null" (Ben Noordhuis)

2013.01.09, Version 0.8.17 (Stable), c50c33e9397d7a0a8717e8ce7530572907c054ad

* npm: Upgrade to v1.2.0
  - peerDependencies (Domenic Denicola)
  - node-gyp v0.8.2 (Nathan Rajlich)
  - Faster installs from github user/project shorthands (Nathan Zadoks)

* typed arrays: fix 32 bit size/index overflow (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Improve performance of single-packet responses (Ben Noordhuis)

* install: fix openbsd man page location (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: bubble up parser errors to ClientRequest (Brian White)

2012.12.13, Version 0.8.16 (Stable), 1c9c6277d5cfcaaac8569c0c8f7daa64292048a9

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.69

* fs: fix WriteStream/ReadStream fd leaks (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: fix leak in GetPeerCertificate (Fedor Indutny)

* buffer: Don't double-negate numeric buffer arg (Trevor Norris)

* net: More accurate IP address validation and IPv6 dotted notation. (Joshua Erickson)

2012.11.26, Version 0.8.15 (Stable), fdf91afb494a7a2fff2913d817f589c191a2c88f

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.66 (isaacs)

* linux: use /proc/cpuinfo for CPU frequency (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: map WSAESHUTDOWN to UV_EPIPE (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: map ERROR_GEN_FAILURE to UV_EIO (Bert Belder)

* unix: do not set environ unless one is provided (Charlie McConnell)

* domains: don't crash if domain is set to null (Bert Belder)

* windows: fix the x64 debug build (Bert Belder)

* net, tls: fix connect() resource leak (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.10.25, Version 0.8.14 (Stable), b00527fcf05c3d9f/b5d5d790f9472906a59fe218

* events: Don't clobber pre-existing _events obj in EE ctor (isaacs)

2012.10.25, Version 0.8.13 (Stable), ff4c974873f9a7cc6a5b042eb9b6389bb8dde6d6

* V8: Upgrade to

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.65

* url: parse hostnames that start with - or _ (Ben Noordhuis)

* repl: Fix Windows 8 terminal issue (Bert Belder)

* typed arrays: use signed char for signed int8s (Aaron Jacobs)

* crypto: fix bugs in DiffieHellman (Ben Noordhuis)

* configure: turn on VFPv3 on ARMv7 (Ben Noordhuis)

* Re-enable OpenSSL UI for entering passphrases via tty (Ben Noordhuis)

* repl: ensure each REPL instance gets its own "context" (Nathan Rajlich)

2012.10.12, Version 0.8.12 (Stable), 38c72d4e29574dec5205bcf23c2a85efe65331a4

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.63

* crypto: Reduce stability index to 2-Unstable (isaacs)

* windows: fix handle leak in uv_fs_utime (Bert Belder)

* windows: fix application crashed popup in debug version (Bert Belder)

* buffer: report proper retained size in profiler (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffer: fix byteLength with UTF-16LE (koichik)

* repl: make "end of input" JSON.parse() errors throw in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* repl: make invalid RegExp modifiers throw in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* http: handle multiple Proxy-Authenticate values (Willi Eggeling)

2012.09.27, Version 0.8.11 (Stable), e1f39468fa580c1e4cb15fac621f87944ee625dc

* fs: Fix stat() size reporting for large files (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.09.25, Version 0.8.10 (Stable), 0bc273da4fcaa79b209ed755ad249a3e7be626a6

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.62

* repl: make invalid RegExps throw in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* v8: loosen artificial mmap constraint (Bryan Cantrill)

* process: fix setuid() and setgid() error reporting (Ben Noordhuis)

* domain: Properly exit() on domain disposal (isaacs)

* fs: fix watchFile() missing deletion events (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: fix assert in fs.watch() (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: don't segfault on deeply recursive stat() (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Remove timeout handler when data arrives (Frédéric Germain)

* http: make the client "res" object gets the same domain as "req" (Nathan Rajlich)

* windows: don't blow up when an invalid FD is used (Bert Belder)

* unix: map EDQUOT to UV_ENOSPC (Charlie McConnell)

* linux: improve /proc/cpuinfo parser (Ben Noordhuis)

* win/tty: reset background brightness when color is set to default (Bert Belder)

* unix: put child process stdio fds in blocking mode (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix EMFILE busy loop (Ben Noordhuis)

* sunos: don't set TCP_KEEPALIVE (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: Use slab allocator for memory management (Fedor Indutny)

* openssl: Use optimized assembly code for x86 and x64 (Bert Belder)

2012.09.11, Version 0.8.9 (Stable), b88c3902b241cf934e75443b934f2033ad3915b1

* v8: upgrade to

* GYP: upgrade to r1477

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.61

* npm: Don't create world-writable files (isaacs)

* windows: fix single-accept mode for shared server sockets (Bert Belder)

* windows: fix uninitialized memory access in uv_update_time() (Bert Belder)

* windows: don't throw when a signal handler is attached (Bert Belder)

* unix: fix memory leak in udp (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: map errno ESPIPE (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix, windows: fix memory corruption in fs-poll.c (Ben Noordhuis)

* sunos: fix os.cpus() on x86_64 (Ben Noordhuis)

* child process: fix processes with IPC channel don't emit 'close' (Bert Belder)

* build: add a "--dest-os" option to force a gyp "flavor" (Nathan Rajlich)

* build: set `process.platform` to "sunos" on SunOS (Nathan Rajlich)

* build: fix `make -j` fails after `make clean` (Bearice Ren)

* build: fix openssl configuration for "arm" builds (Nathan Rajlich)

* tls: support unix domain socket/named pipe in tls.connect (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* https: make https.get() accept a URL (koichik)

* http: respect HTTP/1.0 TE header (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto, tls: Domainify setSNICallback, pbkdf2, randomBytes (Ben Noordhuis)

* stream.pipe: Don't call destroy() unless it's a function (isaacs)

2012.08.22, Version 0.8.8 (Stable), a299c97bbc701f4d460e91214d7bfe7a9589d361

* V8: upgrade to

* npm: upgrade to 1.1.59

* windows: fix uninitialized memory access in uv_update_time() (Bert Belder)

* unix, windows: fix memory corruption in fs-poll.c (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix integer overflow in uv_hrtime (Tim Holy)

* sunos: fix uv_cpu_info() on x86_64 (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: update default cipher list (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: Fix llvm and older gcc duplicate symbol warnings (Bert Belder)

* fs: fix use after free in stat watcher (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: Fix using manually compiled gcc on OS X (Nathan Rajlich)

* windows: make junctions work again (Bert Belder)

2012.08.15, Version 0.8.7 (Stable), f640c5d35cba96634cd8176a525a1d876e361a61

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.49

* website: download page (Golo Roden)

* crypto: fix uninitialized memory access in openssl (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffer, crypto: fix buffer decoding (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: compile with -fno-tree-vrp when gcc >= 4.0 (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: handle multiple CN fields when verifying cert (Ben Noordhuis)

* doc: remove unused util from child_process (Kyle Robinson Young)

* build: rework -fvisibility=hidden detection (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: don't duplicate invalid stdio handles (Bert Belder)

* windows: fix typos in process-stdio.c (Bert Belder)

2012.08.07, Version 0.8.6 (Stable), 0544a586ca6b6b900a42e164033dbf350765700a

* npm: Upgrade to v1.1.48

* Add 'make binary' to build binary tarballs for all Unixes (Nathan Rajlich)

* zlib: Emit 'close' on destroy(). (Dominic Tarr)

* child_process: Fix stdout=null when stdio=['pipe'] (Tyler Neylon)

* installer: prevent ETXTBSY errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* installer: honor --without-npm, default install path (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: make pause work with connecting sockets (Bert Belder)

* installer: fix cross-compile installs (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: fix .listen({fd:0}) (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: map WSANO_DATA to UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)

2012.08.02, Version 0.8.5 (Stable), 9b86a4453f0c76f2707a75c0b2343aba33ec63bc

* node: tag Encode and friends NODE_EXTERN (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: fix ReadStream / WriteStream missing callback (Gil Pedersen)

* fs: fix readFileSync("/proc/cpuinfo") regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* installer: don't assume bash is installed (Ben Noordhuis)

* Report errors properly from --eval and stdin (isaacs)

* assert: fix throws() throws an error without message property (koichik)

* cluster: fix libuv assert in net.listen() (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: always link sunos builds with libumem (Trent Mick)

* build: improve armv7 / hard-float detection (Adam Malcontenti-Wilson)

* https: Use host header as effective servername (isaacs)

* sunos: work around OS bug to prevent fs.watch() from spinning (Bryan Cantrill)

* linux: fix 'two watchers, one path' segfault (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: fix memory leaks in many fs functions (Bert Belder)

* windows: don't allow directories to be opened for writing/appending (Bert Belder)

* windows: make fork() work even when not all stdio handles are valid (Bert Belder)

* windows: make unlink() not remove mount points, and improve performance (Bert Belder)

* build: Sign pkg installer for OS X (isaacs)

2012.07.25, Version 0.8.4 (Stable), f98562fcd7d1cab573ca4dc1612157d6999befd4

* V8: Upgrade to

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.45

* net: fix Socket({ fd: 42 }) api (Ben Noordhuis)

* readline: Remove event listeners on close (isaacs)

* windows: correctly prep long path for fs.exists(Sync) (Bert Belder)

* debugger: wake up the event loop when a debugger command is dispatched (Peter Rybin)

* tls: verify server's identity (Fedor Indutny)

* net: ignore socket.setTimeout(Infinity or NaN) (Fedor Indutny)

2012.07.19, Version 0.8.3 (Stable), 60bf2d6cb33e4ce55604f73889ab840a9de8bdab

* V8: upgrade to

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.43

* net: fix net.Server.listen({fd:x}) error reporting (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: fix bogus errno reporting (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: Move npm shebang logic into an npm script (isaacs)

* build: fix add-on loading on freebsd (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: disable unsafe optimizations (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: fix spurious mksnapshot crashes for good (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: speed up genv8constants (Dave Pacheco)

* fs: make unwatchFile() remove a specific listener (Ben Noordhuis)

* domain: Remove first arg from intercepted fn (Toshihiro Nakamura)

* domain: Fix memory leak on error (isaacs)

* events: Fix memory leak from removeAllListeners (Nathan Rajlich)

* zlib: Fix memory leak in Unzip class. (isaacs)

* crypto: Fix memory leak in DecipherUpdate() (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.07.09, Version 0.8.2 (Stable), cc6084b9ac5cf1d4fe5e7165b71e8fc05d11be1f

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.36

* readline: don't use Function#call() (Nathan Rajlich)

* Code cleanup to pass 'use strict' (Jonas Westerlund)

* module: add filename to require() json errors (TJ Holowaychuk)

* readline: fix for unicode prompts (Tim Macfarlane)

* timers: fix handling of large timeouts (Ben Noordhuis)

* repl: fix passing an empty line inserting "undefined" into the buffer (Nathan Rajlich)

* repl: fix crashes when buffering command (Maciej Małecki)

* build: rename strict_aliasing to node_no_strict_aliasing (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: disable -fstrict-aliasing for any gcc < 4.6.0 (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: detect cc version with -dumpversion (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: handle output of localized gcc or clang (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix memory corruption in freebsd.c (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix 'zero handles, one request' busy loop (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix busy loop on unexpected tcp message (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: fix EINPROGRESS busy loop (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.06.29, Version 0.8.1 (stable), 2134aa3d5c622fc3c3b02ccb713fcde0e0df479a

* V8: upgrade to v3.11.10.12

* npm: upgrade to v1.1.33
  - Support for parallel use of the cache folder
  - Retry on registry timeouts or network failures (Trent Mick)
  - Reduce 'engines' failures to a warning
  - Use new zsh completion if aviailable (Jeremy Cantrell)

* Fix #3577 Un-break require('sys')

* util: speed up formatting of large arrays/objects (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: make fs.realpath(Sync) work with UNC paths (Bert Belder)

* build: fix --shared-v8 option (Ben Noordhuis)

* doc: `detached` is a boolean (Andreas Madsen)

* build: use proper python interpreter (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: expand ~ in `./configure --prefix=~/a/b/c` (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: handle CC env var with spaces (Gabriel de Perthuis)

* build: fix V8 build when compiling with gcc 4.5 (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: fix --shared-v8 option (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows msi: Fix icon issue which caused huge file size (Bert Belder)

* unix: assume that dlopen() may clobber dlerror() (Ben Noordhuis)

* sunos: fix memory corruption bugs (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: better (f)utimes and (f)stat (Bert Belder)

2012.06.25, Version 0.8.0 (stable), 8b8a7a7f9b41e74e1e810d0330738ad06fc302ec

* V8: upgrade to v3.11.10.10

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.32

* Deprecate iowatcher (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: update icon (Bert Belder)

* http: Hush 'MUST NOT have a body' warnings to debug() (isaacs)

* Move blog.nodejs.org content into repository (isaacs)

* Fix #3503: stdin: resume() on pipe(dest) (isaacs)

* crypto: fix error reporting in SetKey() (Fedor Indutny)

* Add --no-deprecation and --trace-deprecation command-line flags (isaacs)

* fs: fix fs.watchFile() (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: Fix fs.readfile() on pipes (isaacs)

* Rename GYP variable node_use_system_openssl to be consistent (Ryan Dahl)

2012.06.19, Version 0.7.12 (unstable), a72120190a8ffdbcd3d6ad2a2e6ceecd2087111e

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.30
	- Improved 'npm init'
	- Fix the 'cb never called' error from 'oudated' and 'update'
	- Add --save-bundle|-B config
	- Fix isaacs/npm#2465: Make npm script and windows shims cygwin-aware
	- Fix isaacs/npm#2452 Use --save(-dev|-optional) in npm rm
	- `logstream` option to replace removed `logfd` (Rod Vagg)
	- Read default descriptions from README.md files

* Shims to support deprecated ev_* and eio_* methods (Ben Noordhuis)

* #3118 net.Socket: Delay pause/resume until after connect (isaacs)

* #3465 Add ./configure --no-ifaddrs flag (isaacs)

* child_process: add .stdin stream to forks (Fedor Indutny)

* build: fix `make install DESTDIR=/path` (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: fix off-by-one error in renegotiation check (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: Fix diffie-hellman key generation UTF-8 errors (Fedor Indutny)

* node: change the constructor name of process from EventEmitter to process (Andreas Madsen)

* net: Prevent property access throws during close (Reid Burke)

* querystring: improved speed and code cleanup (Felix Böhm)

* sunos: fix assertion errors breaking fs.watch() (Fedor Indutny)

* unix: stat: detect sub-second changes (Ben Noordhuis)

* add stat() based file watcher (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.06.15, Version 0.7.11 (unstable), 5cfe0b86d5be266ef51bbba369c39e412ee51944

* V8: Upgrade to v3.11.10

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.26

* doc: Improve cross-linking in API docs markdown (Ben Kelly)

* Fix #3425: removeAllListeners should delete array (Reid Burke)

* cluster: don't silently drop messages when the write queue gets big (Bert Belder)

* Add Buffer.concat method (isaacs)

* windows: make symlinks tolerant to forward slashes (Bert Belder)

* build: Add node.d and node.1 to installer (isaacs)

* cluster: rename worker.unqiueID to worker.id (Andreas Madsen)

* Windows: Enable ETW events on Windows for existing DTrace probes. (Igor Zinkovsky)

* test: bundle node-weak in test/gc so that it doesn't need to be downloaded (Nathan Rajlich)

* Make many tests pass on Windows (Bert Belder)

* Fix #3388 Support listening on file descriptors (isaacs)

* Fix #3407 Add os.tmpDir() (isaacs)

* Unbreak the snapshotted build on Windows (Bert Belder)

* Clean up child_process.kill throws (Bert Belder)

* crypto: make cipher/decipher accept buffer args (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.06.11, Version 0.7.10 (unstable), 12a32a48a30182621b3f8e9b9695d1946b53c131

* Roll V8 back to

* build: x64 target should always pass -m64 (Robert Mustacchi)

* add NODE_EXTERN to node::Start (Joel Brandt)

* repl: Warn about running npm commands (isaacs)

* slab_allocator: fix crash in dtor if V8 is dead (Ben Noordhuis)

* slab_allocator: fix leak of Persistent handles (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* windows/msi: add node.js prompt to startmenu (Jeroen Janssen)

* windows/msi: fix adding node to PATH (Jeroen Janssen)

* windows/msi: add start menu links when installing (Jeroen Janssen)

* windows: don't install x64 version into the 'program files (x86)' folder (Matt Gollob)

* domain: Fix #3379 domain.intercept no longer passes error arg to cb (Marc Harter)

* fs: make callbacks run in global context (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: enable fs.realpath on windows (isaacs)

* child_process: expose UV_PROCESS_DETACHED as options.detached (Charlie McConnell)

* child_process: new stdio API for .spawn() method (Fedor Indutny)

* child_process: spawn().ref() and spawn().unref() (Fedor Indutny)

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.25
	- Enable npm link on windows
	- Properly remove sh-shim on Windows
	- Abstract out registry client and logger

2012.05.28, Version 0.7.9 (unstable), 782277f11a753ded831439ed826448c06fc0f356

* Upgrade V8 to 3.11.1

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.23

* uv: rework reference counting scheme (Ben Noordhuis)

* uv: add interface for joining external event loops (Bert Belder)

* repl, readline: Handle Ctrl+Z and SIGCONT better (Nathan Rajlich)

* fs: 64bit offsets for fs calls (Igor Zinkovsky)

* fs: add sync open flags 'rs' and 'rs+' (Kevin Bowman)

* windows: enable creating directory junctions with fs.symlink (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder)

* windows: fix fs.lstat to properly detect symlinks. (Igor Zinkovsky)

* Fix #3270 Escape url.parse delims (isaacs)

* http: make http.get() accept a URL (Adam Malcontenti-Wilson)

* Cleanup vm module memory leakage (Marcel Laverdet)

* Optimize writing strings with Socket.write (Bert Belder)

* add support for CESU-8 and UTF-16LE encodings (koichik)

* path: add path.sep to get the path separator. (Yi, EungJun)

* net, http: add backlog parameter to .listen() (Erik Dubbelboer)

* debugger: support mirroring Date objects (Fedor Indutny)

* addon: add AtExit() function (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: signal localAddress bind failure in connect (Brian Schroeder)

* util: handle non-string return value in .inspect() (Alex Kocharin)

2012.04.18, Version 0.7.8 (unstable), c2b47097c0b483552efc1947c6766fa1128600b6

* Upgrade V8 to

* Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.0f

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.18

* Show licenses in Binary installers

* Domains (isaacs)

* readline: rename "end" to "close" (Nathan Rajlich)

* tcp: make getsockname() return address family as string (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* http, https: fix .setTimeout() (ssuda)

* os: add cross platform EOL character (Mustansir Golawala)

* typed arrays: unexport SizeOfArrayElementForType() (Aaron Jacobs)

* net: honor 'enable' flag in .setNoDelay() (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: emit error when .kill fails (Andreas Madsen)

* gyp: fix 'argument list too long' build error (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs.WriteStream: Handle modifications to fs.open (isaacs)

* repl, readline: Handle newlines better (Nathan Rajlich, Nathan Friedly)

* build: target OSX 10.5 when building on darwin (Nathan Rajlich)

* Fix #3052 Handle errors properly in zlib (isaacs)

* build: add support for DTrace and postmortem (Dave Pacheco)

* core: add reusable Slab allocator (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.03.30, Version 0.7.7 (unstable), 5cda2542fdb086f9fe5de889bea435a65e377dea

* Upgrade V8 to

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.15

* Handle Emoji characters properly (Erik Corry, Bert Belder)

* readline: migrate ansi/vt100 logic from tty to readline (Nathan Rajlich)

* readline: Fix multiline handling (Alex Kocharin)

* add a -i/--interactive flag to force the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* debugger: add breakOnException command (Fedor Indutny)

* cluster: kill workers when master dies (Andreas Madsen)

* cluster: add graceful disconnect support (Andreas Madsen)

* child_process: Separate 'close' event from 'exit' (Charlie McConnell)

* typed arrays: add Uint8ClampedArray (Mikael Bourges-Sevenier)

* buffer: Fix byte alignment issues (Ben Noordhuis, Erik Lundin)

* tls: fix CryptoStream.setKeepAlive() (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* Expose http parse error codes (Felix Geisendörfer)

* events: don't delete the listeners array (Ben Noordhuis, Nathan Rajlich)

* process: add process.config to view node's ./configure settings (Nathan Rajlich)

* process: process.execArgv to see node's arguments (Micheil Smith)

* process: fix process.title setter (Ben Noordhuis)

* timers: handle negative or non-numeric timeout values (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.03.13, Version 0.7.6 (unstable), f06abda6f58e517349d1b63a2cbf5a8d04a03505

* Upgrade v8 to 3.9.17

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.8
  - Add support for os/cpu fields in package.json (Adam Blackburn)
  - Automatically node-gyp packages containing a binding.gyp
  - Fix failures unpacking in UNC shares
  - Never create un-listable directories
  - Handle cases where an optionalDependency fails to build

* events: newListener emit correct fn when using 'once' (Roly Fentanes)

* url: Ignore empty port component (Łukasz Walukiewicz)

* module: replace 'children' array (isaacs)

* tls: parse multiple values of a key in ssl certificate (Sambasiva Suda)

* cluster: support passing of named pipes (Ben Noordhuis)

* Windows: include syscall in fs errors (Bert Belder)

* http: #2888 Emit end event only once (Igor Zinkovsky)

* readline: add multiline support (Rlidwka)

* process: add `process.hrtime()` (Nathan Rajlich)

* net, http, https: add localAddress option (Dmitry Nizovtsev)

* addon improvements (Nathan Rajlich)

* build improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Sadique Ali, T.C. Hollingsworth, Nathan Rajlich)

* add support for "SEARCH" request methods (Nathan Rajlich)

* expose the zlib and http_parser version in process.versions (Nathan Rajlich)

2012.02.23, Version 0.7.5 (unstable), d384b8b0d2ab7f05465f0a3e15fe20b4e25b5f86

* startup speed improvements (Maciej Małecki)

* crypto: add function getDiffieHellman() (Tomasz Buchert)

* buffer: support decoding of URL-safe base64 (Ben Noordhuis)

* Make QueryString.parse() even faster (Brian White)

* url: decode url entities in auth section (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: support PURGE request method (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Generate Date headers on responses (Mark Nottingham)

* Fix #2762: Add callback to close function. (Mikeal Rogers)

* dgram: fix out-of-bound memory read (Ben Noordhuis)

* repl: add automatic loading of built-in libs (Brandon Benvie)

* repl: remove double calls where possible (Fedor Indutny)

* Readline improvements. Related: #2737 #2756 (Colton Baker)

* build: disable -fomit-frame-pointer on solaris (Dave Pacheco)

* build: arch detection improvements (Nathan Rajlich)

* build: Make a fat binary for the OS X `make pkg`. (Nathan Rajlich)

* jslint src/ and lib/ on 'make test' (isaacs)

2012.02.14, Version 0.7.4 (unstable), de21de920cf93ec40736ada3792a7f85f3eadeda

* Upgrade V8 to 3.9.5

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.1

* build: Detect host_arch better (Karl Skomski)

* debugger: export `debug_port` to `process` (Fedor Indutny)

* api docs: CSS bug fixes (isaacs)

* build: use -fPIC for native addons on UNIX (Nathan Rajlich)

* Re-add top-level v8::Locker (Marcel Laverdet)

* Move images out of the dist tarballs (isaacs)

* libuv: Remove uv_export and uv_import (Ben Noordhuis)

* build: Support x64 build on Windows (Igor Zinkovsky)

2012.02.07, Version 0.7.3 (unstable), 99059aad8d654acda4abcfaa68df182b50f2ec90

* Upgrade V8 to 3.9.2

* Revert support for isolates. (Ben Noordhuis)

* cluster: Cleanup docs, event handling, and process.disconnect (Andreas Madsen)

* gyp_addon: link with node.lib on Windows (Nathan Rajlich)

* http: fix case where http-parser is freed twice (koichik)

* Windows: disable RTTI and exceptions (Bert Belder)

2012.02.01, Version 0.7.2 (unstable), ec79acb3a6166e30f0bf271fbbfda1fb575b3321

* Update V8 to 3.8.9

* Support for sharing streams across Isolates (Igor Zinkovsky)

* #2636 - Fix case where http_parsers are freed too early (koichik)

* url: Support for IPv6 addresses in URLs (Łukasz Walukiewicz)

* child_process: Add disconnect() method to child processes (Andreas Madsen)

* fs: add O_EXCL support, exclusive open file (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: more specific error messages (Tj Holowaychuk)

* tty: emit 'unknown' key event if key sequence not found (Dan VerWeire, Nathan Rajlich)

* build: compile release build too if BUILDTYPE=Debug (Ben Noordhuis)

* module: fix --debug-brk on symlinked scripts (Fedor Indutny)

* zlib: fix `Failed to set dictionary` issue (Fedor Indutny)

* waf: predict target arch for OS X (Fedor Indutny)

2012.01.23, Version 0.7.1 (unstable), a74354735ab5d5b0fa35a1e4ff7e653757d2069b

* Update V8 to 3.8.8

* Install node-waf by default (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: Add ability to turn off PKCS padding (Ingmar Runge)

* v8: implement VirtualMemory class on SunOS (Ben Noordhuis)

* Add cluster.setupMaster (Andreas Madsen)

* move `path.exists*` to `fs.exists*` (Maciej Małecki)

* typed arrays: set class name (Ben Noordhuis)

* libuv bug fixes (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis, Dan VerWeire)

2012.01.16, Version 0.7.0 (unstable), 9cc55dca6f67a6096c858b841c677b0593404321

* Upgrade V8 to 3.8.6

* Use GYP build system on unix (Ben Noordhuis)

* Experimenetal isolates support (Ben Noordhuis)

* Improvements to Cluster API (Andreas Madsen)

* Use isolates for internal debugger (Fedor Indutny)

* Bug fixes

2012.07.10 Version 0.6.20 (maintenance), 952e513379169ec1b40909d1db056e9bf4294899

* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.37 (isaacs)

* benchmark: Backport improvements made in master (isaacs)

* build: always link with -lz (Trent Mick)

* core: use proper #include directives (Ben Noordhuis)

* cluster: don't silently drop messages when the write queue gets big (Bert Belder)

* windows: don't print error when GetConsoleTitleW returns an empty string (Bert Belder)

2012.06.06 Version 0.6.19 (stable), debf552ed2d4a53957446e82ff3c52a8182d5ff4

* npm: upgrade to 1.1.24

* fs: no end emit after createReadStream.pause() (Andreas Madsen)

* vm: cleanup module memory leakage (Marcel Laverdet)

* unix: fix loop starvation under high network load (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: remove abort() in ev_unref() (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows/tty: never report error after forcibly aborting line-buffered read (Bert Belder)

* windows: skip GetFileAttributes call when opening a file (Bert Belder)

2012.05.15 Version 0.6.18 (stable), 4bc1d395de6abed2cf1e4d0b7b3a1480a21c368f

* windows: skip GetFileAttributes call when opening a file (Bert Belder)

* crypto: add PKCS12/PFX support (Sambasiva Suda)

* #3240: child_process: delete NODE_CHANNEL_FD from env in spawn (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: add test for path.normalize with UNC paths (Bert Belder)

* windows: make path.normalize convert all slashes to backslashes (Bert Belder)

* fs: Automatically close FSWatcher on error (Bert Belder)

* #3258: fs.ReadStream.pause() emits duplicate data event (koichik)

* pipe_wrap: don't assert() on pipe accept errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* Better exception output for module load and process.nextTick (Felix Geisendörfer)

* zlib: fix error reporting (Ben Noordhuis)

* http: Don't destroy on timeout (isaacs)

* #3231: http: Don't try to emit error on a null'ed req object (isaacs)

* #3236: http: Refactor ClientRequest.onSocket (isaacs)

2012.05.04 Version 0.6.17 (stable), 4ced23deaf36493f4303a18f6fdce768c58becc0

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.21

* uv: Add support for EROFS errors (Ben Noordhuis, Maciej Małecki)

* uv: Add support for EIO and ENOSPC errors (Fedor Indutny)

* windows: Add support for EXDEV errors (Bert Belder)

* http: Fix client memory leaks (isaacs, Vincent Voyer)

* fs: fix file descriptor leak in sync functions (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: fix ReadStream / WriteStream double close bug (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.04.30 Version 0.6.16 (stable), a1d193963ddc80a27da5da01b59751e14e33d1d6

* Upgrade V8 to

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.19

* Windows: add mappings for UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)

* linux: add IN_MOVE_SELF to inotify event mask (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: call pipe handle connection cb on accept() error (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: handle EWOULDBLOCK (Ben Noordhuis)

* map EWOULDBLOCK to UV_EAGAIN (Ben Noordhuis)

* Map ENOMEM to UV_ENOMEM (isaacs)

* Child process: support the `gid` and `uid` options (Bert Belder)

* test: cluster: add worker death event test (Ben Noordhuis)

* typo in node_http_parser (isaacs)

* http_parser: Eat CRLF between requests, even on connection:close. (Ben Noordhuis)

* don't check return value of unsetenv (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.04.09 Version 0.6.15 (stable), f160a45b254e591eb33716311c92be533c6d86c4

* Update npm to 1.1.16

* Show licenses in binary installers.

* unix: add uv_fs_read64, uv_fs_write64 and uv_fs_ftruncate64 (Ben Noordhuis)

* add 64bit offset fs functions (Igor Zinkovsky)

* windows: don't report ENOTSOCK when attempting to bind an udp handle twice (Bert Belder)

* windows: backport pipe-connect-to-file fixes from master (Bert Belder)

* windows: never call fs event callbacks after closing the watcher (Bert Belder)

* fs.readFile: don't make the callback before the fd is closed (Bert Belder)

* windows: use 64bit offsets for uv_fs apis (Igor Zinkovsky)

* Fix #2061: segmentation fault on OS X due to stat size mismatch (Ben Noordhuis)

2012.03.22 Version 0.6.14 (stable), e513ffef7549a56a5af728e1f0c2c0c8f290518a

* net: don't crash when queued write fails (Igor Zinkovsky)

* sunos: fix EMFILE on process.memoryUsage() (Bryan Cantrill)

* crypto: fix compile-time error with openssl 0.9.7e (Ben Noordhuis)

* unix: ignore ECONNABORTED errors from accept() (Ben Noordhuis)

* Add UV_ENOSPC and mappings to it (Bert Belder)

* http-parser: Fix response body is not read (koichik)

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.12
  - upgrade node-gyp to 0.3.7
  - work around AV-locked directories on Windows
  - Fix isaacs/npm#2293 Don't try to 'uninstall' /
  - Exclude symbolic links from packages.
  - Fix isaacs/npm#2275 Spurious 'unresolvable cycle' error.
  - Exclude/include dot files as if they were normal files

2012.03.15 Version 0.6.13 (stable), 9f7f86b534f8556290eb8cad915984ff4ca54996

* Windows: Many libuv test fixes (Bert Belder)

* Windows: avoid uv_guess_handle crash in when fd < 0 (Bert Belder)

* Map EBUSY and ENOTEMPTY errors (Bert Belder)

* Windows: include syscall in fs errors (Bert Belder)

* Fix fs.watch ENOSYS on Linux kernel version mismatch (Ben Noordhuis)

* Update npm to 1.1.9
  - upgrade node-gyp to 0.3.5 (Nathan Rajlich)
  - Fix isaacs/npm#2249 Add cache-max and cache-min configs
  - Properly redirect across https/http registry requests
  - log config usage if undefined key in set function (Kris Windham)
  - Add support for os/cpu fields in package.json (Adam Blackburn)
  - Automatically node-gyp packages containing a binding.gyp
  - Fix failures unpacking in UNC shares
  - Never create un-listable directories
  - Handle cases where an optionalDependency fails to build

2012.03.02 Version 0.6.12 (stable), 48a2d34cfe6b7e1c9d15202a4ef5e3c82d1fba35

* Upgrade V8 to

* dtrace ustack helper improvements (Dave Pacheco)

* API Documentation refactor (isaacs)

* #2827 net: fix race write() before and after connect() (koichik)

* #2554 #2567 throw if fs args for 'start' or 'end' are strings (AJ ONeal)

* punycode: Update to v1.0.0 (Mathias Bynens)

* Make a fat binary for the OS X pkg (isaacs)

* Fix hang on accessing process.stdin (isaacs)

* repl: make tab completion work on non-objects (Nathan Rajlich)

* Fix fs.watch on OS X (Ben Noordhuis)

* Fix #2515 nested setTimeouts cause premature process exit (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: fix time conversion in stat (Igor Zinkovsky)

* windows: fs: handle EOF in read (Brandon Philips)

* windows: avoid IOCP short-circuit on non-ifs lsps (Igor Zinkovsky)

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.4 (isaacs)
  - windows fixes
  - Bundle nested bundleDependencies properly
  - install: support --save with url install targets
  - shrinkwrap: behave properly with url-installed modules
  - support installing uncompressed tars or single file modules from urls etc.
  - don't run make clean on rebuild
  - support HTTPS-over-HTTP proxy tunneling

2012.02.17 Version 0.6.11 (stable), 1eb1fe32250fc88cb5b0a97cddf3e02be02e3f4a

* http: allow multiple WebSocket RFC6455 headers (Einar Otto Stangvik)

* http: allow multiple WWW-Authenticate headers (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: support unicode argv and environment variables (Bert Belder)

* tls: mitigate session renegotiation attacks (Ben Noordhuis)

* tcp, pipe: don't assert on uv_accept() errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* tls: Allow establishing secure connection on the existing socket (koichik)

* dgram: handle close of dgram socket before DNS lookup completes (Seth Fitzsimmons)

* windows: Support half-duplex pipes (Igor Zinkovsky)

* build: disable omit-frame-pointer on solaris systems (Dave Pacheco)

* debugger: fix --debug-brk (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: fix large file downloads failing (koichik)

* fs: fix ReadStream failure to read from existing fd (Christopher Jeffrey)

* net: destroy socket on DNS error (Stefan Rusu)

* dtrace: add missing translator (Dave Pacheco)

* unix: don't flush tty on switch to raw mode (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: reset brightness when reverting to default text color (Bert Belder)

* npm: update to 1.1.1
  - Update which, fstream, mkdirp, request, and rimraf
  - Fix #2123 Set path properly for lifecycle scripts on windows
  - Mark the root as seen, so we don't recurse into it. Fixes #1838. (Martin Cooper)

2012.02.02, Version 0.6.10 (stable), 051908e023f87894fa68f5b64d0b99a19a7db01e

* Update V8 to

* Add npm msysgit bash shim to msi installer (isaacs)

* buffers: fix intermittent out of bounds error (Ben Noordhuis)

* buffers: honor length argument in base64 decoder (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: Fix path.exists regression (Bert Belder)

* Make QueryString.parse run faster (Philip Tellis)

* http: avoid freeing http-parser objects too early (koichik)

* timers: add v0.4 compatibility hack (Ben Noordhuis)

* Proper EPERM error code support (Igor Zinkovsky, Brandon Philips)

* dgram: Implement udp multicast methods on windows (Bert Belder)

2012.01.27, Version 0.6.9 (stable), f19e20d33f57c4d2853aaea7d2724d44f3b0012f

* dgram: Bring back missing functionality for Unix (Dan VerWeire, Roman Shtylman, Ben Noordhuis)
  - Note: Windows UDP support not yet complete.

* http: Fix parser memory leak (koichik)

* zlib: Fix #2365 crashes on invalid input (Nicolas LaCasse)

* module: fix --debug-brk on symlinked scripts (Fedor Indutny)

* Documentation Restyling (Matthew Fitzsimmons)

* Update npm to 1.1.0-3 (isaacs)

* Windows: fix regression in stat() calls to C:\ (Bert Belder)

2012.01.19, Version 0.6.8 (stable), d18cebaf8a7ac701dabd71a3aa4eb0571db6a645

* Update V8 to

* Numeric key hash collision fix for V8 (Erik Corry, Fedor Indutny)

* Add missing TTY key translations for F1-F5 on Windows (Brandon Benvie)

* path.extname bugfix with . and .. paths (Bert Belder)

* cluster: don't always kill the master on uncaughtException (Ben Noordhuis)

* Update npm to 1.1.0-2 (isaacs)

* typed arrays: set class name (Ben Noordhuis)

* zlib binding cleanup (isaacs, Bert Belder)

* dgram: use slab memory allocator (Michael Bernstein)

* fix segfault #2473

* #2521 60% improvement in fs.stat on Windows (Igor Zinkovsky)

2012.01.06, Version 0.6.7 (stable), d5a189acef14a851287ee555f7a39431fe276e1c

* V8 hash collision fix (Breaks MIPS) (Bert Belder, Erik Corry)

* Upgrade V8 to

* Upgrade npm to 1.1.0-beta-10 (isaacs)

* many doc updates (Ben Noordhuis, Jeremy Martin, koichik, Dave Irvine,
  Seong-Rak Choi, Shannen, Adam Malcontenti-Wilson, koichik)

* Fix segfault in node_http_parser.cc

* dgram, timers: fix memory leaks (Ben Noordhuis, Yoshihiro Kikuchi)

* repl: fix repl.start not passing the `ignoreUndefined` arg (Damon Oehlman)

* #1980: Socket.pause null reference when called on a closed Stream (koichik)

* #2263: XMLHttpRequest piped in a writable file stream hang (koichik)

* #2069: http resource leak (koichik)

* buffer.readInt global pollution fix (Phil Sung)

* timers: fix performance regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* #2308, #2246: node swallows openssl error on request (koichik)

* #2114: timers: remove _idleTimeout from item in .unenroll() (James Hartig)

* #2379: debugger: Request backtrace w/o refs (Fedor Indutny)

* simple DTrace ustack helper (Dave Pacheco)

* crypto: rewrite HexDecode without snprintf (Roman Shtylman)

* crypto: don't ignore DH init errors (Ben Noordhuis)

2011.12.14, Version 0.6.6 (stable), 9a059ea69e1f6ebd8899246682d8ca257610b8ab

* npm update to 1.1.0-beta-4 (Isaac Z. Schlueter)

* cli: fix output of --help (Ben Noordhuis)

* new website

* pause/resume semantics for stdin (Isaac Z. Schlueter)

* Travis CI integration (Maciej Małecki)

* child_process: Fix bug regarding closed stdin (Ben Noordhuis)

* Enable upgrades in MSI. (Igor Zinkovsky)

* net: Fixes memory leak (Ben Noordhuis)

* fs: handle fractional or NaN ReadStream buffer size (Ben Noordhuis)

* crypto: fix memory leaks in PBKDF2 error path (Ben Noordhuis)

2011.12.04, Version 0.6.5 (stable), 6cc94db653a2739ab28e33b2d6a63c51bd986a9f

* npm workaround Windows antivirus software (isaacs)

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.12.02, Version 0.6.4 (stable), 9170077f13e5e5475b23d1d3c2e7f69bfe139727

* doc improvements (Kyle Young, Tim Oxley, Roman Shtylman, Mathias Bynens)

* upgrade bundled npm (Isaac Schlueter)

* polish Windows installer (Igor Zinkovsky, Isaac Schlueter)

* punycode: upgrade to v0.2.1 (Mathias Bynens)

* build: add –without-npm flag to configure script

* sys: deprecate module some more, print stack trace if NODE_DEBUG=sys

* cli: add -p switch, prints result of –eval

* #1997: fix Blowfish ECB encryption and decryption (Ingmar Runge)

* #2223: fix socket ‘close’ event being emitted twice

* #2224: fix RSS memory usage > 4 GB reporting (Russ Bradberry)

* #2225: fix util.inspect() object stringification bug (Nathan Rajlich)

2011.11.25, Version 0.6.3 (stable), b159c6d62e5756d3f8847419d29c6959ea288b56

* #2083 Land NPM in Node. It is included in packages/installers and installed
  on `make install`.

* #2076 Add logos to windows installer.

* #1711 Correctly handle http requests without headers. (Ben Noordhuis,
  Felix Geisendörfer)

* TLS: expose more openssl SSL context options and constants. (Ben Noordhuis)

* #2177 Windows: don't kill UDP socket when a packet fails to reach its
  destination. (Bert Belder)

* Windows: support paths longer than 260 characters. (Igor Zinkovsky)

* Windows: correctly resolve drive-relative paths. (Bert Belder)

* #2166 Don't leave file descriptor open after lchmod. (Isaac Schlueter)

* #2084 Add OS X .pkg build script to make file.

* #2160 Documentation improvements. (Ben Noordhuis)

2011.11.18, Version 0.6.2 (stable), a4402f0b2e410b19375a1d5c5fb7fe7f66f3c7f8

* doc improvements (Artur Adib, Trevor Burnham, Ryan Emery, Trent Mick)

* timers: remember extra setTimeout() arguments when timeout==0

* punycode: use Mathias Bynens's punycode library, it's more compliant

* repl: improved tab completion (Ryan Emery)

* buffer: fix range checks in .writeInt() functions (Lukasz Walukiewicz)

* tls: make cipher list configurable

* addons: make Buffer and ObjectWrap visible to Windows add-ons (Bert Belder)

* crypto: add PKCS#1 a.k.a RSA public key verification support

* windows: fix stdout writes when redirected to nul

* sunos: fix build on Solaris and Illumos

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.11.11, Version 0.6.1 (stable), 170f2addb2dd0c625bc4a6d461e89a31ad68b79b

* doc improvements (Eric Lovett, Ben Noordhuis, Scott Anderson, Yoji SHIDARA)

* crypto: make thread-safe (Ben Noordhuis)

* fix process.kill error object

* debugger: correctly handle source with multi-byte characters (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* make stdout and stderr non-destroyable (Igor Zinkovsky)

* fs: don't close uninitialized fs.watch handle (Ben Noordhuis)

* #2026 fix man page install on BSDs (Ben Noordhuis)

* #2040 fix unrecognized errno assert in uv_err_name

* #2043 fs: mkdir() should call callback if mode is omitted

* #2045 fs: fix fs.realpath on windows to return on error (Benjamin Pasero)

* #2047 minor cluster improvements

* #2052 readline get window columns correctly

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.11.04, Version 0.6.0 (stable), 865b077819a9271a29f982faaef99dc635b57fbc

* print undefined on undefined values in REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* doc improvements (koichik, seebees, bnoordhuis,
  Maciej Małecki, Jacob Kragh)

* support native addon loading in windows (Bert Belder)

* rename getNetworkInterfaces() to networkInterfaces() (bnoordhuis)

* add pending accepts knob for windows (igorzi)

* http.request(url.parse(x)) (seebees)

* #1929 zlib Respond to 'resume' events properly (isaacs)

* stream.pipe: Remove resume and pause events

* test fixes for windows (igorzi)

* build system improvements (bnoordhuis)

* #1936 tls: does not emit 'end' from EncryptedStream (koichik)

* #758 tls: add address(), remoteAddress/remotePort

* #1399 http: emit Error object after .abort() (bnoordhuis)

* #1999 fs: make mkdir() default to 0777 permissions (bnoordhuis)

* #2001 fix pipe error codes

* #2002 Socket.write should reset timeout timer

* stdout and stderr are blocking when associated with file too.

* remote debugger support on windows (Bert Belder)

* convenience methods for zlib (Matt Robenolt)

* process.kill support on windows (igorzi)

* process.uptime() support on windows (igorzi)

* Return IPv4 addresses before IPv6 addresses from getaddrinfo

* util.inspect improvements (Nathan Rajlich)

* cluster module api changes

* Downgrade V8 to

2011.10.21, Version 0.5.10 (unstable), 220e61c1f65bf4db09699fcf6399c0809c0bc446

* Remove cmake build system, support for Cygwin, legacy code base,
	process.ENV, process.ARGV, process.memoryUsage().vsize, os.openOSHandle

* Documentation improvments (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder, Ilya Dmitrichenko,
koichik, Maciej Małecki, Guglielmo Ferri, isaacs)

* Performance improvements (Daniel Ennis, Bert Belder, Ben Noordhuis)

* Long process.title support (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: register net.Server callback only once (Simen Brekken)

* net: fix connect queue bugs (Ben Noordhuis)

* debugger: fix backtrace err handling (Fedor Indutny)

* Use getaddrinfo instead of c-ares for dns.lookup

* Emit 'end' from crypto streams on close

* #1902 buffer: use NO_NULL_TERMINATION flag (koichik)

* #1907 http: Added support for HTTP PATCH verb (Thomas Parslow)

* #1644 add GetCPUInfo on windows (Karl Skomski)

* #1484, #1834, #1482, #771 Don't use a separate context for the repl.

* #1882 zlib Update 'availOutBefore' value, and test (isaacs)

* #1888 child_process.fork: don't modify args (koichik)

* #1516 tls: requestCert unusable with Firefox and Chrome (koichik)

* #1467 tls: The TLS API is inconsistent with the TCP API (koichik)

* #1894 net: fix error handling in listen() (koichik)

* #1860 console.error now goes through uv_tty_t

* Upgrade V8 to 3.7.0

* Upgrade GYP to r1081

2011.10.10, Version 0.5.9 (unstable), 3bd9b08fb125b606f97a4079b147accfdeebb07d

* fs.watch interface backed by kqueue, inotify, and ReadDirectoryChangesW
  (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis)

* add dns.resolveTxt (Christian Tellnes)

* Remove legacy http library (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process.fork returns and works on Windows. Allows passing handles.
  (Igor Zinkovsky, Bert Belder)

* #1774 Lint and clean up for --harmony_block_scoping (Tyler Larson, Colton

* #1813 Fix ctrl+c on Windows (Bert Belder)

* #1844 unbreak --use-legacy (Ben Noordhuis)

* process.stderr now goes through libuv. Both process.stdout and
  process.stderr are blocking when referencing a TTY.

* net_uv performance improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Bert Belder)

2011.09.30, Version 0.5.8 (unstable), 7cc17a0cea1d25188c103745a7d0c24375e3a609

* zlib bindings (isaacs)

* Windows supports TTY ANSI escape codes (Bert Belder)

* Debugger improvements (Fedor Indutny)

* crypto: look up SSL errors with ERR_print_errors() (Ben Noordhuis)

* dns callbacks go through MakeCallback now

* Raise an error when a malformed package.json file is found. (Ben Leslie)

* buffers: handle bad length argument in constructor (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1726, unref process.stdout

* Doc improvements (Ben Noordhuis, Fedor Indutny, koichik)

* Upgrade libuv to fe18438

2011.09.16, Version 0.5.7 (unstable), 558241166c4f3c516e5a448e676db0b57119212f

* Upgrade V8 to 3.6.4

* Improve Windows compatibility

* Documentation improvements

* Debugger and REPL improvements (Fedor Indutny)

* Add legacy API support: net.Stream(fd), process.stdout.writable,

* Fix mkdir EEXIST handling (isaacs)

* Use net_uv instead of net_legacy for stdio

* Do not load readline from util.inspect

* #1673 Fix bug related to V8 context with accessors (Fedor Indutny)

* #1634 util: Fix inspection for Error (koichik)

* #1645 fs: Add positioned file writing feature to fs.WriteStream (Thomas

* #1637 fs: Unguarded fs.watchFile cache statWatchers checking fixed (Thomas

* #1695 Forward customFds to ChildProcess.spawn

* #1707 Fix hasOwnProperty security problem in querystring (isaacs)

* #1719 Drain OpenSSL error queue

2011.09.08, Version 0.5.6 (unstable), b49bec55806574a47403771bce1ee379c2b09ca2

* #345, #1635, #1648 Documentation improvements (Thomas Shinnick,
  Abimanyu Raja, AJ ONeal, Koichi Kobayashi, Michael Jackson, Logan Smyth,
  Ben Noordhuis)

* #650 Improve path parsing on windows (Bert Belder)

* #752 Remove headers sent check in OutgoingMessage.getHeader()
  (Peter Lyons)

* #1236, #1438, #1506, #1513, #1621, #1640, #1647 Libuv-related bugs fixed
  (Jorge Chamorro Bieling, Peter Bright, Luis Lavena, Igor Zinkovsky)

* #1296, #1612 crypto: Fix BIO's usage. (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1345 Correctly set socket.remoteAddress with libuv backend (Bert Belder)

* #1429 Don't clobber quick edit mode on windows (Peter Bright)

* #1503 Make libuv backend default on unix, override with `node --use-legacy`

* #1565 Fix fs.stat for paths ending with \ on windows (Igor Zinkovsky)

* #1568 Fix x509 certificate subject parsing (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1586 Make socket write encoding case-insensitive (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1591, #1656, #1657 Implement fs in libuv, remove libeio and pthread-win32
  dependency on windows (Igor Zinkovsky, Ben Noordhuis, Ryan Dahl,
  Isaac Schlueter)

* #1592 Don't load-time link against CreateSymbolicLink on windows
  (Peter Bright)

* #1601 Improve API consistency when dealing with the socket underlying a HTTP
  client request (Mikeal Rogers)

* #1610 Remove DigiNotar CA from trusted list (Isaac Schlueter)

* #1617 Added some win32 os functions (Karl Skomski)

* #1624 avoid buffer overrun with 'binary' encoding (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1633 make Buffer.write() always set _charsWritten (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1644 Windows: set executables to be console programs (Peter Bright)

* #1651 improve inspection for sparse array (Koichi Kobayashi)

* #1672 set .code='ECONNRESET' on socket hang up errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* Add test case for foaf+ssl client certificate (Niclas Hoyer)

* Added RPATH environment variable to override run-time library paths
  (Ashok Mudukutore)

* Added TLS client-side session resumption support (Sean Cunningham)

* Added additional properties to getPeerCertificate (Nathan Rixham,
  Niclas Hoyer)

* Don't eval repl command twice when an error is thrown (Nathan Rajlich)

* Improve util.isDate() (Nathan Rajlich)

* Improvements in libuv backend and bindings, upgrade libuv to

* Show warning when using lib/sys.js (Maciej Malecki)

* Support plus sign in url protocol (Maciej Malecki)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.6.2

2011.08.26, Version 0.5.5 (unstable), d2d53d4bb262f517a227cc178a1648094ba54c20

* typed arrays, implementation from Plesk

* fix IP multicast on SunOS

* fix DNS lookup order: IPv4 first, IPv6 second (--use-uv only)

* remove support for UNIX datagram sockets (--use-uv only)

* UDP support for Windows (Bert Belder)

* #1572 improve tab completion for objects in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich)

* #1563 fix buffer overflow in child_process module (reported by Dean McNamee)

* #1546 fix performance regression in http module (reported by Brian Geffon)

* #1491 add PBKDF2 crypto support (Glen Low)

* #1447 remove deprecated http.cat() function (Mikeal Rogers)

* #1140 fix incorrect dispatch of vm.runInContext's filename argument
  (Antranig Basman)

* #1140 document vm.runInContext() and vm.createContext() (Antranig Basman)

* #1428 fix os.freemem() on 64 bits freebsd (Artem Zaytsev)

* #1164 make all DNS lookups async, fixes uncatchable exceptions
  (Koichi Kobayashi)

* fix incorrect ssl shutdown check (Tom Hughes)

* various cmake fixes (Tom Hughes)

* improved documentation (Koichi Kobayashi, Logan Smyth, Fedor Indutny,
  Mikeal Rogers, Maciej Małecki, Antranig Basman, Mickaël Delahaye)

* upgrade libuv to commit 835782a

* upgrade V8 to 3.5.8

2011.08.12, Version 0.5.4 (unstable), cfba1f59224ff8602c3fe9145181cad4c6df89a9

* libuv/Windows compatibility improvements

* Build on Microsoft Visual Studio via GYP. Use generate-projects.bat in the
  to build sln files. (Peter Bright, Igor Zinkovsky)

* Make Mikeal's HTTP agent client the default. Use old HTTP client with

* Fixes https host header default port handling. (Mikeal Rogers)

* #1440 strip byte order marker when loading *.js and *.json files
  (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1434 Improve util.format() compatibility with browser. (Koichi Kobayashi)

* Provide unchecked uint entry points for integer Buffer.read/writeInt
  methods. (Robert Mustacchi)

* CMake improvements (Tom Huges)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.5.4.

2011.08.01, Version 0.5.3 (unstable), 4585330afef44ddfb6a4054bd9b0f190b352628b

* Fix crypto encryption/decryption with Base64. (SAWADA Tadashi)

* #243 Add an optional length argument to Buffer.write() (koichik)

* #657 convert nonbuffer data to string in fs.writeFile/Sync
  (Daniel Pihlström)

* Add process.features, remove process.useUV (Ben Noordhuis)

* #324 Fix crypto hmac to accept binary keys + add test cases from rfc 2202
  and 4231 (Stefan Bühler)

* Add Socket::bytesRead, Socket::bytesWritten (Alexander Uvarov)

* #572 Don't print result of --eval in CLI (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1223 Fix http.ClientRequest crashes if end() was called twice (koichik)

* #1383 Emit 'close' after all connections have closed (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Add sprintf-like util.format() function (Ben Noordhuis)

* Add support for TLS SNI (Fedor Indutny)

* New http agent implementation. Off by default the command line flag
  --use-http2 will enable it. "make test-http2" will run the tests
	for the new implementation. (Mikeal Rogers)

* Revert AMD compatibility. (isaacs)

* Windows: improvements, child_process support.

* Remove pkg-config file.

* Fix startup time regressions.

* doc improvements

2011.07.22, Version 0.5.2 (unstable), 08ffce1a00dde1199174b390a64a90b60768ddf5

* libuv improvements; named pipe support

* #1242 check for SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods() (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1348 remove require.paths (isaacs)

* #1349 Delimit NODE_PATH with ; on Windows (isaacs)

* #1335 Remove EventEmitter from C++

* #1357 Load json files with require() (isaacs)

* #1374 fix setting ServerResponse.statusCode in writeHead (Trent Mick)

* Fixed: GC was being run too often.

* Upgrade V8 to 3.4.14

* doc improvements

2011.07.14, Version 0.5.1 (unstable), f8bfa54d0fa509f9242637bef2869a1b1e842ec8

* #1233 Fix os.totalmem on FreeBSD amd64 (Artem Zaytsev)

* #1149 IDNA and Punycode support in url.parse
  (Jeremy Selier, Ben Noordhuis, isaacs)

* Export $CC and $CXX to uv and V8's build systems

* Include pthread-win32 static libraries in build (Igor Zinkovsky)

* #1199, #1094 Fix fs can't handle large file on 64bit platform (koichik)

* #1281 Make require a public member of module (isaacs)

* #1303 Stream.pipe returns the destination (Elijah Insua)

* #1229 Addons should not -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 (Brian White)

* libuv backend improvements

* Upgrade V8 to 3.4.10

2011.07.05, Version 0.5.0 (unstable), ae7ed8482ea7e53c59acbdf3cf0e0a0ae9d792cd

* New non-default libuv backend to support IOCP on Windows.
  Use --use-uv to enable.

* deprecate http.cat

* docs improved.

* add child_process.fork

* add fs.utimes() and fs.futimes() support (Ben Noordhuis)

* add process.uptime() (Tom Huges)

* add path.relative (Tony Huang)

* add os.getNetworkInterfaces()

* add remoteAddress and remotePort for client TCP connections
  (Brian White)

* add secureOptions flag, setting ciphers,
  SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG to TLS (Theo Schlossnagle)

* add process.arch (Nathan Rajlich)

* add reading/writing of floats and doubles from/to buffers (Brian White)

* Allow script to be read from stdin

* #477 add Buffer::fill method to do memset (Konstantin Käfer)

* #573 Diffie-Hellman support to crypto module (Håvard Stranden)

* #695 add 'hex' encoding to buffer (isaacs)

* #851 Update how REPLServer uses contexts (Ben Weaver)

* #853 add fs.lchow, fs.lchmod, fs.fchmod, fs.fchown (isaacs)

* #889 Allow to remove all EventEmitter listeners at once
  (Felix Geisendörfer)

* #926 OpenSSL NPN support (Fedor Indutny)

* #955 Change ^C handling in REPL (isaacs)

* #979 add support for Unix Domain Sockets to HTTP (Mark Cavage)

* #1173 #1170 add AMD, asynchronous module definition (isaacs)

* DTrace probes: support X-Forwarded-For (Dave Pacheco)

2011.09.15, Version 0.4.12 (stable), 771ba34ca7b839add2ef96879e1ffc684813cf7c

* Improve docs

* #1563 overflow in ChildProcess custom_fd.

* #1569, parse error on multi-line HTTP headers. (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1586 net: Socket write encoding case sensitivity (koichik)

* #1610 Remove DigiNotar CA from trusted list (isaacs)

* #1624 buffer: Avoid overrun with 'binary' encoding. (koichik)

* #1633 buffer: write() should always set _charsWritten. (koichik)

* #1707 hasOwnProperty usage security hole in querystring (isaacs)

* #1719 Drain OpenSSL error queue

* Fix error reporting in net.Server.listen

2011.08.17, Version 0.4.11 (stable), a745d19ce7d1c0e3778371af4f0346be70cf2c8e

* #738 Fix crypto encryption/decryption with Base64. (SAWADA Tadashi)

* #1202 net.createConnection defer DNS lookup error events to next tick
  (Ben Noordhuis)

* #1374 fix setting ServerResponse.statusCode in writeHead (Trent Mick)

* #1417 Fix http.ClientRequest crashes if end() was called twice

* #1497 querystring: Replace 'in' test with 'hasOwnProperty' (isaacs)

* #1546 http perf improvement

* fix memleak in libeio (Tom Hughes)

* cmake improvements (Tom Hughes)

* node_net.cc: fix incorrect sizeof() (Tom Hughes)

* Windows/cygwin: no more GetConsoleTitleW errors on XP (Bert Belder)

* Doc improvments (koichik, Logan Smyth, Ben Noordhuis, Arnout Kazemier)

2011.07.19, Version 0.4.10 (stable), 1b8dd65d6e3b82b6863ef38835cc436c5d30c1d5

* #394 Fix Buffer drops last null character in UTF-8

* #829 Backport r8577 from V8 (Ben Noordhuis)

* #877 Don't wait for HTTP Agent socket pool to establish connections.

* #915 Find kqueue on FreeBSD correctly (Brett Kiefer)

* #1085 HTTP: Fix race in abort/dispatch code (Stefan Rusu)

* #1274 debugger improvement (Yoshihiro Kikuchi)

* #1291 Properly respond to HEAD during end(body) hot path (Reid Burke)

* #1304 TLS: Fix race in abort/connection code (Stefan Rusu)

* #1360 Allow _ in url hostnames.

* Revert 37d529f8 - unbreaks debugger command parsing.

* Bring back global execScript

* Doc improvements

2011.06.29, Version 0.4.9 (stable), de44eafd7854d06cd85006f509b7051e8540589b

* Improve documentation

* #1095 error handling bug in stream.pipe() (Felix Geisendörfer)

* #1097 Fix a few leaks in node_crypto.cc (Ben Noordhuis)

* #562 #1078 Parse file:// urls properly (Ryan Petrello)

* #880 Option to disable SSLv2 (Jérémy Lal)

* #1087 Disabling SSL compression disabled with early OpenSSLs.

* #1144 debugger: don't allow users to input non-valid commands
  (Siddharth Mahendraker)

* Perf improvement for util.inherits

* #1166 Support for signature verification with RSA/DSA public keys
  (Mark Cavage)

* #1177 Remove node_modules lookup optimization to better support
  nested project structures (Mathias Buus)

* #1203 Add missing scope.Close to fs.sendfileSync

* #1187 Support multiple 'link' headers

* #1196 Fix -e/--eval can't load module from node_modules (Koichi Kobayashi)

* Upgrade V8 to, upgrade http-parser.

2011.05.20, Version 0.4.8 (stable), 7dd22c26e4365698dc3efddf138c4d399cb912c8

* #974 Properly report traceless errors (isaacs)

* #983 Better JSON.parse error detection in REPL (isaacs)

* #836 Agent socket errors bubble up to req only if req exists

* #1041 Fix event listener leak check timing (koichik)

*	#1038 Fix dns.resolve() with 'PTR' throws Error: Unknown type "PTR"

* #1073 Share SSL context between server connections (Fedor Indutny)

* Disable compression with OpenSSL. Improves memory perf.

* Implement os.totalmem() and os.freemem() for SunOS (Alexandre Marangone)

* Fix a special characters in URL regression (isaacs)

* Fix idle timeouts in HTTPS (Felix Geisendörfer)

* SlowBuffer.write() with 'ucs2' throws ReferenceError. (koichik)

* http.ServerRequest 'close' sometimes gets an error argument
  (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Doc improvements

* cleartextstream.destroy() should close(2) the socket. Previously was being
	mapped to a shutdown(2) syscall.

* No longer compile out asserts and debug statements in normal build.

* Debugger improvements.

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.04.22, Version 0.4.7 (stable), c85455a954411b38232e79752d4abb61bb75031b

* Don't emit error on ECONNRESET from read() #670

* Fix: Multiple pipes to the same stream were broken #929
  (Felix Geisendörfer)

* URL parsing/formatting corrections #954 (isaacs)

* make it possible to do repl.start('', stream) (Wade Simmons)

* Add os.loadavg for SunOS (Robert Mustacchi)

* Fix timeouts with floating point numbers #897 (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)

* Improve docs.

2011.04.13, Version 0.4.6 (stable), 58002d56bc79410c5ff397fc0e1ffec0665db38a

* Don't error on ENOTCONN from shutdown() #670

* Auto completion of built-in debugger suggests prefix match rather than
	partial match. (koichik)

* circular reference in vm modules. #822 (Jakub Lekstan)

* http response.readable should be false after 'end' #867 (Abe Fettig)

* Implement os.cpus() and os.uptime() on Solaris (Scott McWhirter)

* fs.ReadStream: Allow omission of end option for range reads #801
	(Felix Geisendörfer)

* Buffer.write() with UCS-2 should not be write partial char
	#916 (koichik)

* Pass secureProtocol through on tls.Server creation (Theo Schlossnagle)

* TLS use RC4-SHA by default

* Don't strangely drop out of event loop on HTTPS client uploads #892

* Doc improvements

* Upgrade v8 to

2011.04.01, Version 0.4.5 (stable), 787a343b588de26784fef97f953420b53a6e1d73

* Fix listener leak in stream.pipe() (Mikeal Rogers)

* Retain buffers in fs.read/write() GH-814 (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)

* TLS performance improvements

* SlowBuffer.prototype.slice bug GH-843

* process.stderr.write should return true

* Immediate pause/resume race condition GH-535 (isaacs)

* Set default host header properly GH-721 (isaacs)

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.03.26, Version 0.4.4 (stable), 25122b986a90ba0982697b7abcb0158c302a1019

* CryptoStream.end shouldn't throw if not writable GH-820

* Drop out if connection destroyed before connect() GH-819

* expose https.Agent

* Correctly setsid in tty.open GH-815

* Bug fix for failed buffer construction

* Added support for removing .once listeners (GH-806)

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.03.18, Version 0.4.3 (stable), c095ce1a1b41ca015758a713283bf1f0bd41e4c4

* Don't decrease server connection counter again if destroy() is called more
	than once GH-431 (Andreas Reich, Anders Conbere)

* Documentation improvements (koichik)

* Fix bug with setMaxListeners GH-682

* Start up memory footprint improvement. (Tom Hughes)

* Solaris improvements.

* Buffer::Length(Buffer*) should not invoke itself recursively GH-759 (Ben

* TLS: Advertise support for client certs GH-774 (Theo Schlossnagle)

* HTTP Agent bugs: GH-787, GH-784, GH-803.

* Don't call GetMemoryUsage every 5 seconds.

* Upgrade V8 to

2011.03.02, Version 0.4.2 (stable), 39280e1b5731f3fcd8cc42ad41b86cdfdcb6d58b

* Improve docs.

* Fix process.on edge case with signal event (Alexis Sellier)

* Pragma HTTP header comma separation

* In addition to 'aborted' emit 'close' from incoming requests
  (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Fix memleak in vm.runInNewContext

* Do not cache modules that throw exceptions (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Build system changes for libnode (Aria Stewart)

* Read up the prototype of the 'env' object. (Nathan Rajlich)

* Add 'close' and 'aborted' events to Agent responses

* http: fix missing 'drain' events (Russell Haering)

* Fix process.stdout.end() throws ENOTSOCK error. (Koichi Kobayashi)

* REPL bug fixes (isaacs)

* node_modules folders should be highest priority (isaacs)

* URL parse more safely (isaacs)

* Expose errno with a string for dns/cares (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Fix tty.setWindowSize

* spawn: setuid after chdir (isaacs)

* SIGUSR1 should break the VM without delay

* Upgrade V8 to 3.1.8.

2011.02.19, Version 0.4.1 (stable), e8aef84191bc2c1ba2bcaa54f30aabde7f03769b

* Fixed field merging with progressive fields on writeHead()
  (TJ Holowaychuk)

* Make the repl respect node_modules folders (isaacs)

* Fix for DNS fail in HTTP request (Richard Rodger)

* Default to port 80 for http.request and http.get.

* Improve V8 support for Cygwin (Bert Belder)

* Fix fs.open param parsing. (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Fixed null signal.

* Fix various HTTP and HTTPS bugs

* cmake improvements (Tom Hughes)

* Fix: TLS sockets should not be writable after 'end'

* Fix os.cpus() on cygwin (Brian White)

* MinGW: OpenSSL support (Bert Belder)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.1.5, libev to 4.4.

2011.02.10, Version 0.4.0 (stable), eb155ea6f6a6aa341aa8c731dca8da545c6a4008

* require() improvements (isaacs)
  - understand package.json (isaacs)
  - look for 'node_modules' dir

* cmake fixes (Daniel Gröber)

* http: fix buffer writes to outgoing messages (Russell Haering)

* Expose UCS-2 Encoding (Konstantin Käfer)

* Support strings for octal modes (isaacs)

* Support array-ish args to Buffer ctor (isaacs)

* cygwin and mingw improvements (Bert Belder)

* TLS improvements

* Fewer syscalls during require (Bert Belder, isaacs)

* More DTrace probes (Bryan Cantrill,  Robert Mustacchi)

* 'pipe' event on pipe() (Mikeal Rogers)

* CRL support in TLS (Theo Schlossnagle)

* HTTP header manipulation methods (Tim Caswell, Charlie Robbins)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.1.2

2011.02.04, Version 0.3.8 (unstable), 9493b7563bff31525b4080df5aeef09747782d5e

* Add req.abort() for client side requests.

* Add exception.code for easy testing:
  Example: if (err.code == 'EADDRINUSE');

* Add process.stderr.

* require.main is the main module. (Isaac Schlueter)

* dgram: setMulticastTTL, setMulticastLoopback and addMembership.
  (Joe Walnes)

* Fix throttling in TLS connections

* Add socket.bufferSize

* MinGW improvements (Bert Belder)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.1.1

2011.01.27, Version 0.3.7 (unstable), d8579c6afdbe868de6dffa8db78bbe4ba2d03e0e

* Expose agent in http and https client. (Mikeal Rogers)

* Fix bug in http request's end method. (Ali Farhadi)

* MinGW: better net support (Bert Belder)

* fs.open should set FD_CLOEXEC

* DTrace probes (Bryan Cantrill)

* REPL fixes and improvements (isaacs, Bert Belder)

* Fix many bugs with legacy http.Client interface

* Deprecate process.assert. Use require('assert').ok

* Add callback parameter to socket.setTimeout(). (Ali Farhadi)

* Fixing bug in http request default encoding (Ali Farhadi)

* require: A module ID with a trailing slash must be a dir.

* Add ext_key_usage to getPeerCertificate (Greg Hughes)

* Error when child_process.exec hits maxBuffer.

* Fix option parsing in tls.connect()

* Upgrade to V8 3.0.10

2011.01.21, Version 0.3.6 (unstable), bb3e71466e5240626d9d21cf791fe43e87d90011

* REPL and other improvements on MinGW (Bert Belder)

* listen/bind errors should close net.Server

* New HTTP and HTTPS client APIs

* Upgrade V8 to 3.0.9

2011.01.16, Version 0.3.5 (unstable), b622bc6305e3c675e0edfcdbaa387d849ad0bba0

* Built-in debugger improvements.

* Add setsid, setuid, setgid options to child_process.spawn
  (Isaac Schlueter)

* tty module improvements.

* Upgrade libev to 4.3, libeio to latest, c-ares to 1.7.4

* Allow third party hooks before main module load.
  (See 496be457b6a2bc5b01ec13644b9c9783976159b2)

* Don't stat() on cached modules. (Felix Geisendörfer)

2011.01.08, Version 0.3.4 (unstable), 73f53e12e4a5b9ef7dbb4792bd5f8ad403094441

* Primordial mingw build (Bert Belder)

* HTTPS server

* Built in debugger 'node debug script.js'

* realpath files during module load (Mihai Călin Bazon)

* Rename net.Stream to net.Socket (existing name will continue to be

* Fix process.platform

2011.01.02, Version 0.3.3 (unstable), 57544ba1c54c7d0da890317deeb73076350c5647

* TLS improvements.

* url.parse(url, true) defaults query field to {} (Jeremy Martin)

* Upgrade V8 to 3.0.4

* Handle ECONNABORT properly (Theo Schlossnagle)

* Fix memory leaks (Tom Hughes)

* Add os.cpus(), os.freemem(), os.totalmem(), os.loadavg() and other
  functions for OSX, Linux, and Cygwin. (Brian White)

* Fix REPL syntax error bug (GH-543), improve how REPL commands are

* Use process.stdin instead of process.openStdin().

* Disable TLS tests when node doesn't have OpenSSL.

2010.12.16, Version 0.3.2 (unstable), 4bb914bde9f3c2d6de00853353b6b8fc9c66143a

* Rip out the old (broken) TLS implementation introduce new tested
  implementation and API. See docs. HTTPS not supported in this release.

* Introduce 'os' and 'tty' modules.

* Callback parameters for socket.write() and socket.connect().

* Support CNAME lookups in DNS module. (Ben Noordhuis)

* cmake support (Tom Hughes)

* 'make lint'

* oprofile support (./configure --oprofile)

* Lots of bug fixes, including:
  - Memory leak in ChildProcess:Spawn(). (Tom Hughes)
  - buffer.slice(0, 0)
  - Global variable leaks
  - clearTimeouts calling multiple times (Michael W)
  - utils.inspect's detection of circular structures (Tim Cooijmans)
  - Apple's threaded write()s bug (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)
  - Make sure raw mode is disabled when exiting a terminal-based REPL.
    (Brian White)

* Deprecate process.compile, process.ENV

* Upgrade V8 to 3.0.3, upgrade http-parser.

2010.11.16, Version 0.3.1 (unstable), ce9a54aa1fbf709dd30316af8a2f14d83150e947

* TLS improvements (Paul Querna)
  - Centralize error handling in SecureStream
  - Add SecurePair for handling of a ssl/tls stream.

* New documentation organization (Micheil Smith)

* allowHalfOpen TCP connections disabled by default.

* Add C++ API for constructing fast buffer from string

* Move idle timers into its own module

* Gracefully handle EMFILE and server.maxConnections

* make "node --eval" eval in the global scope.
  (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)

* Let exit listeners know the exit code (isaacs)

* Handle cyclic links smarter in fs.realpath (isaacs)

* Remove node-repl (just use 'node' without args)

* Rewrite libeio After callback to use req->result instead of req->errorno
  for error checking (Micheil Smith)

* Remove warning about deprecating 'sys' - too aggressive

* Make writes to process.env update the real environment. (Ben Noordhuis)

* Set FD_CLOEXEC flag on stdio FDs before spawning. (Guillaume Tuton)

* Move ev_loop out of javascript

* Switch \n with \r\n for all strings printed out.

* Added support for cross compilation (Rasmus Andersson)

* Add --profile flag to configure script, enables gprof profiling.
  (Ben Noordhuis)

* writeFileSync could exhibit pathological behavior when a buffer
  could not be written to the file in a single write() call.

* new path.join behavior (isaacs)
  - Express desired path.join behavior in tests.
  - Update fs.realpath to reflect new path.join behavior
  - Update url.resolve() to use new path.join behavior.

* API: Move process.binding('evals') to require('vm')

* Fix V8 build on Cygwin (Bert Belder)

* Add ref to buffer during fs.write and fs.read

* Fix segfault on test-crypto

* Upgrade http-parser to latest and V8 to 2.5.3

2010.10.23, Version 0.3.0 (unstable) 1582cfebd6719b2d2373547994b3dca5c8c569c0

* Bugfix: Do not spin on accept() with EMFILE

* Improvements to readline.js (Trent Mick, Johan Euphrosine, Brian White)

* Safe constructors (missing 'new' doesn't segfault)

* Fix process.nextTick so thrown errors don't confuse it.
  (Benjamin Thomas)

* Allow Strings for ports on net.Server.listen (Bradley Meck)

* fs bugfixes (Tj Holowaychuk, Tobie Langel, Marco Rogers, isaacs)

* http bug fixes (Fedor Indutny, Mikeal Rogers)

* Faster buffers; breaks C++ API (Tim-Smart, Stéphan Kochen)

* crypto, tls improvements (Paul Querna)

* Add lfs flags to node addon script

* Simpler querystring parsing; breaks API (Peter Griess)

* HTTP trailers (Mark Nottingham)

* http 100-continue support (Mark Nottingham)

* Module system simplifications (Herbert Vojčík, isaacs, Tim-Smart)
  - remove require.async
  - remove registerExtension, add .extensions
  - expose require.resolve
  - expose require.cache
  - require looks in  node_modules folders

* Add --eval command line option (TJ Holowaychuk)

* Commas last in sys.inspect

* Constants moved from process object to require('constants')

* Fix parsing of linux memory (Vitali Lovich)

* inspect shows function names (Jorge Chamorro Bieling)

* uncaughtException corner cases (Felix Geisendörfer)

* TCP clients now buffer writes before connection

* Rename sys module to 'util' (Micheil Smith)

* Properly set stdio handlers to blocking on SIGTERM and SIGINT
  (Tom Hughes)

* Add destroy methods to HTTP messages

* base64 improvements (isaacs, Jorge Chamorro Bieling)

* API for defining REPL commands (Sami Samhuri)

* child_process.exec timeout fix (Aaron Heckmann)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.5.1, Libev to 4.00, libeio, http-parser

2010.08.20, Version 0.2.0, 9283e134e558900ba89d9a33c18a9bdedab07cb9

* process.title support for FreeBSD, Macintosh, Linux

* Fix OpenSSL 100% CPU usage on error (Illarionov Oleg)

* Implement net.Server.maxConnections.

* Fix process.platform, add process.version.

* Add --without-snapshot configure option.

* Readline REPL improvements (Trent Mick)

* Bug fixes.

* Upgrade V8 to 2.3.8

2010.08.13, Version 0.1.104, b14dd49222687c12f3e8eac597cff4f2674f84e8

* Various bug fixes (console, querystring, require)

* Set cwd for child processes (Bert Belder)

* Tab completion for readline (Trent Mick)

* process.title getter/setter for OSX, Linux, Cygwin.
	(Rasmus Andersson, Bert Belder)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.3.6

2010.08.04, Version 0.1.103, 0b925d075d359d03426f0b32bb58a5e05825b4ea

* Implement keep-alive for http.Client (Mikeal Rogers)

* base64 fixes. (Ben Noordhuis)

* Fix --debug-brk (Danny Coates)

* Don't let path.normalize get above the root. (Isaac Schlueter)

* Allow signals to be used with process.on in addition to
  process.addListener. (Brian White)

* Globalize the Buffer object

* Use kqueue on recent macintosh builds

* Fix addrlen for unix_dgram sockets (Benjamin Kramer)

* Fix stats.isDirectory() and friends (Benjamin Kramer)

* Upgrade http-parser, V8 to 2.3.5

2010.07.25, Version 0.1.102, 2a4568c85f33869c75ff43ccd30f0ec188b43eab

* base64 encoding for Buffers.

* Buffer support for Cipher, Decipher, Hmac, Sign and Verify
  (Andrew Naylor)

* Support for reading byte ranges from files using fs.createReadStream.
  (Chandra Sekar)

* Fix Buffer.toString() on 0-length slices. (Peter Griess)

* Cache modules based on filename rather than ID (Isaac Schlueter)

* querystring improvments (Jan Kassens, Micheil Smith)

* Support DEL in the REPL. (Jérémy Lal)

* Upgrade http-parser, upgrade V8 to 2.3.2

2010.07.16, Version 0.1.101, 0174ceb6b24caa0bdfc523934c56af9600fa9b58

* Added env to child_process.exec (Сергей Крыжановский)

* Allow modules to optionally be loaded in separate contexts
  with env var NODE_MODULE_CONTEXTS=1.

* setTTL and setBroadcast for dgram (Matt Ranney)

* Use execPath for default NODE_PATH, not installPrefix
  (Isaac Schlueter)

* Support of console.dir + console.assert (Jerome Etienne)

* on() as alias to addListener()

* Use javascript port of Ronn to build docs (Jérémy Lal)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.3.0

2010.07.03, Version 0.1.100, a6b8586e947f9c3ced180fe68c233d0c252add8b

* process.execPath (Marshall Culpepper)

* sys.pump (Mikeal Rogers)

* Remove ini and mjsunit libraries.

* Introduce console.log() and friends.

* Switch order of arguments for Buffer.write (Blake Mizerany)

* On overlapping buffers use memmove (Matt Ranney)

* Resolve .local domains with getaddrinfo()

* Upgrade http-parser, V8 to 2.2.21

2010.06.21, Version 0.1.99, a620b7298f68f68a855306437a3b60b650d61d78

* Datagram sockets (Paul Querna)

* fs.writeFile could not handle utf8 (Felix Geisendörfer)
  and now accepts Buffers (Aaron Heckmann)

* Fix crypto memory leaks.

* A replacement for decodeURIComponent that doesn't throw.
  (Isaac Schlueter)

* Only concatenate some incoming HTTP headers. (Peter Griess)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.2.18

2010.06.11, Version 0.1.98, 10d8adb08933d1d4cea60192c2a31c56d896733d

* Port to Windows/Cygwin (Raffaele Sena)

* File descriptor passing on unix sockets. (Peter Griess)

* Simple, builtin readline library. REPL is now entered by
  executing "node" without arguments.

* Add a parameter to spawn() that sets the child's stdio file
  descriptors. (Orlando Vazquez)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.2.16, http-parser fixes, upgrade c-ares to 1.7.3.

2010.05.29, Version 0.1.97, 0c1aa36835fa6a3557843dcbc6ed6714d353a783

* HTTP throttling: outgoing messages emit 'drain' and write() returns false
  when send buffer is full.

* API: readFileSync without encoding argument now returns a Buffer

* Improve Buffer C++ API; addons now compile with debugging symbols.

* Improvements to  path.extname() and REPL; add fs.chown().

* fs.ReadStream now emits buffers, fs.readFileSync returns buffers.

* Bugfix: parsing HTTP responses to HEAD requests.

* Port to OpenBSD.

* Upgrade V8 to 2.2.12, libeio, http-parser.

2010.05.21, Version 0.1.96, 9514a4d5476225e8c8310ce5acae2857033bcaaa

* Thrown errors in http and socket call back get bubbled up.

* Add fs.fsync (Andrew Johnston)

* Bugfix: signal unregistering (Jonas Pfenniger)

* Added better error messages for async and sync fs calls with paths
  (TJ Holowaychuk)

* Support arrays and strings in buffer constructor.
  (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Fix errno reporting in DNS exceptions.

* Support buffers in fs.WriteStream.write.

* Bugfix: Safely decode a utf8 streams that are broken on a multbyte
  character (http and net). (Felix Geisendörfer)

* Make Buffer's C++ constructor public.

* Deprecate sys.p()

* FIX path.dirname('/tmp') => '/'. (Jonathan Rentzsch)

2010.05.13, Version 0.1.95, 0914d33842976c2c870df06573b68f9192a1fb7a

* Change GC idle notify so that it runs alongside setInterval

* Install node_buffer.h on make install

* fs.readFile returns Buffer by default (Tim Caswell)

* Fix error reporting in child_process callbacks

* Better logic for testing if an argument is a port

* Improve error reporting (single line "node.js:176:9" errors)

* Bugfix: Some http responses being truncated (appeared in 0.1.94)

* Fix long standing net idle timeout bugs. Enable 2 minute timeout
  by default in HTTP servers.

* Add fs.fstat (Ben Noordhuis)

* Upgrade to V8 2.2.9

2010.05.06, Version 0.1.94, f711d5343b29d1e72e87107315708e40951a7826

* Look in /usr/local/lib/node for modules, so that there's a way
  to install modules globally (Issac Schlueter)

* SSL improvements (Rhys Jones, Paulo Matias)

* Added c-ares headers for linux-arm (Jonathan Knezek)

* Add symbols to release build

* HTTP upgrade improvements, docs (Micheil Smith)

* HTTP server emits 'clientError' instead of printing message

* Bugfix: Don't emit 'error' twice from http.Client

* Bugfix: Ignore SIGPIPE

* Bugfix: destroy() instead of end() http connection at end of

* Bugfix: http.Client may be prematurely released back to the
  free pool.  (Thomas Lee)

* Upgrade V8 to 2.2.8

2010.04.29, Version 0.1.93, 557ba6bd97bad3afe0f9bd3ac07efac0a39978c1

  * Fixed no 'end' event on long chunked HTTP messages

  * Remove legacy modules http_old and tcp_old

  * Support DNS MX queries (Jérémy Lal)

  * Fix large socket write (tlb@tlb.org)

  * Fix child process exit codes (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Allow callers to disable PHP/Rails style parameter munging in
    querystring.stringify (Thomas Lee)

  * Upgrade V8 to 2.2.6

2010.04.23, Version 0.1.92, caa828a242f39b6158084ef4376355161c14fe34

  * OpenSSL support. Still undocumented (see tests). (Rhys Jones)

  * API: Unhandled 'error' events throw.

  * Script class with eval-function-family in binding('evals') plus tests.
    (Herbert Vojcik)

  * stream.setKeepAlive (Julian Lamb)

  * Bugfix: Force no body on http 204 and 304

  * Upgrade Waf to 1.5.16, V8 to

2010.04.15, Version 0.1.91, 311d7dee19034ff1c6bc9098c36973b8d687eaba

  * Add incoming.httpVersion

  * Object.prototype problem with C-Ares binding

  * REPL can be run from multiple different streams. (Matt Ranney)

  * After V8 heap is compact, don't use a timer every 2 seconds.

  * Improve nextTick implementation.

  * Add primative support for Upgrading HTTP connections.
    (See commit log for docs 760bba5)

  * Add timeout and maxBuffer options to child_process.exec

  * Fix bugs.

  * Upgrade V8 to

2010.04.09, Version 0.1.90, 07e64d45ffa1856e824c4fa6afd0442ba61d6fd8

  * Merge writing of networking system (net2)
   - New Buffer object for binary data.
   - Support UNIX sockets, Pipes
   - Uniform stream API
   - Currently no SSL
   - Legacy modules can be accessed at 'http_old' and 'tcp_old'

  * Replace udns with c-ares. (Krishna Rajendran)

  * New documentation system using Markdown and Ronn
    (Tim Caswell, Micheil Smith)

  * Better idle-time GC

  * Countless small bug fixes.

  * Upgrade V8 to 2.2.X, WAF 1.5.15

2010.03.19, Version 0.1.33, 618296ef571e873976f608d91a3d6b9e65fe8284

  * Include lib/ directory in node executable. Compile on demand.

  * evalcx clean ups (Isaac Z. Schlueter, Tim-Smart)

  * Various fixes, clean ups

  * V8 upgraded to 2.1.5

2010.03.12, Version 0.1.32, 61c801413544a50000faa7f58376e9b33ba6254f

  * Optimize event emitter for single listener

  * Add process.evalcx, require.registerExtension (Tim Smart)

  * Replace --cflags with --vars

  * Fix bugs in fs.create*Stream (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Deprecate process.mixin, process.unloop

  * Remove the 'Error: (no message)' exceptions, print stack
    trace instead

  * INI parser bug fixes (Isaac Schlueter)

  * FreeBSD fixes (Vanilla Hsu)

  * Upgrade to V8 2.1.3, WAF 1.5.14a, libev

2010.03.05, Version 0.1.31, 39b63dfe1737d46a8c8818c92773ef181fd174b3

  * API: - Move process.watchFile into fs module
         - Move process.inherits to sys

  * Improve Solaris port

  * tcp.Connection.prototype.write now returns boolean to indicate if
    argument was flushed to the kernel buffer.

  * Added fs.link, fs.symlink, fs.readlink, fs.realpath
    (Rasmus Andersson)

  * Add setgid,getgid (James Duncan)

  * Improve sys.inspect (Benjamin Thomas)

  * Allow passing env to child process (Isaac Schlueter)

  * fs.createWriteStream, fs.createReadStream (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Add INI parser (Rob Ellis)

  * Bugfix: fs.readFile handling encoding (Jacek Becela)

  * Upgrade V8 to 2.1.2

2010.02.22, Version 0.1.30, bb0d1e65e1671aaeb21fac186b066701da0bc33b

  * Major API Changes

    - Promises removed. See
      The API for fs was

         fs.readdir("/usr").addCallback(function (files) {
           puts("/usr files: " + files);

      It is now

         fs.readdir("/usr", function (err, files) {
           if (err) throw err;
           puts("/usr files: " + files);

    - Synchronous fs operations exposed, use with care.

    - tcp.Connection.prototype.readPause() and readResume()
      renamed to pause() and resume()

    - http.ServerResponse.prototype.sendHeader() renamed to
      writeHeader(). Now accepts reasonPhrase.

  * Compact garbage on idle.

  * Configurable debug ports, and --debug-brk (Zoran Tomicic)

  * Better command line option parsing (Jeremy Ashkenas)

  * Add fs.chmod (Micheil Smith), fs.lstat (Isaac Z. Schlueter)

  * Fixes to process.mixin (Rasmus Andersson, Benjamin Thomas)

  * Upgrade V8 to 2.1.1

2010.02.17, Version 0.1.29, 87d5e5b316a4276bcf881f176971c1a237dcdc7a

  * Major API Changes
    - Remove 'file' module
    - require('posix') -----------------> require('fs')
    - fs.cat ---------------------------> fs.readFile
    - file.write -----------------------> fs.writeFile
    - TCP 'receive' event --------------> 'data'
    - TCP 'eof' event ------------------> 'end'
    - TCP send() -----------------------> write()
    - HTTP sendBody() ------------------> write()
    - HTTP finish() --------------------> close()
    - HTTP 'body' event ----------------> 'data'
    - HTTP 'complete' event ------------> 'end'
    - http.Client.prototype.close() (formerly finish()) no longer
      takes an argument. Add the 'response' listener manually.
    - Allow strings for the flag argument to fs.open
      ("r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+")

  * Added multiple arg support for sys.puts(), print(), etc.

  * sys.inspect(Date) now shows the date value (Mark Hansen)

  * Calculate page size with getpagesize for armel (Jérémy Lal)

  * Bugfix: stderr flushing.

  * Bugfix: Promise late chain (Yuichiro MASUI)

  * Bugfix: wait() on fired promises
    (Felix Geisendörfer, Jonas Pfenniger)

  * Bugfix: Use InstanceTemplate() instead of PrototypeTemplate() for
    accessor methods. Was causing a crash with Eclipse debugger.
    (Zoran Tomicic)

  * Bugfix: Throw from connection.connect if resolving.
    (Reported by James Golick)

2010.02.09, Version 0.1.28, 49de41ef463292988ddacfb01a20543b963d9669

  * Use Google's jsmin.py which can be used for evil.

  * Add posix.truncate()

  * Throw errors from server.listen()

  * stdio bugfix (test by Mikeal Rogers)

  * Module system refactor (Felix Geisendörfer, Blaine Cook)

  * Add process.setuid(), getuid() (Michael Carter)

  * sys.inspect refactor (Tim Caswell)

  * Multipart library rewrite (isaacs)

2010.02.03, Version 0.1.27, 0cfa789cc530848725a8cb5595224e78ae7b9dd0

  * Implemented __dirname (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Downcase process.ARGV, process.ENV, GLOBAL
    (now process.argv, process.env, global)

  * Bug Fix: Late promise promise callbacks firing
    (Felix Geisendörfer, Jonas Pfenniger)

  * Make assert.AssertionError instance of Error

  * Removed inline require call for querystring

  * Add support for MX, TXT, and SRV records in DNS module.
    (Blaine Cook)

  * Bugfix: HTTP client automatically reconnecting

  * Adding OS X .dmg build scripts. (Standa Opichal)

  * Bugfix: ObjectWrap memory leak

  * Bugfix: Multipart handle Content-Type headers with charset
    (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Upgrade http-parser to fix header overflow attack.

  * Upgrade V8 to 2.1.0

  * Various other bug fixes, performance improvements.

2010.01.20, Version 0.1.26, da00413196e432247346d9e587f8c78ce5ceb087

  * Bugfix, HTTP eof causing crash (Ben Williamson)

  * Better error message on SyntaxError

  * API: Move Promise and EventEmitter into 'events' module

  * API: Add process.nextTick()

  * Allow optional params to setTimeout, setInterval
    (Micheil Smith)

  * API: change some Promise behavior (Felix Geisendörfer)
    - Removed Promise.cancel()
    - Support late callback binding
    - Make unhandled Promise errors throw an exception

  * Upgrade V8 to

  * Solaris port (Erich Ocean)

2010.01.09, Version 0.1.25, 39ca93549af91575ca9d4cbafd1e170fbcef3dfa

  * sys.inspect() improvements (Tim Caswell)

  * path module improvements (isaacs, Benjamin Thomas)

  * API: request.uri -> request.url
    It is no longer an object, but a string. The 'url' module
    was addded to parse that string. That is, node no longer
    parses the request URL automatically.


    is roughly equivlent to the old request.uri object.

  * Bugfix: Several libeio related race conditions.

  * Better errors for multipart library (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Bugfix: Update node-waf version to 1.5.10

  * getmem for freebsd (Vanilla Hsu)

2009.12.31, Version 0.1.24, 642c2773a7eb2034f597af1cd404b9e086b59632

  * Bugfix: don't chunk responses to HTTP/1.0 clients, even if
    they send Connection: Keep-Alive (e.g. wget)

  * Bugfix: libeio race condition

  * Bugfix: Don't segfault on unknown http method

  * Simplify exception reporting

  * Upgrade V8 to

2009.12.22, Version 0.1.23, f91e347eeeeac1a8bd6a7b462df0321b60f3affc

  * Bugfix: require("../blah") issues (isaacs)

  * Bugfix: posix.cat (Jonas Pfenniger)

  * Do not pause request for multipart parsing (Felix Geisendörfer)

2009.12.19, Version 0.1.22, a2d809fe902f6c4102dba8f2e3e9551aad137c0f

  * Bugfix: child modules get wrong id with "index.js" (isaacs)

  * Bugfix: require("../foo") cycles (isaacs)

  * Bugfix: require() should throw error if module does.

  * New URI parser stolen from Narwhal (isaacs)

  * Bugfix: correctly check kqueue and epoll. (Rasmus Andersson)

  * Upgrade WAF to 1.5.10

  * Bugfix: posix.statSync() was crashing

  * Statically define string symbols for performance improvement

  * Bugfix: ARGV[0] weirdness

  * Added superCtor to ctor.super_ instead superCtor.prototype.
    (Johan Dahlberg)

  * http-parser supports webdav methods

  * API: http.Client.prototype.request() (Christopher Lenz)

2009.12.06, Version 0.1.21, c6affb64f96a403a14d20035e7fbd6d0ce089db5

  * Feature: Add HTTP client TLS support (Rhys Jones)

  * Bugfix: use --jobs=1 with WAF

  * Bugfix: Don't use chunked encoding for 1.0 requests

  * Bugfix: Duplicated header weren't handled correctly

  * Improve sys.inspect (Xavier Shay)

  * Upgrade v8 to 2.0.3

  * Use CommonJS assert API (Felix Geisendörfer, Karl Guertin)

2009.11.28, Version 0.1.20, aa42c6790da8ed2cd2b72051c07f6251fe1724d8

  * Add gnutls version to configure script

  * Add V8 heap info to process.memoryUsage()

  * process.watchFile callback has 2 arguments with the stat object

2009.11.28, Version 0.1.19, 633d6be328708055897b72327b88ac88e158935f

  * Feature: Initial TLS support for TCP servers and clients.
    (Rhys Jones)

  * Add options to process.watchFile()

  * Add process.umask() (Friedemann Altrock)

  * Bugfix: only detach timers when active.

  * Bugfix: lib/file.js write(), shouldn't always emit errors or success

  * Bugfix: Memory leak in fs.write
    (Reported by onne@onnlucky.com)

  * Bugfix: Fix regular expressions detecting outgoing message headers.
    (Reported by Elliott Cable)

  * Improvements to Multipart parser (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * New HTTP parser

  * Upgrade v8 to 2.0.2

2009.11.17, Version 0.1.18, 027829d2853a14490e6de9fc5f7094652d045ab8

  * Feature: process.watchFile() process.unwatchFile()

  * Feature: "uncaughtException" event on process
    (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Feature: 'drain' event to tcp.Connection

  * Bugfix: Promise.timeout() blocked the event loop
    (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Bugfix: sendBody() and chunked utf8 strings
    (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Supply the strerror as a second arg to the tcp.Connection close
    event (Johan Sørensen)

  * Add EventEmitter.removeListener (frodenius@gmail.com)

  * Format JSON for inspecting objects (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Upgrade libev to latest CVS

2009.11.07, Version 0.1.17, d1f69ef35dac810530df8249d523add168e09f03

  * Feature: process.chdir() (Brandon Beacher)

  * Revert http parser upgrade. (b893859c34f05db5c45f416949ebc0eee665cca6)
    Broke keep-alive.

  * API: rename process.inherits to sys.inherits

2009.11.03, Version 0.1.16, 726865af7bbafe58435986f4a193ff11c84e4bfe

  * API: Use CommonJS-style module requiring
    - require("/sys.js") becomes require("sys")
    - require("circle.js") becomes require("./circle")
    - process.path.join() becomes require("path").join()
    - __module becomes module

  * API: Many namespacing changes
    - Move node.* into process.*
    - Move node.dns into module "dns"
    - Move node.fs into module "posix"
    - process is no longer the global object. GLOBAL is.

  For more information on the API changes see:

  * Feature: process.platform, process.memoryUsage()

  * Feature: promise.cancel() (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Upgrade V8 to 1.3.18

2009.10.28, Version 0.1.15, eca2de73ed786b935507fd1c6faccd8df9938fd3

  * Many build system fixes (esp. for OSX users)

  * Feature: promise.timeout() (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * Feature: Added external interface for signal handlers, process.pid, and
    process.kill() (Brandon Beacher)

  * API: Rename node.libraryPaths to require.paths

  * Bugfix: 'data' event for stdio should emit a string

  * Large file support

  * Upgrade http_parser

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.16

2009.10.09, Version 0.1.14, b12c809bb84d1265b6a4d970a5b54ee8a4890513

  * Feature: Improved addon builds with node-waf

  * Feature: node.SignalHandler (Brandon Beacher)

  * Feature: Enable V8 debugging (but still need to make a debugger)

  * API: Rename library /utils.js to /sys.js

  * Clean up Node's build system

  * Don't use parseUri for HTTP server

  * Remove node.pc

  * Don't use /bin/sh to create child process except with exec()

  * API: Add __module to reference current module

  * API: Remove include() add node.mixin()

  * Normalize http headers; "Content-Length" becomes "content-length"

  * Upgrade V8 to 1.3.15

2009.09.30, Version 0.1.13, 58493bb05b3da3dc8051fabc0bdea9e575c1a107

  * Feature: Multipart stream parser (Felix Geisendörfer)

  * API: Move node.puts(), node.exec() and others to /utils.js

  * API: Move http, tcp libraries to /http.js and /tcp.js

  * API: Rename node.exit() to process.exit()

  * Bugfix: require() and include() should work in callbacks.

  * Pass the Host header in http.cat calls

  * Add warning when coroutine stack size grows too large.

  * Enhance repl library (Ray Morgan)

  * Bugfix: build script for
      GCC 4.4 (removed -Werror in V8),
      on Linux 2.4,
      and with Python 2.4.4.

  * Add read() and write() to /file.js to read and write
    whole files at once.

2009.09.24, Version 0.1.12, 2f56ccb45e87510de712f56705598b3b4e3548ec

  * Feature: System modules, node.libraryPaths

  * API: Remove "raw" encoding, rename "raws" to "binary".

  * API: Added connection.setNoDElay() to disable Nagle algo.

  * Decrease default TCP server backlog to 128

  * Bugfix: memory leak involving node.fs.* methods.

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.13

2009.09.18, Version 0.1.11, 5ddc4f5d0c002bac0ae3d62fc0dc58f0d2d83ec4

  * API: default to utf8 encoding for node.fs.cat()

  * API: add node.exec()

  * API: node.fs.read() takes a normal encoding parameter.

  * API: Change arguments of emit(), emitSuccess(), emitError()

  * Bugfix: node.fs.write() was stack allocating buffer.

  * Bugfix: ReportException shouldn't forget the top frame.

  * Improve buffering for HTTP outgoing messages

  * Fix and reenable x64 macintosh build.

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.11

2009.09.11, Version 0.1.10, 12bb0d46ce761e3d00a27170e63b40408c15b558

  * Feature: raw string encoding "raws"

  * Feature: access to environ through "ENV"

  * Feature: add isDirectory, isFile, isSocket, ... methods
    to stats object.

  * Bugfix: Internally use full paths when loading modules
    this fixes a shebang loading problem.

  * Bugfix: Add '--' command line argument for seperating v8
    args from program args.

  * Add man page.

  * Add node-repl

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.10

2009.09.05, Version 0.1.9, d029764bb32058389ecb31ed54a5d24d2915ad4c

  * Bugfix: Compile on Snow Leopard.

  * Bugfix: Malformed URIs raising exceptions.

2009.09.04, Version 0.1.8, e6d712a937b61567e81b15085edba863be16ba96

  * Feature: External modules

  * Feature: setTimeout() for node.tcp.Connection

  * Feature: add node.cwd(), node.fs.readdir(), node.fs.mkdir()

  * Bugfix: promise.wait() releasing out of order.

  * Bugfix: Asyncly do getaddrinfo() on Apple.

  * Disable useless evcom error messages.

  * Better stack traces.

  * Built natively on x64.

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.9

2009.08.27, Version 0.1.7, f7acef9acf8ba8433d697ad5ed99d2e857387e4b

  * Feature: global 'process' object. Emits "exit".

  * Feature: promise.wait()

  * Feature: node.stdio

  * Feature: EventEmitters emit "newListener" when listeners are

  * API:  Use flat object instead of array-of-arrays for HTTP

  * API: Remove buffered file object (node.File)

  * API: require(), include() are synchronous. (Uses

  * API: Deprecate onLoad and onExit.

  * API: Rename node.Process to node.ChildProcess

  * Refactor node.Process to take advantage of evcom_reader/writer.

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.7

2009.08.22, Version 0.1.6, 9c97b1db3099d61cd292aa59ec2227a619f3a7ab

  * Bugfix: Ignore SIGPIPE.

2009.08.21, Version 0.1.5, b0fd3e281cb5f7cd8d3a26bd2b89e1b59998e5ed

  * Bugfix: Buggy connections could crash node.js. Now check
    connection before sending data every time (Kevin van Zonneveld)

  * Bugfix: stdin fd (0) being ignored by node.File. (Abe Fettig)

  * API: Remove connnection.fullClose()

  * API: Return the EventEmitter from addListener for chaining.

  * API: tcp.Connection "disconnect" event renamed to "close"

  * Upgrade evcom
    Upgrade v8 to 1.3.6

2009.08.13, Version 0.1.4, 0f888ed6de153f68c17005211d7e0f960a5e34f3

  * Major refactor to evcom.

  * Enable test-tcp-many-clients.

  * Add -m32 gcc flag to udns.

  * Add connection.readPause() and connection.readResume()
    Add IncomingMessage.prototype.pause() and resume().

  * Fix http benchmark. Wasn't correctly dispatching.

  * Bugfix: response.setBodyEncoding("ascii") not working.

  * Bugfix: Negative ints in HTTP's on_body and node.fs.read()

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.4
    Upgrade libev to 3.8
    Upgrade http_parser to v0.2

2009.08.06, Version 0.1.3, 695f0296e35b30cf8322fd1bd934810403cca9f3

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.3.2

  * Bugfix: node.http.ServerRequest.setBodyEncoding('ascii') not

  * Bugfix: node.encodeUtf8 was broken. (Connor Dunn)

  * Add ranlib to udns Makefile.

  * Upgrade evcom - fix accepting too many connections issue.

  * Initial support for shebang

  * Add simple command line switches

  * Add node.version API

2009.08.01, Version 0.1.2, 025a34244d1cea94d6d40ad7bf92671cb909a96c

  * Add DNS API

  * node.tcp.Server's backlog option is now an argument to listen()

  * Upgrade V8 to 1.3.1

  * Bugfix: Default to chunked for client requests without

  * Bugfix: Line numbers in stack traces.

  * Bugfix: negative integers in raw encoding stream

  * Bugfix: node.fs.File was not passing args to promise callbacks.

2009.07.27, Version 0.1.1, 77d407df2826b20e9177c26c0d2bb4481e497937

  * Simplify and clean up ObjectWrap.

  * Upgrade liboi (which is now called evcom)
    Upgrade libev to 3.7
    Upgrade V8 to 1.2.14

  * Array.prototype.encodeUtf8 renamed to node.encodeUtf8(array)

  * Move EventEmitter.prototype.emit() completely into C++.

  * Bugfix: Fix memory leak in event emitters.

  * Bugfix: Had problems reading scripts with non-ascii characters.

  * Bugfix: Fix Detach() in node::Server

  * Bugfix: Sockets not properly reattached if reconnected during
    disconnect event.

  * Bugfix: Server-side clients not attached between creation and

  * Add 'close' event to node.tcp.Server

  * Simplify and clean up http.js. (Takes more advantage of event

  * Add benchmark scripts. Run with "make benchmark".

2009.06.30, Version 0.1.0, 0fe44d52fe75f151bceb59534394658aae6ac328

  * Update documentation, use asciidoc.

  * EventEmitter and Promise interfaces. (Breaks previous API.)

  * Remove node.Process constructor in favor of node.createProcess

  * Add -m32 flags for compiling on x64 platforms.
    (Thanks to András Bártházi)

  * Upgrade v8 to 1.2.10 and libev to 3.6

  * Bugfix: Timer::RepeatSetter wasn't working.

  * Bugfix: Spawning many processes in a loop
    (reported by Felix Geisendörfer)

2009.06.24, Version 0.0.6, fbe0be19ebfb422d8fa20ea5204c1713e9214d5f

  * Load modules via HTTP URLs (Urban Hafner)

  * Bugfix: Add HTTPConnection->size() and HTTPServer->size()

  * New node.Process API

  * Clean up build tools, use v8's test runner.

  * Use ev_unref() instead of starting/stopping the eio thread
    pool watcher.

2009.06.18, Version 0.0.5, 3a2b41de74b6c343b8464a68eff04c4bfd9aebea

  * Support for IPv6

  * Remove namespace node.constants

  * Upgrade v8 to

  * Accept ports as strings in the TCP client and server.

  * Bugfix: HTTP Client race

  * Bugfix: freeaddrinfo() wasn't getting called after
    getaddrinfo() for TCP servers

  * Add "opening" to TCP client readyState

  * Add remoteAddress to TCP client

  * Add global print() function.

2009.06.13, Version 0.0.4, 916b9ca715b229b0703f0ed6c2fc065410fb189c

 * Add interrupt() method to server-side HTTP requests.

 * Bugfix: onBodyComplete was not getting called on server-side

2009.06.11, Version 0.0.3, 6e0dfe50006ae4f5dac987f055e0c9338662f40a

 * Many bug fixes including the problem with http.Client on

 * Upgrades v8 to 1.2.7

 * Adds onExit hook

 * Guard against buffer overflow in http parser

 * require() and include() now need the ".js" extension

 * http.Client uses identity transfer encoding by default.