-- Include the yalt library require("yalt/yalt") function love.draw() -- draw the terminal on the layer that you want. usually, you want this on the last line, so that it's on top. yalt:draw() end function love.keypressed(key,unicode) -- at some point, yalt needs to know when a key is pressed. yalt:keypressed(key,unicode) end function love.keyreleased(key,unicode) -- and also when it is released. yalt:keyreleased(key,unicode) end --[[ This function, allbeit not required, would make the terminal actually useful. When the enter button is pressed in YALT, this callback function is called, and the line (as a string) is returned. Note: Using a php-like explode (as seen in the demo) here helps with argumented functions. ]]-- function yalt:callback(line) print(line) yalt:push(line) end