#!/bin/bash # From here: http://www.codingsteps.com/install-redis-2-6-on-amazon-ec2-linux-ami-or-centos/ # Based on: https://github.com/saxenap/install-redis-amazon-linux-centos # Thanks to https://raw.github.com/gist/2776679/b4f5f5ff85bddfa9e07664de4e8ccf0e115e7b83/install-redis.sh # Uses redis-server init script from https://raw.github.com/saxenap/install-redis-amazon-linux-centos/master/redis-server ############################################### # To use: ## wget https://raw.github.com/jorgerc/install-redis-amazon-linux-centos/master/redis-install-script.sh ## chmod 777 redis-install-script.sh ## ./redis-install-script.sh ############################################### # Set up SO: #### ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime yum -q -y install gcc gcc-c++ make #### # Download and install Redis: #### wget -q http://redis.googlecode.com/files/redis-2.6.4.tar.gz tar xzf redis-2.6.4.tar.gz rm -f redis-2.6.4.tar.gz cd redis-2.6.4 make -s make -s install #### # Set up Redis #### rm -rf /etc/redis /var/lib/redis mkdir /etc/redis /var/lib/redis cp src/redis-server src/redis-cli /usr/local/bin cp redis.conf /etc/redis sed -e "s/^daemonize no$/daemonize yes/" -e "s/^# bind$/bind" -e "s/^dir \.\//dir \/var\/lib\/redis\//" -e "s/^loglevel verbose$/loglevel notice/" -e "s/^logfile stdout$/logfile \/var\/log\/redis.log/" redis.conf > /etc/redis/redis.conf #### # Redis correctly installed. # Download script for running Redis #### cd .. wget -q https://raw.github.com/jorgerc/install-redis-amazon-linux-centos/master/redis-server mv redis-server /etc/init.d chmod 755 /etc/init.d/redis-server chkconfig --add redis-server chkconfig --level 345 redis-server on #### # To start Redis just uncomment this line #### #service redis-server start ####