rss) { $showRss = true; $rssUrl = $controller->getRssUrl($b); $rssTitle = $th->entities($controller->rssTitle); $btID = $b->getBlockTypeID(); $bt = BlockType::getByID($btID); $rssIconSrc = Loader::helper('concrete/urls')->getBlockTypeAssetsURL($bt, 'rss.png'); $rssInvisibleLink = ''; $translatedRssIconAlt = t('RSS Icon'); $translatedRssIconTitle = t('RSS Feed'); } $showPagination = false; if ($paginate && $num > 0 && is_object($pl)) { $description = $pl->getSummary(); if ($description->pages > 1) { $showPagination = true; $paginator = $pl->getPagination(); } } /****************************************************************************** * DESIGNERS: CUSTOMIZE THE PAGE LIST HTML STARTING HERE... */?>
entities($page->getCollectionName()); $url = $nh->getLinkToCollection($page); $target = ($page->getCollectionPointerExternalLink() != '' && $page->openCollectionPointerExternalLinkInNewWindow()) ? '_blank' : $page->getAttribute('nav_target'); $target = empty($target) ? '_self' : $target; $description = $page->getCollectionDescription(); if ($controller->truncateSummaries) { $description = $th->shorten($description, $controller->truncateChars); //Concrete5.4.2.1 and lower //$description = $th->shortenTextWord($description, $controller->truncateChars); //Concrete5.4.2.2 and higher } $description = $th->entities($description); //Other useful page data... //$date = date('F j, Y', strtotime($page->getCollectionDatePublic())); //$author = Page::getByID($page->getCollectionID(), 1)->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName(); /* CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE EXAMPLES: * $example_text = $page->getAttribute('example_text_attribute_handle'); * * HOW TO USE IMAGE ATTRIBUTES: * 1) Uncomment the "$ih = Loader::helper('image');" line up top. * 2) Put in some code here like the following 2 lines: * $img = $page->getAttribute('example_image_attribute_handle'); * $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($img, 64, 9999); * (Replace "64" with max width, "9999" with max height. The "9999" effectively means "no maximum size" for that particular dimension.) * (If you're on Concrete5.4.2 or higher, you can also pass a 4th argument of TRUE to enable cropping.) * 3) Output the image tag below like this: * * * ~OR~ IF YOU DO NOT WANT IMAGES TO BE RESIZED: * 1) Put in some code here like the following 3 lines: * $img = $page->getAttribute('example_image_attribute_handle'); * $img_src = $img->getRelativePath(); * list($img_width, $img_height) = getimagesize($img->getPath()); * 2) Output the image tag below like this: * * * ~NOTE: In both examples above, if you aren't sure the attribute will be set, you can check it like so: * $img = $page->getAttribute('example_image_attribute_handle'); * if ($img) { * //... * } */ /* HOW TO DISPLAY ACTUAL PAGE CONTENT: * * Display an entire area: * disableControls(); * $a->display($page); * ?> * * Display first block in an area (note that this doesn't work if the area has "Layouts"): * getBlocks('Main'); //change 'Main' to the name of the area you want to display a block from * if (count($pageBlocks) > 0) { * $firstBlock = $pageBlocks[0]; * $firstBlock->display(); * } * ?> * * Same as above but put block output into a variable for further processing * (warning -- this could be dangerous if you remove part of the content and leave unclosed HTML tags!) * getBlocks('Main'); //change 'Main' to the name of the area you want to display a block from * if (count($pageBlocks) > 0) { * $firstBlock = $pageBlocks[0]; * ob_start(); * $firstBlock->display(); * $blockContent = ob_get_contents(); * ob_end_clean(); * } * echo do_something_to_content($blockContent); //CAUTION: Content most likely contains HTML snippet -- don't leave unclosed tags!! * ?> * * Display excerpt of first "content" block in an area (note that this doesn't work if the area has "Layouts"): * (This is "safer" than the above method because it strips HTML tags so you don't have to worry about unclosed tags, * but the downside is that it only works for "content" block types). * getBlocks('Main'); * if (count($pageBlocks) > 0) { * foreach ($pageBlocks as $pb) { * if ($pb->btHandle == 'content') { * $excerpt = $pb->getInstance()->getContent(); //NOTE: getContent() function is specific to the content block type -- it cannot be called on just any kind of block! * if ($controller->truncateSummaries) { * $excerpt = $th->shorten($excerpt, $controller->truncateChars); //Concrete5.4.2.1 and lower * //$excerpt = $th->shortenTextWord($excerpt, $controller->truncateChars); //Concrete5.4.2.2 and higher * } * break; * } * } * } * echo $excerpt; * ?> * */ /*** Here comes the most important part of the template! The html from here down to the "endforeach" line is repeated for each page in the list... */ ?>

<?php echo $translatedRssIconAlt; ?>