set nocompatible " 文字コード, 改行コード {{{ set encoding=utf-8 set fileformats=unix,dos,mac if has('guess_encode') set fileencodings=guess else set fileencodings=ucs_bom,utf8,ucs-2le,ucs-2 " from ずんWiki " 文字コードの自動認識 if &encoding !=# 'utf-8' set encoding=japan set fileencoding=japan endif if has('iconv') let s:enc_euc = 'euc-jp' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp' " iconvがeucJP-msに対応しているかをチェック if iconv("\x87\x64\x87\x6a", 'cp932', 'eucjp-ms') ==# "\xad\xc5\xad\xcb" let s:enc_euc = 'eucjp-ms' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp-3' " iconvがJISX0213に対応しているかをチェック elseif iconv("\x87\x64\x87\x6a", 'cp932', 'euc-jisx0213') ==# "\xad\xc5\xad\xcb" let s:enc_euc = 'euc-jisx0213' let s:enc_jis = 'iso-2022-jp-3' endif " fileencodingsを構築 if &encoding ==# 'utf-8' let s:fileencodings_default = &fileencodings let &fileencodings = s:enc_jis .','. s:enc_euc .',cp932' let &fileencodings = s:fileencodings_default .','. &fileencodings unlet s:fileencodings_default else let &fileencodings = &fileencodings .','. s:enc_jis set fileencodings+=utf-8,ucs-2le,ucs-2 if &encoding =~# '^\(euc-jp\|euc-jisx0213\|eucjp-ms\)$' set fileencodings+=cp932 set fileencodings-=euc-jp set fileencodings-=euc-jisx0213 set fileencodings-=eucjp-ms let &encoding = s:enc_euc let &fileencoding = s:enc_euc else let &fileencodings = &fileencodings .','. s:enc_euc endif endif " 定数を処分 unlet s:enc_euc unlet s:enc_jis endif " }}} endif if has('vim_starting') set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/ endif let g:neobundle#types#git#default_protocol = "git" call neobundle#rc(expand('~/.vim/bundle/')) " NeoBundle {{{ " Let NeoBundle manage NeoBundle NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc', { \ 'build' : { \ 'windows' : 'make -f make_mingw32.mak', \ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', \ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', \ 'unix' : 'make -f make_unix.mak', \ }, \ } NeoBundle 'tyru/eskk.vim' NeoBundle 'tyru/skkdict.vim' NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' NeoBundleLazy 'thinca/vim-prettyprint', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "PrettyPrint", "PP" ] \ } \} NeoBundle 'motemen/hatena-vim' NeoBundle 'moro/vim-review' NeoBundle 'kana/vim-submode' NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-markdown' NeoBundle 'joker1007/vim-ruby-heredoc-syntax' NeoBundle 'joker1007/vim-markdown-quote-syntax' NeoBundle 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax' " colorschemes plugin {{{ NeoBundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' NeoBundle 'baskerville/bubblegum' NeoBundle 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim' NeoBundle 'w0ng/vim-hybrid' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/twilight' NeoBundle 'jonathanfilip/vim-lucius' NeoBundle 'jpo/vim-railscasts-theme' NeoBundle '29decibel/codeschool-vim-theme' " }}} " ruby rails develop {{{ NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-rails' NeoBundle 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby' NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-cucumber' NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-quickrun' NeoBundle 'kchmck/vim-coffee-script' NeoBundle 'carlosvillu/coffeScript-VIM-Snippets' " }}} " ref {{{ NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-ref' NeoBundle 'taka84u9/vim-ref-ri' NeoBundle 'ujihisa/ref-hoogle' " }}} " vim-scripts {{{ NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/surround.vim' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/L9' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/YankRing.vim' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/grep.vim' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/sudo.vim' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/errormarker.vim' NeoBundle 'vim-scripts/AnsiEsc.vim' "}}} " smartchr textobj {{{ NeoBundle 'kana/vim-smartchr' NeoBundle 'kana/vim-textobj-user' NeoBundle 'kana/vim-niceblock' NeoBundle 'nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock' NeoBundle 'kana/vim-textobj-indent' " }}} " html template {{{ NeoBundle 'mattn/emmet-vim' NeoBundle 'claco/jasmine.vim' NeoBundle 'digitaltoad/vim-jade' NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-haml' NeoBundle 'nono/vim-handlebars' NeoBundle 'juvenn/mustache.vim' " }}} " visibility {{{ NeoBundle 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides' NeoBundle 'LeafCage/foldCC' NeoBundle 'bling/vim-airline' NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/vim-over' " }}} " haskell develop {{{ NeoBundle 'dag/vim2hs' NeoBundle 'pbrisbin/html-template-syntax' NeoBundleLazy 'eagletmt/ghcmod-vim', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'filetypes' : [ "haskell" ] \ } \} NeoBundleLazy 'ujihisa/neco-ghc', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'filetypes' : [ "haskell" ] \ } \} " }}} " web browse, api {{{ NeoBundle 'tyru/open-browser.vim' NeoBundle 'mattn/webapi-vim' NeoBundle 'kannokanno/previm' " }}} " other programinng {{{ NeoBundle 'godlygeek/tabular' NeoBundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' NeoBundle 'rking/ag.vim' NeoBundle 'majutsushi/tagbar' NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-qfreplace' NeoBundle 'derekwyatt/vim-scala' NeoBundle 'supermomonga/shiraseru.vim', {'depends' : 'Shougo/vimproc'} if has('mac') NeoBundle 'rhysd/quickrun-mac_notifier-outputter', {'depends' : 'Shougo/vimproc'} endif NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/shabadou.vim' NeoBundle 'joker1007/quickrun-rspec-notifier' NeoBundle 'superbrothers/vim-quickrun-markdown-gfm' NeoBundle 'kana/vim-metarw' NeoBundle 'joker1007/vim-metarw-qiita' NeoBundle 'joker1007/vim-metarw-github-issues' NeoBundle 'lilydjwg/colorizer' NeoBundle 'pasela/unite-webcolorname' NeoBundleLazy 'AndrewRadev/switch.vim', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "Switch" ], \ 'functions' : [ "switch#Switch" ], \ } \} NeoBundleLazy 'sjl/gundo.vim', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "GundoShow", "GundoToggle" ] \ } \} NeoBundleLazy 'kana/vim-altr', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'mappings' : ['(altr-forward)', '(altr-back)'], \ } \} NeoBundleLazy 'osyo-manga/vim-anzu', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'mappings' : [ \'(anzu-n-with-echo)', \'(anzu-N-with-echo)', \'(anzu-star-with-echo)', \'(anzu-sharp-with-echo)' \ ], \ } \} NeoBundleLazy "osyo-manga/vim-gyazo", { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "GyazoPost", "GyazoOpenBrowser", "GyazoTweetVim", "GyazoOpenBrowserCurrentWindow", "GyazoTweetVimCurrentWindow" ] \ } \} " }}} " tweetvim {{{ NeoBundle 'basyura/bitly.vim' NeoBundle 'mattn/favstar-vim' NeoBundleLazy 'basyura/twibill.vim' NeoBundleLazy 'basyura/TweetVim', 'dev', { \ 'depends' : ['basyura/twibill.vim', 'tyru/open-browser.vim' ], \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "TweetVimHomeTimeline", "TweetVimSay", "TweetVimUserStream", "TweetVimUserTimeline" ] \ } \} " }}} " cursor move {{{ NeoBundle 'osyo-manga/vim-milfeulle' NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-visualstar' NeoBundle 'rhysd/accelerated-jk' " NeoBundle 'yonchu/accelerated-smooth-scroll' NeoBundleLazy 'Lokaltog/vim-easymotion', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'mappings' : [ \'\\w', \'\\t', \'\\n', \'\\k', \'\\j', \'\\f', \'\\e', \'\\b', \'\\W', \'\\T', \'\\N', \'\\F', \'\\B' \ ], \ } \} " }}} " git {{{ NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' NeoBundle 'gregsexton/gitv' NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' NeoBundleLazy 'mattn/gist-vim', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "Gist" ] \ } \} " }}} " unite {{{ NeoBundle 'tsukkee/unite-help' NeoBundle 'ujihisa/unite-gem' NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-unite-history' NeoBundle 'h1mesuke/unite-outline' NeoBundle 'eagletmt/unite-haddock' NeoBundle 'ujihisa/unite-haskellimport' NeoBundle 'tsukkee/unite-tag' NeoBundle 'rhysd/unite-ruby-require.vim' NeoBundle 'basyura/unite-yarm' NeoBundle 'joker1007/unite-pull-request' NeoBundle "osyo-manga/unite-quickrun_config" NeoBundle "Shougo/neomru.vim" NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/unite.vim', { \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "Unite", "UniteWithBufferDir", "UniteWithCurrentDir" ] \ } \} " }}} " neocon {{{ NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/neosnippet', { \ 'depends' : ["Shougo/neosnippet-snippets"] \} NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets' NeoBundle 'Rip-Rip/clang_complete' NeoBundle 'marijnh/tern_for_vim', { \ 'build': { \ 'others': 'npm install' \}} if has('lua') NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/neocomplete', { \ 'depends' : ['Shougo/neosnippet', 'Shougo/context_filetype.vim'], \ 'vim_version' : '7.3.885', \ 'autoload' : { \ 'insert' : 1, \ } \} else NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/neocomplcache', { \ 'depends' : ["Shougo/neosnippet"], \ 'autoload' : { \ 'insert' : 1, \ } \} endif " }}} " vimshell, vimfiler {{{ NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/vimfiler', { \ 'depends' : ["Shougo/unite.vim"], \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [ "VimFilerTab", "VimFiler", "VimFilerExplorer", "VimFilerBufferDir" ], \ 'mappings' : ['(vimfiler_switch)'], \ 'explorer' : 1, \ } \} NeoBundleLazy 'Shougo/vimshell', { \ 'depends' : 'Shougo/vimproc', \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands' : [{ 'name' : 'VimShell', \ 'complete' : 'customlist,vimshell#complete'}, \ 'VimShellExecute', 'VimShellInteractive', \ 'VimShellTerminal', 'VimShellPop'], \ 'mappings' : ['(vimshell_switch)'] \ }} " }}} " }}} syntax enable filetype plugin indent on NeoBundleCheck if filereadable(expand('~/.vimrc.local')) execute 'source' expand('~/.vimrc.local') endif " augroup init (from tyru's vimrc) augroup vimrc autocmd! augroup END command! \ -bang -nargs=* \ MyAutocmd \ autocmd vimrc " Basic Setting {{{ set bs=indent,eol,start " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode set ai " always set autoindenting on set nobackup set noswapfile " No Swap set viminfo=%,'100,<500,h set history=100 " keep 100 lines of command line history set ruler " show the cursor position all the time set nu " show line number set ambiwidth=double set display=uhex " 表示できない文字を16進数で表示 set scrolloff=5 " 常にカーソル位置から5行余裕を取る set virtualedit=block " 矩形選択でカーソル位置の制限を解除 set autoread " 他でファイルが編集された時に自動で読み込む set background=dark " Space prefix nnoremap [space] nmap [space] xmap [space] " Edit vimrc nnoremap [space]v :edit $MYVIMRC if has('gui_running') nnoremap [space]g :edit $MYGVIMRC endif " Reload vimrc"{{{ if has('vim_starting') function! ReloadVimrc() source $MYVIMRC if has('gui_running') source $MYGVIMRC endif echom "Reload vimrc" endfunction endif nmap [space]rv ReloadVimrc() "}}} nnoremap :help " 編集中の行に下線を引く MyAutocmd InsertLeave * setlocal nocursorline MyAutocmd InsertEnter * setlocal cursorline MyAutocmd InsertLeave * highlight StatusLine ctermfg=145 guifg=#c2bfa5 guibg=#000000 MyAutocmd InsertEnter * highlight StatusLine ctermfg=12 guifg=#1E90FF " タブストップ設定 set tabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set softtabstop=0 set expandtab set smarttab " 折り畳み設定 set foldmethod=marker nnoremap ,fc :%foldclose nnoremap ,fo :%foldopen set foldtext=FoldCCtext() " 検索設定 set incsearch set hlsearch set ignorecase set smartcase set wrapscan nohlsearch "reset highlight nnoremap [space]/ :noh map * (visualstar-*)N map # (visualstar-#)N " ステータスライン表示 set laststatus=2 set statusline=%<%f\ %m%r%h%w%{'['.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).']['.&ff.']'}%y%{tagbar#currenttag('[%s]','')}%{fugitive#statusline()}%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}%{eskk#statusline()}%=%l/%L,%c%V%8P\ set noshowmode set wildmenu set cmdheight=2 set wildmode=list:full set showcmd " tabline set showtabline=2 command! -nargs=+ -complete=file Te tabedit command! -nargs=* -complete=file Tn tabnew nnoremap :tabnext nnoremap :tabprevious nnoremap L :tabnext nnoremap H :tabprevious nnoremap [tab]+ :tabmove +1 nnoremap [tab]- :tabmove -1 " completion set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i,d,k " クリップボード設定 set clipboard=unnamed " バッファ切り替え set hidden " Tab表示 set list set listchars=tab:>-,trail:< " タイトルを表示 set title " 対応括弧を表示 set showmatch " undo if has('persistent_undo') set undodir=~/.vim/undo set undofile endif " 自動折り返しを日本語に対応させるスクリプト用の設定 set formatoptions+=mM " matchitスクリプトの読み込み source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim " jkを直感的に nnoremap j gj nnoremap gj j nnoremap k gk nnoremap gk k nnoremap $ g$ nnoremap g$ $ vnoremap j gj vnoremap gj j vnoremap k gk vnoremap gk k vnoremap $ g$ vnoremap g$ $ " JとDで半ページ移動 nnoremap J nnoremap K " h or lで行頭か行末に移動する noremap [space]h ^ noremap [space]l $ " 編集中のファイルのディレクトリに移動 nnoremap ,d :execute ":lcd" . expand("%:p:h") " 最後に編集した場所にカーソルを移動する MyAutocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif " colorscheme " 全角スペースをハイライト MyAutocmd ColorScheme * highlight ZenkakuSpace ctermbg=239 guibg=#405060 MyAutocmd VimEnter,WinEnter * call matchadd('ZenkakuSpace', ' ') if stridx($TERM, "256color") >= 0 colorscheme railscasts else colorscheme desert endif " 256色モード if stridx($TERM, "256color") >= 0 set t_Co=256 else set t_Co=16 endif " mark, register確認 " nnoremap ,m :marks nnoremap ,r :registers "---------------------------------------------------------}}} " surround.vim {{{ nmap ,( csw( nmap ,) csw) nmap ,{ csw{ nmap ,} csw} nmap ,[ csw[ nmap ,] csw] nmap ,' csw' nmap ," csw" "}}} " Insert Mode Mapping {{{ inoremap "*pa imap imap " }}} " from {{{ vnoremap ( t( vnoremap ) t) vnoremap ] t] vnoremap [ t[ onoremap ( t( onoremap ) t) onoremap ] t] onoremap [ t[ " }}} " set paste nnoremap ,p :set paste!:echo("Toggle PasteMode => " . (&paste == 0 ? "Off" : "On")) " eskk {{{ let g:eskk#large_dictionary = { \ 'path': $HOME . "/.vim/dict/skk/SKK-JISYO.L", \ 'sorted': 1, \ 'encoding': 'euc-jp', \} " }}} " wq alias command! -nargs=0 Wq wq " UTF8、SJIS(CP932)、EUCJPで開き直す {{{ command! -bang -nargs=? Utf8 \ edit ++enc=utf-8 command! -bang -nargs=? Sjis \ edit ++enc=cp932 command! -bang -nargs=? Euc \ edit ++enc=eucjp " }}} " YAMLファイル用タブストップ設定 au FileType yaml setlocal expandtab ts=2 sw=2 fenc=utf-8 " actionscript mxml用のファイルタイプ設定 MyAutocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.as set filetype=actionscript MyAutocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.mxml set filetype=mxml " バッファ切り替え {{{ nnoremap [space]n :bnext nnoremap [space]p :bprevious nnoremap 1 :e #1 nnoremap 2 :e #2 nnoremap 3 :e #3 nnoremap 4 :e #4 nnoremap 5 :e #5 nnoremap 6 :e #6 nnoremap 7 :e #7 nnoremap 8 :e #8 nnoremap 9 :e #9 " バッファ一覧 nmap ,b :buffers " }}} " NERDCommenter let NERDSpaceDelims = 1 " smartchr {{{ function! s:EnableSmartchrBasic() inoremap + smartchr#one_of(' + ', '+', '++') inoremap & smartchr#one_of(' & ', ' && ', '&') inoremap , smartchr#one_of(', ', ',') inoremap smartchr#one_of('', ' ', '') inoremap = search('\(&\\+\-\/\>\<\) \%#', 'bcn')? '= ' : search('\(\*\!\)\%#')? '= ' : smartchr#one_of(' = ', ' == ', '=') endfunction function! s:EnableSmartchrRegExp() inoremap ~ search('\(!\=\) \%#', 'bcn')? '~ ' : '~' endfunction function! s:EnableSmartchrRubyHash() inoremap > smartchr#one_of('>', ' => ') endfunction function! s:EnableSmartchrHaml() call s:EnableSmartchrRubyHash() inoremap [ []i inoremap { {}i endfunction function! s:EnableSmartchrCoffeeFunction() inoremap > smartchr#one_of('>', ' ->') endfunction MyAutocmd FileType c,cpp,php,python,javascript,ruby,coffee,vim call s:EnableSmartchrBasic() MyAutocmd FileType python,ruby,coffee,vim call s:EnableSmartchrRegExp() MyAutocmd FileType ruby call s:EnableSmartchrRubyHash() MyAutocmd FileType ruby,eruby setlocal tags+=gems.tags,./gems.tags,~/rtags MyAutocmd FileType haml call s:EnableSmartchrHaml() MyAutocmd FileType coffee call s:EnableSmartchrCoffeeFunction() " }}} " hatena.vim let g:hatena_user = 'joker1007' let g:hatena_upload_on_write = 0 let g:hatena_upload_on_write_bang = 1 let g:hatena_entry_file = '~/Dropbox/hateda.txt' " shファイルの保存時にはファイルのパーミッションを755にする {{{ function! s:ChangeShellScriptPermission() if !has("win32") if &ft =~ "\\(z\\|c\\|ba\\)\\?sh$" && expand('%:t') !~ "\\(zshrc\\|zshenv\\)$" call system("chmod 755 " . shellescape(expand('%:p'))) echo "Set permission 755" endif endif endfunction MyAutocmd BufWritePost * call s:ChangeShellScriptPermission() " }}} " QFixHowm用設定======================================================{{{ if has('vim_starting') set runtimepath+=~/qfixapp endif " ファイル拡張子をmkdにする let howm_filename = '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.mkd' " ファイルタイプをmarkdownにする let QFixHowm_FileType = 'markdown' " 折り畳み正規表現 let QFixHowm_FoldingPattern = '^[=.*#]' " タイトル記号 let QFixHowm_Title = '#' "キーマップリーダー let QFixHowm_Key = 'g' "howm_dirはファイルを保存したいディレクトリを設定。 let howm_dir = '~/Dropbox/howm' let howm_fileencoding = 'utf-8' let howm_fileformat = 'unix' if has('win32') let mygrepprg = 'yagrep' elseif has('unix') let mygrepprg = 'grep' endif let QFixHowm_MruFileMax = 30 let QFixHowm_RecentMode = 2 " リネーム後のファイル名制限 let QFixHowm_FilenameLen = 80 "ブラウザの指定 if has('win32') let QFixHowm_OpenURIcmd = '!start "C:\firefox\firefox.exe" %s' elseif has('mac') let QFixHowm_OpenURIcmd = "call system('/usr/bin/open -a /Applications/ %s')" elseif has('unix') let QFixHowm_OpenURIcmd = "call system('xdg-open %s')" endif " }}} " ポップアップメニューのカラーを設定 MyAutocmd Syntax * hi Pmenu ctermfg=15 ctermbg=18 guibg=#666666 MyAutocmd Syntax * hi PmenuSel ctermbg=39 ctermfg=0 guibg=#8cd0d3 guifg=#666666 MyAutocmd Syntax * hi PmenuSbar guibg=#333333 " TOhtml let g:html_number_lines = 0 let g:html_use_css = 1 let g:use_xhtml = 1 let g:html_use_encoding = 'utf-8' " grep.vim let Grep_Default_Options = '-i' nnoremap :GrepBuffer nnoremap :GrepBuffer= expand('') " quickrun{{{ " エスケープカラーを表示する。 MyAutocmd FileType quickrun AnsiEsc " ヤンクを取りやすいようにconcealcursorを無効にする。 MyAutocmd FileType quickrun setlocal concealcursor="" call quickrun#module#register(shabadou#make_quickrun_hook_anim( \"now_running", \['--- Now Running ---', ], \40, \), 1) vnoremap q :QuickRun >>buffer -mode v let g:quickrun_config = {} let g:quickrun_config._ = { \'runner' : 'vimproc', \'outputter/buffer/split' : ':botright 8sp', \'outputter/error': 'buffer', \'runner/vimproc/updatetime' : 40, \'hook/now_running/enable' : 1, \} let s:rspec_quickrun_config = { \ 'command': 'rspec', \ 'outputter': 'multi:error:rspec_notifier', \ 'outputter/buffer/split': ':botright 8sp', \ 'hook/close_buffer/enable_success' : 1, \} let g:quickrun_config['rspec/bundle'] = \ extend(copy(s:rspec_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'rspec/bundle', \ 'exec': 'bundle exec %c %o --color --tty %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['rspec/normal'] = \ extend(copy(s:rspec_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'rspec/normal', \ 'exec': '%c %o --color --tty %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['rspec/zeus'] = \ extend(copy(s:rspec_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'rspec/zeus', \ 'exec': 'zeus rspec %o --color --tty %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['rspec/spring'] = \ extend(copy(s:rspec_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'rspec/spring', \ 'exec': 'spring rspec %o --color --tty %s' \}) let s:cucumber_quickrun_config = { \ 'command': 'cucumber', \ 'outputter': 'buffer', \ 'outputter/buffer/split': ':botright 8sp', \} let g:quickrun_config['cucumber/bundle'] = \ extend(copy(s:cucumber_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'cucumber/bundle', \ 'exec': 'bundle exec %c %o --color %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['cucumber/zeus'] = \ extend(copy(s:cucumber_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'cucumber/zeus', \ 'exec': 'zeus cucumber %o --color %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['cucumber/spring'] = \ extend(copy(s:cucumber_quickrun_config), { \ 'type': 'cucumber/spring', \ 'exec': 'spring cucumber %o --color %s' \}) let g:quickrun_config['markdown'] = { \ 'type': 'markdown/gfm', \ 'outputter': 'browser' \} function! s:RSpecQuickrun() if exists('g:use_spring_rspec') && g:use_spring_rspec == 1 let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/spring'} elseif exists('g:use_zeus_rspec') && g:use_zeus_rspec == 1 let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/zeus'} else let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/bundle'} endif nnoremap lr ":QuickRun -cmdopt \"-l " . line(".") . "\"" endfunction MyAutocmd BufReadPost *_spec.rb call s:RSpecQuickrun() function! s:CucumberQuickrun() if exists('g:use_spring_cucumber') && g:use_spring_cucumber == 1 let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/spring'} elseif exists('g:use_zeus_cucumber') && g:use_zeus_cucumber == 1 let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/zeus'} else let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/bundle'} endif nnoremap lr ":QuickRun -cmdopt \"-l " . line(".") . "\"" endfunction MyAutocmd BufReadPost *.feature call s:CucumberQuickrun() function! s:SetUseSpring() let g:use_spring_rspec = 1 let g:use_zeus_rspec = 0 let g:use_spring_cucumber = 1 let g:use_zeus_cucumber = 0 endfunction function! s:SetUseZeus() let g:use_zeus_rspec = 1 let g:use_spring_rspec = 0 let g:use_zeus_cucumber = 1 let g:use_spring_cucumber = 0 endfunction function! s:SetUseBundle() let g:use_zeus_rspec = 0 let g:use_spring_rspec = 0 let g:use_zeus_cucumber = 0 let g:use_spring_cucumber = 0 endfunction command! -nargs=0 UseSpringRSpec let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/spring'} | call s:SetUseSpring() command! -nargs=0 UseZeusRSpec let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/zeus'} | call s:SetUseZeus() command! -nargs=0 UseBundleRSpec let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'rspec/bundle'} | call s:SetUseBundle() command! -nargs=0 UseSpringCucumber let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/spring'} | call s:SetUseSpring() command! -nargs=0 UseZeusCucumber let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/zeus'} | call s:SetUseZeus() command! -nargs=0 UseBundleCucumber let b:quickrun_config = {'type' : 'cucumber/bundle'} | call s:SetUseBundle() " }}} " libruby load if has('gui_macvim') && has('kaoriya') if filereadable(expand("~/.rbenv/shims/ruby")) let s:ruby_exec = expand("~/.rbenv/shims/ruby") else let s:ruby_exec = "ruby" endif let s:ruby_libdir = system(s:ruby_exec . " -rrbconfig -e 'print RbConfig::CONFIG[\"libdir\"]'") let s:ruby_libruby = s:ruby_libdir . '/libruby.dylib' if filereadable(s:ruby_libruby) let $RUBY_DLL = s:ruby_libruby endif endif " vim-milfeulle nmap (milfeulle-prev) nmap (milfeulle-next) " webapi-vim let g:webapi#system_function = "vimproc#system" " Unite.vim {{{ nnoremap [unite] nmap ,u [unite] nnoremap [unite]ff :Unite -buffer-name=files file file/new nnoremap [unite]fr :Unite -buffer-name=files file_mru nnoremap [unite]fa :Unite -buffer-name=files file_rec/async nnoremap [unite]d :Unite -buffer-name=files directory_mru nnoremap [unite]vff :Unite -vertical -buffer-name=filesfile file/new nnoremap [unite]vfr :Unite -vertical -buffer-name=files file_mru nnoremap [unite]vp :Unite -vertical -winwidth=45 -no-quit -buffer-name=files buffer file nnoremap [unite]F :UniteWithBufferDir -buffer-name=files file file/new nnoremap [unite]vF :UniteWithBufferDir -vertical -winwidth=45 -buffer-name=files file file/new nnoremap [unite]b :Unite -buffer-name=buffers -prompt=Buffer>\ buffer nnoremap [unite]vb :Unite -vertical -buffer-name=buffers -prompt=Buffer>\ buffer nnoremap [unite]vB :Unite -vertical -buffer-name=buffers -prompt=Buffer>\ -winwidth=45 -no-quit buffer nnoremap [unite]o :Unite -vertical -winwidth=45 -wrap -no-quit -toggle -buffer-name=outline outline nnoremap [unite]" :Unite -buffer-name=register -prompt=">\ register nnoremap [unite]c :Unite -buffer-name=commands history/command nnoremap [unite]C :Unite -buffer-name=commands command nnoremap [unite]s :Unite -buffer-name=snippets snippet nnoremap [unite]u :Unite source nnoremap [unite]l :Unite -buffer-name=lines line nnoremap [unite]m :Unite -buffer-name=bookmark -prompt=bookmark> bookmark nnoremap [unite]rm :Unite -buffer-name=ref -prompt=ref> ref/man nnoremap [unite]g :Unite -buffer-name=grep grep nnoremap [unite]hd :Unite haddock -start-insert nnoremap [unite]pr :Unite pull_request: nnoremap [unite]pf :Unite pull_request_file: let s:bundle = neobundle#get("unite.vim") function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) let g:unite_enable_start_insert = 1 let g:unite_winheight = 15 let g:unite_winwidth = 45 let g:unite_source_grep_max_candidates = 500 " unite-ruby-require let g:unite_source_ruby_require_ruby_command = expand("~/.rbenv/shims/ruby") " ディレクトリに対するブックマークはvimfilerをデフォルトアクションにする call unite#custom_default_action('source/bookmark/directory', 'vimfiler') call unite#custom#source('buffer,file,file_mru', 'sorters', 'sorter_rank') call unite#custom#source('file_rec,file_rec/async', 'filters', \ ['converter_relative_word', 'matcher_default', \ 'sorter_rank', 'converter_relative_abbr', 'converter_file_directory']) call unite#custom#source( \ 'file_mru', 'converters', \ ['converter_file_directory']) function! s:unite_my_settings() " Overwrite settings. nmap l (unite_choose_action) nmap (unite_choose_action) imap (unite_select_next_line) nmap (unite_toggle_transpose_window) imap (unite_toggle_transpose_window) imap (unite_narrowing_path) nmap (unite_narrowing_path) nmap (unite_toggle_auto_preview) nmap f unite#do_action('vimfiler') " grep bufferの時はrをreplaceアクションにマップする let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if unite.buffer_name =~# '^grep' nnoremap r unite#do_action('replace') else nnoremap r unite#do_action('rename') endif nnoremap S unite#mappings#set_current_filters( \ empty(unite#mappings#get_current_filters()) ? ['sorter_reverse'] : []) endfunction MyAutocmd FileType unite call s:unite_my_settings() endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " Gist.vim {{{ nnoremap [gist] nmap ,s [gist] nnoremap [gist]g :Gist nnoremap [gist]p :Gist -p nnoremap [gist]e :Gist -e nnoremap [gist]d :Gist -d nnoremap [gist]l :Gist -l let s:bundle = neobundle#get("gist-vim") function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) if has("mac") let g:gist_clip_command = 'pbcopy' elseif has("unix") let g:gist_clip_command = 'xclip -selection clipboard' endif let g:gist_detect_filetype = 1 let g:gist_open_browser_after_post = 1 let g:gist_show_privates = 1 endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " Fugitive {{{ nnoremap [git] nmap ,g [git] nnoremap [git]d :Gdiff HEAD nnoremap [git]s :Gstatus nnoremap [git]l :Glog nnoremap [git]a :Gwrite nnoremap [git]c :Gcommit nnoremap [git]C :Git commit --amend nnoremap [git]b :Gblame nnoremap [git]n :Git now nnoremap [git]N :Git now --all " ftdetect is often failed MyAutocmd BufEnter * if expand("%") =~ ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG" | set ft=gitcommit | endif MyAutocmd BufEnter * if expand("%") =~ ".git/rebase-merge" | set ft=gitrebase | endif " }}} " gitv {{{ nnoremap [git]vn :Gitv nnoremap [git]va :Gitv --all nnoremap [git]vf :Gitv! " function! GitvGetCurrentHash() return matchstr(getline('.'), '\[\zs.\{7\}\ze\]$') endfunction function! s:my_gitv_settings() setlocal foldlevel=99 setlocal iskeyword+=/,-,. " カーソル下のブランチ名で checkout " ブランチ間移動 r/R nnoremap C :Git checkout " カーソル位置のコミットに対する操作 nnoremap rb :Git rebase =GitvGetCurrentHash() nnoremap ri :Git rebase -i =GitvGetCurrentHash() nnoremap R :Git revert =GitvGetCurrentHash() nnoremap p :Git cherry-pick =GitvGetCurrentHash() nnoremap rh :Git reset --hard =GitvGetCurrentHash() endfunction MyAutocmd FileType gitv call s:my_gitv_settings() " }}} " vim-gitgitter {{{ let g:gitgutter_sign_added = '✚' let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = '➜' let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '✘' let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '✔' "}}} " vim-airline {{{ let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 let g:airline_theme = "wombat" let g:airline#extensions#hunks#hunk_symbols = [ \ g:gitgutter_sign_added . ' ', \ g:gitgutter_sign_modified . ' ', \ g:gitgutter_sign_removed . ' ' \ ] let s:bundle = neobundle#get('vim-airline') function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) let g:airline_section_y = '%{GetCharCode()} %{g:airline_right_alt_sep} ' . g:airline_section_y endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " {{{ function! GetCharCode() if winwidth('.') <= 70 return '' endif " Get the output of :ascii redir => ascii silent! ascii redir END if match(ascii, 'NUL') != -1 return 'NUL' endif " Zero pad hex values let nrformat = '0x%02x' let encoding = (&fenc == '' ? &enc : &fenc) if encoding == 'utf-8' " Zero pad with 4 zeroes in unicode files let nrformat = '0x%04x' endif " Get the character and the numeric value from the return value of :ascii " This matches the two first pieces of the return value, e.g. " " 70" => char: 'F', nr: '70' let [str, char, nr; rest] = matchlist(ascii, '\v\<(.{-1,})\>\s*([0-9]+)') " Format the numeric value let nr = printf(nrformat, nr) return "'". char ."' ". nr endfunction " }}} " vimfiler {{{ nnoremap ,vf :VimFiler let s:bundle = neobundle#get('vimfiler') function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1 let g:vimfiler_max_directory_histories = 100 function s:ChangeVimfilerKeymap() nmap a (vimfiler_toggle_mark_all_lines) " j k 移動でループしないように nmap j j nmap k k nmap s (vimfiler_select_sort_type) nmap (vimfiler_clear_mark_all_lines) nmap @ (vimfiler_set_current_mask) nmap V (vimfiler_quick_look) endfunction MyAutocmd FileType vimfiler call s:ChangeVimfilerKeymap() if filereadable(expand('~/.vimfiler.local')) execute 'source' expand('~/.vimfiler.local') endif endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " vimshell {{{ nnoremap ,vs :VimShell function! g:MyChpwd(args, context) call vimshell#execute('ls') endfunction let s:bundle = neobundle#get("vimshell") function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) if has('win32') || has('win64') " Display user name on Windows. let g:vimshell_prompt = $USERNAME."% " else let g:vimshell_prompt = $USER . "@" . hostname() . "% " if has('mac') call vimshell#set_execute_file('html', 'gexe open -a /Applications/') call vimshell#set_execute_file('avi,mp4,mpg,ogm,mkv,wmv,mov', 'gexe open -a /Applications/') endif endif "let g:vimshell_right_prompt = 'vimshell#vcs#info("(%s)-[%b] ", "(%s)-[%b|%a] ") . "[" . getcwd() . "]"' let g:vimshell_right_prompt = '"[" . getcwd() . "]"' let g:vimshell_max_command_history = 3000 MyAutocmd FileType vimshell \ call vimshell#altercmd#define('g', 'git') \| call vimshell#altercmd#define('l', 'll') \| call vimshell#altercmd#define('ll', 'ls -l') \| call vimshell#altercmd#define('be', 'bundle exec') \| call vimshell#altercmd#define('ra', 'rails') \| call vimshell#hook#add('chpwd', 'MyChpwd', 'g:MyChpwd') function! s:EarthquakeKeyMap() nnoremap o OpenBrowserLine() endfunction MyAutocmd FileType int-earthquake call s:EarthquakeKeyMap() endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " rubycomplete.vim {{{ MyAutocmd FileType ruby,eruby setlocal omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete let g:rubycomplete_rails = 0 let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading = 1 let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1 let g:rubycomplete_include_object = 1 let g:rubycomplete_include_object_space = 1 " let ruby_operators = 1 " }}} " rails.vim {{{ nnoremap ,rm :Rmodel nnoremap ,rc :Rcontroller nnoremap ,rv :Rview nnoremap ,rs :Rspec nnoremap ,rl :Rlog " }}} " For snippet_complete marker. if has('conceal') set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=i endif " neosnippet {{{ nnoremap se :NeoSnippetEdit let s:bundle = neobundle#get('neosnippet') function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) let g:neosnippet#snippets_directory = $HOME . '/.vim/snippets' " enable ruby & rails snippet only rails file function! s:RailsSnippet() if exists("b:rails_root") && (&filetype == "ruby") NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippets/rails.snip endif endfunction function! s:RSpecSnippet() if (expand("%") =~ "_spec\.rb$") || (expand("%") =~ "^spec.*\.rb$") NeoSnippetSource ~/.vim/snippets/rspec.snip endif endfunction MyAutocmd BufEnter * call s:RailsSnippet() MyAutocmd BufEnter * call s:RSpecSnippet() endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " neocomplcache or neocomplete {{{ " Enable omni completion. MyAutocmd FileType css,scss setlocal omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS MyAutocmd FileType html,markdown setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags MyAutocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete MyAutocmd FileType xml setlocal omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags MyAutocmd FileType sql setlocal omnifunc=sqlcomplete#Complete if has('lua') let s:bundle = neobundle#get('neocomplete') function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) " Disable AutoComplPop. let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0 " Use neocomplete. let g:neocomplete#enable_at_startup = 1 " Use smartcase. let g:neocomplete#enable_smart_case = 1 " Set minimum syntax keyword length. let g:neocomplete#auto_completion_start_length = 2 let g:neocomplete#manual_completion_start_length = 0 let g:neocomplete#sources#syntax#min_keyword_length = 3 let g:neocomplete#min_keyword_length = 2 let g:neocomplete#enable_prefetch = 1 " Define dictionary. let g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries = { \ 'default' : '', \ 'vimshell' : $HOME . '/.vimshell/command-history', \ } " キャッシュしないファイル名 let g:neocomplete#sources#buffer#disabled_pattern = '\.log\|\.log\.\|\.jax' " 自動補完を行わないバッファ名 let g:neocomplete#lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\.log\|\.log\.\|.*quickrun.*\|.jax' " Define keyword. if !exists('g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns') let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*' " Plugin key-mappings. inoremap neocomplete#complete_common_string() " SuperTab like snippets behavior. imap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" smap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : "\" " Recommended key-mappings. " : close popup and save indent. inoremap neocomplete#smart_close_popup() . "\" " , : close popup and delete backword char. inoremap neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplete#close_popup() " AutoComplPop like behavior. "let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select = 1 " Enable heavy omni completion. if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.ruby = '[^. *\t]\.\h\w*\|\h\w*::' let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.php = '[^. \t]->\h\w*\|\h\w*::' let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.c = '\%(\.\|->\)\h\w*' let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.cpp = '\h\w*\%(\.\|->\)\h\w*\|\h\w*::' " for TweetVim スクリーン名のキャッシュを利用して、neocomplcache で補完する if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries') let g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries = {} endif let neco_dic = g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries let neco_dic.tweetvim_say = $HOME . '/.tweetvim/screen_name' " use clang_complete if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns') let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplete#force_overwrite_completefunc = 1 let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.c = \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*' let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.cpp = \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*\|\h\w*::\w*' let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.objc = \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*' let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.objcpp = \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*\|\h\w*::\w*' " clang_complete let g:clang_complete_auto = 0 let g:clang_auto_select = 0 "let g:clang_use_library = 1 endfunction unlet s:bundle else let s:bundle = neobundle#get('neocomplcache') function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) " Disable AutoComplPop. let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0 " Use neocomplcache. let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1 " Use smartcase. let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1 " Use camel case completion. let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1 " Use underbar completion. "let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1 " Use fuzzy completion. " let g:neocomplcache_enable_fuzzy_completion = 1 " filename width let g:neocomplcache_max_menu_width = 40 " Set minimum syntax keyword length. let g:neocomplcache_auto_completion_start_length = 2 let g:neocomplcache_manual_completion_start_length = 0 let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 3 let g:neocomplcache_min_keyword_length = 2 let g:neocomplcache_plugin_completion_length = { \ 'snippets_complete' : 1, \ } " let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\*ku\*' let g:neocomplcache_enable_prefetch = 1 " Define dictionary. let g:neocomplcache_dictionary_filetype_lists = { \ 'default' : '', \ 'vimshell' : $HOME . '/.vimshell/command-history', \ } " キャッシュしないファイル名 let g:neocomplcache_disable_caching_file_path_pattern = '\.log\|\.log\.\|\.jax' " 自動補完を行わないバッファ名 let g:neocomplcache_lock_buffer_name_pattern = '\.log\|\.log\.\|.*quickrun.*\|.jax' " Define keyword. if !exists('g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns') let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplcache_keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*' " Plugin key-mappings. "imap (neosnippet_expand_or_jump) "smap (neosnippet_expand_or_jump) "inoremap neocomplcache#undo_completion() inoremap neocomplcache#complete_common_string() " SuperTab like snippets behavior. imap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" smap neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : "\" " Recommended key-mappings. " : close popup and save indent. inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . "\" " : completion. "inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " , : close popup and delete backword char. inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#close_popup() "inoremap neocomplcache#cancel_popup() " AutoComplPop like behavior. "let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1 " Shell like behavior(not recommended). "setlocal completeopt+=longest "let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1 "let g:neocomplcache_disable_auto_complete = 1 "inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" "inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . "\" " Enable heavy omni completion. if !exists('g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns') let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns = {} endif let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.ruby = '[^. *\t]\.\h\w*\|\h\w*::' let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.php = '[^. \t]->\h\w*\|\h\w*::' let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.c = '\%(\.\|->\)\h\w*' let g:neocomplcache_omni_patterns.cpp = '\h\w*\%(\.\|->\)\h\w*\|\h\w*::' " for TweetVim スクリーン名のキャッシュを利用して、neocomplcache で補完する if !exists('g:neocomplcache_dictionary_filetype_lists') let g:neocomplcache_dictionary_filetype_lists = {} endif let neco_dic = g:neocomplcache_dictionary_filetype_lists let neco_dic.tweetvim_say = $HOME . '/.tweetvim/screen_name' endfunction unlet s:bundle endif " }}} " ref.vim let g:ref_open = 'vsplit' let g:ref_refe_cmd = "rurema" let g:ref_refe_version = 2 let g:ref_use_vimproc = 1 let g:ref_source_webdict_sites = { \ 'wikipedia:ja': '', \ 'weblio': '', \ } nmap ,rr :Ref refe " indent-guides {{{ let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 1 let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0 let g:indent_guides_color_change_percent = 35 autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=DarkGrey ctermbg=darkgrey autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=DarkCyan ctermbg=12 " }}} " submode.vim {{{ let g:submode_timeout = 0 call submode#enter_with('window/manip', 'n', '', 'w') call submode#enter_with('window/manip', 'n', '', '-', '-') call submode#enter_with('window/manip', 'n', '', '+', '+') call submode#enter_with('window/manip', 'n', '', '>', '>') call submode#enter_with('window/manip', 'n', '', '<', '<') call submode#leave_with('window/manip', 'n', '', '') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', '-', '-') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', '+', '+') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', '<', '<') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', '>', '>') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', '=', '=') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'r', 'r') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'R', 'R') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'x', 'x') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'j', 'j') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'k', 'k') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'l', 'l') call submode#map('window/manip', 'n', '', 'h', 'h') call submode#enter_with('tab/move', 'n', '', 't') call submode#map('tab/move', 'n', 'r', 'h', 'H') call submode#map('tab/move', 'n', 'r', 'l', 'L') call submode#map('tab/move', 'n', 'r', '+', '[tab]+') call submode#map('tab/move', 'n', 'r', '-', '[tab]-') " }}} " vim-altr {{{ nmap (altr-forward) nmap (altr-back) let s:bundle = neobundle#get("vim-altr") function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) " For ruby tdd call altr#define('%.rb', 'spec/%_spec.rb') " For ruby tdd call altr#define('lib/%.rb', 'spec/lib/%_spec.rb', 'spec/%_spec.rb') " For rails tdd call altr#define('app/models/%.rb', 'spec/models/%_spec.rb', 'spec/factories/%s.rb') call altr#define('app/controllers/%.rb', 'spec/controllers/%_spec.rb') call altr#define('app/helpers/%.rb', 'spec/helpers/%_spec.rb') call altr#define('app/%.rb', 'spec/%_spec.rb') endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " switch.vim {{{ let g:variable_style_switch_definitions = [ \ { \ '\<[a-z0-9]\+_\k\+\>': { \ '_\(.\)': '\U\1' \ }, \ '\<[a-z0-9]\+[A-Z]\k\+\>': { \ '\([A-Z]\)': '_\l\1' \ }, \ } \ ] nnoremap :Switch nnoremap - :Switch nnoremap + :call switch#Switch(g:variable_style_switch_definitions) let g:switch_custom_definitions = [ \ ['and', 'or'], \ ['it', 'specify'], \ ['describe', 'context'], \ ['yes', 'no'], \ ['on', 'off'], \ ['public', 'protected', 'private'], \ ] " }}} " RSpec syntax {{{ function! RSpecSyntax() hi def link rubyRailsTestMethod Function syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod describe context it its specify shared_examples_for shared_examples shared_context it_should_behave_like it_behaves_like before after around subject fixtures controller_name helper_name include_context include_examples syn match rubyRailsTestMethod '\!\=' syn keyword rubyRailsTestMethod violated pending expect double mock mock_model stub_model an_instance_of hash_including syn match rubyRailsTestMethod '\.\@!\@!' endfunction MyAutocmd Syntax ruby if (expand("%") =~ "_spec\.rb$") || (expand("%") =~ "^spec.*\.rb$") | call RSpecSyntax() | endif " }}} " Quickfix augroup quickfixopen autocmd! autocmd QuickfixCmdPost make cw augroup END nnoremap ,q :copen nnoremap ]q :cnext nnoremap [q :cprev nnoremap ]Q :clast nnoremap [Q :cfirst " errormarker.vim let errormarker_disablemappings = 1 " Merge Setting if &diff nmap 1 :diffget LOCAL nmap 2 :diffget BASE nmap 3 :diffget REMOTE endif " TagBar nnoremap ,t :TagbarToggle let g:tagbar_left = 1 let g:tagbar_width = 30 let g:tagbar_updateonsave_maxlines = 10000 let g:tagbar_sort = 0 " Tabular nnoremap a, :Tabularize /, vnoremap a, :Tabularize /, nnoremap a= :Tabularize /= vnoremap a= :Tabularize /= nnoremap a> :Tabularize /=> vnoremap a> :Tabularize /=> nnoremap a: :Tabularize /:\zs vnoremap a: :Tabularize /:\zs nnoremap a :Tabularize / vnoremap a :Tabularize / " テーブルっぽく打つと自動的に位置調整を行う inoremap :call align()a function! s:align() let p = '^\s*|\s.*\s|\s*$' if exists(':Tabularize') && getline('.') =~# '^\s*|' && (getline(line('.')-1) =~# p || getline(line('.')+1) =~# p) let column = strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'[^|]','','g')) let position = strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')],'.*|\s*\zs.*')) Tabularize/|/l1 normal! 0 call search(repeat('[^|]*|',column).'\s\{-\}'.repeat('.',position),'ce',line('.')) endif endfunction " gundo nnoremap U :GundoToggle " qfreplace MyAutocmd FileType qf nnoremap r :Qfreplace " sudo.vim command! ES :e sudo:% command! WS :w sudo:% " open-browser let g:netrw_nogx = 1 " disable netrw's gx mapping. nnoremap gx (openbrowser-smart-search) vnoremap gx (openbrowser-smart-search) function! OpenBrowserLine() let matched = matchlist(getline("."), 'https\?://[0-9A-Za-z_#?~=\-+%\.\/:]\+') if len(matched) == 0 break endif execute "OpenBrowser " . matched[0] endfunction " syntastic let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1 let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'passive', \ 'active_filetypes': ['ruby'], \ 'passive_filetypes': [] } " ft hamstache MyAutocmd BufReadPost *.hamstache set filetype=haml " ft ejs MyAutocmd BufReadPost *.ejs set filetype=html " ag.vim let g:agprg="ag --nocolor --nogroup --column" " vim-anzu {{{ nmap n (anzu-n-with-echo) nmap N (anzu-N-with-echo) nmap * (anzu-star-with-echo) nmap # (anzu-sharp-with-echo) "}}} " ruby buffer if has('ruby') nnoremap [space]r :set operatorfunc=Rubyg@ nnoremap [space]rr :call RubyLines() nmap [space]R [space]r$ nnoremap [space]rp :call RubyPaste() xnoremap [space]r :call Ruby(visualmode(), 1) xnoremap [space]R :call Ruby('V', 1) command! -range Ruby :,call RubyLines() command! -range RubyPaste :,call RubyPaste() let s:ruby_buffer = "" ruby <y" elseif a:type == 'line' silent exe "normal! '[V']y" elseif a:type == 'block' silent exe "normal! `[\`]y" else silent exe "normal! `[v`]y" endif call RubyEval(@*) let &selection = saved_sel let @* = saved_reg endfunction function! RubyLines() range let lines = getline(a:firstline, a:lastline) let code = join(lines, "\n") call RubyEval(code) endfunction function! RubyPaste() let saved_reg = @* let @* = s:ruby_buffer normal! p let @* = saved_reg endfunction endif " TweetVim {{{ nnoremap S :TweetVimSay nnoremap [unite]t :Unite tweetvim nnoremap [space]ts :TweetVimUserStream nnoremap [space]tt :TweetVimHomeTimeline let s:bundle = neobundle#get("TweetVim") function! s:bundle.hooks.on_source(bundle) let g:tweetvim_include_rts = 1 if has('mac') let g:tweetvim_display_icon = 0 else let g:tweetvim_display_icon = 1 end endfunction unlet s:bundle " }}} " code snippet highlight {{{ let g:markdown_quote_syntax_filetypes = { \ "coffee" : { \ "start" : "coffee", \}, \ "mustache" : { \ "start" : "mustache", \}, \ "haml" : { \ "start" : "haml", \}, \} " }}} " accelerated-smooth-scroll " let g:ac_smooth_scroll_du_sleep_time_msec = 5 " let g:ac_smooth_scroll_fb_sleep_time_msec = 5 " vim-metarw-qiita let g:qiita_user = "joker1007" let g:qiita_per_page = 50 " vim-metarw-github-issues let g:github_user = "joker1007" if filereadable(expand('~/.vimrc.local.after')) execute 'source' expand('~/.vimrc.local.after') endif