// ==UserScript== // @name Github: unfold commit history // @namespace http://github.com/johan/ // @description Adds "unfold all changesets" buttons (hotkey: f) above/below Commit History pages at github, letting you browse the source changes without leaving the page. (Click a commit header again to re-fold it.) You can also fold or unfold individual commits by clicking on non-link parts of the commit. As a bonus, all named commits get their tag/branch names annotated in little bubbles on the right. // @match https://*/*/compare* // @match https://*/*/commits* // @match https://*/*/search* // @version 2.0.6 // ==/UserScript== // see end of file for unsandboxing code if (location.hostname.slice(0, 7) === 'github.') (function exit_sandbox() { // manual host check - @match patterns only handle *.github.com, not github.* :( // FIXME: enabled_css + disabled_css + github_css? var hot = 'data-key' // used to find links with hotkey assignments , features = // Problem: where committer != author is the norm, you can't scan for either! // // So instead of aligning both left (and below each other) divide the page in // the middle -- ALWAYS showing authors on the left / committers on the right. { compact_committers: // the text "(committer)" is the hot spot to toggle this feature on and off: { toggle_selector: '#commit .human .actor .name span:contains("committer")' , css: [ '#commit .human .actor { width: 50%; float: left; }' // overrides github , '.compact_committers #commit .human .actor:nth-of-type(odd) {' + ' text-align: right; clear: none; }' // committer name , '.compact_committers #commit .human .actor:nth-of-type(odd) .gravatar {' + ' float: right; margin: 0 0 0 0.7em; }' // committer icon ] } // Problem: it's impossible to tell which commits are tiny and which are huge // // So let's show a little diff line on the right once we have the data loaded // which shows how many lines were added/removed, and across how many files. , change_counts_for_folded_commits_too: { always_enabled: true , css: [ '#commit .folded .machine { padding-bottom: 0; }' , '#commit .machine #toc .diffstat { border: 0; padding: 1px 0 0; }' , '#commit .machine #toc .diffstat-bar { opacity: 0.75; }' , '#commit .machine #toc .diffstat-summary { font-weight: normal; }' , '#commit .envelope.selected .machine #toc span { border-bottom: 0; }' , '#commit .machine #toc {' + ' float: right; width: 1px; margin: 0; border: 0; }' ] , show_diff: function called_from_inline_changeset(commit) { function count() { ++FILES; var lines = /(\d+) additions? & (\d+) deletion/.exec(this.title||''); if (lines) { ADD += Number(lines[1]); // lines added DEL += Number(lines[2]); // lines deleted } } var $m = $('.machine', commit) , already_changed = $m.find('#toc').length; if (already_changed) return; var ADD = 0, DEL = 0, FILES = 0, BLOBS = 5, $a = $m.append('diff' + '
' + '' + '
').find('#toc a'); // count added / removed lines and number of files changed $('.changeset #toc .diffstat a[title]', commit).each(count); var text = '+'+ n(ADD) +' / ' + '-'+ n(DEL) +' in ' + '' + n(FILES) +'' , stat = ''+ text +'\n' , plus = Math.round(ADD / (ADD + DEL) * BLOBS) , bar = ''; // don't show more blobs than total lines, if (ADD + DEL < BLOBS) { plus = ADD; BLOBS = ADD + DEL; } // and show ties as an even number of blobs else if (ADD === DEL) { --plus; --BLOBS; } for (var i = 0; i < BLOBS; i++) bar += '\u2022'; bar += ''; $a.html(stat + bar).attr('title', ADD +' additions & '+ DEL + ' deletions in '+ pluralize('file', FILES)); } } // Problem: I can't see where commit history is linear and where it's disjoint // // When enabling this mode, a linear history (one where adjacent commits MEAN // that the commit above is the direct, single parent of the commit below it) // shows up WITHOUT the little dark blue separator between them and non-linar // history (two commits where the adjacency is just incidental) keep the bar. , chain_adjacent_connected_commits: { toggle_selector: '#commit > .separator > h2' // a date header (bad choice) , css: [ '.chain_adjacent_connected_commits ' + '#commit .adjacent.commit:not(.selected):not(:last-child) {' + ' border-bottom-color: transparent; }' ] } // Problem: I can't scan commit history for commits by week number or weekday // // Where github has

Nov 21, 2011

, // wday_names will prefix / suffix those with "W47: " / " - Mon" respectively, // letting you scan the page for commits by either without getting frustrated. , wday_names: { toggle_selector: '.commit-group-heading' // a date header , css: [ '.wday_names .commit-group-heading[data-wno]:before {' , ' content: "W" attr(data-wno) ": "; ' , '}' , '.wday_names .commit-group-heading[data-wd]:after {' , ' content: " - " attr(data-wd); ' , '}' ] , on_page_change: function() { function set_weekday_attr() { var date = new Date($(this).text()) , wday = date.getDay() , day = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][wday] , year = date.getFullYear() , w_53, isow; // ISO 8601 week no: week 1 == first week with a Thu if (isNaN(date)) return; // when github changes: let's fail gracefully // compute week number wday = (new Date(year, 0, 4)).getDay() || 7; w_53 = new Date(year, 0, 4 - wday); isow = Math.ceil((date - w_53) / (7 * 864e5)); $(this).attr('data-wd', day); $(this).attr('data-wno', isow); } $(this.toggle_selector +':not([data-wd])').each(set_weekday_attr); } } // Problem: I can't scan commit history for commits by time of day // // Where github has , // iso_times will upgrade to add a prefix like 14:58:30 and // surround the "33 minutes ago" in parentheses. This lets you visually scan // the page for commits by time of day without getting frustrated. , iso_times: // a commit timestamp or the ISO time of the same, once visible: { toggle_selector: '.commit .authorship time, .commit .authorship abbr.iso' , css: [ 'body:not(.iso_times) .authorship abbr.iso { display: none; }' , '.iso_times .authorship > time:before { content: "("; }' , '.iso_times .authorship > time:after { content: ")"; }' ] , on_page_change: function() { function nn(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; } function prepend_absolute_times() { var date = new Date(this.getAttribute('datetime')) , time = [date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds()] .map(nn).join(':'); $(this).before(''+ time +' ').attr('abs', 1); } $('.authorship > time:not([abs])').each(prepend_absolute_times); } } // Problem: I want to narrow the view to commits authored by (or not by) X/Y/Z // Problem: I want to see what proportion of commits were authored by X/Y/Z // // This adds a little panel on top (between "Commit History" and the commits), // listing icons for all authors that have one commit or more in the page, and // also sizes them (the white bar becomes one pixel wider per commit shown) by // how many commits they contributed. Click any author to toggle visibility of // all their commits on and off. When hidden, that author is grayed out. Click // a commit author icon again to hide the panel, and show commits by everyone. , author_filter: null && // FIXME: no longer matches site structure! // The author icon of a commit in the page { toggle_selector: '.commit img.gravatar' , toggle_callback: function(on) { $('#filtered_authors').attr('disabled', !on); } , css: [ 'body:not(.author_filter) #author_filter { display: none; }' , '#author_filter img.filtered { opacity: 0.5; }' , '#author_filter img {' + ' margin: 0 .3em 0 0; background-color: white; ' + ' padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #D0D0D0; }' ] , init: function draw_filter_panel() { $('#path').after('
'); } , on_page_change: function render_author_filter(e) { // Count a commit in the view and add it to the author filter. // Marks it with classes "by" and "author_" classes too. // Also, we create / update the #author_ filter element. function update_author_filter(e) { var mail_hash = /avatar\/([a-f\d]{32})/.exec(this.src) , author_id = 'author_'+ mail_hash[1] , author_re = /\s*\(author\)\s*$/ , $gravatar = $('#'+ author_id) , commit_no = parseInt($gravatar.attr('title') || '0', 10) , $envelope = !commit_no && $(this).parents('.actor'); if ($envelope) { var img = this.cloneNode(true); img.alt = $envelope.find('.name').text().replace(author_re, ''); img.id = author_id; $('#author_filter').append(img); $(img).click(toggle_author_commits); img.title = ++commit_no +' commit by '+ img.alt; $('head').append(''); } else $gravatar.attr('title', ++commit_no +' commits by '+ $gravatar.attr('alt')); $(this).parents('.commit').addClass('by '+author_id); $('#'+ author_id).css('padding-right', (1 + commit_no) +'px'); } // toggle commit visibility for a clicked author icon in the panel function toggle_author_commits(e) { function get_author_nick() { return this.id; } $(this).toggleClass('filtered'); var hide = $('#author_filter .filtered').map(get_author_nick); if (hide.length) hide = '.'+ (array(hide).join(',.')) +' { display: none; }'; else hide = ''; $('style#filtered_authors').html(hide); // updates the hiddenness css } $('.commit:not(.by) .human .actor:nth-child(2) .gravatar > img') .each(update_author_filter); // find not-yet-catered commits } } } , DEV_MODE = 'undefined' !== typeof console && console.warn && window.localStorage.getItem('github_improved_dev') , DEV_PEEK = DEV_MODE && new RegExp(DEV_MODE, 'i') , ENTER = !DEV_MODE ? function(){} : function ENTER(id) { (ENTER[id] = ENTER[id] || []).push(+new Date); } , LEAVE = !DEV_MODE ? ENTER : function LEAVE(id) { var dt = new Date - ENTER[id].pop(); if (dt > 100 || DEV_PEEK.test(id)) console.warn(dt +'ms in github improved '+ id); } ; // temp. deprecation of stuff not working, most likely due to site changes: for (var name in features) if (!features[name]) delete features[name]; var at = '.commit.loading .machine a['+ hot +'="c"]', url = '/images/spinners/octocat-spinner-32.gif', plain = ':not(.magic):not([href*="#"])', // all changeset links in the message context of their own changeset all = '.commit .commit-title a[href^="/"]:not(.loaded)'+ plain, css = // used for .toggleClass('folded'), for, optionally, hiding: '.file.folded > .data,\n' + // individual .commit .changeset .file:s '.file.folded > .image,\n' + // (...or their corresponding .image:s) '.commit.folded .changeset,\n' + // whole .commit:s' diffs, '.commit.folded .message .full' + // + full checkin message ' { display: none; }\n' + at +':before\n { content: url("'+ url +'"); }\n'+ // show "loading" throbber at +'\n { position: absolute; margin: 1px 0 0 -70px; height: 14px; }\n' + '#commit .selected.loading .machine > span:nth-child(1) { border: none; }\n' + '#commit .machine { padding-left: 14px; padding-bottom: 0; }\n' + // The site has a .site { width: 920px } but #commit .human { width: 50em; }, // which looks bad in Opera, where it becomes about 650px only. Address this: '#commit .human { width: 667px; }\n' + // fold / unfold behaviour '.fold_unfold, .download_all { float: right; }\n' + '.all_folded .fold_unfold:before { content: "\xAB un"; }\n' + '.all_folded .fold_unfold:after { content: " \xBB"; }\n' + '.all_unfolded .fold_unfold:before { content: "\xBB "; }\n' + '.all_unfolded .fold_unfold:after { content: " \xAB"; }\n' + '#commit .human .message pre { width: auto; }\n' + // don't wrap before EOL! '.folded .message .truncated:after { content: " (\u2026)"; }\n' + // tag and branch labels: '.commit-refs { opacity: 0.5; white-space: nowrap; width: 902px; ' + ' display: inline-block; position: relative; margin: 6px 0 -6px -44px; }\n' + '.commit-refs .magic.branch { margin-right: 4px; }' + '.commit-refs .magic.tag, .commit-refs .magic.diff { float: right;' + ' margin-left: 4px; }\n' + //'.commit-group-item .magic.tag { background: #FE7; border-color: #DC5; }' + //'.commit-group-item .magic.branch { background: #7EF; border-color: #5CD; }' + '.magic.tag.diff { clear: left; }\n' // Δ marker ; var keys = Object.keys || function _keys(o) { var r = [], k; for (k in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) r.push(k); return r; }; // Run first at init, and then once per (settled) page change, for later updates // caused by stuff like AutoPagerize. function onChange() { ENTER('onChange::prep_parent_links'); prep_parent_links(); // FIXME: integrate these in features / the loop below: LEAVE('onChange::prep_parent_links'); for (var name in features) { var feature = features[name] , callback = feature.on_page_change; if (callback) { ENTER('onChange::'+ name); callback.call(feature); LEAVE('onChange::'+ name); } } ENTER('onChange::inject_commit_names'); inject_commit_names(); // FIXME: integrate too as per above LEAVE('onChange::inject_commit_names'); } function init() { var path = location.pathname.split('/') //, repo = path.slice(0, 3).join('/') , what = path[3] , func = ({ commits: commits_page , compare: compare_page })[what] //, args = path.slice(4).join('/') ; if (func) { ENTER(what + '_page'); func(); LEAVE(what + '_page'); } } function commits_page() { var name, feature, $body = $('body'); $body.addClass('all_folded') // preload the loading throbber, so it shows .append(''); // up promptly for (name in features) if ((feature = features[name]).css) css += feature.css.join('\n') + '\n'; $('head').append($('').html(css)); for (name in features) if ((feature = features[name]).init) feature.init(); $body.on('click', '.commit', toggle_commit_folding); // Resuscitate "Diff suppressed. Click to show" links in imported diffs. This // one taken from /ie-addon/commits/68ae2cf1446bdfc606f5fb1f26cee18258f20e9a: //
file header
// //
[real diff here]
$body.on('click', '.commit .image > a.js-show-suppressed-diff', function(e) { $(this).parent().hide().parent().find('.highlight').show(); e.preventDefault(); // don't scroll to the top of the page! }); onChange(); on_dom_change('body', onChange); $body.on( { 'mouseover': hilight_related , 'mouseout': unlight_related , 'click': scroll_to_related }, 'a[href]['+ hot +'="p"]'); // if triggered by mouse click, // scroll to the commit if it's in view, otherwise load that page instead -- // and ditto but for trigger by keyboard hotkey instead (falls back to link): //GitHub.Commits.link = AOP_wrap_around(try_scroll_first, GitHub.Commits.link); init_config(); $('') .prependTo('#commit .separator:first'); $('decorate all') .appendTo('.pagination').click(download_all); $('fold all') .appendTo('.pagination'); $('.fold_unfold').toggle(unfold_all, fold_all); // export to public identifiers for the hotkeys window.toggle_selected_folding = toggle_selected_folding; window.toggle_all_folding = toggle_all_folding; window.download_selected = download_selected; window.download_all = download_all; location.href = 'javascript:$.hotkeys(' + '{ f: toggle_selected_folding' + //', F: toggle_all_folding' + ', d: download_selected' + //', D: download_all' + '});' + // adds our own hotkeys 'delete GitHub.Commits.elements;' + // makes j / k span demand-loaded pages 'GitHub.Commits.__defineGetter__("elements",' + 'function() { return $(".commit"); });void 0'; setTimeout(function() { AOP_also_call('$.facebox.reveal', show_docs); }, 1e3); } function compare_page() { function warn() { if (DEV_MODE) console.warn('No tags!'); } get_tags(wrap(link_adjacent, 'link_adjacent'), warn, false); } function link_adjacent(tags, repo) { var all_tags = keys(tags) , cmp_path = location.pathname , cmp_root = cmp_path.replace(/[^\/]*$/, '') , cmp_what = cmp_path.replace(/^.*\//, '').split('...') , cmp_prev = cmp_what[0] , cmp_next = cmp_what[1] , prev_tag = get_next_tag(all_tags, cmp_prev, -1) , next_tag = get_next_tag(all_tags, cmp_next, 1) || ('master' === cmp_next ? '' : 'master') , $swap_us = $('.switch.tooltipped') , $dot_dot = $swap_us.siblings('em') , $to_prev = $( '') , $to_next = $( '') ; $swap_us.parent().append($to_next); $swap_us.before($to_prev); $dot_dot.before($swap_us); $swap_us.css({ position: 'absolute', marginLeft: '2px', zIndex: 1 }); $dot_dot.css({ position: 'relative', bottom: '-5px' }); if (!prev_tag) $to_prev.css('visibility', 'hidden'); if (!next_tag) $to_next.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } // fetch some API resource by api function github_api(path, cb) { function get() { if (1 === enqueue().length) { if (DEV_MODE) console.warn('github_api:', path); $.ajax(request); } } function enqueue() { var queue = github_api[path] = github_api[path] || []; queue.push(cb); // always modify in place for dispatch return queue; } function dispatch(queue, args) { for (var i = 0, cb; cb = queue[i]; i++) cb.apply(this, args || []); } var logged_in = github_api.token || $('#header a[href="/logout"]').length , request = { url: path , success: function done() { dispatch(github_api[path], arguments); delete github_api[path]; } , dataType: 'json' , beforeSend: logged_in && function(xhr) { var auth = btoa(get_current_user()+'/token:'+ github_api.token); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic '+ auth); } }; if (!logged_in || github_api.token) get(); else if (github_api.pending_token) github_api.pending_token.push(get); else { github_api.pending_token = [get]; if (DEV_MODE) console.warn('github_api: ', path, ' - fetching token'); $.ajax({ url: '/account/admin' , beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.withCredentials = true; } , success: function(html) { var got = html.match(/API token is ([^<]*)/); if (got) { github_api.token = got[1]; dispatch(github_api.pending_token); delete github_api.pending_token; } } }); } } // calls cb({ tag1: hash1, ... }, '/repo/name') after fetching the repo's tags, // of if none, no_tags('/repo/name') function get_tags(cb, no_tags, refresh) { return get_named('tags', cb, no_tags, refresh); } // calls cb({ branch: hash1, ... }, '/repo/name') or, no_branches('/repo/name') // (just like get_tags) function get_branches(cb, no_branches, refresh) { return get_named('branches', cb, no_branches, refresh); } // returns an array of all `what` ('tag' or 'branch') names in this repository function get_commitish_names(what) { function name(i, a) { return $(a).text(); } what = what.replace(/e?s$/, ''); // also grok 'tags' and 'branches' return $('.commitish-selector .commitish-item.'+ what + '-commitish a').map(name).get(); } // returns true if the resource came straight from its cache. function get_named(what, cb, no_cb, refresh) { function got_names(names) { // cache the repository's tags/branches for later var json = window.localStorage[path] = JSON.stringify(names = names[what]); if (json.length > 2) cb(names, repo); else no_cb && no_cb(repo); } function get_name() { return this.textContent.replace(/ \u2713$/, ''); } var repo = window.location.pathname.match(/^(?:\/[^\/]+){2}/); if (repo) repo = repo[0]; else return false; var path = what + repo // the tag or branch names we have cached, if any, or false, for "nothing" , xxxs = window.localStorage[path] && JSON.parse(window.localStorage[path]) // all tag or branch names listed in the current page , page = get_commitish_names(what).sort() || [] // all tag or branch names we have already (0+) , have = xxxs && keys(xxxs).sort() || [] , at_b = 'branches' === what && get_current_branch(); // invalidate the branch cache if we're at the head of a branch, and its hash // contradicts what we have saved if (!xxxs || at_b && xxxs[at_b] !== get_first_commit_hash()) refresh = true; // optimization - if there are none in this repository, don't go fetch any if ('tags' === what && !page.length) { have = page; xxxs = {}; refresh = false; } // assume the repo still has no names if it didn't at the time the page loaded if (page.length === 0) no_cb && no_cb(repo); // assume the cache is still good if it's got the same tag number and names else if (!refresh && have.length === page.length && have.join() === page.join()) cb(xxxs, repo); else { // refresh the cache github_api('/api/v2/json/repos/show'+ repo +'/'+ what, got_names); return true; } return false; } //function get_master_branch() { // return $('.subnav-bar a.switcher').data('masterBranch'); //} // needs to work everywhere we use the API function get_current_user() { return $('#user .name').text(); } function get_current_branch() { return $('.subnav-bar a.switcher').data('ref'); } function get_first_commit_hash() { return $('.site .commit a['+ hot +'="c"]')[0].pathname.slice(-40); } function get_browse_link(hash) { return $('.commit .commit-meta a.browse-button[href$="/tree/'+ hash +'"]'); } function get_commit(hash) { return $('#c_'+ hash); } // annotates commits with tag/branch names in little bubbles on the right side function inject_commit_names() { function draw_names(type, names, repo) { var all_names = keys(names); // kin_re => [all names matching kin_re] all_names.sort().forEach(function(name) { var hash = names[name] , url = repo +'/commits/'+ name , sel = 'a.magic.'+ type +'[href="'+ url +'"]' , $ci = get_commit(hash) // new location for this tag / branch , hcls = 'commit-refs' , $has = $ci.find('.'+ hcls) ; if ($ci.parent().find(sel).length) return; // it's already rendered here if (!$has.length) $has = $ci.append('
').find('.'+ hcls); $(sel).remove(); // remove tag / branch from prior location (if any) $has.append( '' + ''+ name +'' ); // if we just linked a tag, also link a tag changeset, if applicable: if (type === 'tag') { var last_tag = get_next_tag(all_names, name, -1); if (last_tag) $has.append( 'Δ' ); } }); } function draw_tags(tags, repo) { draw_names('tag', tags, repo); } function draw_branches(branches, repo) { draw_names('branch', branches, repo); } var refresh = get_branches(wrap(draw_branches, 'draw_branches')); // assume it's best to refresh tags too if any branches were moved get_tags(wrap(draw_tags, 'draw_tags'), null, refresh); } function wrap(fn, name) { return function timed() { ENTER(name); var result = fn.apply(this, arguments); LEAVE(name); return result; }; } // tries to deliver the next (offset=1) or previous (offset=-1) tag in tags function get_next_tag(tags, tag, offset) { // kin_re => [all tags matching kin_re] var cache = get_next_tag.kin_cache = get_next_tag.kin_cache || {} , kin_re = quote_re(tag).replace(/(-|\\\.|\d+)+/g, '(-|\\\\\\.|\\d+)+') , similar = new RegExp(kin_re) , kin_tags = cache[kin_re] = cache[kin_re] || ( tags.filter(function(tag) { return similar.test(tag); }) .sort().sort(dwim_sort_func) ) , this_idx = kin_tags.indexOf(tag) , want_tag = this_idx + (offset || -1) ; return kin_tags[want_tag]; } function quote_re( re ) { return re.replace( /([.*+^$?(){}|\x5B-\x5D])/g, "\\$1" ); // 5B-5D == [\] } // example usage: ['0.10', '0.9'].sort(dwim_sort_func) comes out ['0.9', '0.10'] function dwim_sort_func(a, b) { if (a === b) return 0; var int_str_rest_re = /^(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/ , A = int_str_rest_re.exec(a), a_int, a_str, a_int_len = A[1].length , B = int_str_rest_re.exec(b), b_int, b_str, b_int_len = B[1].length ; if (!a_int_len ^ !b_int_len) return a_int_len ? -1 : 1; do { if ((a_int = A[1]) !== (b_int = B[1])) { if ((a_int = parseInt(a_int, 10)) !== (b_int = parseInt(b_int, 10))) return a_int < b_int ? -1 : 1; } if ((a_str = A[2]) !== (b_str = B[2])) return a_str < b_str ? -1 : 1; a = A[3]; b = B[3]; if (!a.length) return b.length ? -1 : 0; if (!b.length) return a.length ? 1 : 0; A = int_str_rest_re.exec(a); B = int_str_rest_re.exec(b); } while (true); } // make all commits get @id:s c_, and all parent links get @rel="" function prep_parent_links() { function hash(a) { return a.pathname.slice(a.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } $('.commit:not([id]) a[href]['+ hot +'="p"]').each(function reroute() { $(this).attr('rel', hash(this)); }); $('.commit:not([id]) a[href]['+ hot +'="c"]').each(function set_id() { var id = hash(this), ci = $(this).closest('.commit'), pr = ci.prev(); if (pr.find('a['+ hot +'="p"][href$='+ id +']').length) pr.addClass('adjacent'); ci.attr('id', 'c_' + id); }); } function try_scroll_first(wrappee, link_type) { function normal() { return wrappee.apply(self, args); } var args = _slice.call(arguments, 1), self = this; if (link_type !== 'p') return normal(); var link = GitHub.Commits.selected().find('['+ hot +'="'+ link_type +'"]')[0]; // scroll_to_related returns true if link is not in the current view if (link && scroll_to_related.call(link) && confirm('Parent commit not in view -- load parent page instead?')) return normal(); return false; } function scroll_to_related(e) { var to = $('#c_'+ this.rel); if (!to.length) return true; select(this.rel, true); return false; } // hilight the related commit changeset, when a commit link is hovered function hilight_related(e) { $('#c_'+ this.rel).addClass('selected'); } function unlight_related(e) { $('#c_'+ this.rel).removeClass('selected'); if (null != GitHub.Commits.current) GitHub.Commits.select(GitHub.Commits.current); } // FIXME: integrate with the features blob function show_docs(x) { var docs = { f: '(un)Fold selected (or all, if none)' , d: 'Describe selected (or all, if none)' }; for (var key in docs) $('#facebox .shortcuts .columns:first .column.middle dl:last') .before('
'+ key +'
' + '
'+ docs[key] +'
'); return x; } function init_config() { var $body = $('body'); for (var name in features) { var feature = features[name] , enabled = feature.enabled = feature.always_enabled || !!window.localStorage.getItem(name); if (enabled) $('body').addClass(name); if (feature.toggle_selector) $body.on ( { click: toggle_option , hover: show_docs_for } , feature.toggle_selector , { option: name } ); } } // an "option toggle" element in the page was clicked; make it so! function toggle_option(e) { var name = e.data.option , feature = features[name]; if ((feature.enabled = !window.localStorage.getItem(name))) window.localStorage.setItem(name, '1'); else window.localStorage.removeItem(name); if (feature.toggle_callback) feature.toggle_callback(feature.enabled); $('body').toggleClass(name); show_docs_for.apply(this, arguments); return false; // capture the click so it doesn't also cause a fold or unfold } function show_docs_for(e) { var name = e.data.option , state = !!window.localStorage.getItem(name) , other = state ? 'off' : 'on' , title = 'Click to toggle option "'+ name.replace(/_/g, ' ') +'" '+ other; $(features[name].toggle_selector) .css('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('title', title); } function toggle_selected_folding() { var selected = $('.selected'); if (selected.length) selected.click(); else toggle_all_folding(); } function download_selected() { var selected = $('.selected' + all); if (selected.length) selected.each(inline_changeset); else download_all(); } function toggle_all_folding() { if ($('body').hasClass('all_folded')) unfold_all(); else fold_all(); } function download_all() { $(all).each(inline_changeset); } function unfold_all() { $('body').addClass('all_unfolded').removeClass('all_folded'); $('.commit.folded').removeClass('folded'); $(all).each(inline_and_unfold); } function fold_all() { $('body').addClass('all_folded').removeClass('all_unfolded'); $('.commit').addClass('folded'); } // click to fold / unfold, and select: function toggle_commit_folding(e) { if (isNotLeftButton(e) || $(e.target).closest('a[href], .changeset, .gravatar').length) return; // clicked a link, or in the changeset; don't do fold action ENTER('toggle_commit_folding'); // .magic and *# links aren't github commit links (but stuff we added) var $link = $('.commit-title a[href^="/"][href*="/commit/"]'+ plain, this); if ($link.hasClass('loaded')) $(this).toggleClass('folded'); else $link.each(inline_and_unfold); select($($(this).closest('.commit')), !'scroll'); LEAVE('toggle_commit_folding'); } // pass a changeset node, id or hash and have github select it for us function select(changeset, scroll) { var node = changeset, nth; if ('string' === typeof changeset) node = $('#'+ (/^c_/.test(changeset) ? '' : 'c_') + changeset); nth = $('.commit').index(node); pageCall('GitHub.Commits.select', nth); if (scroll) setTimeout(function() { var focused = $('.commit.selected'); //if (focused.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop() + 50 > $(window).height()) focused.scrollTo(200); }, 50); } function pageCall(fn/*, arg, ... */) { var args = JSON.stringify(_slice.call(arguments, 1)).slice(1, -1); location.href = 'javascript:void '+ fn +'('+ args +')'; } // every mouse click is not interesting; return true only on left mouse clicks function isNotLeftButton(e) { // IE has e.which === null for left click && mouseover, FF has e.which === 1 return (e.which > 1) || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey; } function pluralize(noun, n) { return n +' '+ noun + (n == 1 ? '' : 's'); } function inline_and_unfold() { var $c = $(this).closest('.commit'); inline_changeset.call(this, function() { $c.removeClass('folded'); }); } var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; function array(ish) { return _slice.call(ish, 0); } function n(x) { if (x > (1e9 - 5e7 - 1)) return Math.round(x / 1e9) +'G'; if (x > (1e6 - 5e4 - 1)) return Math.round(x / 1e6) +'M'; if (x > (1e3 - 5e1 - 1)) return Math.round(x / 1e3) +'k'; return x + ''; } // loads the changeset link's full commit message, toc and the files changed and // inlines them in the corresponding changeset (in the current page) function inline_changeset(doneCallback) { // make file header click toggle showing file contents (except links @ right) function toggle_file(e) { if (isNotLeftButton(e) || $(e.target).closest('.actions').length) return; // wrong kind of mouse click, or a right-side action link click $(this).parent().toggleClass('folded'); } // diff links for this commit should refer to this commit only function fix_link() { var old = this.id; this.id += '-' + sha1; changeset.find('a[href="#'+ old +'"]') .attr('href', '#'+ this.id); $('div.meta', this).click(toggle_file) .css('cursor', 'pointer') .attr('title', 'Toggle showing of file') .find('.actions').attr('title', ' '); // but don't over-report that title } // find all diff links and fix them, annotate how many files were changed, and // insert line 2.. of the commit message in the unfolded view of the changeset function post_process() { github_inlined_comments(this); var files = changeset.find('[id^="diff-"]').each(fix_link), line2 , diffs = features.change_counts_for_folded_commits_too; if (diffs.enabled) diffs.show_diff(commit); // now, add lines 2.. of the commit message to the unfolded changeset view var whole = $('#commit', changeset); // contains the whole commit message try { if ((line2 = $('.message pre', whole).html().replace(line1, ''))) { $('.human .message pre', commit).append( $('').html(line2)); // commit message $('.human .message pre a.loaded:last-child' + plain, commit).after( ''); } } catch(e) {} // if this fails, fail silent -- no biggie whole.remove(); // and remove the remaining duplicate parts of that commit commit.removeClass('loading'); // remove throbber if ('function' === typeof doneCallback) doneCallback(); } var line1 = /^[^\n]*/, sha1 = this.pathname.slice(this.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), commit = $(this).closest('.commit').addClass('loading folded'); $(this).addClass('loaded'); // mark that we already did load it on this page commit.find('.human, .machine') .css('cursor', 'pointer'); var changeset = commit .append('
') .find('.changeset') // ,#all_commit_comments removed from next line .load(this.href + '.html #toc,#files', post_process); // (.explain, too?) } // Makes a function that can replace wrappee that instead calls wrapper(wrappee) // plus all the args wrappee should have received. (If wrapper does not want the // original function to run, it does not have to.) function AOP_wrap_around(wrapper, wrappee) { return function() { return wrapper.apply(this, [wrappee].concat(array(arguments))); }; } // replace with a function that returns fn(name(...)) function AOP_also_call(name, fn) { location.href = 'javascript:try {'+ name +' = (function(orig) {\n' + 'return function() {\n' + 'var res = orig.apply(this, arguments);\n' + 'return ('+ (fn.toString()) +')(res);' + '};' + '})('+ name +')} finally {void 0}'; } function on_dom_change(selector, cb) { function pause_to_tweak_dom() { $(selector).unbind('DOMSubtreeModified', wrapped_callback); try { cb(); } catch(e) {}; $(selector).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', wrapped_callback); } var wrapped_callback = when_settled(pause_to_tweak_dom); $(selector).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', wrapped_callback); } // drop calls until at least (or 100) ms apart, then pass the last on to cb function when_settled(cb, ms) { function is_settled() { waiter = last = null; cb.apply(self, args); }; ms = ms || 100; var last, waiter, self, args; return function () { self = this; args = arguments; if (waiter) clearTimeout(waiter); waiter = setTimeout(is_settled, ms); }; } // Github handlers (from http://assets1.github.com/javascripts/bundle_github.js) // - this is all probably prone to die horribly as the site grows features, over // time, unless this functionality gets absorbed and maintained by github later. // In other words, everything below is really just the minimum copy-paste needed // from the site javascript for inline comments to work -- minimal testing done. // 5:th $(function) in http://assets1.github.com/javascripts/bundle_github.js, // but with $() selectors scoped to a "self" node passed from the caller above. // On unfolding changeset pages with inline comments, we need to make them live, // as github itself is loading them dynamically after DOMContentLoaded. function github_inlined_comments(self) { $(".inline-comment-placeholder", self).each(function () { var c = $(this); $.get(c.attr("remote"), function got_comment_form(page) { page = $(page); c.closest("tr").replaceWith(page); github_comment_form(page); github_comment(page.find(".comment")); }); }); $("#files .show-inline-comments-toggle", self).change(function () { this.checked ? $(this).closest(".file").find("tr.inline-comments").show() : $(this).closest(".file").find("tr.inline-comments").hide(); }).change(); $("#inline_comments_toggle input", self).change(function () { this.checked ? $("#comments").removeClass("only-commit-comments") : $("#comments").addClass("only-commit-comments"); }).change(); } // http://assets1.github.com/javascripts/bundle_github.js::e(c) function github_comment_form(c) { c.find("ul.inline-tabs").tabs(); c.find(".show-inline-comment-form a").click(function () { c.find(".inline-comment-form").show(); $(this).hide(); return false; }); var b = c.find(".previewable-comment-form") .previewableCommentForm().closest("form"); b.submit(function () { b.find(".ajaxindicator").show(); b.find("button").attr("disabled", "disabled"); b.ajaxSubmit({ success: function (f) { var h = b.closest(".clipper"), d = h.find(".comment-holder"); if (d.length == 0) d = h.prepend($('
')) .find(".comment-holder"); f = $(f); d.append(f); github_comment(f); b.find("textarea").val(""); b.find(".ajaxindicator").hide(); b.find("button").attr("disabled", ""); } }); return false; }); } // http://assets1.github.com/javascripts/bundle_github.js::a(c) function github_comment(c) { c.find(".relatize").relatizeDate(); c.editableComment(); } // This block of code injects our source in the content scope and then calls the // passed callback there. The whole script runs in both GM and page content, but // since we have no other code that does anything, the Greasemonkey sandbox does // nothing at all when it has spawned the page script, which gets to use jQuery. // (jQuery unfortunately degrades much when run in Mozilla's javascript sandbox) if ('object' === typeof opera && opera.extension) { this.__proto__ = window; // bleed the web page's js into our execution scope document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false); // GM-style init } else { // for Chrome or Firefox+Greasemonkey if ('undefined' == typeof __RUNNING_IN_PAGE__) { // unsandbox, please! var src = exit_sandbox + '', script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'application/javascript'); script.innerHTML = 'const __RUNNING_IN_PAGE__ = true;\n('+ src +')();'; document.documentElement.appendChild(script); document.documentElement.removeChild(script); } else { // unsandboxed -- here we go! init(); } } })();