indexing description: "Maze generator in Eiffel" author: "Joe Wingbermuehle" date: "2014-01-12" class MAZE create {ANY} make feature {ANY} -- Display the maze. show is local x, y: INTEGER do from y := 0 until y = height loop from x := 0 until x = width loop if data.item(y * width + x) then io.put_string("[]") else io.put_string(" ") end x := x + 1 end io.put_new_line y := y + 1 end end feature {} width: INTEGER is 39 -- Width; must be odd. height: INTEGER is 23 -- Height; must be odd. data: ARRAY[BOOLEAN] rng: MINIMAL_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR is do !!Result.make end -- Initialize the maze array. init is local x, y: INTEGER do !!data.make(0, width * height - 1) from y := 0 until y = height loop from x := 0 until x = width loop if y = 0 or y = height - 1 then data.put(False, y * width + x) elseif x = 0 or x = width - 1 then data.put(False, y * width + x) else data.put(True, y * width + x) end x := x + 1 end y := y + 1 end end -- Get a random direction between 0 and 3 inclusive. random_direction: INTEGER is do Result := rng.last_integer(4) - 1 ensure Result >= 0 and Result < 4 end -- Carve starting at x, y. carve(x, y: INTEGER) is local d, i: INTEGER dx, dy: INTEGER tx, ty: INTEGER nx, ny: INTEGER do data.put(False, y * width + x) d := random_direction from i := 0 until i = 4 loop dx := 0; dy := 0 inspect (d + i) & 3 when 0 then dx := 1 when 1 then dx := -1 when 2 then dy := 1 when 3 then dy := -1 end tx := x + dx; ty := y + dy if data.item(ty * width + tx) then nx := tx + dx; ny := ty + dy if data.item(ny * width + nx) then data.put(False, ty * width + tx) carve(nx, ny) end end i := i + 1 end end -- Generate a random maze. generate is do init carve(2, 2) data.put(False, 1 * width + 2) data.put(False, (height - 2) * width + (width - 3)) end -- Generate and display a random maze. make is do generate show end end