@prefix wd: . @prefix cc: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix sioc: . @prefix sioct: . @prefix xsd: . wd: a owl:Ontology ; owl:versionInfo "Revision .85"@en ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:contributor ; dcterms:created "2012-11-07"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:title "WD, the Wikipedia Deletion Discussion Ontology"@en ; dcterms:description "WD, the Wikipedia Deletion Discussion Ontology, is an ontology for characterizing Wikipedia deletion discussions"@en ; cc:license . #Properties wd:has_decision_factor a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "indicates a decision factor"@en ; rdfs:domain wd:Message ; rdfs:range wd:DecisionFactor . # @@TODO: document that model differs slightly from reality #We model this as at most one vote per message #but in reality votes are VERY #OCCASIONALLY not exclusive #e.g. "Delete, or Merge (with redirect)" sioc:has_vote a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "indicates the DecisionType outcome from the DeletionCase"@en ; rdfs:domain wd:Message ; rdfs:range wd:Outcome . # @@TODO: discuss with sioc list, push an inverse of has_discussion into SIOC wd:is_discussion_of a owl:ObjectProperty ; owl:inverseOf sioc:has_discussion ; rdfs:comment "The Item that is related to this discussion."@en ; rdfs:range sioc:Item ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "is discussion of"@en. #Classes # @@TODO: document facts about __instances of wd:DeletionCase__, e.g.: # sioc:has_container sioct:Wiki ; # wd:is_discussion_of sioct:WikiArticle . # wd:DeletionCase rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum ; rdfs:comment "A deletion discussion in a wiki."@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Deletion Case"@en ; rdfs:subClassOf [ owl:minCardinality 1; owl:onProperty wd:is_discussion_of] . # @@TODO: document that we do not expect wd:DecisionFactor(s) to be explicit. # We classify messages to determine these. # wd:DecisionFactor a owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A decision factor raised in an argumentative discussion"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Decision Factor"@en ; owl:disjointWith wd:DeletionCase , wd:Message , wd:Outcome , sioc:UserAccount . # @@TODO: document facts about __instances of wd:Message__, e.g.: # sioc:has_container wd:DeletionCase ; # sioc:has_creator wd:commenter . # wd:Message rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post ; rdfs:comment "A message in a deletion discussion"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Message"@en ; owl:disjointWith wd:DeletionCase , wd:DecisionFactor , wd:Outcome , sioc:UserAccount. wd:Outcome a rdfs:Class ; owl:disjointWith wd:DeletionCase , wd:DecisionFactor , wd:Message , sioc:UserAccount . wd:has_decided_outcome a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "The decision made following an argumentative discussion"@en ; rdfs:label "Has Decided Outcome"@en ; rdfs:range :Outcome . wd:has_possible_outcome a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "A possible outcome for an argumentative discussion"@en ; rdfs:label "Has Possible Outcome"@en ; rdfs:range :Outcome . wd:IP_AddressUserAccount rdfs:subClassOf sioc:UserAccount ; # We need to make the relationship with sioc:ip_address clear. # In SIOC, sioc:ip_address is a DataTypeProperty with Domain:sioc:Item # But sioc:UserAccount is a subclass of foaf:OnlineAccount # The lack of parallels seems problematic to me # because when we want to point to the # sioc:UserAccount associated with a wd:Message, # we need an answer, even if a sioc:ip_address is listed. owl:disjointWith wd:DeletionCase, wd:Message, wd:DecisionFactor , wd:Outcome , wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount . wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount rdfs:subClassOf sioc:UserAccount ; owl:disjointWith wd:DeletionCase, wd:Message, wd:DecisionFactor , wd:Outcome , wd:IP_AddressUserAccount . # @@TODO: document facts about __instance of wd:Bot__, e.g.: # sioc:has_owner wd:BotOperator . wd:Bot rdf:subClassOf wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount . # @@TODO: document that we assume (but do not model) that # we are talking about ONE sioct:Wiki shared by both # the administrator and the discussion. wd:Administrator rdf:subClassOf wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount . wd:Relist rdfs:subClassof wd:Message . #Instances # @@TODO: document that these are not comprehensive for votes # e.g. we do not model weak_keep (use keep) wd:Delete a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "delete decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "delete decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Keep , wd:Merge , wd:No_consensus , wd:Redirect , wd:Transwiki , wd:Userfy . wd:Keep a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "keep decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "keep decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Merge , wd:No_consensus , wd:Redirect , wd:Transwiki , wd:Userfy . wd:merge a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "merge decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "merge decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Keep , wd:No_consensus , wd:Redirect , wd:Transwiki , wd:Userfy . wd:No_consensus a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "No consensus decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "No consensus"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Keep , wd:Merge , wd:Redirect , wd:Transwiki , wd:Userfy . wd:Redirect a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "Redirect decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Redirect decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Keep , wd:Merge , wd:No_consensus , wd:Transwiki , wd:Userfy . wd:Transwiki a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "Transwiki decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Transwiki decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Keep , wd:Merge , wd:No_consensus , wd:Redirect , wd:Userfy . wd:Userfy a wd:Outcome ; rdfs:comment "Userfy decision"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Userfy decision"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Delete , wd:Keep , wd:Merge , wd:No_consensus , wd:Redirect , wd:Transwiki . #DecisionFactorInstances # For documentation: Multiple factors can apply; only "other" is disjoint. wd:Bias a wd:DecisionFactor ; rdfs:comment "Bias"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Bias"@en . wd:Maintenance a wd:DecisionFactor ; rdfs:comment "Maintenance"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Maintenance"@en . wd:Sources a wd:DecisionFactor ; rdfs:comment "Sources"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Sources"@en . wd:Notability a wd:DecisionFactor ; rdfs:comment "Notability"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Notability"@en . wd:Other a wd:DecisionFactor ; rdfs:comment "used when no listed factors apply"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy wd: ; rdfs:label "Other"@en ; owl:differentFrom wd:Bias , wd:Maintenance , wd:Sources , wd:Notability . #Role Instances wd:Nominator rdf:type sioc:Role ; sioc:function_of wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount ; sioc:has_scope wd:DeletionCase . wd:Commenter rdf:type sioc:Role ; sioc:function_of sioc:UserAccount ; sioc:has_scope wd:DeletionCase . # @@TODO: document that model differs slightly from reality # usually but not always an administrator # *always* an administrator if the outcome is delete wd:Closer rdf:type sioc:Role ; sioc:function_of wd:AuthenticatedUserAccount ; sioc:has_scope wd:DeletionCase . #Message Instances # ArgumentativeMessage and Vote are neither disjoint nor synonymous. # For documentation: # sioc:has_creator sioc:commenter ; # sioc:has_vote wd:PossibleOutcome . wd:Vote rdfs:subClassOf wd:Message . # For documentation: # sioc:has_creator sioc:commenter ; # sioc:has_argument wd:DecisionFactor . wd:ArgumentativeMessage rdfs:subClassOf wd:Message .