var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} WebAudiox.AbsoluteNormalizer = function(){ var maxThreshold = -Infinity; var minThreshold = +Infinity; this.update = function(value){ // TODO make be good to smooth those values over time, thus it would forget // it would be the adaptative // and this one being absolute if( value < minThreshold ) minThreshold = value if( value > maxThreshold ) maxThreshold = value // to avoid division by zero if( maxThreshold === minThreshold ) return value; // compute normalized value var normalized = (value - minThreshold) / (maxThreshold-minThreshold); // return the just built normalized value between [0, 1] return normalized; } } var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} // TODO to rewrite with a simple weight average on a history array // - simple and no magic involved WebAudiox.AdaptativeNormalizer = function(factorForMin, factorForMax){ var minThreshold = 0; var maxThreshold = 1; this.update = function(value){ // smooth adapatation var smoothOut = 0.01 var smoothIn = 0.01 if( value < minThreshold ) minThreshold += (value-minThreshold)*smoothOut else minThreshold += (value-minThreshold)*smoothIn if( value > maxThreshold ) maxThreshold += (value-maxThreshold)*smoothOut else maxThreshold += (value-maxThreshold)*smoothIn // ensure bound are respected if( value < minThreshold ) value = minThreshold if( value > maxThreshold ) value = maxThreshold // to avoid division by zero if( maxThreshold === minThreshold ) return value; // compute normalized value console.log(minThreshold.toFixed(10),maxThreshold.toFixed(10)) var normalized = (value - minThreshold) / (maxThreshold-minThreshold); // return the just built normalized value between [0, 1] return normalized; } } // @namespace defined WebAudiox name space var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * display an analyser node in a canvas * * @param {AnalyserNode} analyser the analyser node * @param {Number} smoothFactor the smooth factor for smoothed volume */ WebAudiox.Analyser2Volume = function(analyser, smoothFactor){ // arguments default values smoothFactor = smoothFactor !== undefined ? smoothFactor : 0.1 /** * return the raw volume * @return {Number} value between 0 and 1 */ this.rawValue = function(){ var rawVolume = WebAudiox.Analyser2Volume.compute(analyser) return rawVolume } var smoothedVolume = null /** * [smoothedValue description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ this.smoothedValue = function(){ var rawVolume = WebAudiox.Analyser2Volume.compute(analyser) // compute smoothedVolume if( smoothedVolume === null ) smoothedVolume = rawVolume smoothedVolume += (rawVolume - smoothedVolume) * smoothFactor // return the just computed value return smoothedVolume } } /** * do a average on a ByteFrequencyData from an analyser node * @param {AnalyserNode} analyser the analyser node * @param {Number} width how many elements of the array will be considered * @param {Number} offset the index of the element to consider * @return {Number} the ByteFrequency average */ WebAudiox.Analyser2Volume.compute = function(analyser, width, offset){ // handle paramerter width = width !== undefined ? width : analyser.frequencyBinCount; offset = offset !== undefined ? offset : 0; // inint variable var freqByte = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount); // get the frequency data analyser.getByteFrequencyData(freqByte); // compute the sum var sum = 0; for(var i = offset; i < offset+width; i++){ sum += freqByte[i]; } // complute the amplitude var amplitude = sum / (width*256-1); // return ampliture return amplitude; } var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * Generate a binaural sounds * * * * @param {Number} pitch the frequency of the pitch (e.g. 440hz) * @param {Number} beatRate the beat rate of the binaural sound (e.g. around 2-10hz) * @param {Number} gain the gain applied on the result */ WebAudiox.BinauralSource = function(context, pitch, beatRate, gain){ pitch = pitch !== undefined ? pitch : 440 beatRate= beatRate !== undefined ? beatRate : 5 gain = gain !== undefined ? gain : 1 var gainNode = context.createGain() this.output = gainNode var destination = gainNode var compressor = context.createDynamicsCompressor(); compressor.connect(destination) destination = compressor var channelMerge= context.createChannelMerger() channelMerge.connect(destination) destination = channelMerge var leftOscil = context.createOscillator() leftOscil.connect(destination) var rightOscil = context.createOscillator() rightOscil.connect(destination) var updateNodes = function(){ gainNode.gain.value = gain leftOscil.frequency.value = pitch - beatRate/2 rightOscil.frequency.value = pitch + beatRate/2 } // do the initial update updateNodes(); this.getGain = function(){ return gain } this.setGain = function(value){ gain = value updateNodes(); } this.getPitch = function(){ return pitch } this.setPitch = function(value){ pitch = value updateNodes(); } this.getBeatRate= function(){ return beatRate } this.setBeatRate= function(value){ beatRate = value updateNodes(); } /** * start the source */ this.start = function(delay){ delay = delay !== undefined ? delay : 0 leftOscil.start(delay) rightOscil.start(delay) } /** * stop the source */ this.stop = function(delay){ delay = delay !== undefined ? delay : 0 leftOscil.stop(delay) rightOscil.stop(delay) } } var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * source is integers from 0 to 255, destination is float from 0 to 1 non included * source and destination may not have the same length. * * @param {Array} srcArray the source array * @param {Array} dstArray the destination array * @param {Number|undefined} dstArrayLength the length of the destination array. If not provided * dstArray.length value is used. */ WebAudiox.ByteToNormalizedFloat32Array = function(srcArray, dstArray, dstArrayLength){ dstArrayLength = dstArrayLength !== undefined ? dstArrayLength : dstArray.length var ratio = srcArray.length / dstArrayLength for(var i = 0; i < dstArray.length; i++){ var first = Math.round((i+0) * ratio) var last = Math.round((i+1) * ratio) last = Math.min(srcArray.length-1, last) for(var j = first, sum = 0; j <= last; j++){ sum += srcArray[j]/256; } dstArray[i] = sum/(last-first+1); } } var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * generate buffer with jsfx.js * @param {AudioContext} context the WebAudio API context * @param {Array} lib parameter for jsfx * @return {[type]} the just built buffer */ WebAudiox.getBufferFromJsfx = function(context, lib){ var params = jsfxlib.arrayToParams(lib); var data = jsfx.generate(params); var buffer = context.createBuffer(1, data.length, 44100); var fArray = buffer.getChannelData(0); for(var i = 0; i < fArray.length; i++){ fArray[i] = data[i]; } return buffer; } /** * @namespace definition of WebAudiox * @type {object} */ var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * definition of a lineOut * @constructor * @param {AudioContext} context WebAudio API context */ WebAudiox.LineOut = function(context){ // init this.destination this.destination= context.destination // this.destination to support muteWithVisibility var visibilityGain = context.createGain() visibilityGain.connect(this.destination) muteWithVisibility(visibilityGain) this.destination= visibilityGain // this.destination to support webAudiox.toggleMute() and webAudiox.isMuted var muteGain = context.createGain() muteGain.connect(this.destination) this.destination= muteGain this.isMuted = false this.toggleMute = function(){ this.isMuted = this.isMuted ? false : true; muteGain.gain.value = this.isMuted ? 0 : 1; }.bind(this) // to support webAudiox.volume var volumeNode = context.createGain() volumeNode.connect( this.destination ) this.destination= volumeNode Object.defineProperty(this, 'volume', { get : function(){ return volumeNode.gain.value; }, set : function(value){ volumeNode.gain.value = value; } }); return; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // muteWithVisibility helper // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * mute a gainNode when the page isnt visible * @param {Node} gainNode the gainNode to mute/unmute */ function muteWithVisibility(gainNode){ // shim to handle browser vendor var eventStr = (document.hidden !== undefined ? 'visibilitychange' : (document.mozHidden !== undefined ? 'mozvisibilitychange' : (document.msHidden !== undefined ? 'msvisibilitychange' : (document.webkitHidden !== undefined ? 'webkitvisibilitychange' : console.assert(false, "Page Visibility API unsupported") )))); var documentStr = (document.hidden !== undefined ? 'hidden' : (document.mozHidden !== undefined ? 'mozHidden' : (document.msHidden !== undefined ? 'msHidden' : (document.webkitHidden !== undefined ? 'webkitHidden' : console.assert(false, "Page Visibility API unsupported") )))); // event handler for visibilitychange event var callback = function(){ var isHidden = document[documentStr] ? true : false gainNode.gain.value = isHidden ? 0 : 1 }.bind(this) // bind the event itself document.addEventListener(eventStr, callback, false) // destructor this.destroy = function(){ document.removeEventListener(eventStr, callback, false) } } } var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * Helper to load a buffer * * @param {AudioContext} context the WebAudio API context * @param {String} url the url of the sound to load * @param {Function} onLoad callback to notify when the buffer is loaded and decoded * @param {Function} onError callback to notify when an error occured */ WebAudiox.loadBuffer = function(context, url, onLoad, onError){ onLoad = onLoad || function(buffer){} onError = onError || function(){} if( url instanceof Blob ){ var request = new FileReader(); } else { var request = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', url, true) request.responseType = 'arraybuffer' } // counter inProgress request WebAudiox.loadBuffer.inProgressCount++ request.onload = function(){ context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer){ // counter inProgress request WebAudiox.loadBuffer.inProgressCount-- // notify the callback onLoad(buffer) // notify WebAudiox.loadBuffer.onLoad(context, url, buffer) }, function(){ // notify the callback onError() // counter inProgress request WebAudiox.loadBuffer.inProgressCount-- }) } request.send() } /** * global onLoad callback. it is notified everytime .loadBuffer() load something * @param {AudioContext} context the WebAudio API context * @param {String} url the url of the sound to load * @param {[type]} buffer the just loaded buffer */ WebAudiox.loadBuffer.onLoad = function(context, url, buffer){} /** * counter of all the .loadBuffer in progress. usefull to know is all your sounds * as been loaded * @type {Number} */ WebAudiox.loadBuffer.inProgressCount = 0 /** * shim to get AudioContext */ window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; // @namespace var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for Listener // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set Position of the listener based on THREE.Vector3 * * @param {AudioContext} context the webaudio api context * @param {THREE.Vector3} position the position to use */ WebAudiox.ListenerSetPosition = function(context, position){ context.listener.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z) } /** * Set Position and Orientation of the listener based on object3d * * @param {[type]} panner the panner node * @param {THREE.Object3D} object3d the object3d to use */ WebAudiox.ListenerSetObject3D = function(context, object3d){ // ensure object3d.matrixWorld is up to date object3d.updateMatrixWorld() // get matrixWorld var matrixWorld = object3d.matrixWorld //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set position var position = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld) context.listener.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set orientation var mOrientation= matrixWorld.clone(); // zero the translation mOrientation.setPosition({x : 0, y: 0, z: 0}); // Compute Front vector: Multiply the 0,0,1 vector by the world matrix and normalize the result. var vFront= new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1); vFront.applyMatrix4(mOrientation) vFront.normalize(); // Compute UP vector: Multiply the 0,-1,0 vector by the world matrix and normalize the result. var vUp= new THREE.Vector3(0,-1, 0); vUp.applyMatrix4(mOrientation) vUp.normalize(); // Set panner orientation context.listener.setOrientation(vFront.x, vFront.y, vFront.z, vUp.x, vUp.y, vUp.z); } /** * update webaudio context listener with three.Object3D position * * @constructor * @param {AudioContext} context the webaudio api context * @param {THREE.Object3D} object3d the object for the listenre */ WebAudiox.ListenerObject3DUpdater = function(context, object3d){ var prevPosition= null this.update = function(delta){ // update the position/orientation WebAudiox.ListenerSetObject3D(context, object3d) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set velocity var matrixWorld = object3d.matrixWorld if( prevPosition === null ){ prevPosition = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld); }else{ var position = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld); var velocity = position.clone().sub(prevPosition).divideScalar(delta); prevPosition.copy(position) context.listener.setVelocity(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // for Panner // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set Position of the panner node based on THREE.Vector3 * * @param {[type]} panner the panner node * @param {THREE.Vector3} position the position to use */ WebAudiox.PannerSetPosition = function(panner, position){ panner.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z) } /** * Set Position and Orientation of the panner node based on object3d * * @param {[type]} panner the panner node * @param {THREE.Object3D} object3d the object3d to use */ WebAudiox.PannerSetObject3D = function(panner, object3d){ // ensure object3d.matrixWorld is up to date object3d.updateMatrixWorld() // get matrixWorld var matrixWorld = object3d.matrixWorld //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set position var position = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld) panner.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set orientation var vOrientation= new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1); var mOrientation= matrixWorld.clone(); // zero the translation mOrientation.setPosition({x : 0, y: 0, z: 0}); // Multiply the 0,0,1 vector by the world matrix and normalize the result. vOrientation.applyMatrix4(mOrientation) vOrientation.normalize(); // Set panner orientation panner.setOrientation(vOrientation.x, vOrientation.y, vOrientation.z); } /** * update panner position based on a object3d position * * @constructor * @param {[type]} panner the panner node to update * @param {THREE.Object3D} object3d the object from which we take the position */ WebAudiox.PannerObject3DUpdater = function(panner, object3d){ var prevPosition= null // set the initial position WebAudiox.PannerSetObject3D(panner, object3d) // the update function this.update = function(delta){ // update the position/orientation WebAudiox.PannerSetObject3D(panner, object3d) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set velocity var matrixWorld = object3d.matrixWorld if( prevPosition === null ){ prevPosition = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld); }else{ var position = new THREE.Vector3().getPositionFromMatrix(matrixWorld); var velocity = position.clone().sub(prevPosition).divideScalar(delta); prevPosition.copy( position ) panner.setVelocity(velocity.x, velocity.y, velocity.z); } } } // @namespace defined WebAudiox namespace var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * display an analyser node in a canvas * * @param {AnalyserNode} analyser the analyser node * @param {Number} smoothFactor the smooth factor for smoothed volume */ WebAudiox.Analyser2Canvas = function(analyser, canvas){ var canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d") var gradient = canvasCtx.createLinearGradient(0,0,0,canvas.height) gradient.addColorStop(1.00,'#000000') gradient.addColorStop(0.75,'#ff0000') gradient.addColorStop(0.25,'#ffff00') gradient.addColorStop(0.00,'#ffffff') canvasCtx.fillStyle = gradient canvasCtx.lineWidth = 5; canvasCtx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"; var analyser2volume = new WebAudiox.Analyser2Volume(analyser) this.update = function(){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // comment // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // draw a circle var maxRadius = Math.min(canvas.height, canvas.width) * 0.3 var radius = 1 + analyser2volume.rawValue() * maxRadius; canvasCtx.beginPath() canvasCtx.arc(canvas.width*1.5/2, canvas.height*0.5/2, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true) canvasCtx.closePath() canvasCtx.fill() // draw a circle var radius = 1 + analyser2volume.smoothedValue() * maxRadius canvasCtx.beginPath() canvasCtx.arc(canvas.width*1.5/2, canvas.height*0.5/2, radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true) canvasCtx.closePath() canvasCtx.stroke() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // display ByteFrequencyData // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the average for the first channel var freqData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount) analyser.getByteFrequencyData(freqData) // normalized var histogram = new Float32Array(10) WebAudiox.ByteToNormalizedFloat32Array(freqData, histogram) // draw the spectrum var barStep = canvas.width / (histogram.length-1) var barWidth = barStep*0.8 canvasCtx.fillStyle = gradient for(var i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++){ canvasCtx.fillRect(i*barStep, (1-histogram[i])*canvas.height, barWidth, canvas.height) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // display ByteTimeDomainData // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// canvasCtx.lineWidth = 5; canvasCtx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"; // get the average for the first channel var timeData = new Uint8Array(analyser.fftSize) analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(timeData) // normalized var histogram = new Float32Array(60) WebAudiox.ByteToNormalizedFloat32Array(timeData, histogram) // amplify the histogram for(var i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { histogram[i] = (histogram[i]-0.5)*1.5+0.5 } // draw the spectrum var barStep = canvas.width / (histogram.length-1) canvasCtx.beginPath() for(var i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { histogram[i] = (histogram[i]-0.5)*1.5+0.5 canvasCtx.lineTo(i*barStep, (1-histogram[i])*canvas.height) } canvasCtx.stroke() } } // @namespace defined WebAudiox namespace var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} /** * display an analyser node in a canvas * * See * * @param {AnalyserNode} analyser the analyser node * @param {Number} smoothFactor the smooth factor for smoothed volume */ WebAudiox.AnalyserBeatDetector = function(analyser, onBeat){ // arguments default values this.holdTime = 0.33 this.decayRate = 0.97 this.minVolume = 0.2 this.frequencyBinCount = 100 var holdingTime = 0 var threshold = this.minVolume this.update = function(delta){ var rawVolume = WebAudiox.AnalyserBeatDetector.compute(analyser, this.frequencyBinCount) if( holdingTime > 0 ){ holdingTime -= delta holdingTime = Math.max(holdingTime, 0) }else if( rawVolume > threshold ){ onBeat() holdingTime = this.holdTime; threshold = rawVolume * 1.1; threshold = Math.max(threshold, this.minVolume); }else{ threshold *= this.decayRate; threshold = Math.max(threshold, this.minVolume); } } } /** * do a average on a ByteFrequencyData from an analyser node * @param {AnalyserNode} analyser the analyser node * @param {Number} width how many elements of the array will be considered * @param {Number} offset the index of the element to consider * @return {Number} the ByteFrequency average */ WebAudiox.AnalyserBeatDetector.compute = function(analyser, width, offset){ // handle paramerter width = width !== undefined ? width : analyser.frequencyBinCount; offset = offset !== undefined ? offset : 0; // inint variable var freqByte = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount); // get the frequency data analyser.getByteFrequencyData(freqByte); // compute the sum var sum = 0; for(var i = offset; i < offset+width; i++){ sum += freqByte[i]; } // complute the amplitude var amplitude = sum / (width*256-1); // return ampliture return amplitude; } // @namespace defined WebAudiox namespace var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} WebAudiox.addAnalyserBeatDetectorDatGui = function(beatDetector, datGui){ datGui = datGui || new dat.GUI() var folder = datGui.addFolder('Beat Detector'); folder.add(beatDetector, 'holdTime' , 0.0, 4) folder.add(beatDetector, 'decayRate' , 0.1, 1.0) folder.add(beatDetector, 'minVolume' , 0.0, 1.0) folder.add(beatDetector, 'frequencyBinCount' , 1, 1024).step(1); }/** * @namespace */ var WebAudiox = WebAudiox || {} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebAudiox.GameSounds ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * a specific helpers for gamedevs to make WebAudio API easy to use for their case */ WebAudiox.GameSounds = function(){ // create WebAudio API context var context = new AudioContext() this.context = context // Create lineOut var lineOut = new WebAudiox.LineOut(context) this.lineOut = lineOut var clips = {} this.clips = clips /** * show if the Web Audio API is detected or not * * @type {boolean} */ this.webAudioDetected = AudioContext ? true : false ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update loop // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * the update function * * @param {Number} delta seconds since the last iteration */ this.update = function(delta){ // update each clips Object.keys(clips).forEach(function(label){ var sound = clips[label] sound.update(delta) }) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create Sound // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * create a sound from this context * @param {Object} options the default option for this sound, optional * @return {WebAudiox.GameSound} the created sound */ this.createClip = function(options){ return new WebAudiox.GameSoundClip(this, options) } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebAudiox.GameSoundListener ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WebAudiox.GameSoundListener = function(gameSounds){ var context = gameSounds.context this.listenerUpdater = null ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update loop // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * the update function * * @param {Number} delta seconds since the last iteration */ this.update = function(delta){ if( this.listenerUpdater ){ this.listenerUpdater.update(delta) } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handle .at ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Set the listener position * @param {THREE.Vector3|THREE.Object3D} position the position to copy * @return {WebAudiox.GameSounds} the object itself for linked API */ = function(position){ if( position instanceof THREE.Vector3 ){ WebAudiox.ListenerSetPosition(context, position) }else if( position instanceof THREE.Object3D ){ WebAudiox.ListenerSetObject3D(context, position) }else console.assert(false) return this } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handle .follow/.unFollow // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Make the listener follow a three.js THREE.Object3D * * @param {THREE.Object3D} object3d the object to follow * @return {WebAudiox.GameSounds} the object itself for linked API */ this.startFollow= function(object3d){ // put a ListenerObject3DUpdater this.listenerUpdater = new WebAudiox.ListenerObject3DUpdater(context, object3d) return this } /** * Make the listener Stop Following the object * @return {WebAudiox.GameSounds} the object itself for linked API */ this.stopFollow = function(){ context.listener.setVelocity(0,0,0); this.listenerUpdater = null return this } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebAudiox.GameSoundClip ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * a sound from WebAudiox.GameSounds * @param {WebAudiox.GameSounds} gameSounds * @param {Object} defaultOptions the default play options */ WebAudiox.GameSoundClip = function(gameSounds, defaultOptions){ this.gameSounds = gameSounds || console.assert(false) this.defaultOptions = defaultOptions|| {} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // register/unregister in gameSound // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.label = null; this.register = function(label){ console.assert(gameSounds.clips[label] === undefined, 'label already defined') gameSounds.clips[label] = this return this; } this.unregister = function(){ if( this.label === null ) return; delete gameSounds.clips[label] return this; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // update loop // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var updateFcts = [] this.update = function(delta){ updateFcts.forEach(function(updateFct){ updateFct(delta) }) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // load url // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.load = function(url, onLoad, onError){ this.loaded = false this.buffer = null WebAudiox.loadBuffer(gameSounds.context, url, function(decodedBuffer){ this.loaded = true this.buffer = decodedBuffer; onLoad && onLoad(this) }.bind(this), onError) return this } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // createSource ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.createSource = function(opts){ opts = opts || {} var dfl = this.defaultOptions var options = { at : !== undefined ? :, follow : opts.follow !== undefined ? opts.follow : dfl.follow, volume : opts.volume !== undefined ? opts.volume : dfl.volume, loop : opts.loop !== undefined ? opts.loop : dfl.loop, } var gameSource = new WebAudiox.GameSoundSource(this, opts) return gameSource; } = function(opts){ return this.createSource(opts).play() } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WebAudiox.GameSoundSource ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WebAudiox.GameSoundSource = function(gameSound, options) { options = options || {} var utterance = this var gameSounds = gameSound.gameSounds var context = gameSounds.context var destination = gameSounds.lineOut.destination; // honor .at: vector3 if( !== undefined ){ // init AudioPannerNode if needed if( utterance.pannerNode === undefined ){ var panner = context.createPanner() panner.connect(destination) utterance.pannerNode = panner destination = panner } // set the value if( instanceof THREE.Vector3 ){ WebAudiox.PannerSetPosition(panner, }else if( instanceof THREE.Object3D ){ WebAudiox.PannerSetObject3D(panner, }else console.assert(false, 'invalid type for .at') } // honor .follow: mesh if( options.follow !== undefined ){ // init AudioPannerNode if needed if( utterance.pannerNode === undefined ){ var panner = context.createPanner() panner.connect(destination) utterance.pannerNode = panner destination = panner } // put a PannerObject3DUpdater var pannerUpdater = new WebAudiox.PannerObject3DUpdater(panner, options.follow) utterance.pannerUpdater = pannerUpdater utterance.stopFollow = function(){ updateFcts.splice(updateFcts.indexOf(updatePannerUpdater), 1) delete utterance.pannerUpdater } function updatePannerUpdater(delta, now){ pannerUpdater.update(delta, now) } updateFcts.push(updatePannerUpdater) } // honor .volume = 0.3 if( options.volume !== undefined ){ var gain = context.createGain(); gain.gain.value = options.volume gain.connect(destination) destination = gain utterance.gainNode = gain } // init AudioBufferSourceNode var source = context.createBufferSource() source.buffer = gameSound.buffer source.connect(destination) destination = source if( options.loop !== undefined ) source.loop = options.loop utterance.sourceNode = source // start the sound now = function(delay){ delay = delay !== undefined ? delay : 0 source.start(delay) return this } utterance.stop = function(delay){ delay = delay !== undefined ? delay : 0 source.stop(delay) // TODO What if the sound is never stopped ? // - the list of function will grow in the loop // - do a setTimeout with a estimation of duration ? if( this.stopFollow ) this.stopFollow() return this } };