Enumerates the cache containers available to the registry. Defines an embedded cache container. Identifies the default cache container. Defines the executor used for asynchronous cache listener notifications. Defines the scheduled executor used for evictions. Defines the scheduled executor used by the asynchronous replication queue. Defines the jgroups stack used by the transport. Defines the executor used for asynchronous transport communication. Infinispan uses a distributed lock to maintain a coherent transaction log during state transfer or rehashing, which means that only one cache can be doing state transfer or rehashing at the same time. This constraint is in place because more than one cache could be involved in a transaction. This timeout controls the time to wait to acquire acquire a lock on the distributed lock. Identifies the site where this node runs. Identifies the rack where this node runs. Identifies the machine where this node runs. Should this cache be started on server startup, or lazily when requested by a service or deployment. Number of cluster-wide replicas for each cache entry. Controls the number of virtual nodes per "real" node. The class name of the cache store implementation. The base directory in which to store the cache state. The path within ""relative-to" in which to store the cache state. If undefined, the path defaults to the cache container name. Defines the name of a property. Cache will enlist within transactions as a javax.transaction.Synchronization Cache will enlist within transactions as a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource, without recovery. Cache will enlist within transactions as a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource, with recovery.