#!/bin/sh # change this to the version that you want to install # in order for this script to work, the version has to # exist as a tag or branch on git as "monodevelop-$MD_VER" MD_VER= # the branch/tag that we will checkout to build and install MD=monodevelop-$MD_VER # this is the directory in which monodevelop will be installed INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local # the full path to monodevelop INSTALL_DIR=$INSTALL_PREFIX/$MD # this is the profile that drives how monodevelop gets built. # possible values are 'stable', 'all', and 'core' INSTALL_PROFILE=stable #### DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING #### echo "\n-------==<( Installing Dependencies )>==-------" sudo apt-get -y install git gtk-sharp2 mono-gmcs mono-devel libmono-addins-cil-dev libmono-addins-gui-cil-dev libmono-addins-msbuild-cil-dev gnome-sharp2 autoconf automake intltool || (echo "Failed to install the dependencies neccesary to download and compile monodevelop"; exit 1;) echo "\n-------==<( Downloading $MD from github )>==-------" git clone git://github.com/mono/monodevelop.git || (echo "Failed to download the monodevelop source code"; exit 1;) cd monodevelop echo "\n-------==<( Switching to $MD Branch )>==-------" git checkout $MD || (echo "Failed to get version $MD from github. If you edited this script to change the version, you may have chosen a version that isn't tagged in github, or (if you didn't) the default version in this script may no longer be available"; exit 1;) git submodule init git submodule update echo "\n-------==<( Configuring Build Script )>==-------" ./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --profile=$INSTALL_PROFILE || (echo "Something has gone wrong configuring the build script. If you are attempting to compile a newer version than 3.0.1, the developers may have introduced a new dependency that isn't installed. This may also occur if you are attempting to run this script on a platform that isn't ubuntu oneiric or Mint 12"; exit 1;) echo "\n-------==<( Building MonoDevelop... )>==-------" make || (echo "There was an error compiling monodevelop. Since the build script was successfully configured, this is unusual. Consider posting your error on my blog to see if I can help you. It's possible that you've actually come across a bug in the MD build script."; exit 1;) echo "\n-------==<( Installing MonoDevelop to $INSTALL_DIR )>==-------" sudo make install echo "\n-------==<( Adding a monodevelop script to $INSTALL_PREFIX )>==-------" echo "#!/bin/sh\n\n$INSTALL_DIR/bin/monodevelop" >> $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/monodevelop chmod +x $INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/monodevelop echo "\n-------==<( Adding Environment Variables to $HOME/.bashrc )>==-------" echo "export XDG_DATA_HOME=\$XDG_DATA_HOME:$INSTALL_DIR/share" >> $HOME/.bashrc echo "export XDG_DATA_DIRS=\$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$INSTALL_DIR/share" >> $HOME/.bashrc chown $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER $HOME/.bashrc source $HOME/.bashrc echo "\n-------==<( Install Complete )>==-------" echo "To start monodevelop, just type: monodevelop" echo "It's up to you to create panel launchers and/or start menu entries."