/** jQuery filePicker plugin * * This is a jQuery plugin that turns any element into a button that opens up the file picker. The file picker pops up underneath the * button (or whatever) and opens up a directory tree. When you select a file, it runs the onClick method which by default will open a * confirm dialog (this can be disabled). Upon confirming that this is the file you want, it runs the onSelect method which must be * supplied by the user. * * @author Jan Hartigan * @version 1.0.0 (2011-10-13) */ (function($){ //the current element being worked on by the filepicker var currentElement; //an array in which we will store all instances of our filePicker object var filePickers = []; //create the filePicker object and define the constructor function filePicker(element, options) { this.init(element, options); } //extend the filePicker object to include all of its properties and methods filePicker.prototype = { /* the jQuery object representing the clickable element * jQueryObj */ $element: null, /* the jQuery object representing the filepicker * jQueryObj */ $filepicker: null, /* this bool tells the destroy method whether or not the document's onclick already has a handler attached for this object * bool */ destroyCallbackSet: false, /* Directory separator to be used when parsing and creating paths * string */ directorySeparator: '/', /* This is the original scaffold that will be used to build the filepicker * string */ scaffold: '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
', /* The settings object * object */ settings: { /* If set to true, clicking a file opens a prompt * bool */ confirmSelection : false, /* If set to true, selecting a file closes the filePicker * bool */ closeOnSelectFile : true, /* The question posed to the user for the confirm * string */ confirmText : "Are you sure you want to select this file?", /* Whether to align the filepicker to the left or the right edge of the clickable element * string */ horizontalAlign : 'right', /* The distance (in pixels) between the bottom edge of the clickable element and the top of the filePicker * int */ topSpacing : 0, /* The width of the filePicker * int */ width : 400, /* The height of the filePicker * int */ height : 300, /* The color (as a CSS color string) of the indentation for nested items * string */ nestedFolderPaddingColor: '#333', /* The depth (in pixels) for every layer of nesting * int */ nestDepth : 15, /* Whether or not to fade the filepicker in (if set to false, it just shows it without a fade) * bool */ fadeIn : true, /* Number of milliseconds to fade the filePicker in (if fadeIn is set to true) * int */ fadeInTime : 120, /* Whether or not to fade the filepicker out (if set to false, it just hides it without a fade) * bool */ fadeOut : true, /* Number of milliseconds to fade the filePicker out (if fadeOut is set to true) * int */ fadeOutTime : 60, /* The URI to be used in loading a directory. This URI will be sent a directory as a string and should return a json object * string */ dataSource : '', /* The XHR method...POST, GET, PUT, DELETE * string */ requestMethod : 'POST', /* Base directory to be used as the highest-level directory that the user cannot go above * string */ baseDirectory : '', /* If this is set to true, the filepicker will close when you click outside of it. otherwise, you have to close it using the * close button inside the filepicker or you have to call the closeFilePicker method * bool */ closeOnOutsideClick : true, /* Determines whether or not the root folder shows at the top level * bool */ showRootFolder : true, /* The function to run before the filePicker is created when the clickable element is clicked * function */ onPreOpen : null, /* The function to run after the filePicker is created when the clickable element is clicked * function */ onPostOpen : null, /* The function to run before the filePicker is destroyed * function */ onPreClose : null, /* The function to run after the filePicker is destroyed * function */ onPostClose : null, /** * The beforeSelectFolder function runs after a file is selected * * @param object data => contains the information about the selected file */ beforeSelectFile : function(data) {}, /** * The afterSelectFolder function runs after a file is selected * * @param object data => contains the information about the selected file */ afterSelectFile : function(data) {}, /** * The beforeSelectFolder function runs after a file is selected * * @param object data => contains the information about the selected directory */ beforeSelectFolder : function(data) {}, /** * The afterSelectFolder function runs after a file is selected * * @param object data => contains the information about the selected directory */ afterSelectFolder : function(data) {} }, /** * The init function * * @param DOMElement element * @param object options */ init: function(element, options) { var self = this; //if settings options were supplied, overwrite those default settings if (options) $.extend(this.settings, options); //convert the element into jQuery object and set it equal to the $element property this.$element = $(element); //determine the directory separator if (this.settings.baseDirectory.indexOf('/') > -1) this.directorySeparator = '/'; else this.directorySeparator = '\\'; //set up the click handler for the element this.$element.click(function() { self.createFilePicker(); }); }, /** * Handles the filePicker creation process, including running the pre- and post-hooks */ createFilePicker: function() { var self = this; //check if the filepicker already exists if (this.$filepicker && this.$filepicker.is(':visible')) return false; //first run the onPreOpen function if (typeof this.settings.onPreOpen == 'function') this.settings.onPreOpen(); //now build the filePicker this.buildFilePickerScaffold(); //set up the click handlers for items this.$filepicker.delegate('.fp-item', 'click', function() { self.itemClicked(this); }); //set up the close handlers if (this.settings.closeOnOutsideClick) { //close the filepicker when the user clicks anywhere outside the filepicker area if (!this.destroyCallbackSet) { $(document).click(function(e) { var $clicked = $(e.target); if ($clicked[0] == self.$element[0] || $clicked[0] == self.$filepicker[0]) return; if ($clicked.closest('.fp-file-picker').length > 0) return; self.destroy(); }); this.destroyCallbackSet = true; } } $(document).bind('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 27) { $(document).unbind('keydown'); self.destroy(); } }) //load the original directory path this.loadDirectoryPath('', this.$filepicker.find('.top-level-item')); //lastly run the onPostOpen function if (typeof this.settings.onPostOpen == 'function') this.settings.onPostOpen(); }, /** * Builds the outer scaffold of the file picker including setting its place on the screen */ buildFilePickerScaffold: function() { var $scaffold = $(this.scaffold), right = 0, left = 0, top = 0, offset = this.$element.offset(), $container = null; $scaffold.prependTo('body'); //first do the easy calculation...where to line up the y top = offset.top + this.$element.height() + parseInt(this.$element.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('padding-bottom')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('border-top-width')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('border-bottom-width')) + this.settings.topSpacing; //then figure out the x based on the horizontal alignment option if (this.settings.horizontalAlign == 'right') { right = offset.left + this.$element.width() + parseInt(this.$element.css('padding-left')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('padding-right')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(this.$element.css('border-right-width')); $scaffold.css({right: $('body').width() - right, top: top, width:this.settings.width, height:this.settings.height}); } else { left = offset.left; $scaffold.css({left: left, top: top, width:this.settings.width, height:this.settings.height}); } $('.fp-pre-loader', $scaffold).css('padding-top', this.settings.height/2+'px'); //handle the css stuff for the outer list container $container = $('.fp-list-container', $scaffold); $container.css({ width:this.settings.width, height:this.settings.height }); if (this.settings.showRootFolder) { $container.append('
' + this.settings.baseDirectory + '
'); } if (this.settings.fadeIn) this.$filepicker = $scaffold.fadeIn(this.settings.fadeInTime); else this.$filepicker = $scaffold.show(); }, /** * Loads the supplied directory path * * @param string dir => directory to load * @param jQueryObj item => item clicked after which to put the new UL */ loadDirectoryPath: function(dir, $item) { var self = this, data = { baseDirectory: this.settings.baseDirectory, dir: dir }; $.ajax({ type : $.trim(this.settings.requestMethod.toUpperCase()), url : $.trim(this.settings.dataSource), data : data, dataType: 'json', success : function(ret) { var itemList = ''; if (ret.success) { itemList = self.buildItemList(ret.contents, dir); $item.after(itemList); self.$filepicker.find('.fp-pre-loader').hide(); } else alert(ret.error); } }); }, /** * Clears the contents of an open directory (i.e. closes the folder) * * @param jQueryObj $item */ clearDirectoryList: function($item) { $item.siblings().remove(); }, /** * Builds an item list from a supplied array * * @param Array items * @param String dir => to determine how much left border to give the list * * @return string '' */ buildItemList: function(items, dir) { var self = this, directories = '', files = '', ulStyle = 'border-left: 15px solid ' + this.settings.nestedFolderPaddingColor; if (items.length) { $.each(items, function(ind, el) { var typeClass = 'fp-item', path = el.path.indexOf(self.settings.baseDirectory) === 0 ? el.path.replace(self.settings.baseDirectory,'') : el.path; commonInputs = '' + '' + ''; if (el.type == 'file') { //check to see what type of thing it is so that we can add an appropriate icon to the item switch(el.fileType) { case 'image': typeClass += ' fp-image-item'; break; default: typeClass += ' fp-file-item'; break; } files += '
  • ' + '
    ' + commonInputs + '' + el.name + '
    ' + '
  • '; } else if (el.type == 'dir') { typeClass += ' fp-directory-item'; directories += '
  • ' + '
    ' + commonInputs + el.name + '
    ' + '
  • '; } }); return ''; } else { return '
    There are no contents in this directory
    '; } }, /** * Handles when a file is clicked * * @param DOMElement element */ itemClicked: function(element) { var $item = $(element), path = $item.find('input[name=path]').val(), data = { type : $item.find('input[name=type]').val(), name : $item.find('input[name=name]').val(), path : this.settings.baseDirectory + path }; if (data.type === 'file') { data.fileType = $item.find('input[name=fileType]').val(); this.settings.beforeSelectFile.call(this.$element, data); //for now just do a simple prompt, eventually give more options like a drop down thing that shows the image if (this.settings.confirmSelection) { var conf = confirm(this.settings.confirmText); if (!conf) return false; } this.settings.afterSelectFile.call(this.$element, data); if (this.settings.closeOnSelectFile) this.destroy(); } else if (data.type === 'dir') { data.folderState = $item.siblings().length > 0 ? 'closed' : 'open'; this.settings.beforeSelectFolder.call(this.$element, data); if (data.folderState == 'open') this.loadDirectoryPath(path, $item); else this.clearDirectoryList($item); this.settings.afterSelectFolder.call(this.$element, data); } }, /** * Destroys the filePicker object by calling the private method outside of this class */ destroy: function() { var self = this; function commitDestroy() { self.$filepicker.undelegate('.fp-list > li', 'click'); self.$filepicker.remove(); destroyFilePicker(self); } if (this.settings.fadeOut) { this.$filepicker.fadeOut(this.settings.fadeOutTime, function() { commitDestroy(); }); } else { self.$filepicker.hide(); commitDestroy(); } } }; /** * This method iterates over the filePickers array and checks if the selected element is in the DOM * If it isn't, it removes the filePicker object from the array */ function cleanFilePickers() { $.each(filePickers, function(ind, el) { if (!el.$filepicker.is(':visible')) { filePickers.splice(ind, 1); } }); } /** * Checks if the clicked element already has a filepicker open * * @param DOMObj element * * @return bool */ function checkIfActive(element) { var result = false, $element = $(element); $.each(filePickers, function(ind, el) { if (el.$element[0] == $element[0]) { result = true; return false; } }); return result; } /** * Destroys the provided filePicker object * * @param filePickerObject */ function destroyFilePicker(fp) { $.each(filePickers, function(ind, el) { if (fp.$element == el.$element) { filePickers.splice(ind, 1); return false; } }); } //extend the jQuery object $.fn.filePicker = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if ( (this != currentElement) && !checkIfActive(this)) { currentElement = this; filePickers.push(new filePicker(this, options)); currentElement = ''; } }); }; })(jQuery);