function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "Comblast Range v7", desc = "Draws a circle that displays commander blast range", author = "TheFatController and [teh]decay", date = "January 24, 2009", license = "MIT/X11", layer = 0, version = 7, enabled = true -- loaded by default } end -- project page on github: --Changelog -- v2 [teh]decay Fix spectator mode + replace hardcoded radius with one from weaponDef + handle luaui reload situation -- v3 [teh]decay Draw circles for visible enemy commanders too! +Fix spectator mode when /fullspecview is used + code speedup -- v4 [teh]decay Some minor improvements and fixes -- v5 [teh]decay fix spectator mode again (thx to jK) -- v6 [teh]decay True dgun radius added -- v7 [teh]decay Handle shared commanders correctly local GetUnitPosition = Spring.GetUnitPosition local glDrawGroundCircle = gl.DrawGroundCircle local GetUnitDefID = Spring.GetUnitDefID local lower = string.lower local spGetAllUnits = Spring.GetAllUnits local spGetSpectatingState = Spring.GetSpectatingState local spGetMyPlayerID = Spring.GetMyPlayerID local spGetPlayerInfo = Spring.GetPlayerInfo local blastCircleDivs = 100 local weapNamTab = WeaponDefNames local weapTab = WeaponDefs local udefTab = UnitDefs local explodeTag = "deathExplosion" local selfdTag = "selfDExplosion" local aoeTag = "damageAreaOfEffect" local dgunRange = WeaponDefNames["armcom_arm_disintegrator"].range + WeaponDefNames["armcom_arm_disintegrator"].damageAreaOfEffect local commanders = {} local spectatorMode = false local notInSpecfullmode = false function widget:UnitFinished(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam) if UnitDefs[unitDefID].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end function widget:UnitDestroyed(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam) if commanders[unitID] then commanders[unitID] = nil end end function widget:UnitEnteredLos(unitID, unitTeam) if not spectatorMode then local unitDefID = GetUnitDefID(unitID) if UnitDefs[unitDefID].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end end function widget:UnitCreated(unitID, unitDefID, teamID, builderID) if UnitDefs[unitDefID].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end function widget:UnitTaken(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam, newTeam) if UnitDefs[unitDefID].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end function widget:UnitGiven(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam, oldTeam) if UnitDefs[unitDefID].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end function widget:UnitLeftLos(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam) if not spectatorMode then if commanders[unitID] then commanders[unitID] = nil end end end function widget:DrawWorldPreUnit() local _, specFullView, _ = spGetSpectatingState() if not specFullView then notInSpecfullmode = true else if notInSpecfullmode then detectSpectatorView() end notInSpecfullmode = false end gl.DepthTest(true) for unitID in pairs(commanders) do local x,y,z = GetUnitPosition(unitID) local udefId = GetUnitDefID(unitID); if udefId ~= nil then local udef = udefTab[udefId] local blastRadius = 380; local deathBlastId = weapNamTab[lower(udef[explodeTag])].id local selfdBlastId = weapNamTab[lower(udef[selfdTag])].id local deathBlastRadius = weapTab[deathBlastId][aoeTag] local selfdBlastRadius = weapTab[selfdBlastId][aoeTag] if deathBlastRadius ~= selfdBlastRadius then gl.Color(1, 0, 0, .5) glDrawGroundCircle(x, y, z, deathBlastRadius, blastCircleDivs) end gl.Color(1, 1, 0, .5) glDrawGroundCircle(x, y, z, selfdBlastRadius, blastCircleDivs) gl.Color(0, 0, 1, .5) glDrawGroundCircle(x, y, z, dgunRange, blastCircleDivs) end end gl.DepthTest(false) end function widget:PlayerChanged(playerID) detectSpectatorView() return true end function widget:Initialize() detectSpectatorView() return true end function detectSpectatorView() local _, _, spec, teamId = spGetPlayerInfo(spGetMyPlayerID()) if spec then spectatorMode = true end local visibleUnits = spGetAllUnits() if visibleUnits ~= nil then for _, unitID in ipairs(visibleUnits) do local udefId = GetUnitDefID(unitID) if udefId ~= nil then if udefTab[udefId].canManualFire then commanders[unitID] = true end end end end end