module('Main engine functions'); test('Guignol.interpolate', function() { deepEqual(Guignol.interpolate(0, 1, 0.5), 0.5, 'Interpolation works.'); deepEqual(Guignol.interpolate({ a: 0, b: 0 }, { a: 1, b: 1 }, 0.5), { a: 0.5, b: 0.5 }, 'Deep interpolation works.'); }); test('Guignol.expand: Unexpected values', function() { deepEqual(Guignol.expand('a'), 'a', 'Expanding irrelevant strings does not change them.'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(42), 42, 'Expanding irrelevant numbers does not change them.'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand({}), {}, 'Expanding irrelevant objects does not change them.'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(null), null, 'Expanding null returns null.'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(undefined), undefined, 'Expanding undefined returns undefined.'); }); test('Guignol.expand: Single animations', function() { var anim = { v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 0, END: 100 } }; deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, -50), { v: 0 }, 'Expanding objects works (earlier).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 0), { v: 0 }, 'Expanding objects works (start value).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 50), { v: 50 }, 'Expanding objects works (during animation).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 100), { v: 100 }, 'Expanding objects works (end value).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 150), { v: 100 }, 'Expanding objects works (later).'); var time = function(t) { return t != null ? t+50 : t; }; deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 100, time), { v: 50 }, 'Expanding objects with getTime() works.'); }); test('Guignol.expand: Multiple animations', function() { var anim = { v: [ { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 0, END: 50 }, { FROM: 200, TO: 300, START: 100, END: 150 } ] }; deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, -50), { v: 0 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (earlier).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 0), { v: 0 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (start value).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 25), { v: 50 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (during first animation).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 50), { v: 100 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (end of first animation).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 75), { v: 100 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (between animations).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 100), { v: 200 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (beginning of second animation).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 125), { v: 250 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (during second animation).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 150), { v: 300 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (end value).'); deepEqual(Guignol.expand(anim, 200), { v: 300 }, 'Expanding objects with multiple animations works (later).'); }); module('Guignol.js'); asyncTest('Use play and goTo', function() { var value, inst = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value = o.v; } }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 0, END: 100 } } ] }); // Test goTo(): inst.goTo(50); deepEqual(value, 50, 'goTo works.'); // Test start():; setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'play works.'); }, 120); }); asyncTest('Use play and stop', function() { var value, inst = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value = o.v; } }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: [ { FROM: 0, TO: 50, START: 0, END: 30 }, { FROM: 50, TO: 50, START: 30, END: 70 }, { FROM: 50, TO: 100, START: 70, END: 100 } ] } ] }); // Test stop():; setTimeout(function() { inst.stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 50, 'stop works.'); }, 70); }, 50); }); asyncTest('Use "rewind"', function() { var value, inst = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value = o.v; } }, options: { rewind: 1 }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 45, END: 65 } } ] }); // Test rewinding:; setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'forward animation works.'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 0, 'backward animation works.'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 0, 'animation is stopped after having been played backward.'); }, 20); }, 100); }, 100); }); asyncTest('Use "cycle"', function() { var value, inst = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value = o.v; } }, options: { cycle: 1 }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 45, END: 65 } } ] }); // Test cycle:; setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'first animation has been played.'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 0, 'value is reinitialized (beginning the second animation).'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'second animation has been played.'); inst.stop(); }, 60); }, 40); }, 80); }); asyncTest('Use "rewind" and "cycle"', function() { var value, inst = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value = o.v; } }, options: { cycle: 1, rewind: 1 }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 45, END: 65 } } ] }); // Test rewinding and cycling:; setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'first animation has been played.'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'value has not changed (beginning the backward animation).'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 0, 'second animation has been played backward.'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 0, 'value has not changed (beginning the second forward animation).'); stop(); setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value, 100, 'third animation has been played forward.'); inst.stop(); }, 80); }, 40); }, 60); }, 40); }, 80); }); asyncTest('Parallele animations', function() { var value1, value2, inst1 = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value1 = o.v; } }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 0, END: 100 } } ] }), inst2 = new Guignol({ start: 0, end: 100, renderers: { r: function(o) { value2 = o.v; } }, scenario: [ { RENDERER: 'r', v: { FROM: 0, TO: 100, START: 0, END: 100 } } ] });;; setTimeout(function() { start(); deepEqual(value1, 100, 'value 1 is good.'); deepEqual(value2, 100, 'value 2 is good.'); }, 120); });