texmf=$(kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME) #Saves the texmf tree location to a local variable if [ -d "$texmf" ]; then #Checks to see if the texmf tree exists echo "The local texmf tree detected. Process continuing..." #The texmf tree exists else echo "Your file system does not contain a texmf tree" echo "Would you like me to create one for you? [y-yes/n-no]" read -s -n1 create if [ "$create" == "y" ] || [ "$create" == "Y" ]; then mkdir -p "$texmf/bibtex/bib" mkdir -p "$texmf/bibtex/bst" mkdir -p "$texmf/doc" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/afm" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/map" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/misc" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/pk" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/source" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/tfm" mkdir -p "$texmf/fonts/type1" mkdir -p "$texmf/generic" mkdir -p "$texmf/scripts" mkdir -p "$texmf/source" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/context" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/generic" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/latex" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/plain" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/xelatex" mkdir -p "$texmf/tex/xetex" echo "Local TeXmf tree created. Process continuing..." fi fi if [ -d "$texmf" ]; then echo "Downloading MLA13 package file..." curl -o "$texmf/tex/mla13.sty" https://raw.github.com/jackson13info/mla13/master/mla13.sty echo "Download Complete" echo "Setting up package..." echo "Package Setup" echo "Downloading Documentation..." curl -o "$texmf/doc/mla13_documentation.pdf" http://www.jackson13.info/mla13/Documentation.pdf echo "Documentation Download Complete" echo "MLA13 Package Successfully Installed" fi