ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 (сортировка по порядку включения) 2012.03.05 Андрей Рогожников (rogozhnikov.andrey@gmail.com) Реализация стиля библиографии, определяемого ГОСТом Р 7.0.5-2008 http://bibword.codeplex.com/updateStyle?id=123 This is version 2.8 of the BibWord stylesheet. yes no b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Author/b:Editor/b:NameList b:Title b:Year b:City b:CountryRegion b:Publisher b:Edition b:Pages b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:Author/b:BookAuthor/b:NameList b:BookTitle b:Author/b:Editor/b:NameList b:City b:CountryRegion b:Publisher b:Year b:ChapterNumber b:Pages b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:JournalName b:Volume b:Issue b:Pages b:Month b:Year b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:PeriodicalTitle b:Volume b:Issue b:Pages b:Month b:Year b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:ConferenceName b:City b:CountryRegion b:Month b:Year b:Volume b:Pages b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:ThesisType b:Institution b:City b:CountryRegion b:StandardNumber b:Year b:Title b:InternetSiteTitle b:YearAccessed b:MonthAccessed b:DayAccessed b:URL b:Year b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:InternetSiteTitle b:YearAccessed b:MonthAccessed b:DayAccessed b:URL b:Year b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:Year b:Medium b:City b:Publisher b:Author/b:Inventor/b:NameList b:Title b:CountryRegion b:Type b:PatentNumber b:Month b:Day b:Year b:Author/b:Author/b:NameList b:Title b:Year b:Comments b:Author/b:Editor/b:NameList b:City b:Publisher b:Edition b:Pages [ ] , -Artist-Author-BookAuthor-Compiler-Composer-Conductor-Counsel-Director-Editor-Interviewee-Interviewer-Inventor-Performer-ProducerName-Translator-Writer- -Title-AlbumTitle-BookTitle-BroadcastTitle-InternetSiteTitle-PeriodicalTitle-PublicationTitle-ShortTitle- -Year-YearAccessed-"n.d."- [%Tag%] {%CitationPrefix%}%RefOrder%{, vol. %CitationVolume%}{, %CitationPages:p. :pp. %}{%CitationSuffix%} {%RefOrder%} {%CitationPrefix%}%RefOrder%{, vol. %CitationVolume%}{, %CitationPages:p. :pp. %}{%CitationSuffix%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} {%RefOrder%} [ ] , -Artist-Author-BookAuthor-Compiler-Composer-Conductor-Counsel-Director-Editor-Interviewee-Interviewer-Inventor-Performer-ProducerName-Translator-Writer- -Title-AlbumTitle-BookTitle-BroadcastTitle-InternetSiteTitle-PeriodicalTitle-PublicationTitle-ShortTitle- -Year-YearAccessed-"n.d."- [%Tag%] {%CitationPrefix%}{%Author:2|Editor:3|"[Anonymous]"%.}{ %Title|ShortTitle%.{ %Edition:o% ed.}{ Vol %Volume%.}}{ %City%{ (%StateProvince%)}{: %Publisher%{; %Year%}}}{ %Publisher%{; %Year%}}{ %Year%}.{, %CitationPages:p. :pp. %}{%CitationSuffix%} 2 left top %RefOrder% left top [[%Tag%]] [[%Tag%]] left top {%RefOrder%.} left top {%Author:233|Editor:333%.}{ %Title|ShortTitle%.{ %Edition:o% ed.}{ Vol %Volume%.}}{ %City%{ (%StateProvince%)}{: %Publisher%{, %Year%}}.}{ %Publisher%{, %Year%}.}{ %Year%.}{ %Pages% pp.} {%Author:249|Editor:349%.}{ %Title|ShortTitle%.{ %Edition%-е изд.}{ Т. %Volume%.}}{ %City%{ (%StateProvince%)}{: %Publisher%{, %Year%}}.}{ %Publisher%{, %Year%}.}{ %Year%.}{ %Pages% с.} left top {%RefOrder%.} left top {%Author:233|Editor:333%.}{ %Title|ShortTitle%{. %Edition:o% ed.}{. 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