import argparse import logging from icalendar import Calendar, Event from dateutil.rrule import rrulestr import dateutil import datetime import pytz import os import shutil import re # Read calendar from ical and get times and event names def get_calendar_tuples(calFile): fp = open(calFile, 'r') icalStr = "".join(line for line in fp) fp.close() cal = Calendar.from_ical(icalStr) datesAndSummaries = [] summarySet = set() for c in cal.walk('VEVENT'): dateEnd = c.decoded('DTEND') summary = c.decoded('SUMMARY') rrule = c.get('RRULE') # TODO: Will only handle one timezone per calendar # If this is a recurring event, get all the occurences # Note that the end date is used to construct the recurrence since this is when the file finishes recording if rrule != None: origTz = None if dateEnd.tzinfo == None else pytz.timezone(str(dateEnd.tzinfo)) dateEnd = dateEnd.replace(tzinfo=None) for d in list(rrulestr(rrule.to_ical(), forceset=True, dtstart=dateEnd)): if origTz != None: # Need to be careful with the timezones here because rrule will interpret all the expanded entries to be in the same timezone/DST setting as the first, so to make sure all dates are converted to UTC correctly remove the timezone and then localize each time before conversion datesAndSummaries.append( (origTz.localize(d).astimezone(pytz.utc), summary) ) else: datesAndSummaries.append( (d, summary) ) else: if origTz != None: datesAndSummaries.append( (dateEnd.astimezone(pytz.utc), summary) ) else: datesAndSummaries.append( (dateEnd, summary) ) summarySet.add(summary) # TODO: Returns a list of datesAndSummaries, O(n) to search through, would be better off with a binary tree structure or something else return (datesAndSummaries, origTz) # Read files from directory and get mtimes in UTC def get_files_mtimes(inputDir, origTz): filesAndMtimes = [] for f in os.listdir(inputDir): f = os.path.join(inputDir, f) if os.path.isfile(f): if origTz == None: filesAndMtimes.append( (f, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f))) ) else: filesAndMtimes.append( (f, origTz.localize(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(f))).astimezone(pytz.utc)) ) return filesAndMtimes # Match times from files and calendar, copying them to the specified output directory def match_files_cal(datesAndSummaries, filesAndTimes, maxDistMinsArg, inputDir, outputDir): # Copy the recording to the target directory with a new, formatted name def copyRecording(eventName, mtime, origName): targetName = re.sub(r'[/\\:]', r' ', str(eventName)) + " " + mtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M') + origName[origName.rfind('.'):] targetPath = os.path.join(outputDir, targetName) sourcePath = os.path.join(inputDir, origName) shutil.copy2(sourcePath, targetPath) # Check if the user has manually set a maximum distance, if not use the default maxDistMins = maxDistMinsArg if maxDistMinsArg != None else defaultMaxDistMins delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=maxDistMins) multiMatches = 0 noMatches = 0 matches = 0 for f in filesAndTimes: # Get all calendar entries within the max dist of this file mtime close = [entry for entry in datesAndSummaries if abs(entry[0] - f[1]) <= delta] if len(close) < 1: # No matches, copy as uncategorised"No matches for '" + str(f[0]) + "' (finished at " + str(f[1]) + ")") copyRecording('Unknown', f[1], str(f[0])) noMatches += 1 elif len(close) == 1: # Exactly one match, add to the list of matches logging.debug("Matched " + str(f[0]) + " (finished at " + str(f[1]) + ") to '" + close[0][1] + "' (finished at " + str(close[0][0]) + "). Distance " + str(int(abs(close[0][0] - f[1]).total_seconds()/60)) + " minutes.") copyRecording(close[0][1], f[1], str(f[0])) matches += 1 else: # Multi matches, set as uncategorised"Multiple matches for '" + str(f[0]) + "' (finished at " + str(f[1]) + ")") copyRecording('Unknown', f[1], str(f[0])) multiMatches += 1 total = matches + noMatches + multiMatches print "Matched: %d (%d%%), Unmatched: %d (%d%%), Ambiguous: %d (%d%%) (Total: %d)" % (matches, (float(matches)/total)*100, noMatches, (float(noMatches)/total)*100, (float(multiMatches)/total)*100, multiMatches, total) # Set up the argument parser and retrieve the command line parameters def parse_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Organise recordings by linking them to calendar events from an ical source.') parser.add_argument('icalFile', metavar='icalFile', type=str, help='The filename of the ical file to be parsed.') parser.add_argument('inputDir', metavar='inputDir', type=str, help='The input directory, all files in this directory will have their modified times checked.') parser.add_argument('outputDir', metavar='outputDir', type=str, help='The output directory, the files will be copied to here with their new names.') parser.add_argument('--maxDistMins', metavar='maxDistMins', type=int, help='The maximum distance in minutes allowed from a recording time to a corresponding event time for it to be considered a match. (default: ' + str(defaultMaxDistMins) + ')') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": defaultMaxDistMins = 20 # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) args = parse_arguments() print "Getting calendar from " + args.icalFile datesAndSummaries, origTz = get_calendar_tuples(args.icalFile) if len(datesAndSummaries) < 1: logging.warning("No entries retrieved from calendar, all files will be uncategorised") filesAndTimes = get_files_mtimes(args.inputDir, origTz) match_files_cal(datesAndSummaries, filesAndTimes, args.maxDistMins, args.inputDir, args.outputDir) print "Finished"