#===- cindex.py - Python Indexing Library Bindings -----------*- python -*--===# # # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # #===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# """ Clang Enumerations ================== This module provides static definitions of enumerations that exist in libclang. Enumerations are typically defined as a list of tuples. """ AvailabilityKinds = [ (0, 'Available'), (1, 'Deprecated'), (2, 'NotAvailable'), ] CompletionChunkKinds = [ (0, 'Optional'), (1, 'TypedText'), (2, 'Text'), (3, 'Placeholder'), (4, 'Informative'), (5, 'CurrentParameter'), (6, 'LeftParen'), (7, 'RightParen'), (8, 'LeftBracket'), (9, 'RightBracket'), (10, 'LeftBrace'), (11, 'RightBrace'), (12, 'LeftAngle'), (13, 'RightAngle'), (14, 'Comma'), (15, 'ResultType'), (16, 'Colon'), (17, 'SemiColon'), (18, 'Equal'), (19, 'HorizontalSpace'), (20, 'VerticalSpace'), ] CursorKinds = [ # A declaration whose specific kind is not exposed via this interface. # # Unexposed declarations have the same operations as any other kind of # declaration; one can extract their location information', spelling', find their # definitions', etc. However', the specific kind of the declaration is not # reported. ('UNEXPOSED_DECL', 1), # A C or C++ struct. ('STRUCT_DECL', 2), # A C or C++ union. ('UNION_DECL', 3), # A C++ class. ('CLASS_DECL', 4), # An enumeration. ('ENUM_DECL', 5), # A field ('in C), or non-static data member ('in C++), in a struct', union', or C++ # class. ('FIELD_DECL', 6), # An enumerator constant. ('ENUM_CONSTANT_DECL', 7), # A function. ('FUNCTION_DECL', 8), # A variable. ('VAR_DECL', 9), # A function or method parameter. ('PARM_DECL', 10), # An Objective-C @interface. ('OBJC_INTERFACE_DECL', 11), # An Objective-C @interface for a category. ('OBJC_CATEGORY_DECL', 12), # An Objective-C @protocol declaration. ('OBJC_PROTOCOL_DECL', 13), # An Objective-C @property declaration. ('OBJC_PROPERTY_DECL', 14), # An Objective-C instance variable. ('OBJC_IVAR_DECL', 15), # An Objective-C instance method. ('OBJC_INSTANCE_METHOD_DECL', 16), # An Objective-C class method. ('OBJC_CLASS_METHOD_DECL', 17), # An Objective-C @implementation. ('OBJC_IMPLEMENTATION_DECL', 18), # An Objective-C @implementation for a category. ('OBJC_CATEGORY_IMPL_DECL', 19), # A typedef. ('TYPEDEF_DECL', 20), # A C++ class method. ('CXX_METHOD', 21), # A C++ namespace. ('NAMESPACE', 22), # A linkage specification', e.g. 'extern "C"'. ('LINKAGE_SPEC', 23), # A C++ constructor. ('CONSTRUCTOR', 24), # A C++ destructor. ('DESTRUCTOR', 25), # A C++ conversion function. ('CONVERSION_FUNCTION', 26), # A C++ template type parameter ('TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAMETER', 27), # A C++ non-type template paramater. ('TEMPLATE_NON_TYPE_PARAMETER', 28), # A C++ template template parameter. ('TEMPLATE_TEMPLATE_PARAMTER', 29), # A C++ function template. ('FUNCTION_TEMPLATE', 30), # A C++ class template. ('CLASS_TEMPLATE', 31), # A C++ class template partial specialization. ('CLASS_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION', 32), # A C++ namespace alias declaration. ('NAMESPACE_ALIAS', 33), # A C++ using directive ('USING_DIRECTIVE', 34), # A C++ using declaration ('USING_DECLARATION', 35), # A Type alias decl. ('TYPE_ALIAS_DECL', 36), # A Objective-C synthesize decl ('OBJC_SYNTHESIZE_DECL', 37), # A Objective-C dynamic decl ('OBJC_DYNAMIC_DECL', 38), # A C++ access specifier decl. ('CXX_ACCESS_SPEC_DECL', 39), ### # Reference Kinds ('OBJC_SUPER_CLASS_REF', 40), ('OBJC_PROTOCOL_REF', 41), ('OBJC_CLASS_REF', 42), # A reference to a type declaration. # # A type reference occurs anywhere where a type is named but not # declared. For example', given: # typedef unsigned size_type; # size_type size; # # The typedef is a declaration of size_type ('CXCursor_TypedefDecl),', # while the type of the variable "size" is referenced. The cursor # referenced by the type of size is the typedef for size_type. ('TYPE_REF', 43), ('CXX_BASE_SPECIFIER', 44), # A reference to a class template', function template', template # template parameter', or class template partial specialization. ('TEMPLATE_REF', 45), # A reference to a namespace or namepsace alias. ('NAMESPACE_REF', 46), # A reference to a member of a struct', union', or class that occurs in # some non-expression context', e.g.', a designated initializer. ('MEMBER_REF', 47), # A reference to a labeled statement. ('LABEL_REF', 48), # A reference toa a set of overloaded functions or function templates # that has not yet been resolved to a specific function or function template. ('OVERLOADED_DECL_REF', 49), # A reference to a variable that occurs in some non-expression context, e.g. # a C++ lambda capture list. ('VARIABLE_REF', 50), ### # Invalid/Error Kinds ('INVALID_FILE', 70), ('NO_DECL_FOUND', 71), ('NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 72), ('INVALID_CODE', 73), ### # Expression Kinds # An expression whose specific kind is not exposed via this interface. # # Unexposed expressions have the same operations as any other kind of # expression; one can extract their location information', spelling', children', # etc. However', the specific kind of the expression is not reported. ('UNEXPOSED_EXPR', 100), # An expression that refers to some value declaration', such as a function', # varible', or enumerator. ('DECL_REF_EXPR', 101), # An expression that refers to a member of a struct', union', class', Objective-C # class', etc. ('MEMBER_REF_EXPR', 102), # An expression that calls a function. ('CALL_EXPR', 103), # An expression that sends a message to an Objective-C object or class. ('OBJC_MESSAGE_EXPR', 104), # An expression that represents a block literal. ('BLOCK_EXPR', 105), # An integer literal. ('INTEGER_LITERAL', 106), # A floating point number literal. ('FLOATING_LITERAL', 107), # An imaginary number literal. ('IMAGINARY_LITERAL', 108), # A string literal. ('STRING_LITERAL', 109), # A character literal. ('CHARACTER_LITERAL', 110), # A parenthesized expression', e.g. "('1),". # # This AST node is only formed if full location information is requested. ('PAREN_EXPR', 111), # This represents the unary-expression's ('except sizeof and # alignof),. ('UNARY_OPERATOR', 112), # [C99] Array Subscripting. ('ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_EXPR', 113), # A builtin binary operation expression such as "x + y" or # "x <= y". ('BINARY_OPERATOR', 114), # Compound assignment such as "+=". ('COMPOUND_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR', 115), # The ?: ternary operator. ('CONDITONAL_OPERATOR', 116), # An explicit cast in C ('C99 6.5.4), or a C-style cast in C++ # ('C++ [expr.cast]),', which uses the syntax ('Type),expr. # # For example: ('int),f. ('CSTYLE_CAST_EXPR', 117), # [C99] ('COMPOUND_LITERAL_EXPR', 118), # Describes an C or C++ initializer list. ('INIT_LIST_EXPR', 119), # The GNU address of label extension', representing &&label. ('ADDR_LABEL_EXPR', 120), # This is the GNU Statement Expression extension: ('{int X=4; X;}), ('StmtExpr', 121), # Represents a C11 generic selection. ('GENERIC_SELECTION_EXPR', 122), # Implements the GNU __null extension', which is a name for a null # pointer constant that has integral type ('e.g.', int or long), and is the same # size and alignment as a pointer. # # The __null extension is typically only used by system headers', which define # NULL as __null in C++ rather than using 0 ('which is an integer that may not # match the size of a pointer),. ('GNU_NULL_EXPR', 123), # C++'s static_cast<> expression. ('CXX_STATIC_CAST_EXPR', 124), # C++'s dynamic_cast<> expression. ('CXX_DYNAMIC_CAST_EXPR', 125), # C++'s reinterpret_cast<> expression. ('CXX_REINTERPRET_CAST_EXPR', 126), # C++'s const_cast<> expression. ('CXX_CONST_CAST_EXPR', 127), # Represents an explicit C++ type conversion that uses "functional" # notion ('C++ [expr.type.conv]),. # # Example: # \code # x = int('0.5),; # \endcode ('CXX_FUNCTIONAL_CAST_EXPR', 128), # A C++ typeid expression ('C++ [expr.typeid]),. ('CXX_TYPEID_EXPR', 129), # [C++ 2.13.5] C++ Boolean Literal. ('CXX_BOOL_LITERAL_EXPR', 130), # [C++0x 2.14.7] C++ Pointer Literal. ('CXX_NULL_PTR_LITERAL_EXPR', 131), # Represents the "this" expression in C++ ('CXX_THIS_EXPR', 132), # [C++ 15] C++ Throw Expression. # # This handles 'throw' and 'throw' assignment-expression. When # assignment-expression isn't present', Op will be null. ('CXX_THROW_EXPR', 133), # A new expression for memory allocation and constructor calls', e.g: # "new CXXNewExpr('foo),". ('CXX_NEW_EXPR', 134), # A delete expression for memory deallocation and destructor calls', # e.g. "delete[] pArray". ('CXX_DELETE_EXPR', 135), # Represents a unary expression. ('CXX_UNARY_EXPR', 136), # ObjCStringLiteral', used for Objective-C string literals i.e. "foo". ('OBJC_STRING_LITERAL', 137), # ObjCEncodeExpr', used for in Objective-C. ('OBJC_ENCODE_EXPR', 138), # ObjCSelectorExpr used for in Objective-C. ('OBJC_SELECTOR_EXPR', 139), # Objective-C's protocol expression. ('OBJC_PROTOCOL_EXPR', 140), # An Objective-C "bridged" cast expression', which casts between # Objective-C pointers and C pointers', transferring ownership in the process. # # \code # NSString *str = ('__bridge_transfer NSString *),CFCreateString('),; # \endcode ('OBJC_BRIDGE_CAST_EXPR', 141), # Represents a C++0x pack expansion that produces a sequence of # expressions. # # A pack expansion expression contains a pattern ('which itself is an # expression), followed by an ellipsis. For example: ('PACK_EXPANSION_EXPR', 142), # Represents an expression that computes the length of a parameter # pack. ('SIZE_OF_PACK_EXPR', 143), # Represents a C++ lambda expression that produces a local function object. ('LAMBDA_EXPR', 144), # Objective-c boolean literal. ('OBJC_BOOL_LITERAL_EXPR', 145), # A statement whose specific kind is not exposed via this interface. # # Unexposed statements have the same operations as any other kind of statement; # one can extract their location information', spelling', children', etc. However', # the specific kind of the statement is not reported. ('UNEXPOSED_STMT', 200), # A labelled statement in a function. ('LABEL_STMT', 201), # A compound statement ('COMPOUND_STMT', 202), # A case statement. ('CASE_STMT', 203), # A default statement. ('DEFAULT_STMT', 204), # An if statement. ('IF_STMT', 205), # A switch statement. ('SWITCH_STMT', 206), # A while statement. ('WHILE_STMT', 207), # A do statement. ('DO_STMT', 208), # A for statement. ('FOR_STMT', 209), # A goto statement. ('GOTO_STMT', 210), # An indirect goto statement. ('INDIRECT_GOTO_STMT', 211), # A continue statement. ('CONTINUE_STMT', 212), # A break statement. ('BREAK_STMT', 213), # A return statement. ('RETURN_STMT', 214), # A GNU-style inline assembler statement. ('ASM_STMT', 215), # Objective-C's overall @try-@catch-@finally statement. ('OBJC_AT_TRY_STMT', 216), # Objective-C's @catch statement. ('OBJC_AT_CATCH_STMT', 217), # Objective-C's @finally statement. ('OBJC_AT_FINALLY_STMT', 218), # Objective-C's @throw statement. ('OBJC_AT_THROW_STMT', 219), # Objective-C's @synchronized statement. ('OBJC_AT_SYNCHRONIZED_STMT', 220), # Objective-C's autorealease pool statement. ('OBJC_AUTORELEASE_POOL_STMT', 221), # Objective-C's for collection statement. ('OBJC_FOR_COLLECTION_STMT', 222), # C++'s catch statement. ('CXX_CATCH_STMT', 223), # C++'s try statement. ('CXX_TRY_STMT', 224), # C++'s for ('* : *), statement. ('CXX_FOR_RANGE_STMT', 225), # Windows Structured Exception Handling's try statement. ('SEH_TRY_STMT', 226), # Windows Structured Exception Handling's except statement. ('SEH_EXCEPT_STMT', 227), # Windows Structured Exception Handling's finally statement. ('SEH_FINALLY_STMT', 228), # The null statement. ('NULL_STMT', 230), # Adaptor class for mixing declarations with statements and expressions. ('DECL_STMT', 231), ### # Other Kinds # Cursor that represents the translation unit itself. # # The translation unit cursor exists primarily to act as the root cursor for # traversing the contents of a translation unit. ('TRANSLATION_UNIT', 300), ### # Attributes # An attribute whoe specific kind is note exposed via this interface ('UNEXPOSED_ATTR', 400), ('IB_ACTION_ATTR', 401), ('IB_OUTLET_ATTR', 402), ('IB_OUTLET_COLLECTION_ATTR', 403), ('CXX_FINAL_ATTR', 404), ('CXX_OVERRIDE_ATTR', 405), ('ANNOTATE_ATTR', 406), ('ASM_LABEL_ATTR', 407), ### # Preprocessing ('PREPROCESSING_DIRECTIVE', 500), ('MACRO_DEFINITION', 501), ('MACRO_INSTANTIATION', 502), ('INCLUSION_DIRECTIVE', 503), ] CXXAccessSpecifiers = [ ('INVALID', 0), ('public', 1), ('protected', 2), ('private', 3), ] TokenKinds = [ ('PUNCTUATION', 0), ('KEYWORD', 1), ('IDENTIFIER', 2), ('LITERAL', 3), ('COMMENT', 4), ] TypeKinds = [ ('INVALID', 0), ('UNEXPOSED', 1), ('VOID', 2), ('BOOL', 3), ('CHAR_U', 4), ('UCHAR', 5), ('CHAR16', 6), ('CHAR32', 7), ('USHORT', 8), ('UINT', 9), ('ULONG', 10), ('ULONGLONG', 11), ('UINT128', 12), ('CHAR_S', 13), ('SCHAR', 14), ('WCHAR', 15), ('SHORT', 16), ('INT', 17), ('LONG', 18), ('LONGLONG', 19), ('INT128', 20), ('FLOAT', 21), ('DOUBLE', 22), ('LONGDOUBLE', 23), ('NULLPTR', 24), ('OVERLOAD', 25), ('DEPENDENT', 26), ('OBJCID', 27), ('OBJCCLASS', 28), ('OBJCSEL', 29), ('COMPLEX', 100), ('POINTER', 101), ('BLOCKPOINTER', 102), ('LVALUEREFERENCE', 103), ('RVALUEREFERENCE', 104), ('RECORD', 105), ('ENUM', 106), ('TYPEDEF', 107), ('OBJCINTERFACE', 108), ('OBJCOBJECTPOINTER', 109), ('FUNCTIONNOPROTO', 110), ('FUNCTIONPROTO', 111), ('CONSTANTARRAY', 112), ('VECTOR', 113), ] ResourceUsageKinds = [ (1, 'AST'), (2, 'Identifiers'), (3, 'Selectors'), (4, 'GlobalCompletionResults'), (5, 'SourceManagerContentCache'), (6, 'ASTSideTables'), (7, 'SourceManagerMalloc'), (8, 'SourceManagerMMap'), (9, 'ExternalASTSourceMalloc'), (10, 'ExternalASTSourceMMap'), (11, 'Preprocessor'), (12, 'PreprocessingRecord'), (13, 'SourceManagerDataStructures'), (14, 'PreprocessorHeaderSearch'), ] __all__ = [ 'AvailabilityKinds', 'CompletionChunkKinds', 'CursorKinds', 'CXXAccessSpecifiers', 'ResourceUsageKinds', 'TokenKinds', 'TypeKinds', ]