These are tools designed to help with reverse-engineering the VP2 engine available on NVIDIA NV84-NV98 cards. h264_player: A player that is designed to play back exactly one video, for now:, download The Simpsons Movie trailer, and run mplayer -dumpvideo foo.mkv. The resulting stream.dump file is the input file for h264_player. Note that it does not do any frame reordering, so the output is very jittery. Also since it doesn't have access to the picinfo, it's hardcoded to the right thing (so other videos are unlikely to play). (Current version commented s.t. it outputs just the first frame's YUV data on stdout.) bsp_test: Tries to make sure that the BSP engine is accessible and functioning properly. Invokes the 0x304 "write semaphore" method, and checks whether the value is indeed written. decode_frame: Standalone program that decodes a single NAL (that it loads from a separate file). This has all the bits necessary to do the actual decoding, but uses hardcoded picinfo, as h264_player above. Output is a YUV file on stdout.