import XCTest //@testable import PromiseQ import PromiseQ #if os(macOS) typealias UIImage = NSImage #endif extension DispatchQueue { static var queues: [String : DispatchQueue] = { let array: [DispatchQueue] = [.main, .global(qos: .background), .global(qos: .utility), .global(qos: .default), .global(qos: .userInitiated), .global(qos: .userInteractive)] return Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: { ($0.label, $0) }) }() static var current: DispatchQueue? { let label = String(cString: __dispatch_queue_get_label(nil)); return Self.queues[label] } } extension XCTestCase { func wait(count: UInt, timeout: TimeInterval = 1, repeat r: UInt = 1, name: String = #function, closure: ([XCTestExpectation]) -> Void) { guard count > 0, r > 0 else { return } let exps = (0.. Void) { wait(count: 1, timeout: timeout, name: name) { expectations in closure(expectations[0]) } } } // MARK: - /// Github user struct User : Codable { let login: String let avatar_url: String } class TimeOutTask : Asyncable { let timeOut: TimeInterval var work: DispatchWorkItem? let fire: () -> Void init(timeOut: TimeInterval, _ fire: @escaping () -> Void) { self.timeOut = timeOut = fire } // MARK: Asyncable func suspend() { cancel() } func resume() { work = DispatchWorkItem(block: .now() + timeOut, execute: work!) } func cancel() { work?.cancel() work = nil } } // MARK: - let debugDateFormatter: DateFormatter = { let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm:ss:SSS" return dateFormatter }() func dlog(_ items: String..., icon: Character = "▶️", file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line) { let text = items.count > 0 ? items.joined(separator: " ") : function let fileName = NSString(string: file).lastPathComponent let time = debugDateFormatter.string(from: Date()) print("[\(time)] [DLOG] \(icon) <\(fileName):\(line)>", text) } func dlog(error: Error, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: UInt = #line) { dlog("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)", icon: "⚠️", file: file, function: function, line: line) } func asyncAfter(_ sec: Double = 0.25, closure: @escaping (() -> Void) ) { .now() + sec, execute: closure) } // MARK: - var GitHubHeaders: [String : String]? = { if let token = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["GITHUB_TOKEN"] { return ["Authorization" : "token \(token)"] } return nil }() // Path to load large data let PathToLoad = "" // Large data to upload let DataToUpload = Data(Array(repeating: UInt8(0), count: 5 * 1024 * 1024)) // 5MB final class CommonTests: XCTestCase { func test_AutoRun() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in Promise { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectations[0].fulfill() } Promise { resolve, reject in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectations[1].fulfill() } } } func test_Resolve() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise.resolve(200) promise.then { XCTAssert($0 == 200) expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_Reject() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise.reject("Some error") promise.then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Some error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_CreateOnMainQueue() { wait { expectation in Promise { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_CreateOnGlobalQueue() { wait { expectation in { Promise { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectation.fulfill() } } } } func thread(expectation: XCTestExpectation) { Promise { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == } .then { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectation.fulfill() } } func test_CreateOnThread() { wait { expectation in Thread.detachNewThreadSelector(#selector(thread), toTarget: self, with: expectation); } } func test_RunOnQueues() { wait(count: 5) { expectations in Promise (.main) { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == DispatchQueue.main) expectations[0].fulfill() } .then(.global()) { _ in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectations[1].fulfill() } .then(.global(qos: .utility)) { _ in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == .utility)) expectations[2].fulfill() } .then { _ in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == expectations[3].fulfill() } .then(.global(qos: .background)) { _ in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == .background)) expectations[4].fulfill() } } } func test_ThrowNoCatch() { wait { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true Promise { () -> Void in throw "Some Error" } .then { expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_CatchThen() { wait { expectation in Promise { return 100 } .catch { error in XCTFail() } .then { expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_ThrowCatch() { wait { expectation in Promise { () -> Void in throw "Error" } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_ThrowCatchThen() { wait { expectation in Promise { () -> Void in throw "Some Error" } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Some Error") } .then { expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_Rethrow() { wait { expectation in Promise { () -> Void in throw "Error1" } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error1") throw "Error2" } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error2") throw error } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error2") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AsyncCatch() { wait { expectation in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") resolve(200) // Must be skipped } } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AsyncThrow() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } throw "Error1" } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error1") expectations[0].fulfill() } .then { (_, resolve: @escaping (Int) -> Void, reject) in asyncAfter { resolve(200) // Skip } throw "Error2" } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error2") expectations[1].fulfill() } } } func test_Then() { wait { expectation in Promise { return "Hello" } .then { XCTAssert($0 == "Hello") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_ThenThrow() { wait(count: 3) { expectations in expectations[1].isInverted = true Promise { return "Hello" } .then { (value) -> Void in XCTAssert(value == "Hello") expectations[0].fulfill() throw "Error" } .then { expectations[1].fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectations[2].fulfill() } } } func test_AsyncThen() { wait { expectation in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") reject("Error") // Must be skipped } } .then { XCTAssert($0 == "Hello") expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_AsyncThenAsyncThen() { wait { expectation in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } } .then { (str, resolve: (Int)->Void, reject) in resolve(str.count) reject("Error") // Must be skipped } .then { XCTAssert($0 == 5) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_ThenReject() { wait { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true Promise.resolve(404) .then { (value: Int, resolve: (Int)->Void, reject) in if value == 404 { reject("Error") } resolve(value) } .then { (value: Int , resolve: (Int)->Void, reject) in expectation.fulfill() resolve(value) } } } func test_FinallyThen() { wait(count: 3) { expectations in Promise { return 200 } .finally { expectations[0].fulfill() } .then { value in XCTAssert(value == 200) expectations[1].fulfill() } .finally { expectations[2].fulfill() } } } func test_FinallyCatch() { wait(count: 3) { expectations in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") resolve(200) // Must be skipped } } .finally { expectations[0].fulfill() } .then { value in XCTFail() // Must be skipped } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectations[1].fulfill() } .finally { expectations[2].fulfill() } } } func test_Promise() { wait { expectation in Promise { () -> Promise in let status = 200 return Promise { Promise.resolve(status) } } .then { value in XCTAssert(value == 200) return Promise { value / 10 } .then { $0 / 2 } } .then { (value: Int) -> Promise in XCTAssert(value == 10) return Promise.resolve(value) .then { value in Promise { value * 2 } .then { $0 * 10 } } } .then { XCTAssert($0 == 200) expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_PromiseThrow() { wait(count:3) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true Promise { Promise { () -> Void in throw "Error" } } .then { expectations[0].fulfill() // Must be skipped } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") } .then { () -> Promise in expectations[1].fulfill() if expectations[1].isInverted == false { throw "Error" } return Promise.resolve(()) } .then { expectations[0].fulfill() // Must be skipped } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectations[2].fulfill() } } } func test_ThenPromiseSyncReject() { wait(count:2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true Promise.resolve(200) .then { value in Promise { () -> Int in if value == 200 { throw "Error" } return value / 10 } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") throw error } } .then { value in expectations[0].fulfill() // Must be skipped } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectations[1].fulfill() } } } func test_ThenPromiseAsync() { wait { expectation in Promise.resolve(200) .then { value in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(value / 10) } } .then { $0 / 2 } } .then { XCTAssert($0 == 10) expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_ThenPromiseAsyncReject() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true Promise.resolve(200) .then { value in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") } } } .then { expectations[0].fulfill() // Skip } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectations[1].fulfill() } } } func test_Timeout() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } .then(timeout: 0.11) { value -> Void in XCTAssert(value == 200) expectations[0].fulfill() } .then(timeout: 0.12) { expectations[1].fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_TimeoutSync() { wait(count: 4, repeat: 3) { expectations in Promise(timeout: 0.11) { Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.3) } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { expectations[0].fulfill() } } .then(timeout: 0.12) { () -> Void in Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.5) } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } .then(timeout: 0.13) { _, resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(()) } } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch(timeout: 0.14) { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { expectations[2].fulfill() } Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.3) } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { expectations[3].fulfill() } } } } func test_TimeoutAsync() { wait(count: 2, repeat: 3) { exps in Promise(timeout: 0.11) { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { exps[0].fulfill() } } .then(timeout: 0.12) { _, resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } .then { value in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { exps[1].fulfill() } } } } func test_TimeoutSuspend() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise(timeout: 0.2) { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.timedOut = error { expectation.fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.suspend() } } } func test_RetrySync() { wait { expectation in var count = 2 Promise(retry: 2) { () -> String in if count > 0 { count -= 1 throw "fail" } return "done1" } .then(retry: 2) { value -> String in XCTAssert(value == "done1") if count < 2 { count += 1 throw "fail" } return "done2" } .then(retry: 2) { value -> Promise in XCTAssert(value == "done2") if count > 0 { count -= 1 throw "fail" } return Promise.resolve("done3") } .then { value -> Promise in XCTAssert(value == "done3") return Promise(retry: 2) { () -> String in if count < 2 { count += 1 throw "fail" } return "done4" } } .then { value in XCTAssert(value == "done4") throw "catch" } .catch(retry: 2) { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "catch") if count > 0 { count -= 1 throw "fail" } } .then { expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_RetryAsync() { wait { expectation in var count = 2 Promise(retry: 2) { resolve, reject in if count > 0 { count -= 1 reject("fail") } resolve("done1") } .then(retry: 2) { (value, resolve: (String) -> Void, reject) in XCTAssert(value == "done1") if count < 2 { count += 1 reject("fail") } resolve("done2") } .then { value in XCTAssert(value == "done2") expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_All() { wait { expectation in Promise.all( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter(0.5) { resolve("World") } } ) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count == 2) XCTAssert(results[0] == "Hello") XCTAssert(results[1] == "World") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AllCancel() { wait(count:2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true let promise = Promise.all( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("World") } } ) .then { results in expectations[0].fulfill() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.cancel() } } } func test_AllEmpty() { wait { expectation in let promises = [Promise]() Promise.all(promises) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count == 0) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_AllAny() { wait { expectation in Promise.all( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }, Promise.resolve(200) ) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count == 2) XCTAssert(results[0] as! String == "Hello") XCTAssert(results[1] as! Int == 200) expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AllCatch() { wait { expectation in Promise.all( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") } }, Promise.resolve(3) ) .then { results in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AllSettled() { wait { expectation in Promise.all(settled: true, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") } }, Promise.resolve(200), Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(3.14) } } ) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count == 3) XCTAssert(results[0] as! String == "Error") XCTAssert(results[1] as! Int == 200) XCTAssert(results[2] as! Double == 3.14) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_AllSuppendResume() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise.all( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } }, Promise.resolve(300) ) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count == 2) XCTAssert(results[0] == 200) XCTAssert(results[1] == 300) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.suspend() } asyncAfter(0.5) { promise.resume() } } } func test_RaceEmpty() { wait { expectation in let promises = [Promise]() Promise.race(promises) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.empty = error { expectation.fulfill() XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "The Promises empty.") } } } } func test_RaceCancel() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true let promise = Promise.race( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("World") } } ) .then { results in expectations[0].fulfill() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.cancel() } } } func test_RaceThen() { wait { expectation in Promise.race( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter(0.5) { resolve("Result") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter(1) { reject("Error") } } ) .then { result in XCTAssert(result as! Int == 200) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_RaceCatch() { wait { expectation in Promise.race( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { reject("Error") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter(1) { resolve(3) } } ) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AnyEmpty() { wait { expectation in let promises = [Promise]() Promise.any(promises) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.empty = error { expectation.fulfill() XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "The Promises empty.") } } } } func test_Any() { wait { expectation in Promise.any( Promise { throw "Fatal" }, Promise { resolve, reject in reject("Fail") }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter(0.5) { resolve("OK") } } ) .then { result in XCTAssert(result is Int) XCTAssert(result as! Int == 200) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_AnyCancel() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true let promise = Promise.any( Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }, Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } ) .then { results in expectations[0].fulfill() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.cancel() } } } func test_AnyReject() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } Promise.any( Promise(timeout: 0.1) { resolve, reject in }, promise ) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == PromiseError.aggregate([Error]()).localizedDescription) if case let PromiseError.aggregate(errors) = error { XCTAssert(errors.count == 2) XCTAssert(errors[0].localizedDescription == PromiseError.timedOut.localizedDescription) XCTAssert(errors[1].localizedDescription == PromiseError.cancelled.localizedDescription) expectation.fulfill() } } promise.cancel() } } func test_Cancel() { wait(count: 4) { expectations in let p = Promise { Promise { XCTFail() } } .then { XCTFail() } .then { _, resolve, reject in XCTFail() } .then { Promise { XCTFail() } } .finally { expectations[0].fulfill() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } .finally { expectations[2].fulfill() } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[3].fulfill() } } { p.cancel() } } } func test_CancelDouble() { wait { expectation in let p = Promise { XCTFail() } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectation.fulfill() } } p.cancel() p.cancel() } } func test_CancelInside() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in let p = Promise { expectations[0].fulfill() } p.then { p.cancel() } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } } } func test_CancelAsync() { wait(count: 2) { exps in let p = Promise.resolve(200) p.then { XCTAssert($0 == 200) Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.3) guard !p.isCancelled else { exps[0].fulfill() return } XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { exps[1].fulfill() } } asyncAfter { p.cancel() } } } func test_CancelTimeout() { wait { expectation in let p = Promise(timeout: 0.5) { resolve, reject in } .then { XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectation.fulfill() } else { XCTFail() } } asyncAfter { p.cancel() } } } func test_Suspend() { wait { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true let p = Promise { expectation.fulfill() } .finally { expectation.fulfill() } p.suspend() } } func test_SuspendInside() { wait { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true let p = Promise { } p.then { p.suspend() } .finally { expectation.fulfill() } .then { expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_SuspendResume() { wait { expectation in var str = "" let p = Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } } .then { value, resolve, reject in str += value asyncAfter { resolve(" World!") } } .then { (value: String) -> Void in str += value XCTAssert(str == "Hello World!") expectation.fulfill() } asyncAfter { p.suspend() p.suspend() // Must be skipped } asyncAfter(0.5) { p.resume() p.resume() } } } func test_SuspendCancelResume() { wait { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true let p = Promise.resolve(200) .then { XCTAssert($0 == 200) expectation.fulfill() } p.suspend() asyncAfter { p.cancel() } asyncAfter(0.5) { p.resume() } } } func test_AsyncableSuspendResume() { wait(timeout: 10) { expectation in let p = fetch(PathToLoad) p.then { (data, resolve: @escaping (String)->Void, reject, task) in task = TimeOutTask(timeOut: 1) { resolve("fired") } task?.resume() asyncAfter { p.suspend() } asyncAfter(1) { p.resume() } } .then { text in XCTAssert(text == "fired") expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in dlog(error: error) } // Fetch asyncAfter(1) { p.suspend() } asyncAfter(2) { p.resume() } } } func test_AsyncableCancel() { wait(timeout: 2) { expectation in expectation.isInverted = true let p = Promise { resolve, reject, task in task = TimeOutTask(timeOut: 1) { resolve("fired") } task?.resume() } .then { text in XCTAssert(text == "fired") expectation.fulfill() } asyncAfter { p.cancel() } } } func test_AsyncableAll() { wait(timeout: 10) { expectation in let p = Promise.all ( fetch(PathToLoad), fetch(PathToLoad) ) .then { results in XCTAssert(results.count > 0) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in dlog(error: error) } // Fetch asyncAfter(1) { p.suspend() } asyncAfter(2) { p.resume() } } } func test_AsyncAwait() { wait { expectation in async { var status = try Promise.resolve(200).await() XCTAssert(status == 200) status = try `await` { Promise.resolve(200) } XCTAssert(status == 200) var text = try Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } }.await() XCTAssert(text == "Hello") text = try `await` { Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve("Hello") } } } XCTAssert(text == "Hello") try Promise.reject("Error").await() XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "Error") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_AsyncAwaitCancel() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true async { let promise = Promise { resolve, reject in asyncAfter { resolve(200) } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.cancel() } _ = try promise.await() expectations[0].fulfill() // Must be skipped } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } } } } final class FetchTests: XCTestCase { struct JSONResponse : Codable { let data: String? let url: String } func test_badURL() { wait(count: 2) { expectations in Promise.any( fetch(""), upload("", data: Data()), download("") ) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case let PromiseError.aggregate(errors) = error { errors.forEach { XCTAssert($0.localizedDescription == "Bad URL") } expectations[0].fulfill() } } let url = URL(string: "123")! let request = URLRequest(url: url) Promise.any( fetch("123"), URLSession.shared.fetch(url), URLSession.shared.fetch(request), upload("123", data: Data()), download("123") ) .then { result in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case let PromiseError.aggregate(errors) = error { errors.forEach { XCTAssert($0.localizedDescription == "Not HTTP") } expectations[1].fulfill() } } } } func test_get_404() { wait { expectation in let path = "" fetch(path) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "HTTP 404 - not found") expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_get() { wait { expectation in let path = "" fetch(path) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONResponse.self, from: data) XCTAssert(json.url == path) guard let text = response.text else { throw "No text" } XCTAssert(!text.isEmpty) guard let dict = response.json as? [String : Any] else { throw "No json dict" } XCTAssert(dict.count > 0) XCTAssert(response.location == nil) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_head() { wait(timeout: 2) { expectation in let path = "" fetch(path, method: .HEAD) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } XCTAssert(data.count == 0) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_post() { wait { expectation in let path = "" let text = "hello" fetch(path, method: .POST, headers: ["Content-Type": "text/plain"], body: .utf8)) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONResponse.self, from: data) XCTAssert( == text) XCTAssert(json.url == path) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_put() { wait { expectation in let path = "" let text = "hello" fetch(path, method: .PUT, headers: ["Content-Type": "text/plain"], body: .utf8)) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONResponse.self, from: data) XCTAssert( == text) XCTAssert(json.url == path) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_patch() { wait { expectation in let path = "" let text = "hello" fetch(path, method: .PATCH, headers: ["Content-Type": "text/plain"], body: .utf8)) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONResponse.self, from: data) XCTAssert( == text) XCTAssert(json.url == path) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_delete() { wait { expectation in let path = "" let text = "hello" fetch(path, method: .DELETE, headers: ["Content-Type": "text/plain"], body: .utf8)) .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let json = try JSONDecoder().decode(JSONResponse.self, from: data) XCTAssert( == text) XCTAssert(json.url == path) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } } } func test_fetchSuspend() { wait (timeout: 2){ expectation in expectation.isInverted = true let promise = fetch("") .then { response in expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in expectation.fulfill() } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.suspend() } } } func test_fetchSuspendResume() { wait(timeout: 3) { expectation in let promise = fetch("") .then { response in expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() } asyncAfter { promise.suspend() } asyncAfter(0.5) { promise.resume() } } } func test_fetchCancel() { wait (timeout: 2){ expectation in let promise = fetch("") .then { response in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectation.fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.1) { promise.cancel() } } } func test_fetchSuspendCancelResume() { wait(count:2) { expectations in expectations[0].isInverted = true let promise = fetch("") .then { response in expectations[0].fulfill() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectations[1].fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.01) { promise.suspend() } asyncAfter(0.3) { promise.cancel() } asyncAfter(0.6) { promise.resume() } } } func test_download() { wait(count:3, timeout: 3) { expectations in expectations[2].isInverted = true download("") { task, written, total in let percent = Double(written) / Double(total) if percent == 1.0 { expectations[0].fulfill() } } .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let location = response.location else { throw "No location" } XCTAssert(FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: location.path)) guard let data = else { throw "No data" } XCTAssert(data.count > 0) // Remove file try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: location.path) XCTAssert(response.text == nil) XCTAssert(response.json == nil) expectations[1].fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() dlog(error: error) } } } func test_downloadCancel() { wait(timeout: 3) { expectation in let promise = download("") { task, written, total in let percent = Double(written) / Double(total) if percent == 1.0 { XCTFail() } } .then { response in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectation.fulfill() } } asyncAfter(0.5) { promise.cancel() } } } // let uploadURL = "" //let uploadURL = "" func test_uploadData() { wait(count:2, timeout: 3) { expectations in upload(uploadURL, data: DataToUpload) { task, sent, total in let percent = Double(sent) / Double(total) if percent == 1.0 { expectations[0].fulfill() } } .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } expectations[1].fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() dlog(error: error) } } } func test_uploadFile() { wait(count:3, timeout: 3) { expectations in let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory() + "upload.tmp") // File not found upload(uploadURL, file: URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory() + "notfound.tmp")) .then { _ in XCTFail() } .catch { error in XCTAssert(error.localizedDescription == "File not found") expectations[0].fulfill() } try? DataToUpload.write(to: url) // Upload file upload(uploadURL, file: url) { task, sent, total in let percent = Double(sent) / Double(total) if percent == 1.0 { expectations[1].fulfill() } } .then { response in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } expectations[2].fulfill() } .catch { error in XCTFail() dlog(error: error) } } } func test_uploadCancel() { wait(timeout: 3) { expectation in let promise = upload(uploadURL, data: DataToUpload) { task, written, total in let percent = Double(written) / Double(total) print(percent) if percent == 1.0 { XCTFail() } } .then { response in XCTFail() } .catch { error in if case PromiseError.cancelled = error { expectation.fulfill() } } asyncAfter { promise.cancel() } } } } final class LeakTests: XCTestCase { func test_Leak() { wait { expectation in let promise = Promise { return 200 } .then { _ in } .then { (_, resolve: @escaping (Int) -> Void, reject) in asyncAfter { resolve(300) } } .then { _ in throw "error" } .catch { _ in } promise.onDeinit { expectation.fulfill() } } } func test_LeakAll() { wait(count: 3) { expectations in let promise1 = Promise { return 200 } promise1.onDeinit { expectations[0].fulfill() } let promise2 = Promise { return 300 } promise2.onDeinit { expectations[1].fulfill() } let promiseAll = Promise.all (promise1, promise2) .then { _ in } promiseAll.onDeinit { expectations[2].fulfill() } } } } final class SampleTests: XCTestCase { /// Load avatars of first 30 GitHub users func test_SampleThen() { wait(timeout: 4) { expectation in fetch("", headers: GitHubHeaders, retry: 3) .then { response -> [User] in guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } return try JSONDecoder().decode([User].self, from: data) } .then { users -> Promise> in return Promise.all( users .map { fetch($0.avatar_url) } ) } .then { responses in responses .compactMap { $ } .compactMap { UIImage(data: $0)} } .then(.main) { images in XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == DispatchQueue.main) XCTAssert(images.count == 30) expectation.fulfill() } .catch { error in dlog(error: error) } } } func test_SampleAwait() { wait(timeout: 4) { expectation in async { let response = try `await` { fetch("", headers: GitHubHeaders, retry: 3) } guard response.ok else { throw response.statusCodeDescription } guard let data = else { throw "No data" } let users = try JSONDecoder().decode([User].self, from: data) let images = try `await` { Promise.all( { fetch($0.avatar_url) } ) } .compactMap { $ } .compactMap { UIImage(data: $0) } async(.main) { XCTAssert(DispatchQueue.current == DispatchQueue.main) XCTAssert(images.count == 30) expectation.fulfill() } } .catch { error in dlog(error: error) XCTFail() } } } }