let g:rubycomplete_buffer_loading=1 " do not execute code for evaluating let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1 " evaluate classes and objects let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1 " detect rails and add support for it let g:ruby_operators = 1 " highlight operators let g:ruby_space_errors = 1 " Whitespace errors highlight let g:ruby_spellcheck_strings = 1 " spellcheck a string let g:rubycomplete_load_gemfile = 1 " parse gemfile let g:rubycomplete_use_bundler = 1 " use Gemfile of bundler let g:ruby_indent_access_modifier_style = 'outdent' " indetation type let g:ruby_indent_block_style = 'do' " indent of commands after do let g:ruby_indent_assignment_style = 'hanging' " Assignment indent style \"hanging\" : let g:ruby_operators = 1 " operator like methods in different colors let g:ruby_space_errors = 1 " whitespace errors highlighted let g:ruby_fold = 1 " enable fold let g:ruby_foldable_groups = 'ALL' " foldable blocks if has('nvim') let b:nvim = RubyNeoVimPath() if b:nvim !~? '' let g:ruby_host_prog = b:nvim " make sure you find the right copy of ruby host for neovim endif endif augroup Ruby au FileType ruby,rspec noremap rbt :call RunCurrentSpecFile() au FileType ruby,rspec noremap rbs :call RunNearestSpec() au FileType ruby,rspec noremap rbl :call RunLastSpec() au FileType ruby,rspec noremap rba :call RunAllSpecs() augroup END