" settings copied from https://github.com/ctaylo21/jarvis/blob/master/config/nvim/init.vim " Use ripgrep for searching current directory for files " By default, ripgrep will respect rules in .gitignore " --files: Print each file that would be searched (but don't search) " --glob: Include or exclues files for searching that match the given glob " (aka ignore .git files) " call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command', ['rg', '--files', '--glob', '!.git']) " Use ripgrep in place of "grep" call denite#custom#var('grep', 'command', ['rg']) " Custom options for ripgrep " --vimgrep: Show results with every match on it's own line " --hidden: Search hidden directories and files " --heading: Show the file name above clusters of matches from each file " --S: Search case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase call denite#custom#var('grep', 'default_opts', ['--hidden', '--vimgrep', '--heading', '-S']) " Recommended defaults for ripgrep via Denite docs call denite#custom#var('grep', 'recursive_opts', []) call denite#custom#var('grep', 'pattern_opt', ['--regexp']) call denite#custom#var('grep', 'separator', ['--']) call denite#custom#var('grep', 'final_opts', []) " Remove date from buffer list call denite#custom#var('buffer', 'date_format', '') " Custom options for Denite " auto_resize - Auto resize the Denite window height automatically. " prompt - Customize denite prompt " direction - Specify Denite window direction as directly below current pane " winminheight - Specify min height for Denite window " highlight_mode_insert - Specify h1-CursorLine in insert mode " prompt_highlight - Specify color of prompt " highlight_matched_char - Matched characters highlight " highlight_matched_range - matched range highlight let s:denite_options = {'default' : { \ 'auto_resize': 1, \ 'prompt': 'λ:', \ 'direction': 'rightbelow', \ 'winminheight': '10', \ 'highlight_mode_insert': 'Visual', \ 'highlight_mode_normal': 'Visual', \ 'prompt_highlight': 'Function', \ 'highlight_matched_char': 'Function', \ 'highlight_matched_range': 'Normal' \ }} " Loop through denite options and enable them function! s:profile(opts) abort for l:fname in keys(a:opts) for l:dopt in keys(a:opts[l:fname]) call denite#custom#option(l:fname, l:dopt, a:opts[l:fname][l:dopt]) endfor endfor endfunction try call s:profile(s:denite_options) catch echo 'Denite not installed. It should work after running :PlugInstall' endtry " Browse current open buffers nmap ; :Denite buffer -split=floating -winrow=1 " Browse list of files in current directory nmap ; :Denite file/rec -split=floating -winrow=1 " Search current directory for occurences of given term and " close window if no results nnoremap gr :Denite grep:. -no-empty -mode=normal " Search current directory for occurences of word under cursor nnoremap Wrd :DeniteCursorWord grep:. -mode=normal